Ep. 28 Trans, Inc: genital mutilation is not just a fad. It’s a full-blown industry. How did something this demented happen so quickly? Chris Moritz has been following the money.
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Nice to see that you put "gender affirming care" in quotes. A more odious euphemism is scarcely imaginable -- "ethnic cleansing"?
Tucker says nobody has looked at the financial angle on the transgender issue until this guy. But this guy is undoubtedly biting off the work of Jennifer Bilek. Bilek has been on that exact thing for at least five years. Her reporting is indispensable when trying to get to the bottom of this issue.
She even goes so far as to show that transgenderism is just the gateway to the ultimate goal-- transhumanism. But Bilek is a feminist and I guess that makes her invisible to Tuckers radar. This is the problem with our society today. We so easily throw the baby out with the bathwater.