As a journalist my first rule was, don't assume.

What that means in the context of this year is, don't assume there will be an election.

If there is an election, don't assume it will be honest.

Democrats have too much to lose.

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Everything. They aren’t letting go of that power. Whatever it takes. Insurrection or “mostly peaceful protests.” They’ve got plans to lie, cheat and steal and we need whistleblowers NOW!!

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I agree with John Kirsch. If they can’t lawfare Trump out of running, they’ll either JFK him, make all voting by mail (cuz Disease X) or they’ll “postpone” the election because of “the current thing” (WW3, massive terror attack, etc). Trust me, if you think they’re giving up their power, you’re sadly mistaken! Prepare accordingly & #DoNotComply!

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Nailed it… EXACTLY 100% correct… The problem I see though is that the establishment recognizes that taking out Trump will only martyr him and energize MAGA supporters even more… That’s why they’re desperately trying to turn Trump supporters into domestic terrorist so they can then justify rounding them up…

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Precisely! If one plan fails, they roll with the next, or deploy them all at the same time!

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I'm afraid you might be right about that Mr Kirsch. With the way Biden is pumping up the "MAGA extremists" narrative, I'm on the lookout for a false flag attack that they will blame on MAGA.

Biden MUST know that his rhetoric is highly divisive, and I think he's intentionally trying to trigger unstable individuals. Throw in a few hundred FBI agents and they can fake another "insurrection". And it will be much worse than Jan 6 imo... Then they'll use that for all it's worth.

But that's just one angle I can see them playing...

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Biden is a tool of those that want division. He’s the worst kind of fool - one that was, and is, so easily corrupted.

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The stakes are high. But everyone has a lot to lose here. I expect "trump is anti-Christ" to become a thing. I'm not kidding.

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Yeah I have a devout Christian Facebook friend who’s convinced Trump is the AC. It’s weird because she seems pretty awakened in other ways, but that is a serious blind spot for her.

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Actually, JR, I think the Woke Left view “anti-Christ” as a compliment and team player.

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It's going to take the following form. Trump is a sceptic when it comes to climate change. Therefore, he will not commit to the Green agenda. Therefore, if Trump were to be elected life on Earth will end. Therefore, he is an anti-environmental anti-Christ.

Watch the climate angle. I wish I could bet money on this. Hive minds are predictable if nothing else.

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It already is and in unexpected places.

The lead post at Power Line bemoans DeSantis' departure and badmouths Trump.

These people are either stupid or controlled opposition.

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If that chant brings some of them back to the actual Church, I’m all for it.

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Jan 22, 2024
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Yes, any and all sinners are welcome. Because each and every one of us have our own faults and shortcomings. Giving & expressing love to those that think they do not deserve it is the very heart of Christianity.

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And the administrative state.

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I live in FL and one of the reasons I moved there was DeSantis' COVID policies. He is an absolutely phenomenal governor and in an alternate universe he becomes President in 2024. But the scorched earth strategy employed against Trump makes him the only candidate possible. Time for everyone to put their differences aside, look at the big picture and win. Just win baby!

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Amen, brother.

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I'm visiting Florida (the Keys) now and I have to admit the place looks better than ever. New buildings going up, hustle and bustle, the place is booming.

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Candace Owens is exactly on point there. Don't let the #NeverTrumpers who backed RDS spoil the entire barrel. Lots of people were legitimately inspired by RDS' record in Florida.

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I’m glad he dropped out and endorsed Trump. I definitely wanted DeSantis to be president. That’s just not where things are right now. I hope to see him, and other strong leaders from other states lead the way to a strong America.

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Anyone who tries to predict the future should be ignored.

Nevertheless my sense is that the Democrat-defense contractor-security apparatus-media-academic Borg hopes to retain power by fomenting war with Iran, Russia, China, whoever.

The actual name of The Enemy matters less than having one, because that allows our rulers to silence the dissent that scares them so.

In truth, when a nation's rulers declare war on another country they are really declaring war on their own people.

War is ever the health of the state.

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Beware a removal & replacement; there’s more chatter of Michelle coming in late in the game. After primary? Ya say. No way.

