She is so good and hope she gets a very senior position in a hopeful Trump admin. She has been shamefully treated by this one esp after the flying monitoring. Amr Australia
* The only part of Tulsi that makes me sad is the fact that she won’t / can’t stand up to Israel. No one in the US can, except perhaps Candace. But when we were kids we all refused to accept the idea that the Nazis were “too powerful” to resist; no one accepted that argument. We should stand on behalf, as Tulsi says, our brothers and sisters of whatever creed or color, against evil in every form. If she did stand against Israel, however, her career would be over … sadly.
If she did stand against Israel, she'd disqualify herself to be taken seriously. There is one free, democratic superpower in that part of the world, its people have come close to being exterminated and simply will not allow it to happen to them, and it is our great ally.
I don't know you from any other of three hundred and fifty million Americans, so don't take the following personally, but I cannot see anti - Zionism as anything other than anti - Semitism. If the Right allows anti - Semitism to flourish, in however subterranean a way, it will be cutting its throat.
Anti - Semitism is the Devil's invention. He hates the Jews in particular because they gave us The Word of God and its human fulfillment in the Lord God Incarnate, Jesus Christ.
Maybe you're some sort of Christian. ( God help us, I say as a Christian. ) If so, it may interest you to know that Hitler saw Christianity as a slight variant of Judaism, and had plans for Christians which were next on the schedule after he'd dealt with the Jews.
Just like most (not all) Jew hating Muslims want to "Slaughter Jews worldwide" (Hamas charter) then wipe out the Christians and/or make us their slaves. Tampon Tim wants to import a lot more Jew hating Muslims into MN. Zionism represents love and beauty and Biblical prophecy fulfilled. I support Israel. ALL of Israel including judea-Samaria which the uninformed and Jew haters call the "Occupied West Bank." If Trump wins I hope he will will recognize Judea-Samaria as he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. David Friedmann just came with a book on this.
Exactly, and they already have one, the Balfour Declaration, signed after WW1. There is Transjordan and there is Israel. There has never been a nation of Palestine ever in human history. So, the Muslims in Israel can stay there and get rich, as long as they are peaceful. If they are not, then move to Jordan or any other Islamic nation they choose. There will never be any Palestinian state per se. That would be suicidal for the Jewish folks. Stop wasting time talking about a Palestinian state.
We also need to stop calling Judea-Samaria "The occupied West bank." Parts of Judea-Samaria are "Occupied" by Arabs that many will need to be relocated to Jordan. They call that place "Palestine Mandate."
the two state [delusion] is suicide for the Jewish people. They were given Gaza and turned it into a terror launch pad. 91% of Israelis are opposed to the "Two state [delusion]." And no more suicidal "Land for peace" is another bull shit pipe dream. The only "Solution" is to totally destroy Hamas and ALL their supporters. Shame on previous idiotic Israel leaders who thought they could give away Judea-Samaria which is the MOST integral part of Israel to the Arabs. The best "Solution" is to officially make all of Judea-Samaria (what the Jew haters and idiotic secularists call West Bank) part of Israel and relocate much of the Arab population to Jordan, the real "Palestine."
If you are smart enough to get info from Substack, then you also owe it to yourself to take a careful look at Israel. Just suggest you read Shlomo Sand’s (Hebrew U History Prof) book, The Invention of the Jewish People, and Max Blumenthal’s book Goliath, to balance out the information. Then make a decision. Too often we have taken so many narratives for granted, only to find out later that we were lied to. It’s worth spending some time to avoid making this mistake in respect of Israel. For me, my views on Israel began to change when I saw how brutally authoritarian Israel was with its own people during Covid; a state that I thought had always put its own people first, clearly had other priorities, showed disdain for its own people, and brooked even less dissent than here in the US. So I started reading.
In the Arab countries, they'd have been imprisoned indefinitely or maybe let go with some mild mutilation. One thing is sure: anti - Semitism is a disease of the soul, and anti - Semites will always find things to suspect Jews of.
Because I am a Christian, I could never say that Jews who don't believe in Jesus have the protection of The Old Covenant. They definitely do not, and need The Gospel as desperately as we all do.
I'm part Jewish myself (mom) and have been to Israel. I do not like America's unquestioning and unconditional support for Israel no matter what they do. It's embarrassing, and I worry it's going to get back to me personally for things I never did.
I don't mind if Jews want to be Zionist, but I don't think they should be allowed dual citizenship with the US, nor should American taxpayers be sending Israel any money or weapons. AIPAC is the very best fodder for anti-Semities, proving that what they think is true is pretty much actually true.
BTW, I'm not a fan of Islam and I think the Palestinians were morons for killing random civilians. It's about the moral high ground, and that ain't it. Both sides look horrible now. I want nothing to do with either side.
