“I had an entire hit piece written about me because I dared to mock the “White Dudes for Harris,”.

Any chance of a link to that article? Would like a good laugh as I watch this mess from afar. Ignore the critics Ms Stone.

De Nile is a river in Hollywood.


Amr Australia

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Ha. I can't bear to read it or link to it but you can find it -- something like "how an oscar blogger became a MAGA darling."

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Read via link. Go Sasha. Maybe the Sydney film festival would be worth a look at next year. Guarantee noClintons or axelrods will be there. Have been going for 30 yrs. Many films from many countries.

Amr Australia

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I just read it and hope you someday feel a sense of satisfaction at having been vilified for having displayed the audacity of thought.

I am your age, have a kid your kid's age, was strong for Obama as a local party chair, but peeled away from him as soon as it became evident that he was the big bankers' tractable fool. If somebody had penned a stink piece like this about me, I would fucken frame it! Congratulations!

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From the first seconds of the article, it's obviously disingenuous - taking your mocking "white power" as out of context as they're taking "bloodbath". Infuriating. But, of course, that's how they roll ...

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Here it is. It's kinda funny, knowing what we really know about Sasha.


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I can't wait until Sasha "finally tells all" about Hollywood and the Oscars. This country is teeming with deception, manipulations, lies, theft, blackmail and bribes in every possible department and industry-- government, health, military, climate, education, big tech, big ag, big pharma and of course, entertainment. Is it any wonder we trust no one and question everything.

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Obama was the beginning of the end of America and Hollywood entertainers were mesmerized by the devil.

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You don't think the Clintons were the beginning of the end of America? Or maybe the beginning of the end was when the Deep State could assassinate a president. Maybe it was way back to Kennedy. And it's taken 60 years to fully unwind.

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It actually goes back further than that.

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The Deep State, such as there was one in 1963, was extremely pro - Kennedy. As someone has said, "Why would the C.I.A. have wanted to kill Kennedy? He was giving them everything they wanted."

Do you know what Operation Mongoose was? It was the Kennedy administration's ongoing effort to kill Fidel Castro, which Attorney General Robert F Kennedy was in charge of. Lyndon Johnson, who, despite his known mutual hatred of Robert Kennedy, always figures somehow into these Deep State psychoses which were fostered primarily by Oliver Stone, who is a psychopath, hadn't known about the existence of Operation Mongoose until shortly after he became President. He was appalled by it and canceled it immediately for reasons of pure self protection. For the rest of his life he believed that, as he said to one friend, "Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got Kennedy first."

For people who have some attachment to madness - free life, a Castro influenced, at least, assassination of JFK actually makes a little sense, not much, but a little. After all, Oswald fancied himself a Communist. It's clear that throughout 1963, he was doing everything he could to establish a basis for ingratiation with Castro's regime. It's clear that when he spent most of five days at the Cuban Embassy, in Mexico City, in September, 1963, he was waging a desperate campaign to be allowed to defect to Havana. He certainly would have told the Cuban legation about his attempt to kill Major General Edwin Walker the previous March, a shot fired with the rifle which all ballistics experts have said was the only rifle in the world which could have fired the second shot, the one which passed through both JFK and John Connally, in Dealey Plaza shortly after 12:30 PM that day in late November.

We know that Oswald wasn't permitted to defect, nor did he leave Mexico City with anything which could attach him to the Castro regime. That does not mean, however, that the Cubans, realizing they had a live one on their hands, wouldn't have encouraged him to act on any violent impulses he had toward Kennedy, then sent him on his way with no expectation whatever that such a feckless man would do a damned thing.

But there WAS C.I.A. conspiring going on on November 22, 1963, in the same hour that JFK was being murdered in Dallas: a C.I.A. officer in Paris was meeting with a man who was regarded by the C.I.A. as a potential Castro assassin.

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Watch on Youtube (if it's still there) "The speech that got Kennedy killed". It's a speech he made about his idea of paying off the debt to the Federal Reserve (which is neither federal or a reserve) by using Congressional issued money certificates of some sort (I can't remember the name of it). Also, I saw a brief clip of Kennedy talking about finding and exposing the "secret groups that are imbedded in the government, behind the scenes and are influencing/running the government" (paraphrased). I'm thinking the Deep State didn't like either of these things.

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Bobby Kennedy, on Tucker a week or 2 ago , straight out said the CIA killed Kennedy.

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Sasha, you are beloved by all of us who have no platform but our votes and our pocketbooks.

You are a voice that has been within and now has the scales dropped from your eyes and you have a very important perspective to share with us. Your willingness to do so is commending.

God richly bless you and bring comfort for all the losses you have endured to tell the truth.

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Commendable, not commending.

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Tap the 3 dots on the right to edit but you have to be in the browser rather than the app where you can only delete the post.

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Sasha, you are the best! I love your posts. You are the queen of the intersection of politics, popular culture and history. Your writings are love letters to America, filled with passion and caring, covering the good and the bad. A future generation could find them like a time capsule and see exactly when and how we got off track.

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I lived in Hollywood for 40 years, my husband Tom Snow is a very successful songwriter with 21 Millionaire Awards, there is so much about this article that I find fascinating & really quite profound.

The stories I could tell about the hypocrisy & the selfish small minded people I met & knew there.

