Sasha, what a brilliant response to the fever dream dreck of a farewell address by Joe Biden. I love the farewells you've offered to the crescendo of craziness this country has experienced over the last four years. We now look forward to the imminent return of what used to be considered normal and sane with an official start in less than five days.

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Correction: over the past 16 years

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I’ll add one more: Farewell to utter incompetence. Or, maybe it was willful after all.

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It was willful. IMHO.

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It's hard to put in a good word for these people, but unless I am conflating the following with something else, in June, 2021, just a few weeks before our disgraceful bug out from Afghanistan, the American Embassy in Kabul flew the rainbow flag high from its flagpole, extolling in a statement the rights of LGBTQIA+ people everywhere.

This is of the same genus of earnest stupidity as Biden's stern declaration early in his vacuous - at - best term that "trans rights are the defining civil rights issue of our generation."

Human charity demands that we grant to the Biden administration the authenticity of its idiocy.

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like "earnest stupidity." i use "aggressive naivete."

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100% deliberate.

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I think it was fully intentional all along. A destruction tactic by the Deep State.

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Incompetence is willful when it is endorsed. DEI is nothing less than endorsement of inability. It is a race to the bottom by lowering or eliminating standards so the least of us can believe themselves to be the most, without any effort at all.

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It was willful by the actual people calling the shots and it wasn’t Biden. Obama and Pelosi and their minions. Remember Susan Rice was Biden’s Domestic Advisor and instituted DEI throughout the federal government and was the go-to person from Obama to Biden. Biden was always stupid, always weak, always a pervert, always angry and self-loathing.

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I see what you did there. ;)

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Farewell Biden and God bless the USA. My newborn boy is born into a better world.

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Congratulations. What a sweet joy.

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Jan 16Edited

Wonderful, Nathan. I speak as a mother myself. Though mine are considerably older.

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Congratulations, Papa! Raise him well, grounded in faith, truth, and love.

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Hope so. But I'm betting you baby will face the same problems we are.

72 million people voted for Kamala Harris. Those same 72 million are voting for mayors, governors, State and Federal Senators and Representatives. Those same 72 million are voting on Measures and Propositions like the idiots here in California do every 2 years. So you see? There's really not much cause for celebration at all.

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I agree with you, except I think we have to celebrate battles that are won while still fighting the war. I live in CA too.

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Spot on! This fight is no where near over. The Marxist’s have breached the wall and are on the inside. They have not been eliminated.

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First of all congratulations. He’s born into a better world. But be vigilant for the next 20 years minimally. The Marxist enemy has breached the wall and is inside.

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Good thing it wasn’t a girl

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If it was a girl she would have all the advantages boys and men don’t have. The trans craze is recent. Males are still massively disadvantaged.

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If I had been forced to deal with four more years of that ridiculous horseshit… seriously, I don’t know what I would have done. Thank God enough people saw through it. What a relief to be out of that doomsday bunker. Enduring all that would have been so much harder without Sasha.

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November 5 makes you believe there is a God

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I know there is a God and Savior.

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More is expected of us. It’s a life line. But to end this Marxist Democrat Party nightmare we still are expected to create a permanent solution which takes more work on our side. God helps those that help themselves.

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I was looking at property in Costa Rica and Panama...

Thank God people came to their senses and Trump won

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It must be sobering to think that a great many voted for Harris.

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Actually sad that someone would be so beholden to Dem party they would sink to that level to vote for her incompetence and stupidity.

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This is not the end of the beginning. It’s only the beginning of the end. There still is much to do to save this country. Don’t back slide.

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And FAREWELL TO “PRIVILEGE.” I think it’s high time these dividers just admit to themselves that to live in this great, amazing country is a PRIVILEGE for ALL. Including little old disabled me.

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…and, me. God bless.

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And FAREWELL to Credentialism

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If it is anything like the New Zealand experience, those Woke folk on the hard left will drag themselves through several stages of grief, starting with denial, which has been plentiful since the Democrats lost. Woke lefties are terrible losers, so be prepared for the worst petulant behavior. Sasha is right; it is all worth it. I feel like the aristocrats have been toppled, and we the realists are taking over.