That's a miserable way to go through life. In fact, in the United States, you're far likelier to be murdered in a holdup or burglary than because you're part Jewish. But none of us has any control whatever over his lifespan. I came as close as you can come to dying without actually doing it when I was seven, then, when I was fifty - four, then, when I was sixty - one.
If you expect life to be benign, or think that it should be, you're missing the essence of our existence on the Earth: we were created in God's Image, to glorify Him and love Him and others forever, but we have all been corrupted by sin. Because we have, it's a dark world we inhabit, and we are all destined to pay the price of death.
But the glorious gift of God is His Incarnate Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and was raised from the dead for us. My suggestion is that you read The Gospel of John, also, C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." For me, the essence of what Christianity is was most beautifully vouchsafed to us in the words of Jesus in John 11:25, 26.
I have read that that isn't true, that he was an atheist, therefore a materialist. Apparently, he thought Himmler's pagan obsessions were daft. But I know there are sources who insist he was pagan.
I'm more inclined to the former view. I don't doubt that he was mad with demon influence, but I doubt he was actually possessed. Another thing which people overlook about him is the amount and kind of drugs he was on. There is a book, “Blitzed,” which is said to be a good account of the part which amphetamines, in particular, played in the lives of the German people in the 1930s and 1940s, and especially in the lives of the Nazis.
No. Tulsi recognises the need for Israel to defend itself and it's people against the Anti Semites of the world who the Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, Saudis, Lebanese,Jordanians and Egyptians are attacking again.
Wait. The Egyptians and Jordainians aren't attacking Israel are they?
You both should think this through. Read Max Blumenthal’s Goliath, then reconsider. I first saw the wrong in Israel during Covid, when it immediately became one of the most authoritarian states. And now, eyes wide open, Israel is not a democracy or a republic, but an ethnoracy, visiting harm upon its own people ultimately. If you respect the Jewish religion, as I do, then you should question the Zionist enterprise. Honestly. Think.
Nonsense. Have you ever been there? I have many times. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and is our closest ally. Muslims can be elected into the Knesset and join the IDF. Can Jews do that in Saudi Arabia?
It’s an ethnocracy, like Iran ironically, not a democracy where all have equal rights;; rights are not equal, very far from it; Israel has no constitution so rights are up to the will of the Israel Supreme Court, which does try but often falls very short. See Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sand’s book was translated from original Hebrew, perhaps explaining that word “invention” that we could view as derogatory; it’s not intended that way. It received praise from NYT (not known Jew haters), and it is a thoughtful, comprehensive, and balanced inquiry. Sand does not resort to cheap one liners, unlike others …. Your Twitter-like instincts, by contrast, are deeply unappealing.
I have read and “liked” all your comments below. I am impressed at how well read you are and your journey in learning more about the situation and trying to be balanced. I am not going to share my view here on it because I think Sasha is trying to focus on other issues and doesn’t want the commentators to turn on each other and her as a result. I will say a prayer that you continue to learn and share your knowledge because the world certainly needs a better understanding of what we are experiencing and how to improve upon it. I think you are the kind of person who can help. God bless you, BMeowDawg.
Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and JD Vance are smart and capable people. Whatever one thinks of Trump, he has excellent people around and advising him. Kamala only has the goofy Walz character and a bunch of warmongering neocons in her orbit.
I’m not sure many people deeply understand that Harris is near certain to keep the United States enmeshed in more quagmire wars and that they truly might escalate into a reinstated draft and that a nuclear war is quite possible if she continues Biden’s foreign policy legacy.
If this had been an honestly moderated debate the questions would have included “President Biden said recently to a group of donors that we are closer to nuclear Armageddon since any time post Cuban missile crisis. How do you plan to deescalate this existential threat to humanity?”
I feel like such a fool for even hoping it would be. It sure does not help Trump took the bait so many times. I think he should have bailed on it. If he can not control himself, he needs to pass.
Sasha, thank you so much for these three postings. I always appreciate and enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas. I also have enjoyed being able to comment back-and-forth with the rest of the Sasha community. It’s fascinating to see what everyone is thinking and we can encourage and support each other. I also appreciate that even if we don’t totally agree, everyone is respectful.
Even more to the point, the interviewer's "fact check" claim that no states "want to kill babies after they are born." is disingenuous. The example that Trump gave of the former governor of Virginia approving of the passive euthanasia of infants born after a failed attempt at an abortion is correct.
Voters are polled more/less 50/50. And to be upset by debate tactics when looking for quick comebacks or zinger or that zinger isn't important. the takeaway is -- are you still with your candidate? Did he/she fail you?
