The Dems are sticking with feeble-minded Biden for two reasons:

1. The party elite can control that empty suit to do their evil bidding; and

2. They know they have the election in the bag.

Trump’s only shot at winning is to beat the margin of cheat.

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I have always been a protest voter. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 because I didn’t like Trump and definitely wasn’t voting for Hillary. I knew my state would go for Trump by a large margin so I was content to cast a core for the idea of 3rd parties.

In 2020 I voted for Trump. Just to add my vote, hoping if Trump won it was by a large margin because frankly he was a way better president than I had expected.

Will vote for Trump again but would rather it be DeSantis. Not a fan of Halley or Ramaswamy but might vote for either of them as a protest vote against the current state of the Democrats.

Point being: I get protest votes.

That said: don’t underestimate the corruption of the Republican Party. There is plenty of it. They lack the institutional power of the left so it might matter less--and frankly, the more corrupt elements of the Republicans become the more left-like they seem to be. Republicans, as a party, are entirely capable of being awful.

We don’t always have great choices. But I’m always hoping the team that is at least a little more for individual liberty wins.

All politicians are human, and all are flawed. Large organizations have a tendency toward corruption. You can’t put too much faith in either. I go for the folks who seem most likely to expand human liberty than contract it.

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I'm only part way through, but I feel compelled to say, damn, Sasha, your honest, introspective confessional hit like a freight train. Anyway, back to listening...

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I hope that with each confessional essay, the burden you seem to carry is eased more than a little bit.

Sometimes, it seems to me that perhaps you perceive yourself akin to Mendoza in the film, The Mission, bearing a bundle of your own armor and swords as penance for your past transgressions. Allow me to let you know that it has been cut loose, and you are now free of it - as far as it concerns me, you are forgiven, though I have no authority to grant such - and it isn't needed, anyway.

Who wasn't young, once?

We're all susceptible to lies, swindle, and deceit - for crying out loud, I voted for W - TWICE - you don't think that makes me feel dirty as hell? Think I don't feel like a complete chump?

Please give yourself some grace. Cut yourself some slack. Give yourself a break.

You're among free-thinking friends, now.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

The problem is not the people who used to support Dems unflinchingly. The problem is the people who still do.

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Yes Sasha, your introspective honesty is refreshing. As someone who’s been on the opposite political end of you since you wore that Dukakis button I am equally as guilty as you. I participated in the first Gulf war, fell for the lies and supported the others. I continued my corruption as a Republican straight through the 2016 election where I promptly voted for Gary Johnson, my first non- Republican vote ever. Six weeks into Trumps presidency, I made my apology tour among my acquaintances. The party I supported hates Trump nearly as much as your party. Most of us have been fools politically throughout our affiliations with either party. The uniparty is real, they only differ around the edges.

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I know Sasha appreciates a good movie quote. One of my favorite from Shawshank:

"Hope is a good thing, maybe even the best of things. And good things never die."

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Another great thoughtful and insightful article Ms Stone. You are an incredibly gifted writer.

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Good read! I remember the days when you would verbally bash me for not supporting the dems or thinking differently. Even then I still totally respected your viewpoints. I always admired your passion. Anyway, I’m so glad you are on the right side. This was a great read just like the rest of your writings. Very proud of you. By the way, my typewriter documentary got placed in the Oscar library reading room. A printed and bound copy which will stay into perpetuity.

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Spectacular, Sashsa. Yours is such a powerful voice. Thank you!

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Sasha, loved the deep voice, but get well soon. And vote your conscience.

Loved the piece. You ROCK!

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I’ve made the exact same political journey and landed in the same State and made the same decision on whom to vote for. Once the Democrats corruption is tamed, I’ll probably return to the fold, although never blindly again.

But it all comes down to Pennsylvania. Trumps poll numbers are always underreported due to embarrassment, but the ballot harvesting is a real threat. Holding my breath.

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Retrospection through elections... very interesting!

Now we need to prepare ourselves for 2024. Four years of bidenomics and retardation. One might think it should be be obvious but there are still ... other ones.

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Meanwhile the party of “democracy” is trying subterfuge and intimidation to destroy No Labels, among others.

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A younger me used to vote dimocrat, indoctrinated from childhood to believe that D's were the party that supported working class & protected women's rights against an authoritarian Christian right. when I became a mother of 2, my husband simply said to me during an election time that voting for R's made it easier for him as a provider to provide finances & security for our family. So I did. I did it for love. clearly there are disappointing RINOs out there (looking at YOU Bushy neocon Nikki), but it has never been clearer than what we are living thru today what he meant by that. Dems are about Deconstructing; families, borders, faith, demoralization thru crushing taxes, regs, rising crime, failing schools (dumbing down), owning media, etc., even one's very biological identity is being torn down to enslave the the minds of the many to protect the 0lgarchial power of the few.

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Another excellent piece Sasha! I too am in CA so my vote will be a protest one too!

I've said this before on here....I ONLY became a supporter of Trump when I saw how the media manipulated Trumps words and fed it to us like Gospel. I can honestly say that is the ONLY could thing that happened during Covid for me was that the scales completely fell from my eyes.

I honestly wish there was a different candidate on the right that could win. I don't hate Trump but I'm so ready for all this BS to just stop. Though, the left would probably villainize the next Republican but I wonder if it would be to this degree?

I love your last line... "Sometimes it can just be about revenge." My friend keeps referring to Trump's running as the #revengetour2024 LOL

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