Hard to describe how blatantly disgusting that video is, not to mention her son’s, that followed immediately after. The Democrats are sick, sick, sick.
I fear that we are giving Caroline far too much power with this video. There is an entire generation that has absolutely no idea who she is and could care less. Those of us who are old enough, and I certainly am, lived through the Glory Days of JFK and Jackie and all things kennedy. But those days are far over. And no matter how many videos Caroline puts out or how obnoxious her son is, I suspect that nobody really cares. I'm not going to waste any time on either watching the video or criticizing her. She simply isn't worth it. Just ignore her.
Well said - grew up in the 60’s too. Have followed RFK Jr since 2020. Brilliant and committed. The evidence speaks for itself. A dream come true for me. Never thought I would see Fauci out and RFK Jr in.
Surely she is like all the others and they have something “big” on her? She looks like those held by a terrorist, reading from a script. I have no respect for any of the Kennedys anyway so it doesn’t matter. But I’m interested in RFK. I think the CIA is forcing her hand somehow, otherwise this would have come earlier.
Ahhhh.... Money.... It always is what it comes down to--and as it is said: follow the Money... RFK Jr is a threat to the massive (and growing) healthcare industrial complex and equally massive pharma industrial complex. So--he has to be silenced, at the very least. Ever notice that every other commercial on TV revolves around healthcare or pharma? Can't upset the gravy train....
And all of the poison they put in our food and spray in the air! The very foundation of current DC is grift and they’re all terrified to lose all of that money they steal from us!
K-K-Karoline is a K-K-Kommunist ! (paraphrased from TheWayWeWere, if y'all forgot...)
She sez that Bobby is addicted to power and attention. Oh right. He's 70 yrs old and most Americans never saw him til this election cycle.
The demonic Dems are out in full force today in the Senate, working to tear down this redeemed man cuz he defected. They would have no problem with his policies if JFK or RFK Sr. were promoting them....
The Kennedy brothers would be opposed by the Uniparty of today as they evidently were when they were killed. JFK and RFK, Sr would have no home in the present day Democratic Party and the never Trumper Uniparty-Right.
YES. Kamala Harris showed every sign of a kidnap victim trying to signal for help to escape her overlords. Who paid Caroline Kennedy to betray her cousin? Whose bankroll is she on?
I agree that the usual Democrats are sick and twisted. I supported Trump.
But do not be fooled into thinking that just because someone got a job from Trump in exchange for political support, they are lily-white. That is naive. Trump may have sized-up the situation and looked for the net benefit.
I think, with valid knowledge behind me, that what Caroline said about her cousin may well be true in several ways. Actually, I am not expecting great things from RFK jr.
I don't think anybody is fooled here. It is well known that RFK, Jr. has had a colorful and sordid life, and he has been very open about it. It's also well known that RFK, Jr. is not liked by his cousins. I could be dead wrong about how the public receives it, but I think Caroline's video makes her look a lot worse than her target because we all thought she was the more "normal" Kennedy. It's like 60 years of bottled up rage came pouring out. Not a good look.
What would you consider a colouful and sordid life, and what crosses the line? I mean, you could excuse all sorts of bad behaviour this way. I don't expect anyone to be a Puritan, but Psychopathy is a very dark sort of world.
You could say this about many people formally diagnosed and recognized as Psychopaths. Including those in prison.
I am nearly certain that there are no Trump supporters who believe anyone on his team is lily-white. And that is the "magic"; Trump supporters see themselves in the members of his team - from tough backgrounds, made mistakes, ... but they still keep going.
NONE of us are lily white. But ALL of us can be redeemed and forgiven by the teachings and belief in JesusChrist. Trump was certainly not so pure when he first ran for office, but he has been a work in progress and speaks of God now in his speeches.
None of us were allowed to speak of God in public. We couldn’t even say “Merry Christmas” if you recall. In his first term, Trump said he was going to bring “Merry Christmas “ back and he did.
But you have to draw the line somewhere, as in people who are simply flawed in an average way versus people who should be nowhere near the levers of power.
Or else, we should say that the Democrats are all simply flawed normal people...and that's OK.
No, what we should say is that the Democrats believe in perverted and dangerous things, such as transgenderism, critical race theory, and open borders. We should talk about everything the Left tried to do in the last four years to wipe out free speech.
