A very strange thing has happened to me in the past few years. I’ve been confused with a guy named Sacha Stone. I think it started happening before my politics began to shift dramatically. I always feel bad when people make that mistake and subscribe. So this is a reminder, I am not he.
It turns out, there are quite a few “Sasha Stones” around.
There’s the yoga teacher.
Another yoga teacher.
Foreign service officer at the State Department
There’s a band — The Sasha Stone Band
A famous photographer from the 1930s:
But by far the most famous Sasha Stone is Sacha Stone (with a “c”).
He actually looks enough like me that Google confuses us all the time.
This is Sacha Stone
I used to get emails from people looking for him but eventually, I contacted him and let him know to tell people to write to SACHA with a “c.”
Sometimes I get comments here that make me worry they believe this is the male version. So, in case you subscribed by mistake, this is an FYI.
This is his website:
If you subbed by mistake, or even paid for a sub by mistake, let me know by replying to this email.
Thank you and carry on.
I am sure I have subscribed to the “right” one in more ways than one!
Amr Australia
Nope. Not here by mistake.😁