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Hope so.

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And Republicans are not sore losers?

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My impression to date is that right wingers and centrists are team players, and have at least one foot in reality, but those lefties are such self-centered sulkers that I wouldnt want them on my team. Republicans have a better sense of democracy.

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I dont see MAGA with reality and I dont see centrists many who went to MAGA outright dropped all pretentions of being a centrist. The problem of our system we go from one ideology to another, and one side gets very bitter and nasty when they are forced to be the minority.

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I thought the problem might be that some Woke folk have a very entitled attitude, and feel entitled to win the election. They act spoilt, and are used to getting their own way. Next comes sulking. Sound familiar ?

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Conservatives did the exact same things 2008 and 2020 got spoiled and threw temper tantrums. The funny thing both parties can't stand the shit thrown right back in their faces. They have to view themselves as better. Woke is terrible but its being used as an all-round crutch on how much they always hated liberals.

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It is true that the more polarized the sides become, the more each side hates losing.

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How many riots did you see Republicans starting when Joe won? How many cities had looting and burning?

Republicans are too busy working and being productive to be sore losers.

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Were there any election riots or stop the count 2024 from Democrats. Harris conceded and so did other democrats who lost their senate races. GOP? We had a concession from Kari Lake (sort of) oh wait that was 2022 election.

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Democrats were too caught up in crying and the 'horror' of Trump winning, and the fact that he won the popular vote as well as the Electoral College. Every single democrat expected Harris to win and the supposedly inconceivable loss literally stunned them into silence. Then of course, there's the rather difficult to ignore discrepancy of 11 million democrat voters just going "poof" between 2020 and 2024.

We'll see what happens on Monday...

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The problem is both parties modern era expects to have one party uncontestable rule. They rig their states in ways internally where the other party is perma minority (see California, Illinois, Texas, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Newyork and more). Both cant conceive of the notion this is a 50/50 nation. This sets up unrealistic goals and when they dont achieve them the toddler temper tantrums start.

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You forget Hilary Clinton, Stacy Abrams and many, many others who have still not conceded after years.

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By the way that's Hilary Clinton Concession speech suck on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khK9fIgoNjQ

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Stacey Abrams has as much cause as Trump disputing the first election.

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My point is that election deniers come in all flavors.

I am sure that Stacy would have won Georgia in 2016 if the 2020 rules were in effect and that Trump would have won Georgia in 2020 if the 2016 rules had been in effect.

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…and farewell to the sanctimonious hypocrisy and assuming the worst about everyone who disagrees with woke policies.

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I’ve been meaning to say this for a while but never found the correct moment. This is it.

As ‘Mark in Houston’ wrote; “brilliant response”. Couldn’t have said it better. So no need to try.

But I will say this.

We (taking liberty to speak for my fellow citizens so aligned) just absolutely love having you over here on the dark side. It’s just way more fun over here. And we are thrilled you figured that out, and joined us for the party.

Monday can’t arrive soon enough. Many Blessings to you.

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Moody-I second that! Sasha is a blessing! So good to have her, Matt Taibbi, Walter Kirn, Schellenberger etc. I'm so glad these folks have held the line against the hypocrisy!

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And Glenn Greenwald.

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So true! I love Sasha’s perspective. PTL She saw the light!

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MoodyP, thanks for the props - and your additional salient comments! I’m in total agreement on being thrilled that Sasha has joined our party on the dark side!

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"demanding Pam Bondi say Joe Biden “won the election.”"

I was election fraud denier until I saw that crazy gap between Biden votes and Harris votes. Numbers don't lie. Ballot harvesting in 2020 was real.

