Sasha, this is absolutely on point. The progressives were so absorbed in anointing themselves geniuses and saints that they wouldn’t listen to anybody telling them they were never going to stop the climate from changing. The most realistic course was always to make sure we could deal with natural disasters while changing over to energy sources that actually work such as nuclear.

Instead, they called us climate deniers and rushed headlong into fantasies such as the Green New Deal. Now the people of SoCal are paying the price for this hubris. The effects will be felt throughout the whole country for years. Will they finally learn from this that they are not in fact the Masters of the Universe?

Progressives are sometimes right in diagnosis of problems, but almost always wrong in their prescriptions. In this case, they were tragically wrong.

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Where have the "progressives" been right on their diagnoses? (Asking for a friend.)

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It was an overly generous characterization for sure. Sometimes we need people to draw attention to problems in order to fix them. Progressives are good at pointing out problems, but invariably propose solutions that only make the problem worse.

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Once upon a time, I believed this too. I excused my leftist friends' tendency to always emphasize the negative aspects of our country. Recently, however, as their megalomania and grand plans have become more evident, I've begun to recognize it as part of an effort to tear down the culture in order to rebuild it as their fantasized Utopia. Some people call this "Aufheben der kultur" (unfortunately, behind a paywall: https://newdiscourses.com/2021/03/onlysubs-critical-theory-and-aufheben-der-kultur/ ). I'm under the impression that most of the rank and file, like my friends, are unaware of the origin and technique and simply repeat points they absorb.

The evidence to me that the claim that they are just trying to make the world better by pointing out problems which need to be fixed is disingenuous is that their solution almost never helps the problem and often makes it worse.

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My interpretation is that the progressive takeover of the culture happened in two phases.

The first phase really was driven by misguided ideas that they could set up a utopian society here in the US. But they had (and still have) a fundamental inability to understand the difference between means and ends. They conflate the two; for example, ending poverty is simply giving more money to poor people. They do not see any more nuanced solution, nor do they believe their obviously correct solution could produce unintended consequences.

When their solutions don’t work, they do not examine their ideas and try another means to their end. They don’t understand that concept. They just lean harder into their moral outrage, demanding that we keep following their prescriptions, only more and harder.

But the obvious failure of their ideas in the cities they have run for decades made them more militant, and ripe for takeover by the radical leftists we see today. It’s hard to admit they were wrong all along, it must be the evil oppressors who thwarted their perfect plans.

The element you describe was more than happy to step in and run with it from there.

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They allowed the fire hydrants to run out of water. They welcomed firestarting vagrants and invaders. They cut fire-fighting budgets. They did not clean up dangerous underbrush.

BUT it's climate change.

Yeah, right.

I hope by this point, Californians aren't buying the bull shit. But they are idiots who elect the likes of Newsome, Bass, Schiff, etc. etc. in the first place. (Not talking about you, Sasha, of course.)

The solution may eventually be to make California a territory again. It's obvious they cannot govern themselves.

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...and its not just California, but the world-over. The Lefist Media Industrial Complex has conned much of the world into believing in man-made 'climate change' -- yet its the greatest hoax of all-time, costing working people billions upon billions $$$.

A 'Tower of Babel' moment as man thinks himself smarter than God.

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It's tempting to turn California back into a territory in view of its inability to govern itself, but that would require a vote of Congress (and probably 60 votes in the Senate), so not likely to happen. However, federal assistance to the state to rebuild after the fire could come with conditions, such as putting the state (or at least LA) under federal control, requiring the resignation of glaringly incompetent public officials, imposing merit-based hiring, prohibiting DEI, etc. California's problem is not global warming. It is incompetent leadership undergirded by a bankrupt woke ideology and a self-deluded populace that keeps electing buffoons to lead them.

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Sounds good. BUT one day California will be going bankrupt and will ask for a big federal bail-out. At that point, they should be told only if they give up statehood and become a territory.

They will probably then go belly up. So be it.

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Earlier today, it occurred to me that federal assistance to rebuild should be predicated on not turning the area into an experimental smart city.

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The scene from "Don't Look Up" was dreadful. A handful of sanctimonious actors lecturing us on the environment. They all tend to be against nuclear power while they live in their bubble of false reality. Yes, climate change is real, now offer real solutions that are attainable and don't send us back to the 18th century.

