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New whistleblower documents show the FBI is every bit the politicized secret police force you feared it was.
Tucker interviews Tristan Leavitt:
I’ve now heard of 2 cases thru friend of a friend of FBI visiting persons who were at Trump rally in DC on J6, but stated they were not at Capital. I cannot confirm claim not at Capital, but can state both cases involved senior citizens. First case was FBI visit in 2023 to private home in mid size city (less than 150K). Private homeowner said he would not speak to FBI without attorney present and recording conversation. FBI backed off and never re-contacted. 2nd case FBI visit in 2024 (large metro area), demanding homeowner speak during visit and then also answer further questions downtown FBI office. This 2nd case still ongoing. I’m just a regular guy and 2 to 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon on this stuff. Am I alone in this or are others aware of this in your circles?
Two things on my mind as it relates to maintaining my Liberty: 1) I’m never going to buy an electric car. I do not want to be tethered to government run (centralized) charge stations 2) if digital government fiat currency is forced on me in future to live/ survive, I’ll only keep the bare minimum in that exchange. Deleverage from (wolf in sheep’s clothing) tyranny is my only choice. I will not stop speaking my mind, and if this becomes a problem for big brother then less dependence is my best option.
No surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.