Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

May I respectfully suggest that there may be more in play here than Trump’s charisma and DeSantis‘ dearth of the same. Specifically, I think the “pissed off factor“ is going to play a significant role in the next election.

I, for one, am pissed off that the Democrats in general, and the Clinton campaign in particular, intentionally deceived the public and spent 3 years using the Russia-gate hoax to thwart the elected President from achieving the will of the people who elected him. I’m pissed off that the the MSM who have long paraded themselves as the guardians of the truth, were not just complicit, but eager participants in this deception. I’m pissed off that our premier law enforcement and intelligent communities (aka: the Deep State) were also actively attempting to undermine our duly elected President. I’m pissed off that RINOs like Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, Ben Sasse and others of that ilk worked against the leader of their party! I’m pissed off that a deeply entrenched bureaucracy (aka: the Swamp) controls much, if not all, of our government and does what it chooses. I’m pissed off that the so called bastions of Conservatism like NRO worked tirelessly against the election of Trump in 2020 and continue to do so today. (As an aside, I hold NRO to a large degree responsible for Trump’s defeat, Biden’s election, and the mess we find ourselves in today!)

There are many more examples of the institutional obstruction of the democratic process and the thwarting of the will of the people, and while I am not a big fan of him, I see Trump as one of a very few people who not only understand the problem, but are willing to confront it and attempt to get this country back on track.

This is a very long way of saying that for some of us, it is not Trump’s charisma, but his stated goals and objectives that will attract pissed off voters like me.

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Very well said.

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As I read in a print article, a Catholic priest (who didn’t like Trump) rethought his stance.

The Priest said, “when you go to a knife fight, you better bring a knife fighter.”

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Or a gun…;-)

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" I’m pissed off that RINOs like Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, Ben Sasse"

Lets not put them all in the same category.

Paul Ryan Path to Prosperity




Ben Sasse The Vanishing American Adult


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Bear in mind that RINO doesn't mean anything anymore in its application except as a term of abuse from one Republican to another for often minor disagreements.

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THANK YOU! I've been looking for a short concise way of putting it. I think you've got it. I'm stealing this!

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I think based on policy and actions he's better than Trump. But I agree that politics is about more than that. It's a tough situation because DeSantis was better on Covid than Trump and he's a more effective culture warrior. We'll see if it matters.

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Scott Atlas’s book of his time in the Trump administration as Covid advisor was very telling. Although Atlas said nothing bad about Trump, and indeed praised him frequently for at least asking questions, the picture painted of Trump’s management was horrifying. Trump had zero control of Fauci and Birx, letting these bureaucrats run insanely rampant. Trump placed the incompetent and passive Mike Pence in charge of Covid policy, and Pence just watched the Fauci/Birx debacle happen like a pure spectator. Trump’s ignorant comments about ingesting bleach and similar gaffes were so ridiculous that nobody took him seriously, and the Fauci/Birx establishment steamrolled right over him.

Trump is a lousy manager of the powerful bureaucracy of the federal government. De Santis has proven the capability of managing government overreach, controlling and eliminating woke bureaucrats from implementing their personal opinions into odious laws we are all held hostage to, and setting rational, effective policies, but during elections our people act like fans at a sporting event and shallow traits such as charisma are seen as more important than managerial effectiveness. We darn better start getting serious about long term, massive reductions in government spending and reducing well over half of their worthless employees. Another term with Trump at the helm would be infinitely better than Biden that Biden has been, but Trump has proven zero competence at permanently changing the entrenched deep state. But hey, charisma...

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Oh yeah I read that book! I agree it was pathetic and nuts to hear that Trump was apparently afraid to do anything about Fauci because the media and his opponents would go nuts over it. Newsflash: they already hated you and always would/will! If he used the wrong fork to eat a salad they'd call it fascist.

I agree charisma shouldn't be what matters. Unfortunately in politics what should be and what is are very different things. Hopefully DeSantis can somehow pull it off.

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I've heard Trump is a bit of a germaphobe and I think that was part of the reason why he was "hand off" with Fauci/Brix.

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I saw that whole press hearing and Trump never said to "drink bleach". That was a lie. Both things he mention - light in the lungs and disinfecting the blood were REAL. The later was being research at Cedar Sinia (and they took down the info. on it after Trump said this - censorship!), and H2O2 and Oxygen blood therapies are used to "disinfect" the blood.

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Unfortunately, words and not record of governance are foremost on primary voter's minds. Trump had substantial competency problems but because of the stanning for him among a significant number of figures in social media as well as primary voters, he is as of this moment the favorite. He also has a huge name recognition advantage. Name recognition can be quite a hurdle to overcome for the standard politician, and Trump overcame that long before he announced his run in 2015.

