
Sasha - great analysis. You’re right on as usual. The rally was fantastic. Scott Lobaido, JD Vance & Elon Musk were perfect. If anything Trump knows the importance of being a closer. Hopefully Tuesday 10/8 During a Tony Robbins Town Hall, everyone will see the power of the Make America Healthy Agenda. President Donald J. Trump and a distinguished panel of leaders and experts, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Marty Makary, Dr. Robert Redfield, Dr. Casey Means, Tulsi Gabbard, and Angela Stanton-King to explore the health challenges facing America. The event will be moderated by Dr. Mark Hyman, founder and senior advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.


I’m hoping all of these efforts breakthrough the corrupted and biased filter of the main stream media. Also praying that despite unimaginable hardships, the people affected by these hurricanes can find a way to vote. I say this from FL, as I’m preparing to get hit with another hurricane this week. Voting - It’s THE only way to win. We need NC and PA to win. We must win to stop this progressively worsening corruption and complete incompetence. 🇺🇸

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Dr Suneel Dhand is one of my favorites I follow for health care advice. He’s practiced both here and the UK but I think he’s living here now. He’s totally disgusted by our medical field and also with our media. He says of our media “I really believe that there are few more sinister forces in the world than the US mainstream media.” I totally agree with that. Well worth watching and sharing with others. Dr Dhand is yet another superbly high quality person on our side. I am impressed by the quality of the people on our side. We’re very fortunate to have them.

“Doctor’s Opinion: Why are Democrats Silent on This?” (6 min)

Dr Suneel Dhand. Oct 3, 2024


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Dr. Dhand is absolutely fantastic. I discovered him by accident a few months ago. His content is so straightforward and helpful on so many levels. Before you go for your next physical exam prepare yourself by watching Dr. Dhand’s videos about exactly what labs and tests are the most useful. He cuts through the garbage and tells it like it is!

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Thank you for this tip.

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“I say this from FL, as I’m preparing to get hit with another hurricane this week.”

I was just watching a video yesterday by someone who lives in Florida who was saying the weather in these southern states like Florida and Texas is so often so dreadful now that he believes soon the people who fled to the south from cities like NYC and Chicago will soon start heading back there. I’ve lived in Chicago all my life and the weather here really is much better than the past. Little snow now in the winters, no terrible heat waves in the summer. The extreme weather now in so much of the country really does make Chicago look good. Never did I expect this to happen to our country. Also saw a video about how many of these people in these devastated areas would like to leave but can’t afford to. Too bad our despicable government is committed to helping illegals get settled in our cities rather than these people. I’d sure rather have them here in Chicago than the “migrants” from Venezuela.

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I'm happy to have lived in the Midwest my whole life where the worst weather event are blizzards. Unless you're really stupid about it and try to drive or are not prepared, most of the time blizzards are a 1-2 day inconvenience at worst.

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I live far enough north that they are quite rare.

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Nobody is going back to Chicago or NYC. Weather comes and goes.

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“Weather comes and goes.”

That’s the problem. Florida just got hit hard by a hurricane and that’s gone but now another big one is coming Wednesday. No thanks. I think my odds are much better of surviving with Chicago crime than Florida weather. Plus at least my home insurance is affordable.

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I agree. Flood insurance should cover the risk of wherever a house is built. There should be no socialization of unequal risk. Coastal people can share the coastal vistas and the risk. Those in a hurricanes path have higher risk. That is why that particular portion of Florida is relatively uninhabited and has been for centuries. There was a time when rich people had shacks out on the beach because they knew that they would blow away and they would have to rebuild themselves. Now we share the cost of the flood insurance for mansions stick built on the beach while they try to run us off the beach (but can't below the high tide line....). I grew up in an older Florida with a lot fewer people and a lot better fishing and crabbing. There was always localized flooding and we would get pieces of plywood and skip around in the lake sized puddles. I miss those days living in low slung cinder block houses. Many of which are still there.....

