Tom Hanks Makes Me Want to Wear a MAGA Hat
Why would anyone care anymore what Hollywood thinks?
I wasn’t going to watch SNL50. I had absolutely no interest. I’ve given up on them in every way imaginable. Not only is almost nothing funny anymore, but when I look at their faces — Scarlett Johannson, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Colin Jost, and Tom Hanks all I see is a rotting, collapsing aristocracy.
Call it “The last spectacular ball of the history of the Empire.”
No, we’re not the Bolsheviks led by Lenin. But there is no doubt that people who have cut themselves off from the discontented majority are celebrating as though their empire isn’t collapsing, which is funnier than anything they put on the show. Okay, fine, every so often, we’re reminded of the good old days when we all shared jokes because they were funny for everyone.
Now? We’ve seen too much of these people. We know too much about them and their politics. We’ve heard too many of their lectures. We know how much they disdain half of this country. I’m sure there were funny bits—no doubt about it. But when I look at clips, I just think - there’s that distant world I used to belong to.
The clip that went viral is Tom Hanks on Black Jeopardy. Most people probably didn’t realize that he was bringing back an old bit that aired in October, heading into the election of 2016. That was eight years ago. It seems nothing has changed in their world.
The earlier bit is far more overtly insulting than the more modern version. Believe it or not, they toned it down. Here is a video edit of the two clips back to back:
I know Tom Hanks was joking. I know we should all learn to take a joke. I know being offended is behaving just like the Left. I get all that. It’s lazy and wrong to mock the cliche of the guy in a MAGA hat as a deep abiding racist. It’s not funny except to the ruling aristocracy, whose power is slipping from them.
There is something deeply pathological and strange about this decade-long obsession over race and racism. Everyone’s a racist except all of those “good people of the Left.” If they keep pointing the finger over there, to those “bad people in MAGA hats,” no one will come for them. Until they do. The worm always turns and it’s never pretty.
Here are some Black men hitting back on TikTok:
Now that the Democrats have lost almost everyone, and no one is going to see the movies Hollywood puts out - like the last movie Tom Hanks starred in. Here - it bombed spectacularly.
$15 million worldwide. That movie was made on a budget of around $50 million. That has got to really suck to see how little anyone cared about the movie, about the stars in the movie. Perhaps he should spend a lot less time calling Trump supporters racist (as if any of them would ever not shake the hand of a Black man) and more time begging all of them to come see his movies.
Even though I come from that world, seeing the unfiltered hatred from the side with all of the power (power that is slipping away) is chilling. Of course, “both sides” enjoy the suffering of the other side, but these are not two equal sides. This is the people with all of the power making fun of the people with no power (or at least, that’s how it was before November 2024).
They have to hold onto the idea that Trump supporters are “racists” because otherwise, what would that make them? How would they justify their behavior for the last eight years? They need a good reason to explain it all away.
I live in a town that is 96% white and 99% Liberal. They no doubt all watched SNL50. I have always wondered how people would react if I wore my MAGA hat around town. I’d probably lose the friendly acquaintances I see on the street while walking my dog. Their amiable faces would wilt. No one would talk to me.
All the same, nothing has made me want to go FULL MAGA more than that Tom Hanks skit. I want the whole deal: the hat, the flags, the monster trucks. I want to wear it in public right in their faces and stare them down.
But seriously, wouldn’t all of this be easier if they simply forced all of us to wear something on our clothes so they know how we voted without having to ask? You know, like a letter or a star or something? One of these days, they’re probably going to get tired of pussyfooting around, and they’ll just get it over with and embrace their inner fascist. How easy that would be. Gulags for everybody!
How about you? Did you watch SNL50? Did you enjoy it?
I'm old enough to remember back when SNL used to be funny!
Saturday Night Live has always been hit and miss, mostly miss - haha! Tom Hanks has squandered public admiration across the political spectrum and his legacy is fading before his eyes. Good riddance, Mr. Gump.