It used to be a great party, a party of normal folks who were instinctively populistic. Of the two major parties, I don't have much doubt that the Dems are generally more depraved, but that doesn't mean the Republicans are saintly. I have a first cousin who is as Republican as they get. He's also a sociopath who, if justice were a constant, would spontaneously combust.
He's a pragmatist, as were his father and his uncle. Bobby, Sr., was killed while running as the anti Democratic Party Establishment candidate. He would have been proud of Jr. and revolted by the rest of them.
Well that's a BIG question! I start with the ethical model used by the individual. Is it relationship based or principle based? Relationship based ethics present a permanent flaws because they are very malleable. Principle based ethics present more as "mistakes" that can be remedied and prevented.
Dems and liberals tend to be more relationship ethics based, while Repubs and conservatives tend to be more principle based. IMO...
My specialty, Neil, is in asking the BIG questions.
I look at people through a different lens than you, it seems. Forged in years of quiet observation and formal study in fields which deal with this sort of issue.
You have to know where you are going to draw your lines, and not rely on groupthink of the day.
The crux of the issue - where do you draw the line - lies in the difference between a flaw and a mistake. Flaws are an inherent characteristic; they can be managed but they will always be present. Mistakes are transient behavior; they can be repeated or stopped. How flaws and mistakes resolve, or don’t resolve, in the ethical model one has - relationship or principle based - can help you determine where to draw a line. In a nutshell, personal flaws and mistakes are more easily accepted by they “owning” individual in the relationship based model, implying also that they are likely to manifest more frequently and often with increasing strength. My hypotheses on this topic are drawn from almost 20 years of observation.
Don't go overboard, Lynn. Rfk jr. has a lot of sordid behaviour behind him. He was never a saint or even close.
How much do you know about Psychopathy, and could you pick it out? Not what you think it is. You may have been impressed by Ted Bundy or Bernie Madoff too. Plenty were.
So what? He's had a massive change of heart and behavior, and he's been solid for many years. My favorite people are those who have been humbled by failure and learned to hope in God. Your suggestion that he could be a Ted Bundy is disgusting. What do you know about him? Nothing, based on these ignorant comments.
Go back to your dreamland, Lynn. I think you are very easily duped. I do not agree with you one iota. I don't suppose you will ever put your thinking cap on.
Please STFU as this is your position on literally every substack I read. Go the F away. I had to quit reading last night bc every voice was yours. Seriously.
Yes, the more likeable a person is, the higher probability that they are truly evil. Trust only those who exhibit irrational bad behavior and no one else.
Amazingly, I was having a conversation this morning with someone who said they were still "on the fence" about whether or not Bobby is a good choice. I responded, "For me, the most ringing endorsement is the opposition from his lifetime-politics family. They're all slimy to me."
I share your sentiments. I'm 70. Like you, I was once enamored of this family - and then…
Yes, RFK has his flaws, as do we all, but he is honest to a fault. That's more than we can expect from most political operatives. I'm happy to see him on board. And if he pisses off the left, all the better. The "Great Unhinging" is a delicious byproduct of this administration. I admit that I love to see the left shitting themselves blind. And I'm too old to care what anyone thinks about my guilty pleasure. I was on the left for 48 years. I've earned the right to despise them for what they attempted to do the country.
I'm also 70 and was liberal for approximately 48 years, so your insights resonate with me. I quit the dems when I began to realize their policies, no matter how well intended, were often destructive. Now what I see is anger, denial, and hatred from the left because most of us have figured out the well-intended part was often just a cover to make money and little good happened. The pharm companies and the whole medical establishment are perfect examples. Like J.D. said, "I don't care what they think." I want real change with accountable outcomes.
Same, except I’m 60. This is what happens when ego swallows heart. It sucks.
But I watched a great interview with Megyn Kelly today and she reminded viewers that Trump was a longtime Democrat before he ran. I predict that he will govern as a moderate.
Any chance there is some jealousy here? Kennedys were always very competitive. Maybe Caroline thought she was ahead with all her silly ambassadorships, in terms of carrying on the Kennedy Legacy? But RFK Jr is the real thing.
Kennedy found herself paraded around by Obama, took the veil as an ambassador to Japan, then was stifiously snubbed thereafter. Her cousin, on the other hand, was heeded by the new president an given a real job. Caroline is consumed by envy. Her ill raised son amplified her attitude by mocking RFK's spastic dysphoria in a video. The horrible attitude is painfully obvious.