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I'm not in a flood zone, but I can still buy flood insurance at much cheaper rates. Hurricanes can be prepared for days in advance. Not the most fun thing, but one every 5-10 years is better than 2-3 hail storms in north central Texas guaranteed every year. JMO. Tornadoes are a different story, but not relegated to coastal cities. They are the worst. And actually, the water is cooler this year in Florida and that kept Helene from getting stronger and will do the same with Milton. Cat 3 much better than a Cat 5. Storm surge is actually the worst thing about them.

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Cheers to you, Seva, for having the guts for sticking out the rough weather in Chicago. Part of a larger psychological profile of toughness and resilience, I'm guessing.

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Chicago A commie city. Good luck

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Weather in southern states like Florida and Texas. Don't you find it curious that these are the 2 states with by far the most electoral votes? DeSantis doesn't appear to concern himself with climate change. In June of this, he said that state energy policy must be “driven by affordability” and reliability and not a “climate ideology. Affordability like home insurance costs in FL.

in 2021, Ted Cruz jetted to Cancun during the worst storm in many Texans' lifetimes that caused statewide power outages.

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Biden was on a beach in CA and Harris on the campaign trail in Oregon (?) when Helene hit days after. Cruz's trip to Cancun was a pre-planned trip for a vacation or family wedding or something like that.....he didn't just suddenly take that trip to "get out of Dodge".

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Naturally! Planned... yeah right. His 2 daughters were there and he wanted to bring them back personally so they could freeze along with everyone else so his WHOLE family would be seen to be sacrificing. I'm sure that's the real story. But he got caught sneaking off in dad jeans and a baseball cap. Some camoflogue that was.

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TDS, get bent.

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Ted Cruz derangement syndrome! Love it!

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Thank you Jim for the link to the MAHA town hall——this is a critical element of the Trump campaign! What a lineup.

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It appears due to the hurricane the MAHA event has been postponed.

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I live in a place hit hard by Hurricane Helene. On Friday Trump came to my town and I and my two kids and grandma waited on a street packed with thousands of other people just to see him drive by us. He wasn’t even doing public remarks. We all just wanted to see him and, most importantly, let him know we were okay and we support him.

I don’t know a single person who is planning to vote for Kamala who would wait 15 minutes just to see her drive by.

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And we waited 2 hours in a very patient and very kind and polite crowd

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And I'm willing to bet that there wasn't any litter left.

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You are correct, Mr. Jones. And, please, watch your speed. :-)

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❤️Hugs ❤️

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I am so, so, so worried that the destruction will make it difficult for you all to vote, either because people will have lost the will or your infrastructure will not be there. Was that their plan all along?

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But Asheville is very very blue - closely surrounding areas aren't?

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No. I believe once you leave Asheville it goes very red which is what many on the left are 'happy' about - wash away the redn3cks😡. This from the party of love, joy, acceptance and tolerance. NC is fairly purple.

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I particularly liked Elon Musk - he seems like kind of a goof - in a good way. I have a couple of friends who sort of denigrate him, which I've just never understood, because what's not to like? And then it dawned on me that they're democrats and it's the whole censorship thing. Anyway, I'm glad to see him so enthusiastic about being on the A-team.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

A lot of people don’t understand the dichotomy of his mannerisms. He is on the spectrum. I have two sons on the spectrum. One is crazy smart, highly gifted, and you see it when his mind kicks into gear with what he knows well. But his social skills are not normal at all. It’s the same with Elon. He is very mature in some ways, deeply so. But in social settings or silliness he’s really immature. This is perfectly normal for him, just like my sons. And it’s OK. So what? Why does everyone smart have to be a cookie cutter of upper crust, well-bred families? I guarantee you when the camera is off those same upper crust are far, far worse. What I like about Trump and Musk is WYSIWYG. No surprises. Authentic on the outside. That’s indeed precious and rare.

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Even though Elon is the richest man on Earth, he still comes off as being a regular person you could talk to. He's not putting on a performance and he nerds out over stuff just like every day people do.

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As a parent with a son on the spectrum (who is brilliant in areas he cares about but not a clue otherwise), I can confirm.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

The Democrats adored Elon as one of their own until they were told not to. I'll bet a lot of Democrats who now hate him don't even know why they do, they were just told that's the thing to do now.

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Correct!! Just like a myriad of other people they are told to love or hate. Aren't they tired of following orders from others?

