
I had a podcast all ready to go but I feel like it will just get buried if I post it now so maybe later tonight or tomorrow AM...

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Oh, man, Biden lost this debate as soon as he opened his mouth. His handlers really worked him over. Sounds terrible. After a blizzard of lies, Biden could only go 15 minutes without a brain freeze. He can't go another hour and a quarter, can he? Trump is so far, measured, coherent, and full of classic Trump bravado.

Okay, now he's slurring his abortion response. This is going to get worse. All Trump needs to do is let Joe do himself in. Float like a butterfly.....

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Thank goodness CNN, in its wisdom, muted the microphones when the candidate isn't speaking.

Just sit down, relax and watch the train wreck

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Sod anti-republican anti-democratic CNN, I'm watching the REAL debate, including RFK Jr on every device I can www.therealdebate.com

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I forgot about that!

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Me too Frank. Here’s a post I recently put on Epoch Times.

“We the people of the U.S, have a tremendous opportunity to realign with what we love and value and influence the world for a hopeful brighter future. It starts at home though. Were their parents, teachers, books, music, visionaries that changed your life for the better? Then as you listen to the 3 prominent candidates on X/Twitter tonight at 6 (not CNN, who is only hosting 2 out of the 3) pm PST, pick the one that gives you the brightest future for yourselves, future generations, and the World. There is hope for our Country, we just got to support courageous, healthy, bright caring leaders that help us get there. Treat yourself to 3 opinions rather than just 2 tonight. TheRealDebate.com on X.

Btw, thanks Sasha for posting Tucker Talks. I really enjoyed his talk in Australia!


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This is actually sad to watch.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I think they want to get him off the ticket… it’s pretty simple.

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That’s my fear. I’d rather have him on the ticket.

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I can't stand Biden, never could. So in some way it's gratifying to see him perform so badly. But a Biden replacement will probably be a far left radical but will initially get a messianic reception.

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He is pretty pathetic and now it is out there to see. Jill needs to go to prison for elder abuse.

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And to think Biden spent a week at Camp David to prep for debate🤦‍♀️ what a total waste as president.

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Yes, the one with Kennedy made it watchable - otherwise, a train wreck.

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Maybe the worst debate performance we've ever seen?

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Biden looks and sounds horrible and my family and I are in tears laughing at his gibberish and scowls.

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I think they just want the visual to give them permission to say, yeah… we can’t run him. ‘I promised the kid I would step down…guess it’s time.'

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I hope a bunch of American not so tuned into politicals watched this debate or will see snippets in days after. Just a world of tremendous difference between Brandon tonight vs. Joe 4 years past. Some D voices talking like Biden is already dead, post debate. I wish Trump in his close would have flipped script to emphasize a positive future.

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Hey Matt, I am thinking that the Dems are intentionally tanking the election because they want Trump to win so they can persecute him for the pain we’re likely going to see in 2025; greater inflation because of the debt, Ukraine surrender, etc. I can’t think of another reason they let Biden out of the basement except because they want to lose. Take care, amigo.

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Yes, it looks like it may have been fatal.

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What about last time??

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Yes by Biden

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So it's an easy win for Trump, right?

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For the only people who matter - which is people who have an exclusively media-filtered experience of Trump - I think it's a decisive win. The purpose of this debate is to reassure wavering voters that Trump is the best person for the job. And in my estimation the single biggest misgiving most waverers have is that Trump lacks the temperament for the job. He's demonstrating that he does. Biden is demonstrating that he does not. It's not what they say, primarily, it's who they're being. Trump is being presidential; Biden is not.

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I just started watching ten minutes before the break. Trump was strong. Biden looks like some old crack addict.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

"Biden looks like some old crack addict"

Like son, like father?

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Yes but I wish Trump would have directly answered a few questions. This debate was really low hanging fruit. Despite the win, Trump only managed to harvest the easy pickings and not the most coveted. 🏆

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Debaters of today dont answer questions I keep telling people these debates are pointless.

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Pointless if you think that the purpose of a debate is for two people to test their ideas against each other in a structured, adversarial context. We probably haven't had that since Lincoln-Douglas. But not pointless at all when the principal issue in this election is competence and temperament.

Personally, I like long audio interviews with non-partisan interlocutors (podcasts for example) in which candidates can expand on their views and engage in actual dialogue. The collapse of traditional media, in some ways, is aiding this healthy trend.

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Yup. Even cnn post analysis team is thoroughly trashing Biden.

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Yes. Thanks for posting.

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Byron Donalds is at the debate. So far it's Vivek and Byron present.

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I like Byron

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I think JD and a few other are coming

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Just heard Steve Bannon will be on Megyn Kelly tomorrow.

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Biden is crashing and burning on the first question and Trump knows.

