The Pathological Liars and their "Bloodbath"
The lie traveled half-way around the internet while the truth was putting its boots on
Joe Scarborough is pissed. He is not going to let go of the lie that Trump called for a “violent bloodbath” if he isn’t elected. If it isn’t true, he will make it true.
The last thing he is going to do is admit the truth - that Joe Biden is too old to run the country and has no idea how to help the working class in Ohio, much less fix the auto industry.
Who started it? Who knows. The people who believe themselves to be smarter and more educated than half the country ran with it. It was mass hysteria run amok, only this time, it was a calculated move to help Biden in the polls.
The lie whipped through the Left like wildfire, eventually becoming fodder for the Biden/Harris campaign. They know that their followers will mindlessly repeat the lie.
They won’t fact-check it because they prefer to hold onto the comforting truth - the Trump they invented, their supervillain for all time.
It turns out, the media uses “Bloodbath” a lot.
More than anything else, this episode exposes them as the pathological liars they have become. They can’t stop. They need the lie to be true.
Now that Elon Musk has freed the bird, they no longer have a complete monopoly on what passes for truth on Twitter/X, which has always been the watering hole for the legacy press. Now, thanks to Musk, a false narrative can be corrected. After Musk tweeted this, it earned 46 million views. How many people watch Joe Scarborough? Like two million at most?
In case you didn’t know what the truth actually is, Trump says it outright. He meant that the Democrats, in their current form, do not have the backs of the auto workers and that if Trump isn’t elected, they will likely lose their jobs and worse.
Musk tweeted the full context of Trump’s speech, which now has 58 million views. This thoroughly humiliates the media narrative, and as someone who has used Twitter since 2007, this is a revelation.
Yet, rather than debate what is happening to the auto industry, the Democrats and their thought-robots chose instead to feed the beast, cycle the lie, and whip up the hysteria at great cost to our general well-being as a nation. They can’t keep blaming Trump for this.
Why are they so willing to push the lie rather than the truth? Because they can’t stop by now. Lying is all they know. For so many of them, their entire careers are on the line if Trump wins in 2024. They are becoming increasingly desperate by the day, as nothing they have thrown at Trump has worked.
I have to believe that the American people are exhausted by all of this by now. Eight years of mass hysteria not even over something Trump said, but how the media cherry-picked and misinterpreted what Trump said.
It would be one thing if it was working. It obviously isn’t. Could it be that the American public is now savvy to lies? Could it be that they stopped trusting the media?
Is this really the plan for November? Keep everyone in a constant state of anxiety, fear, and rage just to stay in power? At what cost to the country?
It would be nice if we still had real journalists in the mainstream who cared enough about the truth and the American people to stop the ongoing delusions they feed to their readers and subscribers every day. But we don’t.
Elon Musk has done much of the heavy lifting, correcting the lies in real-time. But I can promise you that most of the people I know personally will come away from this weekend falsely believing Trump was saying if he won, there would be a “bloodbath,” aka extreme violence, like January 6th, if Trump loses.
They did the same thing with the word “dictator.” They repeated it repeatedly until it became their truth, like “election-denier” and “insurrectionist.”
So let’s go through it again, shall we?
Trump did not call for violence on January 6th, and in fact, never has called for violence. He tried to order 10,000 National Guard troops.
Who violently protested Trump’s inaugural?
Who spit on, harassed, attacked, and even murdered Trump supporters?
How many people were hurt, how many businesses were destroyed, and how much violence was there in the Summer of 2020?
So, you tell me, which side will tear up cities if Trump wins? The same side that also believes “this is what Democracy looks like.”
"Is this really the plan for November? Keep everyone in a constant state of anxiety, fear, and rage just to stay in power?"
Of Course! and lets not forget who will rally the BLM/antifa bozos to the streets IF Trump somehow overcomes the outright vote frauds they will perpetuate. Big fun this year!
So glad Musk (once again) exposed this for the lie that it is. Joe and Mika have become two of the most delusional, and annoyingly smug people out there. Meanwhile, Musk is a national treasure.