The mockery of RFK, Jr's vocal disability shocked me. From a Kennedy? Whose great aunt began the Special Olympics? Whose grandfather was beset by severe illness his entire, brief life? Awful.
She knows but obviously has sold her soul many years ago. Her whole family benefits from the system and doesn’t want any truth about his or her father’s death
What do you know about The Cuban Missile Crisis? Not one damned thing, I will bet. In choosing a blockade of Cuba in October, 1962, President Kennedy acted against the unanimous conviction of the ExComm group that we should do an overwhelming knockout strike of Cuba to capture the Soviet ICBMs and decapitate the Castro regime. The ExComm group were all of the government's top military and foreign policymakers, plus venerable elder statesmen such as Dean Acheson. Even Attorney General Robert F Kennedy, who was in on the deliberations, urged a strike, though later, he denied that he had ever been less than supportive of the President's view. ( Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. )
JFK couldn't get past his instincts that there was something inherently wrong with what the rest wanted to do, and twenty - seven years after his assassination, we found out what that inherently wrong thing would have been:
When the Russians declassified The Venona Papers in the early 1990s, we learned to our horror that the Russians had snuck not just ICBMs into Cuba, but tactical nuclear weapons, as well. If JFK had gone along with the unanimous advice, the Russians would have used the tactical nukes against our invading troops. Kennedy would have been obligated to respond.
In 1962, we didn't have a hotline between The White House and The Kremlin. At one point on Saturday afternoon, October 27th, the most dangerous day of the most dangerous crisis in world history, Kennedy wanted to send a message to Khrushchev in Moscow. The White House had to phone Western Union. A few minutes later, a 15 year old kid who had a Saturday job for Western Union came by on his bicycle to pick up the message.
If Kennedy had done what the group wanted, we would have had nuclear immolation.
I'm having to do this in parts, which is what you get when you pay $39.99 for a phone.
Kennedy was a reader and a thinker. His thinking about Cuba in 1962 had been shaped by Barbara Tuchman's then new book about World War I, "The Guns of August." He knew how easily miscommunication and miscalculation could happen. If we had had a President with less guts, less moral courage, you and I wouldn't be having this exchange.
Then, of course, there is the whole matter of his extraordinary courage during World War II. He was one hell of a lot more than a rich boy whose Daddy bought him the Presidency.
Bobby, why doncha enlighten the group here on the followup activities of JFK regarding the Bay of Pigs invasion. You know lots of history, they all might be interested in your views about that.
Although I believe it's true that Joe Kennedy bought the presidency - JFK himself made the joke that he had told his dad not to buy one vote more than necessary in Cook County - it's also true that the womanizing JFK showed real courage under fire, both in the Navy and in the Cuban Missile Crisis (see Bobby Lime's comment for details). JFK illustrated in colorful detail that humans are not ever perfect! All heroes have feet of clay. It's part of the human condition. IWe are a confusing puzzle of degrees of virtue ... and its opposite.
But there are also very strong and notable patterns in human behaviour categories which hint heavily as to which further behaviours and attitudes that person is going to have.
Sorry Jan....but life does work on patterns. It is not random. These patterns in themselves can potentially be changed by an individual, but it is work which few are willing to put in.
Funk yeah. I can hardly contain my joy and excitement for MAGA/MAHA. I never thought I’d see this kind of movement. Our leaders are flawed people but they are taking literal bullets for the American people.
I wasn't going to watch the video, but am glad I did. This is beyond sad. Haters are gonna hate. To do this to a family member is almost inhuman. I would like everyone to remember that it was Caroline and Uncle Teddy who passed the Kennedy mantle to Saint Barack and thereby, in a very significant way, unleashed the nightmare of the past 16 years upon us. She has absolutely no credibility.
Caroline is disgusted by cousin Bobby, but respects uncle Teddy who left a young woman to drown in order to save his political skin? She is a piece of work.
Democrats will celebrate Caroline. I could only stand so much of Caroline and didn't finish the video. She is the dangerous, uncaring, ignorant, arrogant human that populate the Democratic party. I think of Oregon's Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden are cut from the same cloth of profound ignorance and have decades of uncaring about the dismal declining health of American children. To my knowledge there is not one Democrat on the federal or state level that deserves any respect, period.