But Dems make their own rules - they got rid of Bernie to make room for Hillary.

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The probabilty of Biden being on the ballot in November is 0.0%

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You’re a very astute person, John.

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I learned a few things from reporting on politicians.

One was that the most prominent politicians were the worst ones of all. They care only for themselves. Biden is a perfect example.

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I am so old, I can remember Vietnam. That worked for a while but in the end it bit them. Of course, the Democrats managed to make LBJ's war into Nixon's war but Hey, Hey LBJ how many boys did you kill today.

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Another Neocon disgrace. The Vietnam War

Vietnam War Casualty Estimates

U.S. troops 58,220*

North Vietnamese troops 1.1 million**

South Vietnamese troops 200,000 - 250,000**

Vietnamese civilians 2 million**

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TBF, the neocons hadn't been invented at that point in time. One can track the philosophy involved to the neocon movement but it was really the product of an older tradition-messing with other countries for geopolitical reasons which goes back to WW2. The original neocons cloaked their policies in rhetoric about human rights but probably were still playing geopolitics. Over time, they came to actually believe in the human rights rhetoric, leading to nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq, the interventions in Serbia and Libya and now the Ukraine mess. Ironically, in Ukraine the Democrats seem to be playing geopolitics (and Russia, Russia, Russia). Blowing up Germany's pipeline is a clear example of this. The Republican neocons are pretending there is some great philosophical issue involved in choosing one corrupt authoritarian government over another corrupt authoritarian government.

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Vietnam belongs to LBJ, not neocons.

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"War is the health of the state"

In case anybody doesn't know that reference, here it is:


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If you were an ardent DeSantis voter the wounds are fresh. It's tough to take their pulse right now. And it probably won't matter for the rest of the primary season. Trump should wipe the floor with Haley. She represents the party's neocon, chamber of commerce past. Trump's policies represent far more where the party is going.

As far as the general election, the vast majority will vote for Trump IMO since I don't think they could support Biden or accept the consequences of staying home in November. There's too much at stake. I don't think these people want additional Biden-appointed judges and more of the same lunacy from his administration. The scariest thought is Biden appointing more Supreme Court Justices. Thomas (75) and Alito (74) are the two oldest justices on the court. The idea that Biden could appoint 1 or even 2 justices in the next for years should scare GOP voters into the voting booth. The left is at war with the 1st and 2nd amendments (and others). The thought of them gaining more ground should be too bitter to contemplate.

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Elections have consequences. Don’t let the democrats harvest anyone you know of or can reach.

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Absolutely. Dems treat Presidential elections like Wars. The GOP needs to adopt that mentality.

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Tell Ronna

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Nikki the Nimrod is a DEI Neocon bimbo.

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I would still have to vote for her vs Kamala.

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It's crazy, but this is the first time I've ever actually been scared of the results of an election. The Democrats have nothing to run on, so they're simply smearing the rest of us, and because they have a compliant media (with a few exceptions) I'm afraid it might work. Oh, and the election interference, too. It's going to be a very unsettling nine months.

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Have hope and courage. Things are moving in a positive direction; Trump is up 10 points in betting odds against Biden in RCP. Biden falters more every day and every time he opens his mouth. Harris is a DEI joke. Left is splitting on Israel-Gaza. Hunter is, if possible, even more “exposed”. Youth and Hispanics are shifting Right. Trump is likely to pick an excellent VP this time. America and Christians love to protect those unduly attacked and persecuted; and identify Trump as just that.

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Remember the red wave? Good reason to have concerns.

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It's not a question of whether or not Trump will get more votes than Biden.

It's only a question of if they'll be able to pull off the steal again.

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Don’t allow anyone you know of be available for the democrats to harvest.

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David Mamet is my new best friend. I love him.

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He wrote some very interesting books after 9/11.

But I don't see any citation of him on the author. I tried to find him on Twitter, but the David Mamet I found seems like a fake account.

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Never heard of him before but he was articulate and insightful.

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Really? He’s a famous playwright. But I guess I know that because my dad had a career in theatre.

