I’m starting to realize TDS also stands for Tucker Derangement Syndrome. I shared a video of his (the one with Casey and Calley Means) and one guy in our group was adamant he would never watch it and raged how bad he was as a person. Lol. Really??? He posted as his proof an article from “Rolling Stones” 🤣 trashing his reputation with past quotes Tucker has made when on Fox. I read each one and they actually ALL were true! 🤣 Every one of them. But the RS wrote it as if the whole world knows they are all lies and spun Tucker to be a horrible person. Then this friend referred to a quote within the article about J6 and said that it alone disqualifies Tucker from his listening space and you “can’t rewrite that, I know, I saw it on TV”. 🙄🙄 Oh then it MUST be true. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

This guy is rather intelligent in other ways and does a TON of research into diet and food, constantly linking to RCTs and medical journals, so how on earth is he incapable of doing proper research about all these “lies” and about Tucker? It made no sense. It can only be a legitimate derangement syndrome. I’ve never before witnessed that among people I know.

I get it now why you always preface your Tucker articles as you do.

But frankly? He’s wonderful. You’re wonderful. And you really don’t need that disclaimer anymore. I gave a polite and considerate disclaimer when I shared the video and assured anyone who didn’t like Tucker that it would be fine because he lets his guests do all the talking. That kindness didn’t matter. Some people just want their echo chamber, and they would pass on a million dollar check if they knew ahead of time that Tucker would be the one to present it. SMH

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His best guests was Casey because they just didnt go with politics bashing though I disagree on how evil birth control is.

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Thanks for sending these links, Sasha!

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Good interview. Thanks for posting.

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