For those looking for answers regarding economical and financial day to day, those folks will still be unsatisfied because Harris did nothing to win that voter over. I'm happy Tulsi brings this home.
Do I wish Trump mocked her and said, "hey, $50k on a house sounds great, but do you think you do something about the inflation? You've caused increased monthly cost of$1.1k. Do folks deduct this from the promise of $5oK? ?!" Right? lol
She did come out and take shots and yes, moderators were soft on her and allowed her to frame herself as absent of accountability but at the same time gave her room to get all bravado on war stuff with no push back. She's a liar of course. The handling of Ukraine is a nightmare. And Hamas just added another 3000 fighters. Russia strengthens with China, North Korea and even Mongolia. But none of this is a game changer. But it will be played up by the MSM that Kamala prosecuted Trump blah blah blah. but that's not the same as winning an election. And I disagree, comparing HRC voters vs KH voters. I don't think Kamala motivates voters nearly as much as you fear (otherwise she wouldn't fixate on demonizing trump at every chance she gets...)
And Taylor Swift vote is just cheerleader fluff. But Dick Cheney? He's evil. And she brings up unnamed generals that say nasty things about Trump but nothing about Dick Cheney? Right. Yep. Wonder why recruitment is down with these neocons?
Did someone tell Harris in her earpiece that it was ok not to answer questions?
The witch—I mean that as a person who uses the dark forces—cheated which is the name as lying and we all know who the father of lies is.
Before anyone gets offended over the world watch, saying there are good ones-let me say that good witches are called Healers and it obvious that Harris will heal nothing.
I had my doubts about Tulsi but I’m over it. She passed the test and is a true Healer.
Trump blew it. I’ve tried so hard to turn the other cheek, rationalize every unforced error, lousy appointment, missed opportunity… I was so hoping.. actually believed he’d surprise everybody ( the usual miseries , purists and losers) and announce Tulsi as his VP pick. When I heard it was Vance, I sobbed. Thought it was over. But when Tulsi and RFK signed on, his campaign was resurrected. Tonight proved that nobody can get through to him. I feel horribly for Tulsi, RFK Jr, Amber Rose and all the wonderful , brave, brilliant, honorable people who stepped outside the box and up to the plate against all odds . To save America and bring light into the darkness. I started feeling hopeful. Excited. And tonight, Trump once again blew it. He has nobody to blame but himself.
Vance is the worst and Tucker /Don Jr. the second and third worst. Dumbasses. Vance is weird. The rest of Trump’s “ shortlist were really bad but for Byron Donalds. He was the only one in that group who was interesting, had his finger on the pulse of a broad swathe of America. Tulsi is dazzling. JD Vance is a turn off. His wife has the aura of a subjugated spouse. Not physically beaten - drained and timid. I doubt she was always so meek. His comments that continue popping up.. miserable, childless cat ladies… post menopausal women… federally banning abortion,.. Mamaw and Papaw, the Kentucky family burial plot… showing up in Ohio immediately upon the the unfounded Haitians stealing pet cats /dogs and eating them..without proof, but he created a scene, regardless.
Trump’s insipid response to the gotcha question- I heard about it…
Why would anybody be dumb enough to believe the propaganda breadcrumbs the “ anonymous Democrat sources “ drop? About Kamala and her team freaking out about the debate rules and lay out? How many times do the Fox pundits and RNC/GOP fall for it? Obviously, quite often. Just before Trump chose Vance, the same tactic was used. That “ Democrat advisors close to Kamala were buzzing about Kamala’s greatest fear of having to debate ( as VP candidate) was JD Vance. If anything, he would have been her best chance. He was so unlikable across the spectrum. Even Trump’s most ardent supporters at Fox and Newsmax were shocked, disappointed and very apprehensive. Rightly. Trump repeatedly had expressed the desire to chose a younger woman of color ,who messaged well, a vet.. He didn’t need to say Tulsi because it was obvious. So he chooses Vance. The one guy who had no charisma and brought no new voters to the table and cost a large faction of many much needed votes.
Trump could have annihilated Her on the gushing praise of McCain the “Hero”, Romney, and those wonderful traitors the Cheneys, Esper,Milley, and Establishment globalist UniPary “ Republicans”. He could have said “ oh! The other warmongers that have blown up and destabilized the world for the past three and a half decades? You’re keeping good company. If you’re lucky a nuclear war will be just around the corner” or something to that effect. And called out McCain’s role in the Russia and Ukraine Hoax, the 2014 Ukraine/Russia false flag, ousting Egypts Mubarak and installing Morsi/Muslim Brotherhood, the Libya invasion lie, Syria gassing it own people, and arming the Ukraine Nazis, Al Qaeda and ISIS, McCain being owned by Soros since Keating and his roles in the IRS Scanal and Fst and Furious- tip of the iceberg. But Trump didnt.