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I recall reading at one point that the majority of DeSantis supporters chose Trump as their second choice. I'm sure there were a bunch of neocons behind DeSantis, such as the crowd over at The Daily Wire. However, there were also a lot of DeSantis supporters who appreciated his Covid resistance. Haley has a history of pushing vaccine mandates, so I think once the folks were supporting DeSantis because of his stance on Covid find out about that they'll go to Trump. Trump's not very good on Covid either in my opinion, as he was responsible for the lockdowns and still cheerleads for the vaccine. But I take him at his word that he would've never imposed mandates.

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At the beginning, Trump rightfully deferred to the experts (Indeed the Democrats still lampoon his one attempt at publicly asking one lighthearted question about the use of topical anti-septics).

But we now know better. Even with experts one must follow the money.

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Only people pushing Nimrod are Democrats and Neocons.

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Her husband is neither a Democrat nor a neocon. Broad brushes are for children and Democrats.

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In reference to the many comments re: staying home, write-ins, RFK, etc.

Far too many will be surprised and disappointed at the number of voters that will stay home, write-in a candidate, or cross party lines just to prove to themselves how virtuous they are.

I would have voted for DeSantis in the primary. At this point, however, Trump is the only sane alternative.

Did he get rolled by the deep state and their planted sociopaths, Fauci and Birx, on Convid? Absolutely.

Did his “I’m the smartest and best executive in history” ego get played like a Stradivarius into Operation Warp Speed? No doubt.

Has his massive ego and naivete has cost many dearly, and possibly millions of lives? Very likely.

Did he abandon those persecuted for protesting and defending him over the stolen election? Most certainly.

Has he been compromised or threatened by the deep state? Has he always been deep state? Maybe.

In some areas Trump has great instincts, in others he is either a naive fool or complicit.

Trump isn’t running for Saint. Purity tests in elections is a fools errand. Reagan used to say, “Someone that agrees with you 80% of the time is an ally.”

Will this election be rigged? I hope and pray not.

Regardless, looking at the probabilities of a better outcome for our country, he’s the only rational bet anyone that claims to love this country can make - and it’s time to go all in.

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Thanks for posting the interview with David Mamet. His no BS approach is still a breath of fresh air. I feel like Hollywood and Washington DC have become an unholy fusion like his brilliant screenplay for Wag the Dog. I wonder if DeNiro is ever self-aware enough to watch that or Brazil and realize what he's become.

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Desantis was always Trump lite, or tastes great less filling. Fill me up! I can’t get enough of Trump. It’s straight out of Greek mythology. Trump gets re-elected is the greatest political comeback of all time. The great chastisement. Get ready.

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Yes, but Trump is a comet.

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Don't assume the Republicans can't eff this up or the Democrats pull off another mass mail balloting election.

This is far from a slam dunk, even tho by justice and every rational consideration, it ought to be.

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The Dems do t play clean. Do t get smug guys. Here’s hoping

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Just as I anticipated. The only question I had: Was it going to be this week or next week?

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I kind of agree with Lawyer Mom’s tweet. I think a Covid Reckoning is crucial...

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Agreed, DeSantis’ speech was magnanimous. It might have been one if the best speeches. He seemed relieved and like the weight of the world was removed. I’m hopeful he will complete the people’s business in Florida.

David Mamet knows!

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WOW. Mamet is the real deal.

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I think his mistake was attacking Trump so much, considering the all out attacks on him from the entire deep state. That likely alienated the Republican base. He should have taken the Vivek approach, which was to say that Trump was a great president, only he thinks he could do what Trump did better than Trump. Not saying that would've worked, but I think it would have been a major improvement over his method. There might have been no way to win, considering the corrupt establishment doing their best to get Trump elected. Now to see who Trump picks for VP. Of course that might be a while.

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And also for him sticking to his principle of deferring to his State's democratic will as expressed by the legislature, in this case abortion. He was not yet a slick enough politician (and still too much of a military Officer) to know when to abandon one's principles.

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Unless explicitly stated I don't think it's possible to know when someone has abandoned their principles versus just updating their position due to new facts or logic.

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Well, yes.

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I really wanted DeSantis to get the nomination, but Trump would have been my second choice so I'm fairly easily 'switching' support to Trump and hoping all my X friends who support Ron will get on board eventually. They are very angry and swearing "Hell, no," at the moment, but let's give them time to come around.