Tom is in the Academy so we can watch all the films released each year to be voted on but we now have a 10 minute rule, you can guess how many make it through even that long. I could go on but this is just to say WELL DONE what a terrific article!!!

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Would like to hear those insider stories. Please share if you don't mind. I'm sure others would too.

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Ok, a little off topic but I just figured out who Rachel Maddow reminds me of: Beaker from the Muppets.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Funny. But, careful now. Beaker has a lawyer. ;)

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I thought the Reagan movie was awesome. For context, I'm an old guy who almost never goes to the movies, nor has a tv, nor watches movies online at home. I was actually tearing up through much of the Reagan movie, though. I liked the way they tried to show the good side of everyone, not only Reagan, but also Tipp O'Neil, Nancy and Gorbachev. Prior to the film they showed a trailer for what is apparently the next Captain America movie. That one, I wouldn't go to see if they were paying me.

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Yes. I want to see Reagan movie. I can never get enough of RR’s sense of humor.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I just saw a clip of Reagan saying a joke at a speech: "A young boy was outside a Democrat fundraiser selling kittens and as the Democrats came out of the building at the end, he said "Get your Democrat kittens here!". A couple of weeks later, the Republicans had a fundraiser at the same place and he had his kittens again and as they were coming out of the building when it was over, he said "Get your Republican kittens here!". A guy from the press saw him and said, "Hey, kid; you're the same kid who was here a couple of weeks ago, selling kittens. You said they were Democrat kittens. Aren't they the same kittens? But you're selling them as Republican kittens. What makes them Republican kittens now?" The kid said "Yeah, these are the same kittens as a couple of weeks ago, but what makes them Republican kittens now, is they've got their eyes open".

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The Reagan movie is excellent.

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took my mother to see 'Reagan', it was decent.

Just saw 'Am I Racist'? by myself. Silence followed when I informed my blue family that I was seeing it. It's by the same guy who did 'What is a Woman?'. VERY 'Borat' this time, only funnier. The one thing I will say is that I was only allowed to pick a seat in very limited upper rows, but most of the house below was booked by people who did not show up. Suppose, even in the Bay, someone determined that the movie did not deserve one of those 'ha ha, no one is seeing this MAGA movie!' stories from the blue team state media. no matter, as again, it is very funny and like the best of 'Impractical Jokers', kind to the audience at the expense of the 'actor and his uh, black cameraman (who accepts reparations from the 'White Fragility' lady, and so forth...' Highly recommended!

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One could argue that Hollywood always served the Regime, but when the Regime turned against the citizens it exposed its bias.

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Batya was great, thanks for making that available to your readers. "let them eat joy" indeed, what a great line. The only good thing in that Oprah clip is knowing all of them are on the other side.

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You end with Springsteen. Even he is lost.

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God I so love this. What a powerful analysis of Hollywood. I'm so glad you have made it your mission to write and share these insights. I wish everyone who works in Hollywood would read this with an open mind. They won't so I hope average Americans keep rejecting them and what they stand for. Thank you, thank you for this.

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Really powerful post, Sasha, you keep on nailing it and love that about you. I read the hit piece when it came out and laughed my ass off. They no longer know you and don’t know how to react any longer, except to attack and vilify. The emptiness inside to write such drivel is sad and pathetic.

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Sasha. I don’t think it’s half the country they hate. I think they hate themselves. Too bad they all could have rode off into the sunset with Obama and all his glory and left the rest of us and the world alone.

Good God these people are friggin annoying

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The problem with this is that Obama is still in DC, he didn’t ride off into the sunset. He’s still pulling the puppet strings to some extent. Why would he stay except to continue exerting power? No presidents other than Wilson and Roosevelt stayed in DC after their terms and that was for health reasons. Obama is there to continue controlling the Democrats and keep pulling in the celebrities. It’s like mothers milk to him.

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I love your articles…! ❤️👍🏻

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Good one, Sasha.

Unsurprisingly, Oprah and the Obama’s are implicated in the P. Diddy case. Gotta love it.

Julia Robert’s talks about her college age kids as extensions of herself assuming they’re voting exactly as she will, as though they have no mind of their own. No autonomy. I find that quite sickening.

I live in South Orange County, California which supposedly turned blue. Last weekend my friend and I went to San Clemente to the outlets to get something and there was a Trump MAGA store. The movie playing in the theater was Matt Walsh,’s “ Am I a racist “. I’m so oblivious I wouldn’t have noticed if it was not pointed out to me but I’m glad because it made me optimistic.

I imagine that both those things would’ve provoked riots in some other cities.

If something that blatantly “conservative” appeared 20 years ago or more here I would’ve been very unhappy. Times have changed.

These “powerful” phoney narcissists time is coming to an end. Many are and others will be exposed, unlike the Epstein story. I hope.

Making bad movies is the least of their crimes. They do have no clue and they think they’re untouchable.

Watching and listening to any one of them is truly unbearable .

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Excellent, You are a Truth Warrior. Megyn Kelly is a Truth Warrior and Batya Ungar-Sargon is brilliant. "Let Them eat Joy" "Let Them eat the Joy of the Rich"

I think the tide is turning. Please keep up the good work.

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Jeez, I thought the tide was turning, then the press did the propaganda job raising Kamala to Indira Ghandi status and I am once again is despair of my fellow Americans.

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