BTW, as they said on CNN, they’re memory holing the fact that she’s been Vice President for 3 ½ years and responsible for this mess.

There’s a meme out there with her:

Day one for me was January, 2021

I helped create this mess.

And now she wants to finish the job – finish off the country.

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Indeed, and memory holing their attempt to assassinate him. And dismissing the fact that any of her proposed policies would have support for the remainder of her vp term so why isn’t she getting after it.

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Who is "they." Are you suggesting Harris is behind a conspiracy to shoot Trump?

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She’s not that clever. Her handlers with the cia and fbi did the deed

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The guy explained the outcome of socialism really well. Trump should use that. It's hard to believe we're here -- a country full of uneducated fools. On purpose. To bring about a selfless / impossible utopia.

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“It's hard to believe we're here”

I agree and it gets worse and worse. Who could have imagined someone like Tulsi being put on a terrorist watch list and someone as dreadful as Kamala being celebrated as someone wonderful, sharp as a tack, who belongs in the White House as president? I would not be at all surprised if the democrats put Sasha on a terrorist watchlist as they’ve done to Tulsi. In what sense is America still a country?

Matt Taibbi: Tulsi Gabbard Harassed By TSA’s Creepy Quiet Skies Surveillance Program. (16 min)

The Hill. Rising. Aug 12, 2024


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Orwell not only imagined it; he experienced it and warned us of it. So did Ike, and Ron Paul.

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Let’s hope the campaign is reading this. Spot on Sasha

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Harris is the worst candidate for the presidency in recent memory. She’s a vacuous, empty vessel with no convictions but her own ambition. That said, republicans are running the worst campaign in recent memory. For example I just checked the website for my VERY POPULOUS county’s Republican Party headquarters and they have NO Trump yard signs available. NO bumper stickers. Nothing. There is almost no content and it looks like a teenager’s MySpace website from back in the day. There are no local rallys, meetings , or get togethers for local Republican voters offered. It’s like they are trying to lose.

Also, Trump is a rambling, incoherent speaker who may be popular with his base but lacks the ability to convince swing voters. Sorry for stating the obvious truth. His primary appeal is that he is the antithesis of the oligarchic, totalitarian leaning party he opposes. Yet he is terrible at clearly and convincingly articulating his positions. For example he rants that the illegal aliens coming here that are mental patients and rapists, which is true for only a very tiny percentage. But most Americans have met and know illegals who are mostly hardworking people. That isn’t an endorsement of illegal immigration, but you can’t campaign against people’s personal experience. And it opens him up to false claims of racism, like it or not. Why play into the rhetorical hands of the opposition?

Rather, he should be talking about illegal immigration reducing job opportunities for poor and middle class people in America, cutting off the bottom rungs of the economic ladder, and placing immense downward pressure on wages. Everybody knows that is true, but he isn’t effectively communicating that problem.

Obviously the media is nothing but a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party. Whining about that accomplishes nothing. Running an effective campaign is the only way to win and right now the Republicans aren’t doing that. I hope they get their act together in the next three months, but it appears unlikely. Don’t complain about me for pointing out the obvious problems with this campaign if the goal is to win the election. Trump’s campaign should listen to what Sasha is saying and start campaigning effectively.

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“For example he rants that the illegal aliens coming here that are mental patients and rapists, which is true for only a very tiny percentage.”

But most are single young men that we know nothing at all about. That right there is a disaster plus even the women with children are simply dead weight since they don’t speak English and have no job skills therefore need to be on welfare which is paid for by taxpayers. I live in Chicago which has something like 50,000 of them. NYC has over 200,000. And this is only one of the areas where the democrats are destroying the country. I agree Trump should campaign better but then it also seems to me the country has become ungovernable so no one can actually “win” the election since there’s no longer a country to be governed.

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Art, You said: For example he rants that the illegal aliens coming here that are mental patients and rapists, which is true for only a very tiny percentage.

I point you toward 2 truisms, i.e., 'One bad apple spoils the whole barrel' and, from the Bible, 'a little leaven leavens the whole lump'. - - - So, I think this is the vein in which Trump is speaking; hence our laws regulating immigration.

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Yeah, so why did Trump scuttle the immigration bill?

Saying "Trump should campaign better" is just a euphamism for saying "Deep down I know Trump is not the guy who I want him to be, but I'm gonna keep projecting this onto him because me admitting I was dupped would require more strength and courage than I have."