I was surprised how angry her nasty remarks made me. I’ve never been interested in the family so didn’t pay attention until RFKJ interested me. It’s so - clearly a political hit job. Predator indeed - she is deliberately using a sexually charged word knowing some people won’t pursue information and assume “the family admits he’s a sexual predator.” Just inexcusable. Didn’t respect or disrespect her before since I wasn’t interested but now I feel she is unworthy of serious consideration.
Although, much as I generally dislike Democrats and Kennedys, Caroline spoke some words of the truth there. RFK jr. may not be what he seems. I read several lengthy biographical pieces about him years ago, and he was quite a frightening individual. I am not sure he should be in that federal health position.
He wouldn't be my choice, or even on the list. He has his marching orders and probably will follow through. After that, who knows, but I strongly suspect he'll be gone within a year or so, well before the midterm election cycle.
Agree. She is exactly why RFK needs to be confirmed. Aside from the fact that she's as bad of a swamp creature as there exists, it takes a horrible person to dump on your own family member.
Exactly! Talking about the drug abuse and RFKJ pulling other cousins into it? When she is “honest” about own her father’s many personal issues, I’ll take note of the dumping on the cousins.
Kudos to all of you that could watch that whole video of Caroline. It made me sick to watch her air her cousin's past mistakes for everyone to see. I couldn't finish it. Calling him a predator with no explanation was evil. Is 'Bobby' perfect? No. He may not even be a good man, and honestly, I'm not sure how many good men there are in politics. If he can break the back of Big Pharma, straighten out the FDA, and clean up our food, then he will have done a great deal of good for America. That's good enough for me. Caroline can go you-know-what herself. And for Pete's sake, ditch the ugly glasses. They make you look stupid. There, rant over.
Hard to describe how blatantly disgusting that video is, not to mention her son’s, that followed immediately after. The Democrats are sick, sick, sick.
I fear that we are giving Caroline far too much power with this video. There is an entire generation that has absolutely no idea who she is and could care less. Those of us who are old enough, and I certainly am, lived through the Glory Days of JFK and Jackie and all things kennedy. But those days are far over. And no matter how many videos Caroline puts out or how obnoxious her son is, I suspect that nobody really cares. I'm not going to waste any time on either watching the video or criticizing her. She simply isn't worth it. Just ignore her.
Caroline Kennedy was a has been before she grew boobs, and certainly by the time I was born (I'm 60). Ignore the aged princess.
When you say the "aged princess," you are talking about yourself, right?
No. she is talking about Caroline Kennedy and her salacious video. Your reply makes no sense.
Well said - grew up in the 60’s too. Have followed RFK Jr since 2020. Brilliant and committed. The evidence speaks for itself. A dream come true for me. Never thought I would see Fauci out and RFK Jr in.
Yes, that!
What are they so afraid of? They must be afraid of the "Truth".
"Caroline Kennedy is what we get from ALL of the Democrats: SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN AND DO WHAT WE TELL YOU".
Losing their investments….
My thoughts exactly: WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? Caroline and her son are acting the way someone trying to hide something acts. 😶🌫️
I just watched on YouTube Alan Dershowitz explain the malicious attack on Bobby. It explains Carolines ruthless slander of Bobby.
Truth is sssooooo racist.
Surely she is like all the others and they have something “big” on her? She looks like those held by a terrorist, reading from a script. I have no respect for any of the Kennedys anyway so it doesn’t matter. But I’m interested in RFK. I think the CIA is forcing her hand somehow, otherwise this would have come earlier.
Ahhhh.... Money.... It always is what it comes down to--and as it is said: follow the Money... RFK Jr is a threat to the massive (and growing) healthcare industrial complex and equally massive pharma industrial complex. So--he has to be silenced, at the very least. Ever notice that every other commercial on TV revolves around healthcare or pharma? Can't upset the gravy train....
And all of the poison they put in our food and spray in the air! The very foundation of current DC is grift and they’re all terrified to lose all of that money they steal from us!
What a disgrace she is to her family!!! It l makes me sick to listen to her !!! How evil!
K-K-Karoline is a K-K-Kommunist ! (paraphrased from TheWayWeWere, if y'all forgot...)
She sez that Bobby is addicted to power and attention. Oh right. He's 70 yrs old and most Americans never saw him til this election cycle.
The demonic Dems are out in full force today in the Senate, working to tear down this redeemed man cuz he defected. They would have no problem with his policies if JFK or RFK Sr. were promoting them....
