Elon Musk is more American than our president by proxy. Had he not purchased Twitter and changed it to X, a free speech platform, we'd have few free speech platforms left. The government is angry because Musk can't be bought, and worse, he shutdown their vehicle for narrative control.
He not only purged the Marxists from Twitter, he exposed their wholly unconstitutional collaboration with various government entities. For this he must pay.
But notice how the IRS didn't darken his doorstep as they did with Taibbi. That's the freedom that having fuck you money buys you. A freedom which at one time was had by all.
Agreed. The reason they are out to get Musk and X is precisely because it's the only remaining major social media platform that refuses to toe the line. It broke the illusion of consensus that made bullying and gaslighting people far easier.
They can’t destroy musk because he is the only ceo in America who is able to compete against the Chinese in manufacturing autos. The rest of our corporate elite have no,clue how to build a ev and just want to gut American factories and sell imported Chinese cars, solar panels and batteries from now on.
TR talked about the brave "man in the Arena". The guy who fights while the rest of us cower or choose comfort.
I know.. I've chosen comfort over courage many times in my life. I wish I was stronger:(
But Elon? He might really be that guy. The guy who makes life count. Every minute of it.
Easy to do when you have billions you might say. But I would counter than when you have his kind of money, the EASY thing to do is live like Bill Gates. Donate it all to foundations with your name on them. And make sure they always AlWAYS have the stamp of approval from the progressive establishment.
I've never been prouder of Elon.
And I'm proud of you too, Sasha. You're making life count by speaking your truth courageously.
Very true. The first defense mechanism of a narcissist is to project. ANTIFA is a classic example, their principles and behaviors are fascist. When they attack moderates or anyone in support of small government, they call them fascist- the very thing they are.
Nice try but the fascist far-left’s domination of the media precludes that.
There is a key difference between the Anti-liberty left and the Pro-freedom right in that the left and the national socialist media are virtually one in the same.
Thus, the fascist far-left can get away with any kind of lies it likes and the Pro-freedom right is held to a higher standard because we get fact checked six ways to Sunday.
May I suggest that you please try to write a bit more accurately? As completely unacceptable as something someone on the far left might be saying is, your usage “fascist far-left” is an oxymoron. When you write like that you drain the word “fascist” of its cognitive content. People on the far left may well be totalitarian and believe all sorts of awful things. However fascism is a political movement of the far right and is completely opposed to the far left.
Bullshit. Fascism is a way of behaving and set of policies and absolutely does not have a singular relationship with the right, left or middle. D Parker was spot on and since you’re giving advice I suggest you research the term and history of fascism beyond Germany’s. Cheesh.
To help me understand your meaning, could you please explain what is the "way of behaving and set of policies" which to your mind constitute being a fascist?
Ignoring facts, living by your own make-believe narrative and projecting all of your true motives onto those you wish to destroy in hopes of convincing all of the useful idiots that think the same way into believing that this is a righteous path. Does that sum it up for you?
fascism (noun) fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
It's neither left nor right. But epitomized by the far left, who support "severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
Do you know how long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess.
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Thank you for your definition. I do not agree that fascism is neither left nor right. Quite the contrary, until recently no one with a knowledge of 20th century politics and history would ever misapply the term to the far left.
The reason is in the very definition that your present. Whatever other vices the far left may have, the left is associated with internationalism and multi-racialism, not a nationalism of Blut und Boden (“Blood and Soil”) or an appeal to race supremacy. However vile the political system of the USSR was, the country paid lip service to the cooperation of nations and peoples. In contrast, the paradigmatic examples of fascist governments all asserted the national and racial supremacy of their countries. So yes, while both the far left and the far right are sympathetic to centralized autocratic government, suppression of individual rights, and a regimented economy, their political motivations and professed goals are quite different.
One final word: IMHO what seems to be happening is that people on the right recognize that "fascism" is a near universal term of opprobrium. So to tarnish their political opponents they have begun applying it to those on the left. Alas, in so doing they are contradicting the standard meaning of "fascism" for the last century. Hence again, the term "left wing fascism" is a contradictio in adjecto.
Ehhhhh ... you're cherry-picking. Democrats have already had a near-dictatorial leader in FDR who interned Japanese-Americans in camps during WW2 based on national identity. The fact is that your party wants to take away my constitutional free speech rights by classifying anything that I say as "hatred" or "disinformation." Your government created a ministry of truth to prevent me from speaking. This happened. It's not hyperbole. The 1st Amendment underlies every single thing that we do in this country. It is the most important right (which is why it is first). You will undoubtedly counter with something about abortion, which is not a constitutional right. There simply is no comparison to what the left is doing to take away individual rights. Furthermore, on the subject of regimented economy, the left has created ESG policies which are being used to exclude companies from financing and investment who don't comply with the left's demands on social concerns (e.g. climate change, diversity, etc). Collaboration between government and corporations is the textbook definition of fascism.