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The immigration bill was crap. It allowed in something like 2500 illegals a day. That’s not what I consider a secure border.

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I would add that that immigration (legal and illegal) has a great deal to do with the cost of renting or purchasing lower and middle income housing which some swing voters are very upset about I see things the same. The people running Trumps campaign seem to think that swing voters don't matter. It would be very surprising if he won an election that had all the kings horses and all the kings men stacked against him. Incompetent messaging is a certain loss and I just noticed Trump coming out in favor of increased legal immigration. What a stupid thing to do.

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spot on about her general chronic insincerity, and the media writing her story for her (I actually heard her called a "cultural icon" by blue team state media frightfully soon after replacing Biden). Sasha is too nice though to give her credit for 'really' being an activist, who 'called Biden a racist.' that's where the wind blew for her on that day. She's even more ridiculous as 'pretend street' as she is pretend moderate. Naming Tupac as her favorite living rapper, then painful second after painful second, not being able to name ANY other rapper she liked who was still alive (not even Jay-Z? or Ice Cube? or even 2-Short?--from Oaktown) is so her. then, the other day, when Walz reasonably told the story about his orange Camero with the Bob Segar tape left inside, she called herself a 'hip-hop girl' or whatever, and she knew 'all of' Prince songs, which were so great so she couldn't name her favorite. Argh. In a better world, there would have been follow-up questions: 'what's your favorite song on 'Crystal Ball'? do you think Prince was wrong not to put out the 'Black Album' until years later, and what's your favorite song on that one?

I've lived in the Bay since 1990. She is no activist.

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All politicians are dishonest to some extent. I assume you don't see this in Trump despite it being to blatantly obvious right in front of your eyes.

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A message from your MINISTRY OF JOY:

Even though you can not know her, you must love her.

You cannot ask her about her policy proposals or past performance. Use that energy to celebrate her skin color and gender.



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I'm very confused that it appears no one vetted Walz, or did they and not see any problems? How can he possibly be leading JD Vance in the polls? Vance seemed a little awkward at first but quickly found his footing and I think he's done a really great job since - he's charismatic, speaks well and connects with crowds. Walz is just, well.....'weird'. And the scariest kind of socialist, one disguised as a Midwestern football coach.

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Polls lie. Er, pollsters lie. Remember how Hillary was supposed to win big over Trump?

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Someone should check Walz's hard drive...or phone.

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Because he has friends in China? so what? we need to stop having forever enemies if we want to stop forever wars.

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If you think the communist Chinese are our friends, you are a moron.

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In 2023, 7.04% of the citizens of the PRC were members of the communist party. Even so, let's pretend that everyone in the PRC is communist; how do you make any progress without communication?

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Nixon had his shortcomings, but he wasn't a moron.

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POI: MINN is 4th State in agricultural exports to China. It just so happens that MINN farmers produce what China wants to buy: soybeans, hogs, corn, feed, and dairy. They produce much more than what the US wants to buy. Tariffs hurt the MINN farmers. a Lot. How many Chinese can go to their french supermarket and pay $4.00 for a gallon of milk? Every governor of MINN goes with their Dept. of Agriculture economists to China for the past 20 years. They are not trying to spread communism, but capitalism, which the US in this case, is trying to limit.

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Yeah Walz is a covert socialist, deeply imbedded to undermine democracy. Give me a break. You people need to get out more.

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Draft Kamala supporters. There is no cure for stupid. The people who bring the war should be the ones who fight it.

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Women too...especially the ones at her rallies.

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Absolutely! Especially the suburban housewives.

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The ditzy hypocrite across the street put up her harris walz sign last week on the inside of her front window. Props to her for getting a jump on the rest of the morons.

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These women are impossible to reason with. They have a lot in common with Harris/Waltz so it figures. They hold the same positions. (Like just make illegals citizens, open borders, let illegals vote) They self-identify, so you can avoid them at least.

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Her first decision – choosing Walz as running mate – was a blunder.

Her first policy agenda is even being panned by the National Socialist media.

No wonder she’s stealing ideas from Donald Trump and keeping hidden as much as possible.

She has to hide who she is because she will lose when we find out.