The Kennedy brothers would be opposed by the Uniparty of today as they evidently were when they were killed. JFK and RFK, Sr would have no home in the present day Democratic Party and the never Trumper Uniparty-Right.
Sadly, it’s always about the money.
YES. Kamala Harris showed every sign of a kidnap victim trying to signal for help to escape her overlords. Who paid Caroline Kennedy to betray her cousin? Whose bankroll is she on?
See my post above and you'll have your answer....
I agree that the usual Democrats are sick and twisted. I supported Trump.
But do not be fooled into thinking that just because someone got a job from Trump in exchange for political support, they are lily-white. That is naive. Trump may have sized-up the situation and looked for the net benefit.
I think, with valid knowledge behind me, that what Caroline said about her cousin may well be true in several ways. Actually, I am not expecting great things from RFK jr.
I don't think anybody is fooled here. It is well known that RFK, Jr. has had a colorful and sordid life, and he has been very open about it. It's also well known that RFK, Jr. is not liked by his cousins. I could be dead wrong about how the public receives it, but I think Caroline's video makes her look a lot worse than her target because we all thought she was the more "normal" Kennedy. It's like 60 years of bottled up rage came pouring out. Not a good look.
What would you consider a colouful and sordid life, and what crosses the line? I mean, you could excuse all sorts of bad behaviour this way. I don't expect anyone to be a Puritan, but Psychopathy is a very dark sort of world.
You could say this about many people formally diagnosed and recognized as Psychopaths. Including those in prison.
Go away A
I am nearly certain that there are no Trump supporters who believe anyone on his team is lily-white. And that is the "magic"; Trump supporters see themselves in the members of his team - from tough backgrounds, made mistakes, ... but they still keep going.
NONE of us are lily white. But ALL of us can be redeemed and forgiven by the teachings and belief in JesusChrist. Trump was certainly not so pure when he first ran for office, but he has been a work in progress and speaks of God now in his speeches.
None of us were allowed to speak of God in public. We couldn’t even say “Merry Christmas” if you recall. In his first term, Trump said he was going to bring “Merry Christmas “ back and he did.
But you have to draw the line somewhere, as in people who are simply flawed in an average way versus people who should be nowhere near the levers of power.
Or else, we should say that the Democrats are all simply flawed normal people...and that's OK.
What degree of flaws do we stop at?
No, what we should say is that the Democrats believe in perverted and dangerous things, such as transgenderism, critical race theory, and open borders. We should talk about everything the Left tried to do in the last four years to wipe out free speech.
There is flawed, and then there is FLAWED.
Dems are literally demonic, and thus dangerously flawed.
It used to be a great party, a party of normal folks who were instinctively populistic. Of the two major parties, I don't have much doubt that the Dems are generally more depraved, but that doesn't mean the Republicans are saintly. I have a first cousin who is as Republican as they get. He's also a sociopath who, if justice were a constant, would spontaneously combust.
I agree that the WOKE and the Democrats are heavily flawed. Of course.
But where do we put someone like RFK jr? Remember that he would have moved to whichever party offered him the best deal.
He's a pragmatist, as were his father and his uncle. Bobby, Sr., was killed while running as the anti Democratic Party Establishment candidate. He would have been proud of Jr. and revolted by the rest of them.
Well that's a BIG question! I start with the ethical model used by the individual. Is it relationship based or principle based? Relationship based ethics present a permanent flaws because they are very malleable. Principle based ethics present more as "mistakes" that can be remedied and prevented.
Dems and liberals tend to be more relationship ethics based, while Repubs and conservatives tend to be more principle based. IMO...
My specialty, Neil, is in asking the BIG questions.
I look at people through a different lens than you, it seems. Forged in years of quiet observation and formal study in fields which deal with this sort of issue.
You have to know where you are going to draw your lines, and not rely on groupthink of the day.
The crux of the issue - where do you draw the line - lies in the difference between a flaw and a mistake. Flaws are an inherent characteristic; they can be managed but they will always be present. Mistakes are transient behavior; they can be repeated or stopped. How flaws and mistakes resolve, or don’t resolve, in the ethical model one has - relationship or principle based - can help you determine where to draw a line. In a nutshell, personal flaws and mistakes are more easily accepted by they “owning” individual in the relationship based model, implying also that they are likely to manifest more frequently and often with increasing strength. My hypotheses on this topic are drawn from almost 20 years of observation.