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Great analysis. I feel the same way about Trump “what’s not to like”🤷‍♂️.

When he came down that escalator he basically opened up your eyes and mind about our government.

“You don’t want to know what your government is doing behind your back with China, Mexico.” WTH😳😂🤣

Who does that?😂🤣😂🤣. No one running for office that I’m aware of…..WOWZA!

Anyone who shames the government with facts and truth, what’s not to like?

Besides the ones with tweet 🐥 feelers 😂 😭 😭. Poor sick babies🤣!

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What he said during that debate with Hilary Rotten Clinton. She said she would change the tax laws so they would not benefit the rich and make them so they benefited the middle-class and the poor. Trump shot back that she would not change a thing because it is set up for rich people, and those are her accomplices and donors. The look on her face! You are not supposed to say that.

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He says anything…what’s not to like😃.

I don’t remember that statement but I believe you. It was so intensifying I really would not have missed that for nothing in the world! 😃

I had my popcorn ready as well as a glass of wine 😀 (after a long days work). I need to go back and watch it again just to see the fear on her face. She’s so evil and what gets me is she acts as if she knows the Lord. How could anyone know the Lord that commits murder and still to this day has no problem living with it. If you’re a Christian you have a conscious and for me I could not sleep at night. She must know she will burn in the fires of hell🤷‍♂️for living and working for Satan. I used to have a list of people in their circle that went missing. It has gotten so huge I lost count.

I have all three of his UN speeches (2017, 2018, 2019). He basically says he’s looking into the interest of the American people and not theirs. In your face😳😂. How can any American patriot not love that! My favorite parts are the leaders mean mugging him😂🤣😂.




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If you haven’t become a Liberal by 20, you have no heart.


If you haven’t become a Conservative by 40, you have no mind.

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That saying is outdated. If you are what we currently call a liberal at 20, you are gullible. Not a surprise really, but something that young people need to keep in mind.

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Most public schooled kids are liberal before reaching junior high.

The communists have accelerated the curriculum, since its beginnings.

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The Alphas are beginning to see past the indoctrination. There’s lots of mocking of the authorities behind the scenes.

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I love your podcast Sasha. I enjoy every word you say and love how you moved from the right to be a firm believer of the right under Donald j. Trump. I have shared a similar journey. Keep up the Great work

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Thanks Sasha. The best is yet to come

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Dear People of Sasha's Substack,

If only I could get to believing again.

I hope, but cant seem to take the advise of the band Journey, to Don't Stop Believing.

Everything we've seen and continue to see is an overthrow of The USA, including the, once free, entire Western Civilization)

We saw what The Deep State and The Powers To Be did in the 2020 election, and what they've done since in other countries too.

They've weaponized all the government agencies, The MSM, and nearly the entirety of Academia and major Institutions around the world, AGAINST The Freedom Loving Citizens.

It's so awful and millions don't even see it.

They're attempting to jail and kill Trump, and succeeding with his followers, and those with dissenting voices.

Even if Trump wins with the too big to rig scenario they'll likely kill him.

Then what?

As Sasha has said, and they've shown us, that they will do ANYTHING.

Last time it was sleepy, demented Joe Biden from his basement and now it's the installed Karmala Harris or whatever she decides to identify herself as.

These elite leftist crooks and their brainwashed followers, many of which are outright evil, are on board with it. OMG.

Democracy, they say, WE threaten. Their playbook appears endless.

Our enthusiasm and deep desires against all of this, I believe, will be futile.


What are we to do?🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Oh dear God, please help us.

Upside-down Flag, SOS❕️

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Here’s the thing, Kidbuck, we’re not in control, nor are they. God is large and in charge!

I too have felt the despair you so passionately articulated, but I keep going back to that first moment in Butler. It was an impossibility that Trump would survive that attempt, and as JD said, it was a true miracle. Someone tried, once and for all, to defeat Trump and MAGA that day, but God is not done with him or us.

I believe we must do everything we can to get him elected along with every other MAGA candidate - contribute, talk to people, volunteer, knock on doors, fly your flags and wear your MAGA hats proudly. But in the end, place your faith in God. He gave us this beautiful country, this beautiful Constitution- now we MUST show our gratitude and work to protect it!