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Trump was actually pretty restrained. Good he didn’t go in for the kill. Trump realized quickly what he was dealing with. He was strong but not had some empathy imo.

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The hushed microphone is really working in Trump's favor. Had he been able to interrupt Biden the interruptions would have taken the attention off of Biden, and it's important for people to really see and hear Biden.

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Trump is not an especially articulate person, but his thinking is 10x more grounded than most Washington politicians, and 50x clearer than Biden's. He has a salesman's instinct for simplification and repetition, but under that rather unconventional style is a person who has actually thought these things through. I attended my first Trump rally in Philadelphia this past weekend and I saw the entertainer side of his persona. Here he's showing the grownup. This is great.

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Biden just said he’d give blacks a $10,000 credit for first time home purchase. That’s clearly racist. Vote accordingly.

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Unconstitutional too!

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Just pandering and stupid. something your Alzheimer's grandpa would say.

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I have to say that I think the moderators have been far more neutral than I expected. Is it possible that they're on best behavior because they know that CNN has to win back centrists? What do you all think?

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They did a much better job at moderating fairly than expected.

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I think they were as shocked as the public and realized that there was no helping him.

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It was a death march for them.

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Subtle help to Biden on occasion but so far agree with your view.

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Oh, man, Biden lost this debate as soon as he opened his mouth. After a blizzard of lies, he could only go 15 minutes without a brain freeze. He can't go another hour and a quarter, can he? Trump is so far, measured, coherent, and full of bravado.

Holy shit! Trump just speared Biden with "I don't know what he just said. I don't think he knows what he just said."

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"Brandon... just speak to them..."

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Hilarious 😂😂😂

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That's really all he has to say, and all he should have said at the end. It is not mean to place that in a TV add. That is everything. Biden is mentally incompetent and should withdraw. Ef every single Blue team person who shouted down Bernie supporters, I'm looking at you Van Jones. Why do you love Joe Biden? even back then: why???

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Omg. Biden’s rape by relative vs. illegal immigrants is ridiculous.

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According to Biden, rape by brothers and sisters? I hadn't realized the scourge of sisters who rape family members was such a widespread problem.

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I'm glad you reiterated that! i was driving and wasn't sure if I REALLY heard what I REALLY heard!! What a MAROON!!

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I'm glad you didn't drive off the road! I would have...

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Brothers & sisters??

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I watched 10 minutes, Trump spoke clearly and calmly on abortion and the border. Couldn't understand half of Biden's words as his speech was so slurred. Hard to believe that's what a week of debate prep got him.

One reads a lot about Biden but doesn't hear him often because he leads a sheltered life away from interviews and press conferences. This is one of the few times I've heard Biden in a non scripted format. Ouch!

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Thats Biden and RFK Jr inherent speech problem they both have speech impairments.

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This is not a speech impediment

Biden is asked if he supports any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy:

"I supported Roe v Wade, which had three trimesters. First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor, I mean, between the woman and the state."

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Incoherent. Conceptually and verbally. He needs to retire.

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So does RFK Jr then or anybody who has speech problems right?

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RFK only has a voice problem; Biden has brain problem issues as well. He made no sense in most of what he said.

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Biden must withdraw from the presidential race. Truthfully, he should also withdraw the current presidency itself.

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He has more than a voice problem he is also easily fooled.

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I said "coherent," not "intelligible" (or whatever the antonym for garbled is).

The definition of coherent - from the OED - is "(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent." RFK Jr is more coherent than either Trump or Biden. It has nothing to do with speech.

Are you serious in believing that Biden's speech is "logical and consistent"?

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nope, not at all. RFK, Jr. is not as senile as your Alzheimer Grandpa. Biden IS.

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Sounds like a Marx Bros. routine, Groucho's "The party of the first part ... " Or Chico talking about the plane trip where they ran outta gas and hadda go back.

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I was sure there would be a Marxist interpretation of Biden's words that would make sense.

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Biden has a brain impairment in addition to his speech impairment.

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Yes, he does.

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Biden has Parkinson’s or similar w/cognitive effects and RFK has spasmodic dysphonia- a spasm of the vocal folds during voicing. No connection to cognitive function. He could help it with Botox but the guy clearly doesn’t like needles.

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Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn are describing it as "like watching wild kingdom"

David Urban: "That was an unmitigated disaster." David Urban!

It's a mob hit. They're taking him down.

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Vivek had the best quote. “We thought they were going to pump him up but they gave him a lobotomy.” 😂

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Biden pulling out his greatest hits. He got “fine people on both sides” “generals are losers and suckers” and “bloodbath!” all in. And trump slapped him down, which was invigorating.

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New one... “The Idea!”

Taibbi has a drinking game and bingo card!

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