Tyranny. We stop far before Tyranny which is where these democrats are going.
I've followed RFK Jr for 15 yrs. He's the real deal. He's one of the best men I know I bet I'm more conservative than you are.
Don't go overboard, Lynn. Rfk jr. has a lot of sordid behaviour behind him. He was never a saint or even close.
How much do you know about Psychopathy, and could you pick it out? Not what you think it is. You may have been impressed by Ted Bundy or Bernie Madoff too. Plenty were.
So what? He's had a massive change of heart and behavior, and he's been solid for many years. My favorite people are those who have been humbled by failure and learned to hope in God. Your suggestion that he could be a Ted Bundy is disgusting. What do you know about him? Nothing, based on these ignorant comments.
Go back to your dreamland, Lynn. I think you are very easily duped. I do not agree with you one iota. I don't suppose you will ever put your thinking cap on.
Oh, great. Another person who resorts to insulting those who disagree with them. What’s the term for someone with that personality disorder?
Please STFU as this is your position on literally every substack I read. Go the F away. I had to quit reading last night bc every voice was yours. Seriously.
Yes, the more likeable a person is, the higher probability that they are truly evil. Trust only those who exhibit irrational bad behavior and no one else.
Jack Schlossberg seems to think he knows it all. He doesn't. He radiates an attitude of self-importance with hubris as his "halo."
Oh mama, the video is so blatantly disgusting!
Your thinking skills certainly lack.
Amazingly, I was having a conversation this morning with someone who said they were still "on the fence" about whether or not Bobby is a good choice. I responded, "For me, the most ringing endorsement is the opposition from his lifetime-politics family. They're all slimy to me."
Like Tulsi Gabbard, RFK has all the right enemies.
I was struck from the thumbnail how much she's beginning to resemble the evil old man, the patriarch/monster, Joseph Kennedy, Sr.
Joseph Kennedy was indeed a real number, wasn't he?
It's those insectoid glasses.
Just who does she think she is?
I'll tell you who she is—a little enole whose ancestor was a gila monster, that's who.
“…insectoid.” Wonderful writing. Her pinched face doesn't help, either.
I agree with your friend. Though I supported Trump. We cannot live in fantasies. Not all of his picks are going to work 110%. There will be bumps.
To each their own. Kennedy is one of the main reasons I was swayed towards Trump, along with Tulsi.
True of everybody, eh.
Yes, but the trouble is that not every heavily flawed person is given power to play with. Things can get a bit explosive that way.
I share your sentiments. I'm 70. Like you, I was once enamored of this family - and then…
Yes, RFK has his flaws, as do we all, but he is honest to a fault. That's more than we can expect from most political operatives. I'm happy to see him on board. And if he pisses off the left, all the better. The "Great Unhinging" is a delicious byproduct of this administration. I admit that I love to see the left shitting themselves blind. And I'm too old to care what anyone thinks about my guilty pleasure. I was on the left for 48 years. I've earned the right to despise them for what they attempted to do the country.
I'm also 70 and was liberal for approximately 48 years, so your insights resonate with me. I quit the dems when I began to realize their policies, no matter how well intended, were often destructive. Now what I see is anger, denial, and hatred from the left because most of us have figured out the well-intended part was often just a cover to make money and little good happened. The pharm companies and the whole medical establishment are perfect examples. Like J.D. said, "I don't care what they think." I want real change with accountable outcomes.
Great post. We are not alone. I wish we had arrived sooner at the truth, but here we are. We will do what we can.👍🏼
Very well said thank you.
🙏🏽 thank you, and I love your handle. One of the best ever. 😂😂😂
Thank you -when I enrage liberals they attack the name and it gratifies me.
Same, except I’m 60. This is what happens when ego swallows heart. It sucks.
But I watched a great interview with Megyn Kelly today and she reminded viewers that Trump was a longtime Democrat before he ran. I predict that he will govern as a moderate.
What you said! 👏👏
Any chance there is some jealousy here? Kennedys were always very competitive. Maybe Caroline thought she was ahead with all her silly ambassadorships, in terms of carrying on the Kennedy Legacy? But RFK Jr is the real thing.
That was the vibe I was getting! You're the first I've seen to remark on it.
Bingo! She wanted to be Senator from New York when Hillary quit to become Obama's Secretary of State.