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Thank you for including Mamet, Sasha.

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I see nothing but good here. Republicans and conservatives are coalescing around Trump. What's not to like?

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His supporters will largely unite with MAGA. But largely enough? I am sorry that his "new and improved" version of Trump did not work. Now we are just going to have to deal with losing votes due to "high personal negatives, which is to due to say personality trumping policy.

I thought that the Best of Rest, whoever that turned out to be, would be pretty good. But Desantis came across as flat, and Ramaswamy came across as jerky. (Pot Calling Kettle Black.) And the Also Rans were Also Rans. Haley rivals Hillary in the Fake Female category. I do not know why she is still running other than to more thoroughly ingratiate herself with the Donor Class and the Military/Industrial Complex.

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Watch Tucker’s video about why Haley is running. He gave a perfect explanation.

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I think she just accepted an invitation. Can't blame her for that. Worst case, she's at least sane.

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It is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic began to fall during the 2016 presidential election; on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court-RussiaGate and “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... And the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump is my proof - We the People now live in a banana republic.

Here is a link to a Glenn Beck content about the corruption in the "Deep State" as further proof of my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic is fallen:


My only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. I have no faith in any governmental leaders, or a civil war, to alleviate the problems of man's present condition. This quotation from Revelation 18 is profound and enormously timely when you consider the warning to: “Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” “And strong is the Lord who judges her.”

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The 1860 Presidential campaign was the beginning of the end for the Founders republic.

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Yup .. It is when "These United States" became "The United States" (or more accurately the "Unitedstates". )

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Lincoln made the preposterous statement that the Union preceded the States. I think he got from Joseph Story.... not totally sure.

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Trump is unpopular but may have an opening because his opponent is increasingly senile, imbecilic, controlled by AIPAC and complicit in the Gaza genocide. It may be necessary for the left to split with West, RFK and a no labels candidate draining votes from Democrats before Republicans win.

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Jan 22, 2024
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Friend, do you have to completely dominate the comments with this crap? Is someone paying you? Like are you being dispatched or something? Why is this your new hang out? Can you give it a rest?

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There are always losers who try to stir up things & attract attention. You & your readers can’t understand that any more than I can. I certainly don’t go to sites, posts, etc. where it’s obvious I am in total disagreement & trying to start trouble. Waste of time plus I have better things to do.

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Paid shills are a real thing. They’ve probably found their way to Substack...

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Thank you Sasha

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I don't understand why your entire mission here is to - what - tell people not to vote for Trump? Why? Why here? Why not some other Substack? What is your interest in THIS Substack?

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It’s likely a bot or a sock puppet account.

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To be more clear- Thank you for the interview with David Mamet! Fascinating and courageous. Also thank God C Owens said it! I’m sick of hearing Desantis voters are anti Trumpers. I voted for Trump in 2016 because no way in hell would I vote for Hilary so I crossed my fingers. I never cared about his “big mouth” or annoying antics. It paid off and I will vote for him again.

When Mamet was asked what about the “civil unrest” if Trump wins talked about in the NYT. Mamet answered that’s called a “threat” and basically saying that if Trump wins then liberals are going to go out and kill people. It really hit home to me. I admit I’ve feared that. But now it’s clear conservatives need to be courageous and not succumb to that fear of unrest. I put that threat in the same category as another one of their empty headed crybaby tantrums like calling everyone racist, trying to get their way like two year olds to keep their power.

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Yeah. I was talking to an old friend on Friday. He absolutely hates Trump, and can’t believe I’d entertain voting for him. Thinks he’s one of the 5 worst humans that ever lived, lol. He asked, “Aren’t you worried about what he’ll do if he wins?” And I said no I’m more worried about how people will react, i.e. exactly what Mamet is talking about.

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Seems we have little choice.

Get behind Trump or watch the nation burn.

Helluva choice.

Ron will have his day. It just isn't now.

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The competitors of Trump were all hoping they could get traction because they didn’t have Trump’s baggage and his polarizing “style”… Both Vivek and DeSantis were exactly like Trump and more eloquent but there is an indisputable element of “payback” in Trump’s support and there SHOULD BE…

We all need to remember that we want justice, NOT revenge…

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"Won't Get Fooled Again"

We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgment of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no

I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half-alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do you?


