I’ll add one more: Farewell to utter incompetence. Or, maybe it was willful after all.

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It was willful. IMHO.

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Sasha, what a brilliant response to the fever dream dreck of a farewell address by Joe Biden. I love the farewells you've offered to the crescendo of craziness this country has experienced over the last four years. We now look forward to the imminent return of what used to be considered normal and sane with an official start in less than five days.

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And FAREWELL TO “PRIVILEGE.” I think it’s high time these dividers just admit to themselves that to live in this great, amazing country is a PRIVILEGE for ALL. Including little old disabled me.

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…and, me. God bless.

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If I had been forced to deal with four more years of that ridiculous horseshit… seriously, I don’t know what I would have done. Thank God enough people saw through it. What a relief to be out of that doomsday bunker. Enduring all that would have been so much harder without Sasha.

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Farewell Biden and God bless the USA. My newborn boy is born into a better world.

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Congratulations. What a sweet joy.

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…and farewell to the sanctimonious hypocrisy and assuming the worst about everyone who disagrees with woke policies.

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Except they aren't going anywhere. They will still be here making us miserable. Like the yapping biting insane little dogs or maybe better yet, the crazed rooster who chases you around the yard after you took the eggs. They will be still holding their federal jobs (a lot of them) even if DOGE attempts to get rid of them, they will be there, doing their level best to undermine whatever progress is made. We may temporarily hold the high ground, but the battle is not won.

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In the 11th hour Joey is already undermining what Trump wants to accomplish. No offshore drilling, forgiving student loans, more money to Ukraine, blah, blah, blah.

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You are so right.

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If it is anything like the New Zealand experience, those Woke folk on the hard left will drag themselves through several stages of grief, starting with denial, which has been plentiful since the Democrats lost. Woke lefties are terrible losers, so be prepared for the worst petulant behavior. Sasha is right; it is all worth it. I feel like the aristocrats have been toppled, and we the realists are taking over.

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Hope so.

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And the 4 Horsefaces of the Idiocalypse (C Hayes, Maddow, J Reid and Jenny Agitprpp Psaki) were right on cue singing The Frontman's praises as a working class/union hero, etc. Pretty difficult to not vomit when just one of those tools gets going...downright projectile when all four start jabbering...

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I’ve been meaning to say this for a while but never found the correct moment. This is it.

As ‘Mark in Houston’ wrote; “brilliant response”. Couldn’t have said it better. So no need to try.

But I will say this.

We (taking liberty to speak for my fellow citizens so aligned) just absolutely love having you over here on the dark side. It’s just way more fun over here. And we are thrilled you figured that out, and joined us for the party.

Monday can’t arrive soon enough. Many Blessings to you.

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Great writing but I am not sure it is over. I want to be but I have found that the world doesn't much care what I want. Since the election, I have been spending a lot of time watching the leftist media. It is said you only learn stuff by losing so I was checking. The explicit opinion parts of that ecosystem do seem to have learned something but not the MSM. If I were still working, I could get more data. Whatever happens, scars will remain. I couldn't get the Brando clip to play but my attitude is better captured by Clark Gable's parting words, which are still canceled by Netflix.

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The problem with the left, is they appeal to a humans worst tendencies and impulses. Nevertheless, they will NEVER stop coming at those that love freedom, liberty and self-determination. Never will they stop...

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They will never actually stop, but they will go underground. The same way the totalitarians of Nazi Germany went underground after 1945, until they re-established in a different form on the other side of the Atlantic in the 60s.

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Yes, this particular iteration has been brewing a very long time...

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Netflix cancelled the word "d_mn"? When everyone and his dog uses the F_ck word in all of its tenses at the drop of a hat these days?

Really, cutting the F word out of the general vocabulary is something I look forward to. Who ever thought that word was cool?

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I am unsure about this; looks to me like HBO banned Gone With Wind because of sensitivity around slavery; but I don’t see that Netflix banned it and nor do I think the parting line had the f word in it; “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

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They canceled the whole movie. There must be some woke taboo that the movie doesn't violate but I can't think of it.

The f-word is obscenity and crude but the d-word is blasphemy and a sin.

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I think politics has become a religion for the Left and so yes, it will be very difficult for them to recognize that they might not be correct about everything. I wonder if the Left’s tendency to reject traditional religions makes them prone to creating their own to fill the void of wanting to believe in a higher power. The Left have created their bogey man and given him a name and they can’t rest while he’s still alive because he scares them and haunts them in their lonely little beds at night even when they’ve doped themselves into oblivion. And it’s not because the bogey man did something that day but instead is because they imagined another slight caused by him and that slight is now the size of a cannon ball on their chest. They can’t stop themselves and we can’t save them. But we can help ourselves and the survivors. God bless you, Richard. Ps. Gable - “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”. Lol.

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To quote Groucho Marx

“Go and don’t darken out towels again.”

Amr Australia

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Delicious PBS news hour tonight with guest after guest on both sides of aisle, inside Israel and out, all admitting that yes, the peace/hostage deal today was due to Trump and his ‘hell to pay’ threat. It’s 1980 all over again. Great post Sasha. I’m getting so excited for Jan 20!

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Biden’s response when asked by a reporter if the deal should be credited to Biden or Trump he said “is that a joke?” No, no I don’t think it is Mr. Biden.

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Yes indeed, it’s a time for optimism. But as Jerrerson may or may not have said, Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. None of us are safe while totalitarians like Adam Schiff are in positions of influence and power. Let’s enjoy the moment but, as the Left always does, stay focused on the long game.

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I agree. Do not rest on your laurels. It gives your enemy exactly the opening they wait for.

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Yes indeed. Well put, sir.

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"Ashes, ashes, they all fall down." Evil falls of its own weight as lightning from heaven.

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But you forgot to sign off, From Sasha Stone With Love and Joy, as that is what we are all feeling from now on!!

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