I believe he is. I have never seen President Trump be so relaxed, focused and charming at rallies, interviews etal! He knows what he needs to do and knows everything is stacked against him with CNN. I just think it’s hilarious that Biden needs a week and 16 consultants etc to prepare him for this debate and President Trump is traveling all over the country in deep blue cities having a great impact!!

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Says a lot about Trump's energy and appeal that his rally in the Bronx attracted so many more people than the AOC/Bernie Sanders rally to prop up Jamaal Bowman in the same area.

Wouldn't surprise me if Trump offers to treat Biden to a game of golf before jetting off to the next MAGA rally in some Democratic stronghold.

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Focused you say, when others are reporting clear signs of dementia, Alzheimers and his latest dark obsession - Hannibal Lecter. At least it's not Adolf Hitler or a lessor destructive dictator.

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Who are these "others" who are reporting dementia, and why should anyone believe Trump haters at this point in time? Remember, the "others" you are talking about also told us that Trump was a Russian agent, that he said that neo-Nazis were very fine people, etc etc etc--all lies. Why would any rational person believe them now? Don't take "other" people's word, watch Trump perform and make your own judgment.

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This guy/gal is a classic troll. It’s all monologue. Changes the subject if you press him even a little bit. Repeats TDS fantasies like a tape recorder with the intellectual integrity of subway graffiti. It’s not that he can’t answer your questions - it’s that he’s talking to himself. He will not engage.

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Your technique of responding with gibberish is fun. I generally just ignore trolls but you probably have more fun.

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I am loving Chris Nathan’s replies!

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Thanks very much. I had a lot of fun writing them. The idea came to me out of the blue. It’s too time-consuming to do as a regular practice, but it’s also curiously enjoyable. It forces up something like creative effort (at a very very minor scale). I’m not a musician - and it’s not my intent to denigrate actual musicians who take years developing their craft - but I wonder if the enjoyment jazz and “jam band” players feel is related. Anyway - thanks for the kind words!

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Thanks Richard. I haven't ever done this gibberish thing before today, but you're spot on: it was fun! It just came to me somehow. I've posted "don't feed the troll" comments in the past, but now and then I may do this instead.

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Joy Reid - is that you?

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I tell ya the operative initials are KH...

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Rimbety kimbety mimbety pop. Lickety splickety tickety socks. How many Decatur, Minnesota ice creek mandible separations weed tree. My game headliner trollific puma lion zebra Mouseketeer.

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I say! Where did you learn to speak like Trump during a debate?! Or are you practicing your juvenile James Joyce jabberwocky gibberish. Not easy to tell the difference.

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Simon, you need to cut back on alcohol consumption before breakfast.

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Troll? Bot? Or...Troll-Bot?

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Um... Bot-Troll... Biden-Trump... in that order.

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So let me get this straight. CNN can broadcast the debate content, then control who can do commentary on it and how? Rigged the debates, rigged the polls, now rig speech? Will they forbid the Biden friendly MSM to provide commentary? Is this legal? Any lawyers want to comment?

That's why I wear this "I identify as non Bidenary" shirt in front of liberals 👇 🤣


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Maybe that's why Trump agreed to it. Not so much to debate, but if he fails miserably, blame the mainstream media. I feel Trump, crude and crass as he is, thinks one step ahead to what approach might benefit him. Here, he has a strategy where he wins or he screams rigged, fake, stolen, witchhunt, hunter Biden's laptop, Russia Russia Russia and his base thinks he's the 2nd coming.

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At least you remember Russia Russia Russia, and the laptop, ….

Trump’s supporters remember that after 10 Presidents promised and last three prior to Trump gave N Korea billions to built the bomb, it was Trump who brought back bodies of US soldiers who died in Korea. Remember? Kinda messianic isn’t it? 😉

No military person or their family member with an iota of decency and honor would vote for anyone but Trump.

Three prior to Trump presidents swore to uphold the law and deliberately neglected moving US Embassy to Jerusalem. But Trump did not stop there. Anyone, who would have told me in 2018 that Shia and Sunni nations would sign working agreements with Israel, I would call insane. Yet here we are.

No Jew or supporter of Israel with an iota of decency and honor would vote for anyone but Trump.


Remember a Senator whose only achievement for almost 40 years in politics was the law he championed and saw through, the law which put hundreds of thousands people in jails for long terms for non-violent crimes? Not only Trump found a way to begin letting some of them out, but he addressed the main issue that caused former prisoners to return to jail: gainful employment.

No jailed under that law or their family members with an iota of decency and honor would vote for anyone but Trump.

See where I am going with this?

How many Presidents can you name that accomplished this much that actually MATTERED in the face of non-stop onslaught from all directions?

I presume that you have an iota of decency and honor Hence, you did not think for a second when you wrote “… and his base thinks he's the 2nd coming.“ 😉

I am not his base, judging from the fact that I voted for him NEITHER in 2016 NOR in 2020. I just might have to vote for him in 2024. You know those pesky inconveniences of an iota of decency and honor?

