Even when you feel overwhelmed and outnumbered, it's important to continue to fight for decency and basic humanity. You are NOT alone; the haters want to make the rest of us feel isolated. There are many of us from across the political spectrum who share your horror at the tone and tenor of contemporary discourse. We have your back.

Besides, despite all the yammering from the fringes on Twitter, I come back to Camus' observation that "All change comes from the center." And right now, the center doesn't seem to be buying the hyperbole from either extreme.

To answer Mr. Feinberg's attempt to intimidate you (the cheapest of rhetorical fallacies, and it's own form of bullying): You found your decency and refused to be cowed.

And for that, I say God bless you.

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if I smirk at your writing, it's not about your writing; it's about all the thoughts that go thru my head as I read it. some even personal. Harris smirked at all the lies and twisted information that we continue to believe and swallow as truth. dark times? perhaps. perhaps it's also what we need. there may not be a clear winner in the VP category but the winner needs to be clear for each one of us... and it will. sadly on both sides... they will make it vague again. people will continue to believe Trump is Mr Constitution when really he's an opportunist. neo-nationalism doesnt leave room for modern. It's like we are being called to bring out all the tools to love this fight to death. Prayers, LOA, and then some. I am. Thank you. <3

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