Biblical history is the history of man- nothing new under the sun. In the OT, time and again God allowed HIS chosen people to see the folly of unbelief. Only when men and women turned back to Him did they regain the path of peace and prosperity.

We are living in such a time and it’s up to us to seek and live in His will. Not a believer? You can be a seeker, even so!

We must BE the kind of people we were meant to be, create the kind of life we desire for this country- speak truth, act justly, be kind, be grateful, be brave, be strong- every moment of every day with every one we encounter .

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Beautifully expressed

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Thanks, Granny. You have inspired me!

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Well done, Granny62. Hang in there Kidbuck. Trust God. Read your Bible. Pray nonstop. And listen to good counsel like what Granny62 is dishing out.

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He still helps those who help themselves. Let us do so.

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Absolutely! Ever hear the story about the woman in a flood?

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Which woman in which flood?

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I’m sorry it took so long to answer. Here’s the story as I remember it:

A woman was stranded at her house as floodwaters near her property. A man came along in a truck and begged her to leave with him.

She refused saying, “God will provide.”

Pretty soon, the flood waters reached to the top floor. As she leaned out her window, a man came along in a boat and begged her to leave with him. She refused say, “God will provide.“

Finally, the floodwaters reached the roof and threatened to carry the house away. As a woman sat on the chimney a helicopter came along and dropped a harness for her to grab and be saved. She waved the helicopter off yelling, “God will provide!”

Well, she drowned in the flood. As approached the pearly gates, she saw St. Peter and asked , “Why didn’t God provide for me?”

Saint Peter replied, “He sent you a man in a car, a man in a boat and men in a helicopter with a harness to rescue you. What more did you want?”

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I understand what you are saying, you actually do sound like my beloved Nana (RIP) & my believer Mother. I to, believe that God sent his son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins & am a child of God. Your words are beautiful, true & mostly comforting.

What I struggle with here is that Prayer is not to be used as a 'Magic lamp", i.e., if we all just pray hard enough, God will 'allow' Trump to win the Presidency. My fear is if the demonrats cheat hard enough to win, as they did in 2020, we will all end up in a very dire situation and this is what I'm beginning to stress over 24/7.

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Crystal, 💯

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I don’t believe that if you pray hard enough, God will allow Trump to be president. You’re right! That’s NOT the way prayer works. But I do believe is that all things work together for God’s purposes. I have seen it over and over again in my own life.

Sometimes it’s really hard to know why bad things happen to people, to ourselves, etc.. In the last five years, our family has seen incredible hardship surrounding my adult daughter with scourges of cancer. It seemed like just when things were better, something else snuck up and took her down, and by extension the rest of us as well. While her husband cared for her, we cared for their five children and the household.

One day, after a particularly difficult setback, I sat in the hospital parking lot, just weeping and said why God? Why again? Why her? But it came to me that all these years of hardship, somehow God always came through, not that things weren’t rough. But what I mean is, He answered my prayer by sending all these wonderful people who came forward to help. Can you imagine, we had three meals a week come to her house to feed her family for, four years straight!. We had a basket with goodies in it for the kids show up on Halloween and Christmas. Bags of groceries would appear on the doorstep and countless gift cards to Kroger and Meyer and target came in the mail. We had so many prayers.

I am overwhelmed, just writing this and reflecting on their generosity.

I don’t pretend to understand the workings of the Almighty, but here are a few things I know:

One, God does answer prayers, but not always in the way we expect or want.

Two, somehow God is working in Trump‘s life. There is no doubt in my mind. His life was spared for a reason.

Three, God‘s time is not our time, and God‘s ways are not our ways. We’re too small and insignificant compared to He who created this wonderful universe, to grasp the enormity of God, and yet He deigned to give us a share in it!

Four, we may not understand our own role in His plan in this life, and we may not understand why things happen in this life, but our lives are a tiny speck in God’s time. And all things really do work together for His purposes.

I guess that’s the perspective that comes with age, I don’t know. But you’re life is a miracle! Enjoy the experience of figuring out why you were so wonderfully made and your role in the Theodrama!

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*your life, not you’re

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

God isn't "in charge" of the people's agency.