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@Simon Jean Peter something something: Cat random peel dairy tea link session plot. Smurfs? Alabaster lipid reconstruction basic helium regurgitation (devoid conjunction sensible) but gregarious overtone threaded diaspora sinecure Peabody Museum cakewalk. Sense marker pistol, trail “pocket” absorbent digression preposition manufacture. Also pigtails. More than an omelette but and to for with be gerund chimpanzee! Opulence, Cheese curls, terry cloth and fecund. Hyphen.

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I think you've captured Simon Jean Peters delusional schtick rather nicely.

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Thank you! Nonsense for nonsense!

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Confusion. Wasn't that the Veep?

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Hahahaha - good one!

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This is an art form that I think I could be good at but I need more information and training😁

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So many opportunities for honing your skill!

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At least his uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals...lol

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Keep cool and take advantage that your mike is muted during Biden's turn:

"Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake"


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Trump needs to have that quote in his mind all night long. Just let Biden talk and talk and talk.

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and hope CNN doesn't have a translator on hand when Biden switches from English to Gibberish

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lol they will justify the gibberish somehow

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lol they will justify the trump gibberish somehow

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...and yet I bet he can't help himself. He'll throw insult after insult Biden's way. Does Biden take the bait and focus on whatever bull shit trump is selling that the base needs to believe and will thrillingly!, or actually spend time trashing Trump's rather startling self while explaining why the economy, job market, housing market, stock market are actually good under Biden. Inflation bad though, half of American households living pay check to pay check bad. Corporations and the super wealthy must pay their fair share!

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Jimbo pudding. Dickory clock. Name Santa phrase alignment sigma opticon jukebox pimply washcloth thingy zingular boulangerie is out of hex wrenches.

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Hex wenches wince when wound too tight!

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Actually good😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Highly ignorable. Mute his Dreck if you can.

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I will. Blocked. Thank you.

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I want to know one thing: why do we put up with left-wing media always having the debate on their channels with their moderators? Right there, the fix is in; why do we put up with it?! They don’t have a divine right to host these debates, but behave, as if they do! It is high time to pull the plug on this BS.

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Because Biden wouldn't agree any other way.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Most people on the left who will be watching this, have only seen 'fake' out-takes and quotes from the corporate media.

If he could just let all of the anger go, forget what the deep state, Obama, Joe and corporate media did to him, and just endure 90 minutes of schmoozing the audience, he's the next President.

All of those folks who have only seen how he's portrayed by the toxic media will say, you know, he didn't seem that bad, and he's won.

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Yes, I'm on the left and you got me. RFK, Jr. supporter here. Are we really playing 'if'? IF Trump listened to Sasha, I agree, he would win in a landslide. But is he capable ? The Covid/lockdown section above is a no-brainer: Trump was actually between my guy and Biden, no one on blue team wants to say it, but Trump was the thoughtful moderate ! but back up a paragraph or so. It would be cataclysmic if Trump had it in him, to say in Sasha's words: "he (Biden) obviously won." What a stop the presses moment that would be. the Newsnation folk and maybe even the BBC and Merit Street and NHK would say 'well...maybe he's not a scary monster at all'. It would deflate any semblance of swing state fear of him 'killing our democratic institutions' , he would be a cool thoughtful head who reconsidered and changed. You know, like Newsom does. Like Biden is not really man enough to do about the border or divest from the Likud Genocide machine.

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You're calling Tucker's revisionist J6 "shows" fake?

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More silliness from our new favorite troll. Hey, "revisionism" is the soul of history, don't you know? The first take on a historical event is rarely the correct one. As is the case with J6.

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Rag tag mag zig-zar seal (chase morgan Capitization yes no maybe trulyish flatfish). In any box NASA two maybe for sea four your other lizard. Lives under a bridge end over a water cooler Michael Jaxson sing-song-sing repeater invention custard. Down with boat irons too.

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nothing more revisionist than publishing the complete, unedited House video footage of January 6, without fake soundtrack or gaps in coverage.

Now that's what (the MSM) call deep fake... only rely on carefully curated, edited, sanitized sources

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Hearing from you is the highlight of my day Ms Sasha😍

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I agree completely!!

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Trump's enemies have tried everything imaginable to destroy him for years, without success. I don't know where he gets his strength, and he's the most unlikely hero I can of - real estate developer, playboy, reality show host, and party switcher - but he feeds on the conflict and everything his enemies do to him makes him more powerful.

Trump is our modern Gulliver, swarmed by ridiculous Lilliputians.

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Well said !

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Trump's become an actual folk hero. In 100 years, Bush, Obama and Biden will be mere footnotes but Trump has already become Matheson's protagonist in his story "I Am Legend."

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The folk hero to maga. Recall Hitler was beloved there for awhile too. Until he wasn't so much. These guys are the Wizards of Oz, but more dangerous.

Just think, a silly buffoon - Trump - has successfully undermined the electoral process, the justice system, and what can be considered fact in the world's foremost and most aspired to democracy / republic on the planet. His "reveals" have gone beyond merely the beloved American border and have stunned humanity the world through.

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Your clownish, uninformed and misinformed reply is more evidence of that Trump is the Man of the Hour.

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Just ignore simon the lame sixth-grader.