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My I gently point out that the climate is ALWAYS changing? And that now is not a particularly warm period, historically speaking?

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Absolutely, there have been warm and cold periods over 4.5 billion years. Humans are very intelligent and hopefully will adapt to any changes.

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These seem to happen every 20 years or so, quicker if dead brush and trees are left on the ground - especially mesquite scrub and eucalyptus trees - rich sources of fuel. If a fire gets started, and you've got those Santa Ana winds going up canyons and arroyos, the effect is like a blowtorch - that's what was seen on the Malibu beachfront, you could pretty well tell which houses would go up and which would be left without a scorch mark. Couple that with stick-built construction - 2x4s, "engineered lumber" - often wood chips or strips stuck together with resins, and asphalt or wood shingles, and park it on the side of a hill or on the very top, close to the edge, and it's just a matter of time. That was the point of the 1962 flick mentioned in my Substack post below - steel roofs, stone or concrete block or ICF construction - absolutely no wood or anything flammable should be the rule. And high density housing should be banned, we have mandatory setbacks here in Flyover Country, and it's all about fire protection. If you can stand between two houses, stretch out your hands, and touch both, they're far too close. Five feet is the minimum setback here - making for a ten foot gap. And they knew all about this in 1962 - look at the last ten minutes of that flick, Designed For Disaster, by the LAFD. If you've got Santa Ana winds, and you think you can fight a fire, sorry, it's all over until the winds die down - or there's nothing left to burn. https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/some-interesting-history-behind-the

Looking at those neighborhoods in Pacific Palisades and Mandeville Canyon and those other places like them, with houses nestled in shrubs and eucalyptus trees and palm trees (palm oil) and resin-rich mesquite scrub - and the houses stuck so close together, and on hillsides ... "Designed for Disaster" is the most appropriate name for that film made in *1962* - and yet people not only make the same mistakes, they double down on them. And they get disaster like clockwork, every 20 years or so... and the exact same kind of disaster. Australians, at least, can learn from their mistakes and not make the same ones over and over again - In Australia, bushfires are common and they use steel roofs to protect dwellings against it - and have done extensive research, see https://research.csiro.au/bushfire/new-builds/roofs/ and https://research.csiro.au/bushfire/assessing-bushfire-hazards/bal-assessment/ For general guidelines for new construction - https://research.csiro.au/bushfire/new-builds/ and retrofits for existing buildings: https://research.csiro.au/bushfire/retrofits/

Take the time to show this to your local "leadership" and if they don't make appropriate and quick response, get rid of them, kick them out of office and out of power and out of your community - and cancel their pensions and compensation and the rest of their ill-gotten gains.

As for DEI, it's a blatant violation of the 14th Amendment, it might be good to see a bunch of 42 USC 1983 lawsuits against universities and so on..

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Don't need concrete block homes, or anything too cold or unsightly. Just build according to Wildland/Urban Interface standards, which feature Hardie Board concretized lap board siding, fire proof shingles, enclosed soffits under eaves, fire resistant doors and windows, and external sprinkler systems. And keep the brush cleared and away (along with all flammables) from your home. Voila! You are ready for pretty much anything.

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Fire brands and those picturesque shake-shingle roofs. Yup.

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Man made climate change is absurd

The climate has been changing since the beginning of time

The Sahara wasn’t always a desert and polar ice cap wasn’t always frozen

The fact that the overgrowth and dead trees were not cleared and rainwater wasn’t saved in reservoirs is why these fires got out of control

Why were people lighting fires not charged with arson?

How many of these fires were intentionally set?

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Another great article, Sasha, thank you - but it's a lot worse than you think. They are deliberately destroying the Pacific Palisades area, in order to build a new Smart City in it's wake, in time for the 2028 Olympics. Same tactics used in Lahaina, to make sure all conditions would prevent timely aid in nipping the fire in the bud. They destroy it, and then make a land grab, leaving the former homeowners out in the dust, if they survive.

They also used military developed geoengineering to create the historic flooding in North Carolina with Hurricane Helene. They made it so no help could get through to these poor souls, which is still the case today.