What you fail to realize is his coaching by Tulsi and the others really restrained him. On one hand that was good, but on the other hand it kept him from the very zingers you wished he would have had. When unrestrained, he’s a wild hair for sure but he’s quick and lands some real doozies. Without that he loses what makes him the most powerful. I love Tulsi for sure, but what works for her doesn’t work for Trump because he is not a seasoned politician.
One other thing: Trump was ambushed by THREE people simultaneously and nonstop, a real unfair gang-up, giving Harris every imaginable advantage. When you realize that, you see the debate differently. There is no way in hell she could have performed so stoically and stay as focused as Trump did. There’s no way she would have survived what they did to him. Just stop and imagine it - I’ll wait.
He wasn’t debating a single person but an entire network and system that was stacked against him heavily and no amount of prepping was going to overcome that. And he endured and walked away with his head up. So yeah, when I have a bunch of people beating on me all at once a few of their punches are gonna land on my head and prevent some of my own punches from being dealt. It’s overpowering. You don’t judge a person in that kind of a situation - unless he walks away still standing. Then you marvel.
Vance is outstanding and has an excellent strategy to reinvigorate the American economy and bring back the manufacturing sector which has been sent to third world countries for the past 30 years. Can you even remember when the last item you bought on Amazon was made in America? Vance speaks to the hearts of working and middle class Americans who have been abandoned by our political class.
And you reveal yourself as a disingenuous troll by using the democrat party’s talking point of “weird”, when everyone in the country has observed the democratic party’s multi year obsession with transgenderism even including sex changes for minor children and things like drag queen story hour for elementary school kids. Now that is truly weird and we see you all for what you are.
Get the boys out of college and send them to manufacturing technology jobs. Boys today are abused by the psychopathic university administrators and leftist faculty. Mike Rowe should start a network of Vo-TECHS for the world of AI and robotics in manufacturing . Men love to make things. Train them and then pay them exceedingly well. And keep the nasty union bosses out of the discussion and the business. The fussy college girls should wise up and find a real man to marry.
You do realize many of these factor jobs are done by robots and overseen by a skeleton crew? Also they can pay those overseas a fraction of what they pay here. In order to have a decent job most want or need 75K-100K+ even then they are complaining they are living paycheck to paycheck. Also real man ie being a childbearing dependent woman and in that case that man needs to make 100k+.
You may already be aware that closer examination reveals a different picture. If you are not ...
The main story is that undecideds who tuned in hoping to hear Harris say what her policies would be are really mad at her for her obviously vacuous nonsense. Her handlers must have seen that in focus groups, or she would not have immediately asked for another debate.
Typical tactic from the reporter here. Notice how he references Trump's attack on abortion up to and after birth as a lie "no state has such a law" and then follows with a long winded transition to another topic ... the Butler shooter.... Tulsi should have called him on his initial challenge of " no state law" with "not for lack of trying" as evidenced by Va Gov. Northam admitting that their proposed bill would allow it.
As it is, and this tactic was used in the debates last night, the voters are left with the unchallenged claim against Trump for a lie while the ultimate issue discussed wasn't an issue of importance to voters at all.
This is all part of playing chess instead of checkers.
I liked how Walter Kirn referred to Trump as Paul Revere or the Town Crier. Who sugar coats anything in an emergency?!! Only superficial actors like Harris.
She is so good and hope she gets a very senior position in a hopeful Trump admin. She has been shamefully treated by this one esp after the flying monitoring. Amr Australia
Tulsi is a future POTUS, if we should survive long enough.
* The only part of Tulsi that makes me sad is the fact that she won’t / can’t stand up to Israel. No one in the US can, except perhaps Candace. But when we were kids we all refused to accept the idea that the Nazis were “too powerful” to resist; no one accepted that argument. We should stand on behalf, as Tulsi says, our brothers and sisters of whatever creed or color, against evil in every form. If she did stand against Israel, however, her career would be over … sadly.
If she did stand against Israel, she'd disqualify herself to be taken seriously. There is one free, democratic superpower in that part of the world, its people have come close to being exterminated and simply will not allow it to happen to them, and it is our great ally.
I don't know you from any other of three hundred and fifty million Americans, so don't take the following personally, but I cannot see anti - Zionism as anything other than anti - Semitism. If the Right allows anti - Semitism to flourish, in however subterranean a way, it will be cutting its throat.
Anti - Semitism is the Devil's invention. He hates the Jews in particular because they gave us The Word of God and its human fulfillment in the Lord God Incarnate, Jesus Christ.