There's nothing in the street

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no


Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

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This is Bobby Kennedy's moment to shine. He always has been the least encumbered candidate with the highest ratings even without a formal "poitical party" behind him. He already has the highest percentage of 18 to 50 year old voters in his camp and many Republicans have been listening to his courageous and truthful analysis of the disgusting level of corruption within our government, all of it clearly documented in his two tomes "The Real Anthony Fauci" and "Wuhan: The Coverup"! Biden is a true loser and Trump is unable to bring any Democrats into his camp while they themselves have kept him in the Limelight for the last 4 years with their specious "indictments" and nonstop harassment. Biden and Trump are the bookends of globalization with Trump alternately railing against it for the Rubes while embracing Big Pharma and Big Oil and the rest of the Billionaire crowd and Biden just a brainless puppet who should have retired into wealthy obscurity before Alzheimers and Neo Cons took total control. Kennedy is everything these two failed "leaders" are not: honest, courageous, intelligent, thoughtful, gracious, well informed, and not beholden to Big Business.

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Hard to see how Trump’s America first is globalist. Other than you need fair global trade with open markets. Trump is bringing former Democrats into the mix. Look at his in-roads with “minority” voters. There are a ton of black voters sick of being taken for granted and had promises broken. People want prosperity, secure borders, stop the indoctrination of children, and energy independence. Energy is the key to EVERYTHING. While I’ve made financial donations to RFK Jr. Vivek and Trump. RFK had some extreme environmental positions. We need an all of the above approach. Kennedy also stated support for Ukraine but has recently tempered his commitment. I’m personally against ALL wars and US involvement unless we’re absolutely directly affected.

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We Trumpers - if that is the thang - don't dislike DeSantis, but we do understand that he has never had a private sector job in his life. That matters. Kinda like what the invaluable American Mamet alludes to.

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Military is a very different dynamic than a regular government job. Similar to private sector, it is not reflexively risk-averse and results are rewarded.

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Yes, I was an Army NCO in line units and HQ units and there is a different dynamic between them. DeSantis, a brother veteran for sure, was a JAG which usually equals parties. Outside of personal issues - I pray every day his wife recovers - the man hasn't earned the millions in his coffers through risk in the private sector and to me that matters.

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It's great to recognize that the Left's' "scorched earth" agenda to eliminate PDJT from the campaign is unlawful and obviously unacceptable. But that is not the reason I oppose DeSantis and am not moved by his "endorsement", only made after he finally admitted to himself that he has grossly insufficient voter support and zero traction in this presidential cycle.

Ron D. was never a MAGA proponent and was drafted in 2018 by the NeverTrump club and it billionaire benefactors to represent in 2024 their policies (Make their bank accounts even greater) while ignoring 95% of the MAGA policies that Pres.Trump has promised, had already started or attempted (being obstructed by strong GOP Establishment / Uniparty opposition) in his first term; policies that continue to motivate 75% to 85% of Trumps voter support.

To be clear, Ron DeSantis will NEVER enact any MAGA policies once he is in the Oval Office, should he ever get there.

His primary financial backers are explicitly against those policies that limit illegal immigration; that discourage in any way (via taxes or tariffs) the keeping of foreign-based manufacturing as a primary source of profits for the multinational corporations; that change from central bank-controlled monetary system (including debt), or that interfere in the massive Ukraine and other "war" money-laundering grifts that have enriched politicians and mega-corporations alike for decades.

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Ignore nonsense replies

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It's about time!

Assuming that ALL of Ramaswamy's voters will vote Trump, and most of DeSantis' voters will now support Trump, what narrative will Haley use to make it sound like she has any chance?

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Nikki the Neocon promises to nuke Iowa for not voting correctly.

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Former Democrat here that would have voted for DeSantis. Probably will vote for RFK. Agree with the mom tweet, Trump did a terrible job with COVID, he kept Birx and Fauci on his BS COVID task force, and let them do horrible damage. I live in California so it was great to see DeSantis destroy our horrible governor Newsom in the debate on Fox….at least we got that out of the DeSantis run.