Everyone's freedom to choose isn't intervened with by God and, as you've reminded of,.....

"ONLY when men and women turned back to Him did they regain the path of peace and prosperity."👈

This record makes my beliefs regarding these massive evils that much more concerning.

Do you see the people "Turning back to Him"?? I, personally, do not.

Sure, we all need to be filled with the virtues you've described here, and your pep talk is great but, unfortunately, even those get swallowed up by the cleansing floods.

Let's not be naive.

Maybe it's time to take the bull by the horns and get on with the hangings?

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Kid, although I am fearful of your vision, I remain hopeful.

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In my darkest hours, this is where I go, too. Everything you say is true.

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The Democrat Cabal has seriously compromised ,if not outright destroyed, every facet of this country that makes up the fabric of our everyday lives...economy, education, safety--I could go on and on but everyone knows what I am talking about. And I do not understand how anyone --even a Democrat--can continue to vote for what he HAS to recognize is his own personal demise, let alone his children's. It makes no sense to me.

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They keep voting Democrat because so many are either clueless (they don't keep up on the news, do research, are knowledgably about our government, etc.) OR they just vote Democrat because that's to their personal advantage and so, it's what they always do - the country be damned.

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Hey BBS, I am day 3 of Saint Jude Novena and this part of it reminded me of your comment.

“Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of.

Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. “

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Your message reminds me four years ago when I was in extremely desperate straights, and I prayed most urgently and diligently to St. Jude and St. Rita, and finally something very much like A Miracle occurred, and continues to occur. And I am really a lost cause on most days. Seriously!

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Each Republican state needs to start thinking about a plan to secede from the union, either in actuality or figuratively, in order to save our constitutional republic, individual God-given rights and freedoms. What do I mean by "figuratively?". I mean that 20+ years ago, Texas should've had empty rail cars at the border, blocking illegals from coming in, and doing the other things they've been doing to stop it. That's a "seceding of sorts" from the Biden/Harris administration. Here's the deal, if Republican states just play along if Harris/Walz stays in, then Republican states will lose our constitutional republic and individual God-given rights and freedoms.

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Do Mot Comply!

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

I feel your concerns. Perhaps I'm dreaming too but from my hilltop I sense much political chatter is manufactured to scare us into subordination or "consent', right? Kamala Harris isn't nearly as socially popular as newspeak "informs" us - DNC campaign power comes out of monied elite, and not populace discontent. ...I just don't "feel" any uprising of populace discontent or excitement. There is no ground swell. no signage. no buzz outside of online.

1) w/o youth protest vote, there is no social movement from the left. Kamala is a buzzkill.

2) "former" intel/mil/state elites backing Kamala should immediately lose any privileges and/or "security clearance".

With no social uprising to rally, no youthful boot, no evidence of recruits ...and, limiting former elites access to "the buttons" of policy and war, then the elite are as limited and outsider as "We the People" Trump failed to root out political saboteurs working against his Admin 2016. John Bolton as example. Limited to think tanks and ivy towers.

At college campuses and cities with larger youth vote, I'd be banging away the memes "Kamala is a buzzkill; Kamala is a fascist" and against youth protest. lol. it's already on the college radio and in antiwar communities. she's no obama, no bernie. lol

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The NY Times has an article today blasting his speech, calling Trump 1semi- senile and enumerating something like 83 lies. You can't hate them enough.

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Indeed. You can not hate them enough.

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The udder cheek of the article! The Guardian has one too if you please. They must have used AI.

NYT - He rambles, he repeats himself, he roams from thought to thought — some of them hard to understand, some of them unfinished, some of them factually fantastical. He voices outlandish claims that seem to be made up out of whole cloth. He digresses into bizarre tangents about golf, about sharks, about his own “beautiful” body. He relishes “a great day in Louisiana” after spending the day in Georgia. He expresses fear that North Korea is “trying to kill me” when he presumably means Iran. As late as last month, Mr. Trump was still speaking as if he were running against President Biden, five weeks after his withdrawal from the race. He vividly recounted how the audience at his climactic debate with Vice President Kamala Harris was on his side. Except that there was no audience. The debate was held in an empty hall. No one “went crazy,” as Mr. Trump put it, because no one was there.