Maybe you're some sort of Christian. ( God help us, I say as a Christian. ) If so, it may interest you to know that Hitler saw Christianity as a slight variant of Judaism, and had plans for Christians which were next on the schedule after he'd dealt with the Jews.
The tell is that this person needed to immediately insert Israel into a discussion about Tulsi.
Let him and all the other anti-Zionist Jew haters bring it on!!!
Just like most (not all) Jew hating Muslims want to "Slaughter Jews worldwide" (Hamas charter) then wipe out the Christians and/or make us their slaves. Tampon Tim wants to import a lot more Jew hating Muslims into MN. Zionism represents love and beauty and Biblical prophecy fulfilled. I support Israel. ALL of Israel including judea-Samaria which the uninformed and Jew haters call the "Occupied West Bank." If Trump wins I hope he will will recognize Judea-Samaria as he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. David Friedmann just came with a book on this.
yadda yadda, though, the 2 state solution is still the only possible goal.
Exactly, and they already have one, the Balfour Declaration, signed after WW1. There is Transjordan and there is Israel. There has never been a nation of Palestine ever in human history. So, the Muslims in Israel can stay there and get rich, as long as they are peaceful. If they are not, then move to Jordan or any other Islamic nation they choose. There will never be any Palestinian state per se. That would be suicidal for the Jewish folks. Stop wasting time talking about a Palestinian state.
We also need to stop calling Judea-Samaria "The occupied West bank." Parts of Judea-Samaria are "Occupied" by Arabs that many will need to be relocated to Jordan. They call that place "Palestine Mandate."
the two state [delusion] is suicide for the Jewish people. They were given Gaza and turned it into a terror launch pad. 91% of Israelis are opposed to the "Two state [delusion]." And no more suicidal "Land for peace" is another bull shit pipe dream. The only "Solution" is to totally destroy Hamas and ALL their supporters. Shame on previous idiotic Israel leaders who thought they could give away Judea-Samaria which is the MOST integral part of Israel to the Arabs. The best "Solution" is to officially make all of Judea-Samaria (what the Jew haters and idiotic secularists call West Bank) part of Israel and relocate much of the Arab population to Jordan, the real "Palestine."
please, Matt: use hand sanitizer when you pull stats out that.
If you are smart enough to get info from Substack, then you also owe it to yourself to take a careful look at Israel. Just suggest you read Shlomo Sand’s (Hebrew U History Prof) book, The Invention of the Jewish People, and Max Blumenthal’s book Goliath, to balance out the information. Then make a decision. Too often we have taken so many narratives for granted, only to find out later that we were lied to. It’s worth spending some time to avoid making this mistake in respect of Israel. For me, my views on Israel began to change when I saw how brutally authoritarian Israel was with its own people during Covid; a state that I thought had always put its own people first, clearly had other priorities, showed disdain for its own people, and brooked even less dissent than here in the US. So I started reading.
In the Arab countries, they'd have been imprisoned indefinitely or maybe let go with some mild mutilation. One thing is sure: anti - Semitism is a disease of the soul, and anti - Semites will always find things to suspect Jews of.
Because I am a Christian, I could never say that Jews who don't believe in Jesus have the protection of The Old Covenant. They definitely do not, and need The Gospel as desperately as we all do.
I'm part Jewish myself (mom) and have been to Israel. I do not like America's unquestioning and unconditional support for Israel no matter what they do. It's embarrassing, and I worry it's going to get back to me personally for things I never did.
I don't mind if Jews want to be Zionist, but I don't think they should be allowed dual citizenship with the US, nor should American taxpayers be sending Israel any money or weapons. AIPAC is the very best fodder for anti-Semities, proving that what they think is true is pretty much actually true.
BTW, I'm not a fan of Islam and I think the Palestinians were morons for killing random civilians. It's about the moral high ground, and that ain't it. Both sides look horrible now. I want nothing to do with either side.
That's a miserable way to go through life. In fact, in the United States, you're far likelier to be murdered in a holdup or burglary than because you're part Jewish. But none of us has any control whatever over his lifespan. I came as close as you can come to dying without actually doing it when I was seven, then, when I was fifty - four, then, when I was sixty - one.
If you expect life to be benign, or think that it should be, you're missing the essence of our existence on the Earth: we were created in God's Image, to glorify Him and love Him and others forever, but we have all been corrupted by sin. Because we have, it's a dark world we inhabit, and we are all destined to pay the price of death.
But the glorious gift of God is His Incarnate Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and was raised from the dead for us. My suggestion is that you read The Gospel of John, also, C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." For me, the essence of what Christianity is was most beautifully vouchsafed to us in the words of Jesus in John 11:25, 26.
Hitler was a pagan who practiced occult rituals.