Research "Directed Energy Weapons" and "Geoengineering", - but not on Google or Bing, find an independent search engine - and then check this out:

DARPA using fires as a weapon of war: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/AD0509724.pdf and https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/dtic-ad509724-forest-fire-as-a-military


On the deep state Pacific Palisades fires and sabotaging of other locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqD-CTi-jT0 AND https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/la-fires-clear-the-way-for-smartla?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web AND https://tierneyrealnewsnetwork.substack.com/p/california-burning?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=728707&post_id=154554320&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=ktctk&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email AND https://www.livablecommunitiesinitiative.com/mobility AND https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/appalachia-murder-always-happens AND https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/appalachia-save-the-families-and AND https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/mauis-inferno-organized-human-evil

All of these escalating "natural disasters" have all been created by our own deeply corrupt govt., along with their partner globalist govts around the world. They blame these "historic" natural disaster type events on Climate Change to gain more and more power over people and especially over resources. They are truly evil and do not care who they harm, kill, displace, impoverish, of anhilate to reach their globalist goals.

These are the same people pushing toxic injections on populations and censoring the millions of deaths from the jabs and the success of early therapeutics. The people are unaware they have been subjected to pyschological warfare for the past decade or longer.

Check out Mark Crispin Miller's Substack. He is cataloguing the millions of worldwide deaths from excess all cause mortality after the roll-out of hte "vaccines" in 2021. When you see how many otherwise healthy and fit and often young people who are suddenly and unexpectedly dying, then you can grasp the scope of the war on humanity.


Your voice has been AMAZING. It's time you learn more about their endgame, as we need you to use that one-of-a-kind voice of yours to reach more and more people with the truth. Thank you for all you do and Godspeed.

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Sasha- You should read Steven Koonen's book, 'Unsettled' in which he debunks all of the hysterical causal claims about "Climate Change' from the supposed rising seas, to the supposed increase in tornados, etc., etc. None of it is true. Koonen was, formerly, a true believer, and a very accomplished scientist, which is why he held a very influential position in the OBAMA Dept. of Energy. In fact, his job was to sell "Climate Change' to Congress, the public, and corporate America. Once he got into his position and looked at 'The Science' more carefully, however, he knew it was smoke and mirrors. My own conclusion is that 'Climate Change' is the biggest hoax since the Virgin Birth of Christ, and its primary function is to launder campaign contributions to the Democratic Party from 'Green' energy companies who are subsidized by Democratic lawmakers in exchange for campaign contribution kickbacks. That's why the Democrats treat it like the Holy Grail. To them, the $$$$$$$ it brings in and the social control they have from the fear they generate from Climate Hysteria are significant contributors to their power.

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I grew up just outside of the San Fernando Valley. My son now lives near Tehachapi. He keeps asking me why I don't leave Arizona to live near him. This will be my answer again.

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Batman, I thought it was because you were just keeping your distance from the CA Joker in Chief.

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Actually, it is the Republicans' fault. They wouldn't let the Democrats shut down the economy to save gaia from getting hurt by climate change and so starve out the California population of all those yucky polluting humans especially in Pacific Palisades.

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I thought I detected a hint of sarcasm there.

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Sasha-just a note- there are many causes of climate change- many of them non-anthropogenic. One (convoluted) clearly anthropogenic cause is the fact that we have cleaned up so much particulate pollution/smog from the air globally that more sunlight can reach the oceans (and land) and raise the temperature of the climate. Perhaps the fastest way to reduce global warming would be to return to nasty soft coal heating and Russian Lada cars? actually these tragic fires are probably doing their part to balance climate change! You are so right- it should not be a political football,

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I was born in CA and lived there most of my adult life (until taxes, traffic, and cost of living made me cry "uncle" a few years ago). I love the state and it is unparalleled in beauty, weather, more ... Somehow it has become a one party autocracy, and that has allowed self-serving politicians to ruin just about everything.

Within hours after I saw James Woods' first "X" about his house, pretty much every Dem politician and media figure had posted some permutation of the following:

* Republicans are horrible people for politicizing this

* Trump and Elon are billionaires and should be ashamed for not stepping up and doing something (who is President or VP today???)

* This is the direct impact of climate change, and nothing else

* Canada and Mexico are doing more than Republicans and "red" states

* Newsome, Bass, and Crowley are the only ones who can be trusted and are taking full responsibility for this

* Biden is a hero for offering the full support of the Federal Govt

* Some how Rick Caruso (lost LA mayor race a few years ago) is partially to blame

The "right" posted some obnoxious stuff too about lesbians in the fire dept and DEI (the latter is partially true, but this is a tragedy that was waiting to happen long before wokeness infiltrated the LA fire dept).