Kennedy found herself paraded around by Obama, took the veil as an ambassador to Japan, then was stifiously snubbed thereafter. Her cousin, on the other hand, was heeded by the new president an given a real job. Caroline is consumed by envy. Her ill raised son amplified her attitude by mocking RFK's spastic dysphoria in a video. The horrible attitude is painfully obvious.
The mockery of RFK, Jr's vocal disability shocked me. From a Kennedy? Whose great aunt began the Special Olympics? Whose grandfather was beset by severe illness his entire, brief life? Awful.
Er, "studiously" snubbed.
That was my thought too.
You could be right or perhaps she’s more like her dubious Uncle Teddy.
She is exposing just how vile and evil the left truly is. Her Father would be so ashamed of her.
Indeed: "Sometimes, party loyalty demands too much."
- John F. Kennedy
And has she forgotten that RFK, Sr., was killed while campaigning for the presidential nomination against the Democratic Establishment?
She knows but obviously has sold her soul many years ago. Her whole family benefits from the system and doesn’t want any truth about his or her father’s death
I don't think he would be, thst man had absolutely no business being the POTUS in the first place. His daddy bought him the Presidency.
What do you know about The Cuban Missile Crisis? Not one damned thing, I will bet. In choosing a blockade of Cuba in October, 1962, President Kennedy acted against the unanimous conviction of the ExComm group that we should do an overwhelming knockout strike of Cuba to capture the Soviet ICBMs and decapitate the Castro regime. The ExComm group were all of the government's top military and foreign policymakers, plus venerable elder statesmen such as Dean Acheson. Even Attorney General Robert F Kennedy, who was in on the deliberations, urged a strike, though later, he denied that he had ever been less than supportive of the President's view. ( Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. )
JFK couldn't get past his instincts that there was something inherently wrong with what the rest wanted to do, and twenty - seven years after his assassination, we found out what that inherently wrong thing would have been:
When the Russians declassified The Venona Papers in the early 1990s, we learned to our horror that the Russians had snuck not just ICBMs into Cuba, but tactical nuclear weapons, as well. If JFK had gone along with the unanimous advice, the Russians would have used the tactical nukes against our invading troops. Kennedy would have been obligated to respond.
In 1962, we didn't have a hotline between The White House and The Kremlin. At one point on Saturday afternoon, October 27th, the most dangerous day of the most dangerous crisis in world history, Kennedy wanted to send a message to Khrushchev in Moscow. The White House had to phone Western Union. A few minutes later, a 15 year old kid who had a Saturday job for Western Union came by on his bicycle to pick up the message.
If Kennedy had done what the group wanted, we would have had nuclear immolation.
I'm having to do this in parts, which is what you get when you pay $39.99 for a phone.
Kennedy was a reader and a thinker. His thinking about Cuba in 1962 had been shaped by Barbara Tuchman's then new book about World War I, "The Guns of August." He knew how easily miscommunication and miscalculation could happen. If we had had a President with less guts, less moral courage, you and I wouldn't be having this exchange.
Then, of course, there is the whole matter of his extraordinary courage during World War II. He was one hell of a lot more than a rich boy whose Daddy bought him the Presidency.
I suggest you learn some history.
Bobby, why doncha enlighten the group here on the followup activities of JFK regarding the Bay of Pigs invasion. You know lots of history, they all might be interested in your views about that.
and your views as well, Max - thats what we're here for.
Yes, he was trying to get Castro killed. Operation Mongoose.
The Kennedys have a dark side.
Read deeply about the Skakels too. His mother's family. Much the same.
Although I believe it's true that Joe Kennedy bought the presidency - JFK himself made the joke that he had told his dad not to buy one vote more than necessary in Cook County - it's also true that the womanizing JFK showed real courage under fire, both in the Navy and in the Cuban Missile Crisis (see Bobby Lime's comment for details). JFK illustrated in colorful detail that humans are not ever perfect! All heroes have feet of clay. It's part of the human condition. IWe are a confusing puzzle of degrees of virtue ... and its opposite.
But there are also very strong and notable patterns in human behaviour categories which hint heavily as to which further behaviours and attitudes that person is going to have.
Sorry Jan....but life does work on patterns. It is not random. These patterns in themselves can potentially be changed by an individual, but it is work which few are willing to put in.