So were many popes and arch bishops
I have read that that isn't true, that he was an atheist, therefore a materialist. Apparently, he thought Himmler's pagan obsessions were daft. But I know there are sources who insist he was pagan.
I'm more inclined to the former view. I don't doubt that he was mad with demon influence, but I doubt he was actually possessed. Another thing which people overlook about him is the amount and kind of drugs he was on. There is a book, “Blitzed,” which is said to be a good account of the part which amphetamines, in particular, played in the lives of the German people in the 1930s and 1940s, and especially in the lives of the Nazis.
No. Tulsi recognises the need for Israel to defend itself and it's people against the Anti Semites of the world who the Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, Saudis, Lebanese,Jordanians and Egyptians are attacking again.
Wait. The Egyptians and Jordainians aren't attacking Israel are they?
You both should think this through. Read Max Blumenthal’s Goliath, then reconsider. I first saw the wrong in Israel during Covid, when it immediately became one of the most authoritarian states. And now, eyes wide open, Israel is not a democracy or a republic, but an ethnoracy, visiting harm upon its own people ultimately. If you respect the Jewish religion, as I do, then you should question the Zionist enterprise. Honestly. Think.
Nonsense. Have you ever been there? I have many times. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and is our closest ally. Muslims can be elected into the Knesset and join the IDF. Can Jews do that in Saudi Arabia?
It’s an ethnocracy, like Iran ironically, not a democracy where all have equal rights;; rights are not equal, very far from it; Israel has no constitution so rights are up to the will of the Israel Supreme Court, which does try but often falls very short. See Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People.
Hey lets go and do a gay pride parade in a Muslim city and see what happens.
I'd say two of the most authoritarian states in the world were New York and California. Wouldn't you?
How about the Bible? That is where I learned about the "Invention" of the Jewish people.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sand’s book was translated from original Hebrew, perhaps explaining that word “invention” that we could view as derogatory; it’s not intended that way. It received praise from NYT (not known Jew haters), and it is a thoughtful, comprehensive, and balanced inquiry. Sand does not resort to cheap one liners, unlike others …. Your Twitter-like instincts, by contrast, are deeply unappealing.
I have read and “liked” all your comments below. I am impressed at how well read you are and your journey in learning more about the situation and trying to be balanced. I am not going to share my view here on it because I think Sasha is trying to focus on other issues and doesn’t want the commentators to turn on each other and her as a result. I will say a prayer that you continue to learn and share your knowledge because the world certainly needs a better understanding of what we are experiencing and how to improve upon it. I think you are the kind of person who can help. God bless you, BMeowDawg.
The modern day DEM party seems to be pretty friendly with the Jew haters. Do you accept Israel right to exist as a Jewish state?
Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and JD Vance are smart and capable people. Whatever one thinks of Trump, he has excellent people around and advising him. Kamala only has the goofy Walz character and a bunch of warmongering neocons in her orbit.
I’m not sure many people deeply understand that Harris is near certain to keep the United States enmeshed in more quagmire wars and that they truly might escalate into a reinstated draft and that a nuclear war is quite possible if she continues Biden’s foreign policy legacy.
If this had been an honestly moderated debate the questions would have included “President Biden said recently to a group of donors that we are closer to nuclear Armageddon since any time post Cuban missile crisis. How do you plan to deescalate this existential threat to humanity?”
The debate was never going to be honestly moderated
I feel like such a fool for even hoping it would be. It sure does not help Trump took the bait so many times. I think he should have bailed on it. If he can not control himself, he needs to pass.
Yes, that is exactly why I plan to vote for Trump.
She should be Secretary of Defense.
Absolutely what a pick
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Army?
All because she attacked neoliberal puppet Democrats for being neoliberal puppets.
Hillary Clinton was very unhappy with her, and the cat lady and wine mom brigade took up arms on her behalf
I thought I was alone in being too riled to sleep. Thanks for posting.
Nope, not alone at all.
Shoulda been the VP pick
Should have been Trump’s replacement.
Secretary of State
She is not a Republican. I believe that is a requirement.
Sasha, thank you so much for these three postings. I always appreciate and enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas. I also have enjoyed being able to comment back-and-forth with the rest of the Sasha community. It’s fascinating to see what everyone is thinking and we can encourage and support each other. I also appreciate that even if we don’t totally agree, everyone is respectful.
Some of her coaching came through. I think the "so why have you not done that since you have been in office" comeback from Trump was pure Tulsi.
Well, he’s 100% wrong on no states allow late term abortion :
Even more to the point, the interviewer's "fact check" claim that no states "want to kill babies after they are born." is disingenuous. The example that Trump gave of the former governor of Virginia approving of the passive euthanasia of infants born after a failed attempt at an abortion is correct.
