It hasn’t yet been released on X or Youtube, but it’s up on Tucker’s site now,, and it is not behind the paywall if you’d like to watch. Click the image below.
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It hasn’t yet been released on X or Youtube, but it’s up on Tucker’s site now,, and it is not behind the paywall if you’d like to watch. Click the image below.
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My dad wrote this in a text to me March of 2022 when I was asking him WTH was really going on. No, we have no ties to Russia, no one I know personally has ever been there, the closest I’ve ever gotten to financial anything related to Russia is Russian hackers trying to steal my money online, and we are racially mutts but no Russian. Long story but my dad was a formalist and is a human encyclopedia - without the modern bias and this was a casual text 😂:
“Hi. A little history is in order. First, Stalin defeated Hitler. Eighty percent of German casualties were on the Eastern front. The success of the D-Day Normandy landings were important in keeping Stalin from over-running Western Europe, which he certainly would have done had they failed.
Stalin was acutely aware that in 1814, Czar Alexander I, after forcing Napoleon out of Russia, pursued him to Paris. The Napoleonic wars ended with Russian cavalry in Paris. Stalin wanted to emulate him, spreading the Communist revolution to the Atlantic. NATO was formed after Stalin’s death In 1953 but with Stalin’s aspirations still in the air. It was a defensive pact — a shield against Soviet expansionism. After the Soviet Union collapsed, NATO changed. Instead of a shield to protect Western Europe, it became a sword aimed at the Russians.
During negotiations prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, James Baker, Bush I’s Secretary of State, promised Gorbachev three times that NATO would not move “one inch” to the East. Der Spegiel, the German magazine, wrote an article early this month saying the Germans promised Gorbachev the same thing. In 1996, NATO began accepting former Eastern Bloc countries into alliance.
The last to be accepted were the Baltic states. Although formerly part of Russia, they are heavily Germanic from virtue of their creation by the Teutonic Knights in the late Middle Ages. Ukraine and Belorussia are different. Both are ethnically Slavic, the same as the Russians. Ukraine was an integral part of Russia for hundreds of years. What we are seeing in Ukraine today is a civil war. The United States might have played a productive role in peace mediations and possibly prevented the war. The neocons in charge of policy today have nixed that. I think the war will end in partition and bitter feelings all around. Our policy here is comprehensively incomprehensible. Sad.”
Half way through. - I can’t imagine Joe Biden sitting down and doing an interview like this. Putin comes across so much more articulate and yes, intelligent, than Joe it’s embarrassing.
Thank you Tucker