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Why did he keep them? Ever wonder? Could it be the senate and house leaders gave him little choice? Trump tried the work around with Atlas.

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Per Atlas’s book, when he asked Trump why he kept Birx and Fauci around when they were openly contradicting him on school openings, he said it was for political reasons. Trump acts like he is the guy above these BS political moves but when he had the chance to make a huge impact during COVID by stopping those maniacs he did nothing for political reasons.

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He is president, not king. Of course it is political. There was nobody in power backing him up. That was our fault. Vote MAGA.

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Trump created the COVID task force. I would vote Trump before Biden of course, but will instead vote RFK as a protest vote. Not that it matters, California is a given for Biden, sad statement about this state, but what do you expect out of a state that elects a lunatic like Newsome

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Vote Trump and encourage him to set RFK2 up as a special prosecutor for COVID

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I think (on a largely un-related matter), that there would be nothing wrong, and much right. with the Demos running Michelle Obama for Vice President. Biden could run, and win, again, but everyone would know that, because he would soon resign, a vote for Biden was really a vote for Obama 2.0. Best of both worlds.

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The indescribable wreckage heaped upon this country - and the world - by the Biden administration, and all of it in just threes years: 10’s of millions illegal immigrants flooding every state in the country, the Afghanistan debacle, war with Russia via Ukraine, continued appeasement for Iran even after the Oct. 7th atrocities, historical inflationary levels, crushing American energy independence and its inevitable consequences on every facet of human life, deliberate poisoning of children's minds and mutilation of their bodies, a debt level so astronomical, and continuing to rise, that can never be repaid, attempting to turn our country into a full-blown racist nation, and on and on.

These are the things they had always “dreamed” of perpetrating here because they hate this country.

There’s only one man with the experience now and the dogged determination to bring this country back from the brink, the man they fear the most for just that reason: President Donal J.Trump.

If you think there is anyone else out there who can do that or is even remotely inclined to do it at the level it needs to be accomplished, you are deluding yourself. We’re not in Kansas, anymore, Dorothy.

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Where is this Mamet quote?

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Hmmm. I don't find DeSantis' speech "classy." Am I missing something? There are still many super angry voters in Florida who supported him in his race for Governor, only to feel completely abandoned when he CHANGED THE LAWS IN FLORIDA to be able to run for president when he was duty bound to RUN the state of Florida!

Sorry, Sasha, I support your Substack and love your posts, but this one is completely beyond me.

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The classy and honorable point was he pledged to support the Republican nominee and he recognizes Trump as the presumptive nominee. The classy part is attempting to unite the party despite some Trump supporters mistreating him. That takes class.

If you want to see the difference, look at Chris Christie and any number of politicians.

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We should seldom (if ever) over-praise charmers. (Well, OK; maybe for JFK, until we learn about his character.) So I was for DiSantis' straight talk and his efficiency as governor. I still think he could/would make a good POTUS. But he is young enough to wait a cycle or two.

Now I see Haley as our best (last?) hope to have someone in the White House who has the stamina, the experience and the empathy (American empathy, that is) to get this country out of the present pile of messes.

As for those who would stick with Trump, his (actual) policies and Haley's would not differ greatly. And, frankly, who would miss the gold-plated bombast, the un-called-for insults, and the strings of incompleted sentences (peppered with threats of physical violence) that makes Trump such a "man of the common people" ?

A President of the United States should be better than that; much better.

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Gimme a break, Haley is awful and shouldn’t be near the Oval Office.

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I am of the opinion that the donor class pushed him out to set up a scenario where all the anti-Trump vote goes to Haley. May not work, if you believe the polls but not the first time the donor class has done something stupid.

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I disagree, Richard. My bet is that Nikki the Neocon loses badly in NH and folds before being completely embarrassed by total lack of support in her home state SC (and next primary).

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I don't think we are in disagreement as I agree with your prediction. It is the donor class wishcasting again. I am perfectly happy to see them waste their money.

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Its a shame. True game changing power can only come from a Non Trump Presidency. DeSantis appeared to have what it took except the Trump Charisma and then the Democrats decided to legally attack Trump just rallied the troops around him. Hope he stays engaged and maybe in 2028.