If only the truth mattered.
Truth and the left, simply don't mesh.
Yay, Tulsi! ❤️
awesome. thanks. love rebuttals.
Voters are polled more/less 50/50. And to be upset by debate tactics when looking for quick comebacks or zinger or that zinger isn't important. the takeaway is -- are you still with your candidate? Did he/she fail you?
For those looking for answers regarding economical and financial day to day, those folks will still be unsatisfied because Harris did nothing to win that voter over. I'm happy Tulsi brings this home.
Do I wish Trump mocked her and said, "hey, $50k on a house sounds great, but do you think you do something about the inflation? You've caused increased monthly cost of$1.1k. Do folks deduct this from the promise of $5oK? ?!" Right? lol
She did come out and take shots and yes, moderators were soft on her and allowed her to frame herself as absent of accountability but at the same time gave her room to get all bravado on war stuff with no push back. She's a liar of course. The handling of Ukraine is a nightmare. And Hamas just added another 3000 fighters. Russia strengthens with China, North Korea and even Mongolia. But none of this is a game changer. But it will be played up by the MSM that Kamala prosecuted Trump blah blah blah. but that's not the same as winning an election. And I disagree, comparing HRC voters vs KH voters. I don't think Kamala motivates voters nearly as much as you fear (otherwise she wouldn't fixate on demonizing trump at every chance she gets...)
And Taylor Swift vote is just cheerleader fluff. But Dick Cheney? He's evil. And she brings up unnamed generals that say nasty things about Trump but nothing about Dick Cheney? Right. Yep. Wonder why recruitment is down with these neocons?
Hillary Clinton gives off “I’ll have you murdered” vibes. That’s a sort of toughness.
Kamala is as soft as pudding, a pure puppet who collapses in a heap whenever the puppeteer drops the strings.
I think voters sense that. She’s not serious and she’s not tough. She’s got the mentality of a corporate Karen.
watched the Taibbi drinking game. Hangover a’comin.
The media is owned by the Democrats. They do not try to hide it.
Did someone tell Harris in her earpiece that it was ok not to answer questions?
The witch—I mean that as a person who uses the dark forces—cheated which is the name as lying and we all know who the father of lies is.
Before anyone gets offended over the world watch, saying there are good ones-let me say that good witches are called Healers and it obvious that Harris will heal nothing.
I had my doubts about Tulsi but I’m over it. She passed the test and is a true Healer.
Trump blew it. I’ve tried so hard to turn the other cheek, rationalize every unforced error, lousy appointment, missed opportunity… I was so hoping.. actually believed he’d surprise everybody ( the usual miseries , purists and losers) and announce Tulsi as his VP pick. When I heard it was Vance, I sobbed. Thought it was over. But when Tulsi and RFK signed on, his campaign was resurrected. Tonight proved that nobody can get through to him. I feel horribly for Tulsi, RFK Jr, Amber Rose and all the wonderful , brave, brilliant, honorable people who stepped outside the box and up to the plate against all odds . To save America and bring light into the darkness. I started feeling hopeful. Excited. And tonight, Trump once again blew it. He has nobody to blame but himself.
Vance is the worst and Tucker /Don Jr. the second and third worst. Dumbasses. Vance is weird. The rest of Trump’s “ shortlist were really bad but for Byron Donalds. He was the only one in that group who was interesting, had his finger on the pulse of a broad swathe of America. Tulsi is dazzling. JD Vance is a turn off. His wife has the aura of a subjugated spouse. Not physically beaten - drained and timid. I doubt she was always so meek. His comments that continue popping up.. miserable, childless cat ladies… post menopausal women… federally banning abortion,.. Mamaw and Papaw, the Kentucky family burial plot… showing up in Ohio immediately upon the the unfounded Haitians stealing pet cats /dogs and eating them..without proof, but he created a scene, regardless.
Trump’s insipid response to the gotcha question- I heard about it…
Why would anybody be dumb enough to believe the propaganda breadcrumbs the “ anonymous Democrat sources “ drop? About Kamala and her team freaking out about the debate rules and lay out? How many times do the Fox pundits and RNC/GOP fall for it? Obviously, quite often. Just before Trump chose Vance, the same tactic was used. That “ Democrat advisors close to Kamala were buzzing about Kamala’s greatest fear of having to debate ( as VP candidate) was JD Vance. If anything, he would have been her best chance. He was so unlikable across the spectrum. Even Trump’s most ardent supporters at Fox and Newsmax were shocked, disappointed and very apprehensive. Rightly. Trump repeatedly had expressed the desire to chose a younger woman of color ,who messaged well, a vet.. He didn’t need to say Tulsi because it was obvious. So he chooses Vance. The one guy who had no charisma and brought no new voters to the table and cost a large faction of many much needed votes.