According to a computer analysis by The New York Times, Mr. Trump’s rally speeches now last an average of 82 minutes, compared with 45 minutes in 2016. Proportionately, he uses 13 percent more all-or-nothing terms like “always” and “never” than he did eight years ago, which some experts consider a sign of advancing age.

Similarly, he uses 32 percent more negative words than positive words now, compared with 21 percent in 2016, which can be another indicator of cognitive change. And he uses swearwords 69 percent more often than he did when he first ran, a trend that could reflect what experts call disinhibition. (A study by Stat, a health care news outlet, produced similar findings.)

Guardian - His verbal output now is “absolute batshittery”, according to Tara Setmayer, a former Republican communications director on Capitol Hill. “These are not the musings of a well-adjusted adult. He demonstrates daily how unfit he is to have the most powerful position in the world.”

A “beautiful” beach body and a “mentally disabled” opponent. “One rough hour” of police retaliation to stop criminals. “A million Rambos” in Afghanistan. Haitian immigrants “eating the dogs” and “eating the cats”. Death by electrocution versus death by shark. Insane asylums and, of course, “the late, great Hannibal Lecter”.

Trump has spent years saying the unsayable to entertain, goad and grab attention. But his pronouncements over the past few weeks have plumbed new depths of absurdity and incoherence.

Trump, 78, increasingly slurs or stumbles over his words, raising fears over cognitive decline. He is slipping in polls against Kamala Harris and knows that defeat could lead to criminal trials and even prison. After a decade of dominating American politics, critics say, Trump could be in the throes of a final meltdown.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

Standard liberal double standard.

What's the point of complaining that DJT uses more swear words than before, and then following with a quotation from the hallowed Guardian, something about 'batshittery?'

Are you in favor of bad language or against it? You have to pick one.

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i honestly thought my friend Susan & I had coined the word "batshittery" back in 2019

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

As much fondness as I have for President Trump, Elon had three lines which resonated most for me:

"If people don't know what's going on, if they don't know the truth, how can you make an informed vote? You must have free speech in order to have democracy. That's why its the First amendment."

"And the Second amendment is there in order to ensure that we have the First amendment."

"Make sure they actually do vote. If they don't this will be the last election. That is my prediction."

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It has been observed that humans respond more to narrative than to data. Probably something that evolved deep in our pre-literate days when story telling was the main way of passing knowledge along. It's why the Establishment is so desperate to control the narratives and why Trump's talent here is so important.

Sometimes makes it hard on data oriented guys like me but in this case the data generally aligns with the narrative Trump weaves, allowing for the showman's hyperbole.

As an aside, really 3/4 of the population has been left behind but 1/4 are in denial. It's that narrative thing again, just a different one.

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Guy name of Jon Haidt wrote a pretty convincing book about that. Worth a look.

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A marvelous analysis!!!

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It is a wonderful irony that a country founded by immigrants needs to be reminded by an immigrant from South Africa that our democracy is indeed in peril and that we need to understand that danger and vote so as to ensure its survival. Thank you Mr Musk for all you've given to America!

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Thank you America for all you've given to Mr Musk you musk mean!

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

You’re an amazing storyteller too Sasha, as this piece clearly shows! You always leave me breathless. I never once think “oh she should have said this or said that in this way”, because my mind is always thinking “nailed it!” Thank you for the part you play in waking people up. It is priceless.

I watched the whole day actually from 1:00 CST until the end of the rally. My favorite part was how Trump honored Corey with the most beautiful and classy performer one could find by bringing breathtaking opera to the stage rather than twerking. Decency, true art, and a goosebump performance was the BEST way to honor Corey, and to bring class back to the presidency.

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God Bless and protect President Trump.

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Was fabulous from 10000 miles away here in Australia.

Let’s hope it ends well.

Amr Australia

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Nothing can stop what is coming.

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True. But utterly useless. (Nice avatar notwithstanding.)

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Both sides can agree that Hobbes is awesome.

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Exactly what is it that you believe is "coming"?

I can tell you what it is that I believe is coming.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

Good question and same here.

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Retribution and the first steps in rooting out the deep state.

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