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All you can do is rant on a comment? You're the silly buffoon who is obsessed with Donald Trump. However, you're more than just a buffoon - you're an impotent rebel who sits on his brains. Come back when you've actually done something...

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Fooly truly name is Julie. Winged Ariadne or twin of Zeus. Pollute trolley. Lidded whale. Sparkling sewer. Wasteful bending. Tons and tons of pencil shavings in coffee cup yuck chuck.

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Great advice, Sasha. Might suggest that Trump start with, "I'll speak up and talk slowly so you can hear me, Joe."

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Well said. So well said. And well thought. I hope Donald Trump is listening.

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Sasha, I totally agree with all your advice. For a while, I thought Trump had allowed himself to fall into a CNN trap, but after seeing him on the campaign trail, I think he'll be just fine...as long as he keeps his cool. Biden is a mean, spiteful, dishonest old man in the unfortunate position of having to defend the indefensible, so just let that flow.

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Tune in to the All-In podcast from Friday to see the Trump I hope shows up on Thursday. Sasha, your piece is great advice and hopefully his campaign has offered something like it.

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Excellent strategy. Other than that, I’d leave my answers short, leave plenty of dead air, and then say “Over to you, Joe” and let sleepy boy mumble incoherently.

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“Over to you, Joe”

Over? Over already? That was fast... goodnight

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It was because of Obama’s failings that he ran the first time. It’s because of Joe’s that he is running this time. CNN won’t be fair, we all know that. Your suggested reactions are perfect. I’ll be watching and praying he responds like this, in the unexpected way. Trump is different this time, he knows he has to be. Let’s just hope it shows on Thursday.

I saw an article yesterday that said the hosts will be fact-checking live. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I read that. They wouldn’t know the truth if it was standing right in front of them. I’m planning to watch on Daily Wire so I can get their comments after. They are hosting an all access live starting at 8:30.

Thanks Sasha! Another great post. I hope President Trump reads it!!!

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Posted this on TruthSocial to Trump and Lara... for what it is worth.

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I agree with what VDH said about the polling. There in no way that Trump is up in every swing state; tied in both Minnesota and Virginia; up by 18 in Iowa; and down by only 8 in New York, for this race to be actually tied at the national level. The numbers simply don't add up. Biden's lead in California, though big, is not enough to reconcile the state polling with the national numbers. The Rasmussen poll is the only one that is consistent with the state numbers. It is also the only major poll that is using a likely voter screen at this point. The huge uncertainty in the polls is trying to figure out who will vote. National polls of all registered voters don't have much predictive power.

Megyn Kelly mentioned the fact that Hillary was op by about 6 points at this point in 2016 but she didn't mention that Biden was up by 10 in 2020 at this date and up by over 7 on election day. For Biden to win the electoral vote, he needs to win the national popular vote by about 3 to 5 points.

I realize that all this analysis assumes that we will have something resembling a free and fair election, which is obviously a huge assumption. At some point however the margin becomes too big to rig and we may be approaching that point now, which is why most oddsmakers have Trump a fairly substantial favorite. This is also why Democrats are running around screaming that Trump will put them all in camps.

I don't really think the debate will have much impact one way or the other. It is true that Biden will be declared the winner by the MSM by merely remaining upright for 90 minutes. But most people have already tuned them out so it doesn't much matter who they say "won" the debate. Biden's debate performance will not and can not change his record or his obvious physical and mental decline.

I'm quite sure that the Dems have many more dirty tricks up their sleeves to pull before now and November and they will do anything to stop Trump but I don't think this debate will help their cause very much.

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Debates are useless. The problem is the media. They should have no role. The moderator should be a HS debate coach with a stopwatch.

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The margin too big to rig? Maybe if it's 20%.

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Wisconsin has 7M voters on their rolls when only 3.5M are eligible...

I live in MN and Trump only lost by 42K votes in 2016. In 2020 there was a Trump apparel store in every town that is not corrupt MPLS/StP. Assuming a fair election in those two metro areas, MN is definitely in play.

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but no one in the swing states really loves Biden. That's a terrible problem for the blue team right now. The blue team media is on an island by themselves with Biden love. It suqs because it is so unthoughtful. RFK, Jr. 2024.

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I don't think anyone in the blue states really loves Biden, either. But...they hate Trump so they're stuck with Biden and will vote for him.

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yeah, but we don't matter. I live in a vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue liquid state. About the only nice thing we can say to red people is once you lose your home, we MAY let you park your Winnebagos near our tech campuses hike/ bike trails. I'd be curious to know how few states others feel will decide the election? Certainly less than 10, since it's electoral votes not popular votes. I'd almost guess about 5, and if Biden loses PENN. and MI, and WI, he's already lost before the Magic Map guys get to the Rocky Mountains. That is, Biden needs 2 of those 3 and preferably all 3--if we suspect GA and AZ are lost to the red team this time. Could be such a disaster, but with one silver lining: the awful VP who the bay area does not even like will not have a political future.

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Thank you Sasha! I miss you voice. You put another dimension on your material when I hear you read it.

Thank you. Definitely worth the $5.00 a month.

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