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Great point. I have made it over the past couple months, but the press never picked up on it (big surprise!). Why would Joe Biden have received 82 million votes and then 4 years and $2.5 billion later, 4 years of illegal immigration with many of them voting, with all the power of Hollywood, the academics and institutions behind her, Kamala only received 72 million votes? 10 million vote gap? Where did that come from? That was a hell of a lot of ballot box stuffing in 2020. Meanwhile, Trump goes from 74M to 76M. That sounds more than plausible and actually honest

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In one of my substacks "Manipulation through Omission", I documented the only 2020 election fraud case to actually look at the evidence. 50,000 fraudulent votes in one PA county in a State that Biden won by only 80,000 votes. So yes the election was stolen, there's proof and the MSM pretends that proof doesn't exist.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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And really- Biden received more votes in 2020 than the first elected black president?

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And, he received 10M more votes than the first black, woman candidate who presumably controlled a very high percentage of female votes (over 92% of black women)

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I also believed 2020 was stolen, and can conspiracy-theorize with the best of them. However, another plausible explanation for the 10M vote difference could simply be that 10M dems just didn't vote this time because they were not as thrilled with the prospect of Kackala continuing Biden Admin policies as they were in 2020 with Biden putting an end to Trump's Admin.

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that checks too. Harris has always been unpopular even more so than Biden who at least had Scranton Joe image and malarkey grandpa persona that some found endearing. Nothing like that about the phoniest of phonies, the emptiest suit of empty suits.

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We had to shut down and stay inside and had to vote by mail to save grandma. We won’t be fooled again.(I hope)

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yeah, the opportunity presented itself to Democrats and they took it but Trump campaign learned from the mistake (not getting the early vote) and turned tables on Democrats.

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Jan 16Edited

And the 4 Horsefaces of the Idiocalypse (C Hayes, Maddow, J Reid and Jenny Agitprpp Psaki) were right on cue singing The Frontman's praises as a working class/union hero, etc. Pretty difficult to not vomit when just one of those tools gets going...downright projectile when all four start jabbering...

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Thanks for that info. Didn't realize amyone still payed attention to the discredited talking/lying heads of the MSM. No offense intended.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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Harpies all. Can’t stand to even hear the sound of their voices. I kind of have to laugh when I think of their agony!

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Yes indeed, it’s a time for optimism. But as Jerrerson may or may not have said, Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. None of us are safe while totalitarians like Adam Schiff are in positions of influence and power. Let’s enjoy the moment but, as the Left always does, stay focused on the long game.

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I agree. Do not rest on your laurels. It gives your enemy exactly the opening they wait for.

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I know- my husband was annoying me playing that Schiff interrogation (too loudly!) while I was trying to enjoy an old Bette Davis movie! We both are incredulous that Californians voted him into the senate! What an awful creature! I guess we'll be hearing a lot more quips about the "little pencil-neck" in the days to come!

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Yes indeed. Well put, sir.

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So the long national nightmare is finally over. Last summer, when it looked as though Kamala was gaining traction, I was beginning to panic that they might pull it out. But the American people came through big time. I'll always remember the morning after the election and how it felt like a magical cleansing rain had fallen overnight. I just really wish they hadn't torn down all of those beautiful old statues.....

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So true! The statue removal has been utter insanity!!

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I wish I could agree with the first sentence but... I also compare the nearly physical sense of a burden lifting after this election to the crushing WTF last time.

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On a positive note: This just shows how inherently strong the Republic is. We survived the crushing weight of those pulling the strings of biden/harris over four, long years... To fight another day...

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Prayers that more and more sleepers awake. I was pretty sure that the numbers were there.

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Great writing but I am not sure it is over. I want to be but I have found that the world doesn't much care what I want. Since the election, I have been spending a lot of time watching the leftist media. It is said you only learn stuff by losing so I was checking. The explicit opinion parts of that ecosystem do seem to have learned something but not the MSM. If I were still working, I could get more data. Whatever happens, scars will remain. I couldn't get the Brando clip to play but my attitude is better captured by Clark Gable's parting words, which are still canceled by Netflix.

