Tucker: How Democrats are Using Open Border to Gain Voters
Interview with True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht
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Tucker put out a teaser for this episode on youtube:
The longer podcast is below.
My thoughts are this:
The Republicans must grow their power to mount an effective offense. Hopefully, they can do that, but it’s an uphill battle. The Democrats have all the money and all the power. Who will protect the working class from competitive wages if the Democrats have flooded the zone with slave labor?
The GOP can certainly lure many of these immigrants crossing the border illegally by getting the message out that if they send their kids to public schools in America, they will come home wanting transgender surgery. Tell them that, and they will vote for Republicans and/or not want to come here anyway.
Of course, I’ve always been sympathetic to desperate people fleeing poverty or drug-infested dystopias but the Democrats have been dishonest in their accusations that to talk about any of this makes you a bigot, and dishonest in their ability to control the border.
Even if they don't vote, they inflate the population in the urban areas which gets factored into reapportionment which enhances the Left's power in state and national elections.
The U.S. legal immigration is very generous, we take in roughly a million LEGAL IMMIGRANTS a year. The media like to avoid this fact, either on purpose or by design.
A common person on the street might believe we don't take anyone in. Which again, is probably by design to spread the liberal narrative.