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The whole Trump idea to not tax tips was a brazen dumb attempt to scoop up young voters. It wasn't a good idea when he said it and it's not good when Harris repeats it.

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Here is a link to a video of Kamala Harris from 2020.

She takes a perverse glee in ruining people's lives.

Speaks of how she learned early on that the mere swipe of her pen could ruin someone's life.

She could have them arrested, hold them in jail for 48 hours, have them use their own money to hire a lawyer, possibly lose their job and their home, have them lose standing in the community, and then in the end, dismiss all charges.

This is a woman who will be coming after each of us if she is elected.

Heed my warning:


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I voted for Palin in 2008, not McCain, and despite all the smears and bad press (and Hollywood fantasies) I still would support her, for her policies. Perhaps the PDS opened my eyes to what the GOP was capable of, and helped me see the uniparty in action. When Trump began his campaign and the fake stories and hoaxes began I was curious, did my own research, and confirmed that the press was lying, and that he was the real deal. I switched my support from Carson (who I still appreciate) to DJT at that time.

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Saying I voted for Sarah is the only way I can stomach my vote for McCain.

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And in 2012 I refused to vote for Mittens or Ryan.

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The way Dems treated her was a complete turnoff.

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Question for everyone: Why is the fascist far-left desperately keeping attention away from the stolen election in Venezuela?

They can’t let anyone learn the lesson that collectivism is one man, one vote, ONCE!

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Really good analysis. Thanks for writing the piece. And thanks for including the Steve Cooley discussion. I was living in L.A., but apparently not paying attention!

I liked the reference to her as "hollow" -- as I've described her that way. I think it's completely accurate.

Harris has shown us who she is through all of her career and actions. People are choosing not to see who she is. That such a horrible person could potentially be the President and wreak more havoc on the U.S. and the world is too dreadful to contemplate. Trump really needs to win this battle.

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Here is a link to video on X where Kamala in 2020 shows intense glee in ruining people's lives using lawfare.

This should strike fear into the heart of everyone.

Because she will come for us.


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Saw that the other day. I am blown away at how our MSM does not cover this; but at least their omission tells us everything we need to know. If she loses, MSM will die a long death, but it’ll die.

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I think it’s already 99% dead—

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Yes, I'm sure Kamala Harris will "come after you." You should get out more.

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You are a troll..."RS" reads only one Substack which is Sasha's...so they are probably here to disparage her writing.

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No, just a real person commenting on the absurd and funny suggestion that we should fear Kamala Harris.

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yeah, and besides, Sasha's is the best, what's wrong with having standards?

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“Trump really needs to win this battle.”

This New York Times article says that even if Trump makes it to the White House the democrats will do everything they can to destroy his presidency just as they did after he won in 2016. Certainly lawfare will be a major weapon they’ll use. The fact is we are now profoundly different types of people who cannot coexist. This is why I keep saying only AI will be powerful enough to alter the path we’re now on which is rapidly taking us to the abyss. I’m not saying I want you to take my word for this. I’m saying start paying attention to what’s happening with AI in the society you live in.

“But the early timing, volume and scale of the planning underway to push back against a potential second Trump administration are without precedent. The loose-knit coalition is determined not to be caught flat-footed, as many were after his unexpected victory in 2016.”

“If Trump returns to power, he is openly planning to impose radical changes — many with authoritarian overtones. Those plans include using the Justice Department to take revenge on his adversaries; sending federal troops into Democratic cities; carrying out mass deportations; building huge camps to hold immigrant detainees; making it easier to fire civil servants and replace them with loyalists; and expanding and centralizing executive power.”

“The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.”

Yahoo News. New York Times. Jun 16, 2024


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Even Wapo called Kamabla the C word saying, "Whey your opponent calls you a communist, maybe don't propose price controls".

Also excellent & fun read from Robert Sterling on X, be sure to read the whole thing, starts out; "People need to stop overreacting about Kamala’s plan to reduce food inflation, as if it would lead to communism, mass starvation, and the end of America.

I worked in M&A in the food industry. Here’s a step-by-step summary of what would actually happen:

1. The government announces that grocery retailers aren’t allowed to raise prices.

2. Grocery stores, which operate on 1-2% net margins, can’t survive if their suppliers raise prices. So the government announces that food producers (Kraft Heinz, ConAgra, Tyson, Hormel, et. al.) also aren’t allowed to raise prices.....