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I think politics has become a religion for the Left and so yes, it will be very difficult for them to recognize that they might not be correct about everything. I wonder if the Left’s tendency to reject traditional religions makes them prone to creating their own to fill the void of wanting to believe in a higher power. The Left have created their bogey man and given him a name and they can’t rest while he’s still alive because he scares them and haunts them in their lonely little beds at night even when they’ve doped themselves into oblivion. And it’s not because the bogey man did something that day but instead is because they imagined another slight caused by him and that slight is now the size of a cannon ball on their chest. They can’t stop themselves and we can’t save them. But we can help ourselves and the survivors. God bless you, Richard. Ps. Gable - “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”. Lol.

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I recall Vivek (a Hindu) quoting Pascal (a Catholic) that everyone has a God-sized hole in them and if God doesn't fill it, something else will.

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If you read Julian Jaynes' work on the Bicameral Mind, he explained in his theory that mankind evolved seeking a voice of authority to guide them, even if that guidance is not in their own best interests (as in a cult or a gang).

About 3000-4000 years ago, we began moving towards self-differentiation. Although that need for the voice of authority is not gone yet. Almost no one is fully self-differentiated at this point, so we will need a trustworthy authority for a long while yet. Giving us a moral code too.

Atheism does not work here. The mainstream religions are your best bet. It will take probably another few thousand years before we can do without that altogether. Not that I particularly want to oust it. I am happy to subscribe to Christianity myself, in a moderate way.

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The left is forever the oppressed victim.

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The problem with the left, is they appeal to a humans worst tendencies and impulses. Nevertheless, they will NEVER stop coming at those that love freedom, liberty and self-determination. Never will they stop...

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They will never actually stop, but they will go underground. The same way the totalitarians of Nazi Germany went underground after 1945, until they re-established in a different form on the other side of the Atlantic in the 60s.

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Yes, this particular iteration has been brewing a very long time...

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Netflix cancelled the word "d_mn"? When everyone and his dog uses the F_ck word in all of its tenses at the drop of a hat these days?

Really, cutting the F word out of the general vocabulary is something I look forward to. Who ever thought that word was cool?

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I am unsure about this; looks to me like HBO banned Gone With Wind because of sensitivity around slavery; but I don’t see that Netflix banned it and nor do I think the parting line had the f word in it; “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

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I am not sure of the difference between removing it (HBO) and not currently available (Netflix). Some nuance that those of us who don't follow the industry don't understand.

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Gone with the Wind is not on Netflix because the studios have clawed back their content to show on their own streaming services. Netflix has been losing lots of movies since then, so they had to pivot to producing their own content or buying from overseas.

GWTW was part of the pre-1986 MGM film package purchased by Ted Turner. These films used to air on Turner's channels including TNT and TBS, then eventually TCM. When Turner's company merged with Time Warner, these films came under the control of Warner Brothers who run Max.

GWTW was removed from HBO Max streaming temporarily because the powers that be had to placate the shrill voices. It was added back with a "contextualizing" segment which is as sanctimonious as it sounds.

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They canceled the whole movie. There must be some woke taboo that the movie doesn't violate but I can't think of it.

The f-word is obscenity and crude but the d-word is blasphemy and a sin.

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Really? Netflix doesn't let Gable say "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" ??? WTF is wrong w/ them???

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Not just that line but the whole movie because of multiple violations of woke. As Libertarian notes HBO too

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The only way anyone gets a job in msm is if they’re willing to lie.

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Delicious PBS news hour tonight with guest after guest on both sides of aisle, inside Israel and out, all admitting that yes, the peace/hostage deal today was due to Trump and his ‘hell to pay’ threat. It’s 1980 all over again. Great post Sasha. I’m getting so excited for Jan 20!

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Biden’s response when asked by a reporter if the deal should be credited to Biden or Trump he said “is that a joke?” No, no I don’t think it is Mr. Biden.

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To quote Groucho Marx

“Go and don’t darken out towels again.”

Amr Australia

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JD/Vivek 2028

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Totally agree - JD was the MVP of the campaign, for sure.

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