Funk yeah. I can hardly contain my joy and excitement for MAGA/MAHA. I never thought I’d see this kind of movement. Our leaders are flawed people but they are taking literal bullets for the American people.
I wasn't going to watch the video, but am glad I did. This is beyond sad. Haters are gonna hate. To do this to a family member is almost inhuman. I would like everyone to remember that it was Caroline and Uncle Teddy who passed the Kennedy mantle to Saint Barack and thereby, in a very significant way, unleashed the nightmare of the past 16 years upon us. She has absolutely no credibility.
Caroline is disgusted by cousin Bobby, but respects uncle Teddy who left a young woman to drown in order to save his political skin? She is a piece of work.
Democrats will celebrate Caroline. I could only stand so much of Caroline and didn't finish the video. She is the dangerous, uncaring, ignorant, arrogant human that populate the Democratic party. I think of Oregon's Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden are cut from the same cloth of profound ignorance and have decades of uncaring about the dismal declining health of American children. To my knowledge there is not one Democrat on the federal or state level that deserves any respect, period.
I couldn't finish either.
Me neither.
That’s the point in history that destroyed her credibility with me. Endorsing Obama was catastrophic to the country.
I think there's a chance the current Democrat Party could go the way of the Whigs.
Just saw this. They are so desperate. Have you seen her son? 🙄🙈
No I have not seen her son. What am I missing?
He seems to have stopped maturing mentally at about fourteen.
Great Diagnosis. There's no pill for that; just a downward spiral.
He’s on TikTok. Not funny and very cringey.
He's hideous. Made a video mimicking Bobby Kennedy's voice
What an ugly, ugly soul
I’m afraid that ugly soul is being reflected on her face. Sort of a reverse Dorian Gray.
She's my age and she looks like hell. I guess inner beauty does shine (or not)
I noticed that, as well, but didn’t think it was politically correct for a guy to say it.
I’ll say it. She’s ugly inside and out! 🤮
Caroline has not aged well, if that is what you mean. Too much strong Greek sun exposure, perhaps, on fair skin. No sunscreen in her youth.
She had a lot of grief in her younger years.
She and I are the same age. I have nowhere near the wrinkles she does, and I spend a lot of time in the sun. She's a hag.
I was struck by how much she's beginning to look like evil old Joe Kennedy.
I didn’t get that, but then I realized those round glasses complete the picture.
I was surprised how angry her nasty remarks made me. I’ve never been interested in the family so didn’t pay attention until RFKJ interested me. It’s so - clearly a political hit job. Predator indeed - she is deliberately using a sexually charged word knowing some people won’t pursue information and assume “the family admits he’s a sexual predator.” Just inexcusable. Didn’t respect or disrespect her before since I wasn’t interested but now I feel she is unworthy of serious consideration.
A sexual predator? What about her father ?
Although, much as I generally dislike Democrats and Kennedys, Caroline spoke some words of the truth there. RFK jr. may not be what he seems. I read several lengthy biographical pieces about him years ago, and he was quite a frightening individual. I am not sure he should be in that federal health position.
He wouldn't be my choice, or even on the list. He has his marching orders and probably will follow through. After that, who knows, but I strongly suspect he'll be gone within a year or so, well before the midterm election cycle.
All her babble about Bobby couldn't have anything to do with her $7 Billion in Pharma, now could it?
If the Dems are against him, I’m for him!
The good thing about the Left is how they eat one another.
And publicly virtue signal while they’re doing it!
Agree. She is exactly why RFK needs to be confirmed. Aside from the fact that she's as bad of a swamp creature as there exists, it takes a horrible person to dump on your own family member.
Exactly! Talking about the drug abuse and RFKJ pulling other cousins into it? When she is “honest” about own her father’s many personal issues, I’ll take note of the dumping on the cousins.
If they, ( Trump and RFK) , save the life of just one child it’s worth it.
Kudos to all of you that could watch that whole video of Caroline. It made me sick to watch her air her cousin's past mistakes for everyone to see. I couldn't finish it. Calling him a predator with no explanation was evil. Is 'Bobby' perfect? No. He may not even be a good man, and honestly, I'm not sure how many good men there are in politics. If he can break the back of Big Pharma, straighten out the FDA, and clean up our food, then he will have done a great deal of good for America. That's good enough for me. Caroline can go you-know-what herself. And for Pete's sake, ditch the ugly glasses. They make you look stupid. There, rant over.