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Trump has plenty of money to run, DeSantis doesn’t anymore. Better for Ron to get out while ‘ahead’ and never come in behind Haley in a primary. Also, and maybe even more important, if DeSantis stayed in for N.H. and somehow Nikki won, he’d be forever blamed by Trump supporters. Why risk that when you’re out of cash anyway. Vivek also has $$ but decided not to spend it any longer. Ramaswamy achieved his goal of being next, viable Populist once Trump exits (hopefully in ‘28), no viable path for him forward this cycle. We all know where Nikki gets her $ from and that is the current fracture line of the GOP. It’s us Populists vs. R Establishment now, until Haley drops out. Then we confront Biden & Obama-elites in the general.

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I supported DeSantis in the Iowa Caucus…and not because I’m a “Never Trumper.” I voted for Trump twice. That was back before he was too old to be doing this.

DeSantis is out now. So be it. I don’t get crushes on politicians any more. I have a decision to make about what to do with my one vote in the general election, but that’s a ways off. I got my shot early. Now other citizens get theirs. It will be an interesting campaign season. One of its most interesting features will be the effect that RFK Jr’s candidacy has.

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Some of DeSantis' supporters will vote for Trump. Many will not. DeSantis was first and foremost supported by the GOP establishment, his donors were establishment titans, and he would have done their bidding. Those folks hate Trump, and there's no way they will ever vote for him.

To which I say, "Good riddance". The establishment in both parties is corrupt to the core. Because DeSantis embraced those vipers, he lost my support and respect. I have no doubt he will try again in 2028 or later, but unless he says no to the donor class, he will fail again.

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We still have a two Party system, so for normal pols, one must have some establishment backing to advance in their career. (Trump isn't a career pol, of course).

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And that's a big part of the problem. "Establishment backing" is a nice way of saying "Establishment control". Once you take their money, they own you lock, stock, and barrel.

And we have "two party" system in name only. We have one party, the party of the State. It functions as one massive, evil blob.

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indifferent, not evil. At least evil has a plot.

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The Democrats won today. The only vote for the executive for me will be a write-in. I will not participate in our decline. Americans are as dumb as I predicted. If it even needed to be stated after how we've seen people behave since 2020. Shameful.

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“Americans are as dumb as I predicted.” That’s very pretentious of you. Of all the countries in the world, I hope you find one that deserves you, because I’m sure we dumb Americans don’t.

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Oh please. Vote for Biden, Michelle, Kamala which is left standing. The only one I know who will (and has done so) stand against the Swamp/Deep State is Trump.

The reason TPTB (powers that be), including

media, corporate, industrial, billionaires, race hustlers, leftists, etc. hate him so much is bc he won’t join their club. He’s independent of them. So you’re good w/ buying DA’s who misuse the judicial system to take down political opponents like is done in 3rd world & communist countries?

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Either she doesn’t identify as American or she’s so stupid she thinks she’s smarter than everybody else.

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She will not participate in our decline but will be voting for a write in candidate that has ZERO chance. Alrighty then.....

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Write in is better than a vote for Biden.

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Sweet Mama, sounds like you need a pick me up. Here’s one of the greatest movie scenes of the last 50 years that might re-energize you. Mamet’s ‘84 play this movie is based on, is pure gold.


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Glengarry Glen Ross was the favorite film of an Executive Vice President of one of the largest REITS in the US. I’m not sure if it was mandatory viewing. The amount of talent (actors) in that scene was pretty amazing. Best part was Baldwin didn’t have a gun 👉 but he did have a killer dialogue. 😂

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Love your pun Jim, spot on 😂 Baldwin’s character ‘Blake’ in movie was not in the original play. It was a great addition. For all of Alec’s faults, his work in Glen Ross was A+. So much going on in that ‘closing’ scene to start flick and throughout that whole movie.

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Why did the Democrats win today?

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Jan 21, 2024
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We each get one vote.

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Unless you live in Philly or Chicago; then you get as many votes as you can buy.

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Don’t forget the dead who still vote

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Now that is funny.

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But true.

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