Trump could have annihilated Her on the gushing praise of McCain the “Hero”, Romney, and those wonderful traitors the Cheneys, Esper,Milley, and Establishment globalist UniPary “ Republicans”. He could have said “ oh! The other warmongers that have blown up and destabilized the world for the past three and a half decades? You’re keeping good company. If you’re lucky a nuclear war will be just around the corner” or something to that effect. And called out McCain’s role in the Russia and Ukraine Hoax, the 2014 Ukraine/Russia false flag, ousting Egypts Mubarak and installing Morsi/Muslim Brotherhood, the Libya invasion lie, Syria gassing it own people, and arming the Ukraine Nazis, Al Qaeda and ISIS, McCain being owned by Soros since Keating and his roles in the IRS Scanal and Fst and Furious- tip of the iceberg. But Trump didnt.
What you fail to realize is his coaching by Tulsi and the others really restrained him. On one hand that was good, but on the other hand it kept him from the very zingers you wished he would have had. When unrestrained, he’s a wild hair for sure but he’s quick and lands some real doozies. Without that he loses what makes him the most powerful. I love Tulsi for sure, but what works for her doesn’t work for Trump because he is not a seasoned politician.
One other thing: Trump was ambushed by THREE people simultaneously and nonstop, a real unfair gang-up, giving Harris every imaginable advantage. When you realize that, you see the debate differently. There is no way in hell she could have performed so stoically and stay as focused as Trump did. There’s no way she would have survived what they did to him. Just stop and imagine it - I’ll wait.
He wasn’t debating a single person but an entire network and system that was stacked against him heavily and no amount of prepping was going to overcome that. And he endured and walked away with his head up. So yeah, when I have a bunch of people beating on me all at once a few of their punches are gonna land on my head and prevent some of my own punches from being dealt. It’s overpowering. You don’t judge a person in that kind of a situation - unless he walks away still standing. Then you marvel.
Vance is outstanding and has an excellent strategy to reinvigorate the American economy and bring back the manufacturing sector which has been sent to third world countries for the past 30 years. Can you even remember when the last item you bought on Amazon was made in America? Vance speaks to the hearts of working and middle class Americans who have been abandoned by our political class.
And you reveal yourself as a disingenuous troll by using the democrat party’s talking point of “weird”, when everyone in the country has observed the democratic party’s multi year obsession with transgenderism even including sex changes for minor children and things like drag queen story hour for elementary school kids. Now that is truly weird and we see you all for what you are.
Who is going to work those jobs? Manufacturing is less skilled and more overseeing with advanced technology automation.
Get the boys out of college and send them to manufacturing technology jobs. Boys today are abused by the psychopathic university administrators and leftist faculty. Mike Rowe should start a network of Vo-TECHS for the world of AI and robotics in manufacturing . Men love to make things. Train them and then pay them exceedingly well. And keep the nasty union bosses out of the discussion and the business. The fussy college girls should wise up and find a real man to marry.
You do realize many of these factor jobs are done by robots and overseen by a skeleton crew? Also they can pay those overseas a fraction of what they pay here. In order to have a decent job most want or need 75K-100K+ even then they are complaining they are living paycheck to paycheck. Also real man ie being a childbearing dependent woman and in that case that man needs to make 100k+.
You may already be aware that closer examination reveals a different picture. If you are not ...
The main story is that undecideds who tuned in hoping to hear Harris say what her policies would be are really mad at her for her obviously vacuous nonsense. Her handlers must have seen that in focus groups, or she would not have immediately asked for another debate.
entertaining takes.
Well stated.
Thanks for posting. Good night.
Typical tactic from the reporter here. Notice how he references Trump's attack on abortion up to and after birth as a lie "no state has such a law" and then follows with a long winded transition to another topic ... the Butler shooter.... Tulsi should have called him on his initial challenge of " no state law" with "not for lack of trying" as evidenced by Va Gov. Northam admitting that their proposed bill would allow it.
As it is, and this tactic was used in the debates last night, the voters are left with the unchallenged claim against Trump for a lie while the ultimate issue discussed wasn't an issue of importance to voters at all.
This is all part of playing chess instead of checkers.
She needs to be President
So she can be the most conservative GOP has ever know for the right amount?
No because she actually wants to do what right for Americans.
She just got a fat paycheck to change her views for that
I liked how Walter Kirn referred to Trump as Paul Revere or the Town Crier. Who sugar coats anything in an emergency?!! Only superficial actors like Harris.
Walter Kirn outright hates democrats now its very clear how bitter he has become and if you call it out he will outright block you.