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Trump promoted HCQ, and worked to make ALL options available, w/o any mandates for any of it to get people to reject fear and get back to life. RIGHT TO TRY was Trump's signature accomplishment alone. DeSimp is controlled oppo, a true loser in trying desperately to imitate Trump, but could never withstand what Trump is standing for: https://rumble.com/v3kntxm-truth-and-lies-president-trump-trying-to-save-lives-during-covid.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=1

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He left Fauci and Wollensky in charge to run amok with their anti scientific bullshit.

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DeSimp did EXACTLY what Fraudci told him to do, just like everyone else who was beholden to his decades long medical position. Trump announced he had NO intention of mandating anything, wanted ALL OPTIONS available to everyone, but was stuck w lifelong bureaucrat Fraudci he was unable to fire and would've been impeached immediately if he had tried. It was till AFTER Trump was out of office that COPYCAT DeSimp coat tailed on Trump's popular MEDICAL FREEDOM theme.

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On Policy, are there any REAL differences between Trump & Desantis? From what I see they are Both MAGA.

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Yes, in the sense that Desantis is more effective and on point. Trump gets distracted and goes on tangents and ad hominem attacks against people. It makes him less effective.

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Good piece, Sasha. I would offer a different view; Trump actually did(or tried to do against republican staffer's) what he and other republicans campaigned on for 40 years and didn't do. Charisma is part of his success, doing what he says is really it.

DeSantis has done great things in FL where he has the whole state in his hands; he won't have that at the national level and it shows.

Trump tightened the money supply, unleashed hydrocarbon energy, de-regulated us by the thousands, closed the border, killed terrorists rather than sending our Army downrange for 20 years, cut the corporate tax rate from the highest in the world(39%) to 21%, and talked to us like equals... as we are. He gets it. All others belong to the globalist cabal.

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BUT along with the corporate tax cut, he also signed the new tax bill, that cut taxes for all "classes" except for the upper class and wealthy, along with some in the upper middle class. That helped keep money in the average person's pockets and it actually brought in MORE money into The Treasury.

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You understand business’ primary objective is to make a profit and taxes are an expense that reduces profit? The money that would otherwise go toward taxes may be returned to investors, pay employee wages, bonuses, capital improvements, reinvestment and business expansion. These items may also result in a greater return on the investment. Paying the federal government taxes does not provide any business benefit.

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If a business instead of paying taxes could spend the money on a new HVAC system, new carpet / flooring, new windows, lighting fixtures, landscaping, countless other improvements, that creates jobs for other people. People who are not rich.

If you own any stocks, mutual funds, 401K, IRAs, you are the beneficiary of favorable tax policy.

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Jim Lane has an answer. For me it is moving work from abroad back here. An example is Burger King who moved their HQ to Ireland years ago because their corporate tax rate is 12%; that is how American companies sought shelter under the days of Bush/Obama/Clinton.

For my company we are moving much work back here from Asia and not losing a dime because of this; please know that much of our manufacturing moved to areas of lower tax rates.

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He did.

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Because corporations don’t pay taxes. They just add them to the cost of goods are the service they provide.

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Nixon was loathed by the media after his 1960 defeat. 8 years later he won the Presidency. 12 years later he won a 49 state landslide. The largest winning margin in history.

DeSantis is down now. But wait an election cycle. He has assets. He can win a campaign.

He did two things wrong this cycle. Tried to beat Trump, an impossibility this election cycle. And hired the worst team around him possible. I mean absolute idiots.

He will learn from this. And it will be DeSantis-Newsom 2028.

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Exactly. Without Trump he could easily beat Biden.

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With Newsom?? Uh, no. That would repel this DeSantis fan. And I give Ron more credit that that.

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I think he meant that they would oppose one another.

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Exactly what I was going to say!!

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Ah, of course. I got confused. That happens.

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It happens to me too Mark. More often than not. The prince of darkness is the master of confusion.

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DeSantis V newsom

Not in the same ticket

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The bigger problem for DeSantis on the debate stage is that Vivek has more charisma than he does, too. Trump/Ramaswamy might be the charisma ticket.

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I hope not. I won’t vote Trump if he pulls in Vivek. Don’t trust him.

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You have an excellent radar of people’s character. A rare trait. We need to develop a better sense of Cluster B personality traits, and fast.

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Great post Sasha.

Honestly, I don’t mind that he doesn’t have charisma. I think he would make an excellent president. He didn’t have a chance because of the Trump base in this election cycle but the base can’t win the general. I still worry about what will happen if Trump loses any of these court battles. Not that I think he is guilty, but he isn’t going up against a fair system and we need a winner. The baggage scares me with independent voters and we have to have them to win the general. 4 more years of this crap we have and we won’t recognize this country. Barely do in many ways now.

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At this point, I will take competence and character (DeSantis) over Trump's charisma (which escapes me). Plain and simple, DeSantis gets things done for his constituents and those that are not (bringing Americans home from Israel). Trump's rhetoric is all about himself. We don't have time for this. Let's have a younger candidate.