Here are my thoughts:

- weird how the precise talking points on the left came from every possible source almost at the same moment. This seems to happen a lot

- the call to "not politicize" is nuts, considering everything from a plane crash, to a tragic shooting, to a flu spread during flu season is completely politicized every time by the left

- The crux, I think, is the 1-party state. Political leaders in CA have no incentive to do ANYTHING ever. They cannot lose elections. The state is overwhelmingly Democrat, so they get an advantage there. Not only that, but the most influential Dems would never vote for a Republican under any circumstances. I know - that is 2/3 of my family. Democrats my be grifters, lousy leaders, feckless, corrupt, but "Republicans are EVIL". Additionally, with the new laws passed over the last 2-3 years, it is illegal to ask for voter ID (I can vote 90 times in the same place if I want, and nobody can ask me if I'm the same person); same-day registration is legal (so in the 90-vote scenario, I could theoretically keep registering and voting); it is a felony to challenge a certified election - which is why I suspect none of those US House Republicans that won on election day, and ended up losing a month later ended up challenging - they wanted to avoid jail!

So this is a puzzle I see with no solution. Well-funded Dems will be selected by the people who have the money and influence to do so. They will be installed, and will to direct money (25% pay raises for state employees; state contracts to existing democrat billionaires; ...) to those who installed them. Life will go on and Republicans will take the blame for every bad thing that happens, and nothing will change.

This is why I gave up and left.

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This is also the condition most cities are in; run by corrupt Democrats from bottom up; teachers, cops, DA, judges, bureaucrats, academia, mayor. Philly is an example; blatant fraud, incompetence and corruption from lowest levels to highest levels. The majority in the city are in on the take and the state has a bear of a time cracking the layers that have been cemented in for generations. States really need to start divorcing themselves from their abject failure cities where violence and crime flourish. City school system spends billions just to have over 80% of students fail grade level proficiency tests. Then they use grade inflation to pass them and hire these flunkies into well paying DEI LOW-IQER positions and colleges. Not sustainable; deep six the blue cities from the red states.

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And Chicago is the worst of the bunch. Teacher unions control the mayor’s office

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Bill Maher on Kamala Harris and Chicago public schools.

“Chicago Teachers Union: Tests are racist.” (2 min)

Illinois Policy. Oct 28, 2024


“The Chicago public school where no student can read or do math.” (2 min)

Illinois Policy. Aug 22, 2024


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Wow, David K. Your post was jaw dropping. Thanks for the info. The paragraph starting with “The crux….to jail! Made me throw up my hands. I did not know that in

the last 2-3 years this state has screwed that much with voter ID laws, (no ID, no

verbal challenge to person about voting-90 vote scenario, and a felony to challenge !

Or to jail)! Then the pay off paragraph was a real downer, because the Dem’s tried to

do just that in the federal spending bill.

In 1964 I spent a year working in San Francisco. I was making $500.00 a month;

more than the $ 141.00 I was making in the South. The apartment in SF was costing

$400 compared to $100 for a comparable one in the South. ( Yes, in SF there was a very low 2nd income.)My father-in-law made $50 an hour as a union sheet metal

worker. He was first class in his job, a perfectionist. He never messed up a sheet of metal which made him valuable. We, too, considered living in SF, but we could not

because our work had to be done in the city. We could not figure out how we could

live there and ever build up savings. And look , this was in 1964! I don’t remember

any forest fires because that would have been a deal breaker to me.

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I have to admit 90X is probably over-stated (who knows - I picked an arbitrary big number). But think about it this way: If the state allows for same-day registration, and cannot ask for ID - a person could, in theory, have dozens of forged utility bills to use as ID to "register", and then turn around and vote under each registered name. The polling location is not allowed to ask for ID - which is crazy since in this hypothetical case, it would be the same person walking in and voting multiple times (no way to prove that!)

In terms of the election challenge - I'd guess that through some lengthy appeal process this law might get overturned, but who wants to take the chance that they go to jail and 1) it does not get overturned, or 2) it does, but they potentially spend years in prison through the appeals process. Henry David Thoreau maybe, but probably not a ton of others, particularly squishy politicians.

And yes I believe that the federal government tried to pass almost identical legislation as a "national voter act" (probably named after MLK or WEB DuBoise or Ghandi or some heroic historical figure). I think if the election had gone the other way, the filibuster would be gone, and we would see the CA laws become a national law.