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“Gen-Z has always identified with what they believe is “Communism,” so this is a test to see where the American electorate is now.”

Kamala is not a communist. Communism was about class. The left traded class for race and called it Critical Race Theory or Woke. Still sees the world in terms of oppressors vs oppressed but now considers white people the oppressors of "people of color" in general and blacks in particular. Kamala is not a communist. Kamala is a Woke Marxist and is totally committed to Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes. I have absolute, total distrust for her yet many of our “fellow Americans” adore Kamala and are anxious to vote for this wicked woman. So how can an America which no longer even has a common reality ever again be a country? How can this work when they’re already telling us that if Trump wins they’ll do everything they can to destroy his presidency as they did after his 2016 win?

Chicago Braces for ‘Outside Agitators’, Potential Chaos During Democratic National Convention. (5 min)

CBN News. Aug 15, 2024


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You’re absolutely right, they are not Communists. The left traded class for race and called it Critical Race Theory. They couldn’t very well be honest and call it Nazism, could they? Anyone calling what we see “Marxism” is playing right into their hands.

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But they do see the world as divided by oppressors vs oppressed and they do have Equity as central to their thinking. These are Marxist ideas, not Nazism.

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They use the oppressor/oppressed terminology, but define the categories solely in terms of physical characteristics. Equity is central to their speech, but not to their thinking or actions. The concepts that are central to their thinking are Power and Retribution for imagined wrongs. They are Nazis.

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“They use the oppressor/oppressed terminology, but define the categories solely in terms of physical characteristics.”

That’s what I said.

“Equity is central to their speech, but not to their thinking or actions.”

On Biden’s first day in office he issued an Executive Order to commit all federal agencies to Equity and he most surely did follow up on that. Equity/Equality aka Equal Outcomes. In the past based on class, now based on race. Kamala says her administration will be committed to Equity and Diversity. In other words, she will hire on the basis of race and gender and exclude white males who she considers oppressors except for her vp who is a useful idiot who is also a Woke Marxist who considers white people oppressors of “people of color” in general and blacks in particular. He no doubt believes being anti-white proves he’s not racist and is proud of it.

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The "left" is an invention of the right, a meme peddled by Fox news and now other outlets to make money. The vast majority of democrats are the same as they always were - regular people just like you and me. Critical Race Theory, while real, is a small academic theory pushed by a small number of people.

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Not being a horses ass but time does reveal these answers. The sad part is the answers are going to be so varied and unfair to a lot of people.

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She's even taking from the Nazis' "Strength Through Joy" program.

edited to add link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strength_Through_Joy

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After the media fawning over her. This country is gone

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They founders said that they were giving us a republic if we could keep it. seems that, we have let them down.

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Perhaps it was always only a matter of time.

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The media fawning over her. I Hope You're not surprised.

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Not at all. I guess only surprised with how fast they did it 😂

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They are Skilled Professionals. They (Corporate Media) saw this coming months ago, like many of us. I was saying its not gonna be Grand Pa last spring, Because The Party leaders KNEW they would lose. And the Media was prepared, the basic script was written. Remember just because they are evil doesn't mean they are stupid.

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the click bait media is all we have left. Just heard--had no idea, even the Washington Post has no reporter on lobbyists anymore. no one in a paid journalism job is following that money or how the money is spent and how the recipient is voting. it's all click us v. them--bait only.

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The United States is as dead as a Republic as the Roman Republic and for the same reasons. This is true no matter who wins the Presidential election. The issue is how benign or malevolent the successor system is. As long as America is chained to the degenerate cities, the odds of a malevolent outcome increase.

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I think that if Trump wins the final collapse can be delayed, perhaps long enough to turn things around. But the Demos only have to win once to establish a One-Party State, which will of course be almost impossible to get rid of. (Big Brother has a much bigger reach these days.) I do not see how any Authoritarian system could be "benign". If the Far Left is not "re-fringed" in a hurry, it's only a matter of time till 1984 arrives, maybe only 40 years too late.

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Perhaps. It is the best shot anyway. But I consider a separation from the cities to be a benign outcome.

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I agree

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Substack REALLY needs an Unlike Button.

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I hate when you’re right.

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Sincerely, my solace will be when one of them loses. Either one will make me go 'ha ha', old liar or phony balogney!

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