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I’ve never gotten the Trump thing. I don’t find him charismatic, just annoying. But there’s no denying people do and I do like that he fights. I’ll vote for DeSantis in the Primary but it won’t help, I’m afraid. He’s shown he can make real change happen in my native state and we really need someone who can clean house. But I think Trump’s momentum and people being so mad at the endless lawfare that it’s inevitable he’ll be the nominee.

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Yeah it could be the Shawshank Redemption Presidency from prison...just don’t know how you can run a country from inside a cell.

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They'll never convict him.

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DeSantis is a smart guy but he has the personality of a dead fish.

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No, he’s just normal. You’ve gotten used to the ‘ring master’.

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I take it that charisma is not charm. It's not wisdom either.

Rather than looking to a hero on a white horse in Washington to save us, I suggest checking out Dr, Mercola's newsletter and Whitney Webb's podcasts on Unlimited Hangouts. The Corbett Report is also good. We should figure out how to preserve ourselves, our families and our communities/neighborhoods in facing the tsunami ahead.

Take care everyone!

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Your description of Trump is dead on accurate…

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I like DeSantis so much for the sober and thoughtful way he analyzes situations and problems. I feel he is a genuinely good person... someone our founding fathers would have approved of. I feel his wife is a measured and intelligent woman who would be up to the task of supporting him during a term (or two) as President. But your observation of lack of charisma is spot on. I often wish we weren’t naturally swayed by it so much.

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I remember Trump really supporting DeSantis and making it clear that he was someone to follow. Sasha’s paragraph on DeSantis as Trump’s VP choice at one time was where I thought this was headed. I also remember a TV shot of DeSantis when COVID was going on. On that day he did not appear to be the same man; he appeared shaken and unsure.

How much propping up and coaching did Trump give him behind the scenes? It makes sense that he would. So when this YOUNG DeSantis decided that he would listen to the

100 + mouths whispering in his ear and run against Trump, guess what Trump called him?

Ron DeSanctimonious. And he didn’t say that one a lot. Looking at the possibilities for

the name, Trump was being kind.

One of the reasons I back Trump is that he wants jobs back here for our middle class to be strong. And now our jobs back home is the only way to protect our supply lines. We were oil and gas independent under Trump which was an amazing place. Now, the oil and gas industry has been turned upside down, fueling this huge inflation. He opened up lines of credit for the black colleges so that the game of carrying hat in hand each year to the White House to beg could be finished. He halted the Iran Agreement which I heard people

say was one of the worst deals ever made. Biden goes back to it and Iran two years ago.

Trump took us and our military out of the revolving door of war trying to build up our

troops and the four departments. And another reason I liked Trump was that he does not drink. But, Trump listens closely to the conversations around him of people that do.

There use to be a time when accounting firms would only hire people who did not drink.

They had to sign a contract to not drink. So I think by his extraordinary record he has proven all the managerial skills that he could considering what the left of left has been throwing at him. The things that many of you are mentioning about DeSantis sound like

attributes of the elites. Trump appeals to the middle class and he and they are glad of it.

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I can’t account for the lack of traction DeSantis appears to be getting. He’s a superb candidate on the merits. He has been a splendid, brave, accomplished governor in an important state.

I’m in Iowa. I don’t think the Governor Reynolds endorsement carries a mind-changing amount of weight with voters. We have had candidates traipsing around here for months. Ordinary Iowans don’t start caring much about politics or preparing for the caucuses until Halloween is over—so right about now. The Iowa caucuses humbled Trump in 2016, but most people seemed happy with him after he was sworn in.

I’m probably going to stand for DeSantis in the caucuses. It would be good for him to leave Iowa with enough credibility to make his case to more citizens in other states. Trump is polling in the high 40% range in Iowa. I could vote for either in the general. Hell, I could vote for RFK Jr. in the general. However it works out, I won’t be holding my nose nearly as hard as I have in general elections past.

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Lots of bonus points for the acoustic Tom Petty. He was a low-key guy, a great songwriter, and he had a pretty good sense of humor.

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One of my favorite parts of Sasha’s SubStack is the closing walk off music. Never disappoints. She has good taste.

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DeSantis is so squeaky clean that the worst thing that his enemies can think up to accuse him of that anybody might conceivably believe is that he has a lift in his shoes. Even if true, which I doubt, so what? He is a very competent governor and would make a very competent president. But it's true that he doesn't have the crowd appeal of Trump.

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Wasn’t the election vs. Gillum a close fight? His first congressional run as well?

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Yes President Trump has the "it" thingy that resonates with the average American and we now also have 7 years of evidence showing how dangerous, unethitical and Constitutionaly intolerant the Progressive Leftist are.

Lets hope whoever is left standing for the GOP WINS Bigly !

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