Last, it broke my heart to leave CA. I moved there for a manufacturing job in the 90s because it seemed like paradise. By the time I left, my wife and I lived in a blue collar neighborhood in Long Beach and even though we made a lower-6-figure family income, every day was a struggle. That and traffic and the strong possibility our kids (babies at the time) would be devoured by the public educational system, we threw in the towel.

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“And that is why God invented Republicans.”

Thanks Sasha. Amazing article. You do such a wonderful job.

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Excellent podcast

Chance Californians will learn and vote for red solutions= about 10%.

Too many years of leftist brain washing , lies and propaganda .

The lemmings will march obediently over the cliff.

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10%? Maybe overall, but I doubt it. On the other hand, I suppose that California may be the US writ small -- a sea of sanity largely overruled by mega manheaps of stupid -- and tipping of one of those could have an effect.

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Newsom’s moves in the press are an amoral deflection…let’s fight fire “misinformation” by donating to a D fundraising site! He would do (or has done) the same over some crisis of luxury beliefs with no comparable harm, and seems not to realize how bad it is to do that when there is real harm. Totally unfit to govern, then—lives are at stake, and he doesn’t know the difference.

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They kept insisting the economy was great. But people knew what they saw in the grocery store. They will try to keep telling us that nothing could have been done to stop the fires. But people know you can’t put out fires without water in the hydrants.

The last thing Democrats will want in 2028 is a reminder of this tragedy. If they nominate Newsom, they guarantee non-stop commercials showing LA in flames.

Newsom’s hopes for the Presidency are toast.

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Newsom’s presidential hopes up on smoke? …

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Good article. I like the Jaws clip. As an aside, this novel about Quint set 20 years before Jaws was a fun read. https://www.harpercollins.ca/9780008647469/quint/

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Ms Stone: I'd recommend you sign up ( free) for this weekly newsletter which is excellent, and covers the gamut of meteorology , geology, and physics ( what is now called "climatology"):


This is compiled with and by a wide array of well respected scientists, all of whom are or have been academics in the abovementioned disciplines. The information can be assimilated by lay persons, and many of the articles are culled from the media, as well as scientific "peer-reviewed" journals, (for whatever that is worth, in these days).

You would recognize, after familiarizing yourself with this material, the vast deceptions of global warming hysteria, in almost everything you see in legacy media, and hear from "environmentalists", and poorly informed politicians and policy "wonks" -with no fund of knowledge in these disciplines, and who dont know even the first or second laws of thermodynamics; the identical groups involved in the covid 19 hysteria, are represented here too.

The current LA fires have nothing to do with "climate change", and nothing to do with petrochemical reserves, or the internal combustion engine, and everything to do with leadership and policy aspects in California. The same caliber of people who shut down their nuclear and coal electric generating facilities in Germany, AFTER the Nordstream gas pipeline was sabotaged, are in charge of public utilities and manpower in LA. The results of this incompetence are apparent for all to see. And it's everywhere: Ireland, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, most places in the USA, certainly the entire State Department and the rest of the federal bureaucracy.

Look up the "Senior Executive Service" and what they are, and have been up to, for a disturbing look at those who rule. Hint: these are the people who were actually "President", while their figurehead Biden was drooling and expectorating.

M Robert Weiss, MD

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Glenn Greenwald and Lee Fang are also well worth listening to about this issue of low IQ, incompetent leadership in so many areas of our society. Basically the Woke DEI people in charge rather than the high IQ and competent.

“LA Mayor In Ghana During Wildfires: Lee Fang Reports.” (10 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Jan 10, 2025


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Dr. Weiss, in what you have read on the subject in the newsletter, does the fact that the earth is always shifting on its axis ever get mentioned.? I come to the climate

conversation late in life as an arm chair student when I am asking this question.

Thanks for mentioning the “Senior Executive Service” which ties into one if Sasha’s recent articles.

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Milankovitch cycles are covered thoroughly in that newsletter. Use the search engine. Also, Wikipedia usually has decent explanations for basic principles and grounded scientific observations, like this. I wouldnt use wikipedia for sound information for any politicized material that passes for 'scientific' in some circles. e.g. dont look up "climate change" from wikipedia, you'll just get michael mann garbage in garbage out

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I appreciate that you care for patients directly and indirectly, Doctor.

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