Here is the thing. The Democrats could have codified Roe into federal law several times when they had control of the government. They refused to do so. The problem is Roe was one of the most questionable decisions in Supreme Court history. Even Ginsberg admitted how shaky the legal ground it stood on was. Combine this with cheap, reliable advances in birth control, the insane push to allow abortions later and later, the damage feminism has done to itself, and midterm projections that make it near impossible for the Democrats to pack the court and there was a perfect opportunity to reverse it. Funny enough, if we did get it codified into federal law, the fighting over it might have produced a better system in the end. We might have got abortions banned for late trimesters, easy and free access to contraceptives, financial support to struggling young mothers, and standardized health and safety conditions.

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Interestingly, I don't think Congress can codify Roe now - Alito's decision says because the Constitution is silent on the issue, it belongs to the states and the states only. So I think any national law would likely be struck down.

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It’s an awful moment to be testing my theory that shrill, exciting, combative activism among the liberal leftish is an end in itself rather than a tool to be used pragmatically and ultimately effectively. Their choice (which I hope they make) is to study carefully how the Irish campaign was built with inclusivity and respect for worriers in mind - or scream shrill threats and destroy things. I think you’re right about this being pushback on recent overreach by the leftish. They can double down on the feel good marching or take stock to build a real movement.

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