Why don’t YOU explain how a self-described anarcho-capitalist and libertarian – in favour of individual liberty and limited government - Javier Milei, has been described by some on the far left as being a ‘fascist’ or ‘Neo-nazi’ – philosophy’s of BIG government with NO individual liberties. Those two things CANNOT be true – like the old bit from Sesame Street One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others.
Explain that contradiction please. The fact that you won’t will prove your contention and that of the rest of the far-left has always been a LIE.
Javier Milei: Argentina's First-Ever Libertarian President
In Argentina—one of the most statist countries in the world—a libertarian economist is now the president-elect.
Everyone please note that ‘williamj’ is using the all-too-common tactic of the fascist far left in stating something without PROVING it.
Just out of curiosity, do you know how long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess – if you’re going to try and ‘correct’ someone you should have the full story.
May I suggest that you please try to learn the fact FIRST before commenting?
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Excellent. Those like William that pop off with their nonsense the fascism is a movement of the right is infuriating. Their attempts to gas light is soul sucking. Your response is spot on and unfortunately will be necessary again.
To me, the relationship between communism and fascism is always best exemplified by the Berlin wall. It was built to keep the communists in not to keep the capitalists out. When the wall fell they ran to the West not the East.
Yes, always remember which side was covered in graffiti – and which side was covered with machine guns, high intensity search lights, death strips, warning flares, vehicle traps, guard towers (always with two guards so one couldn’t escape themselves) mine fields – with an extra wire to keep birds from tripping off the mines.
One side was unguarded – because no one wanted to go to the “worker’s paradise” of the Warsaw Pact – so the people 'decorated' it.
The other side was clean because if someone made it that far, they were going to scramble over it to escape.
The graffiti should tell you which side was governed by freedom and which side by force.
According to the contemporary left, it’s “authoritarian” for local elected officials to curate school library collections but fine for a powerful centralized federal government to issue an edict compelling a major industry to produce a product and then force hundreds of millions of people to buy it.
A private business being ordered to perform certain tasks as though owned by the government.
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
The Italian Origin of Fascism
The words fascism and fascist have long been associated with the Fascisti of Benito Mussolini and the fasces, the bundle of rods with an ax among them, which the Fascisti used as a symbol of the Italian people united and obedient to the single authority of the state. However, Mussolini did not introduce the word fascista (plural fascisti) with the 1919 organization of the Fasci di combattimento (“combat groups”), nor did the fasces have any direct connection with the origin of fascista. In Italian, the word fascio (plural fasci) means literally “bundle,” and figuratively “group.” From at least 1872 fascio was used in the names of labor and agrarian unions, and in October 1914 a political coalition was formed called the Fascio rivoluzionario d’ azione internazionalista (“revolutionary group for international action”), which advocated Italian participation in World War I on the side of the Allies. Members of this group were first called fascisti in January 1915. Although Mussolini was closely associated with this interventionist movement, it had no direct link with the post-war Fasci di combattimento, and in 1919 the word fascista was already in political circulation. It is, however, to the Fascisti in their 1919 incarnation—who seized power in Italy three years later—that we owe the current customary meanings of our words fascism and fascist.
When I consider the historical figures who I would label fascist, the paradigmatic figures are Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco. Vile dictators as they were, I would not apply the label to Stalin or Mao. By contrast, the way in which you are using "fascist" drains the term of its cognitive content and instead reduces it simply to a term of opprobrium.
While nobody should take a dictionary definition as the last word, it's clear even from your own citation that Fascism is on the left of the spectrum..
1. You utterly FAILED to answer my questions – as expected
2. It clearly identifies it as a collectivist and thus leftist ideology
3. Where does it say that it’s ‘right wing’
4. All of those who you cite are Left wing – Why are you defending them?
How long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess – if you’re going to try and ‘correct’ someone you should have the full story.
May I suggest that you please try to learn the fact FIRST before commenting?
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Better yet, why don’t YOU explain how a self-described anarcho-capitalist and libertarian – in favour of individual liberty and limited government - Javier Milei, has been described by some on the far left as being a ‘fascist’ or ‘Neo-nazi’ – philosophy’s of BIG government with NO individual liberties. Those two things CANNOT be true – like the old bit from Sesame Street One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others.
Explain that contradiction please. The fact that you won’t will prove your contention and that of the rest of the far-left has always been a LIE.
Javier Milei: Argentina's First-Ever Libertarian President
In Argentina—one of the most statist countries in the world—a libertarian economist is now the president-elect.
The political spectrum is intended to indicate the degree of centralized state control over citizens, with places Communism on the far left and Anarchism on the far right. At least in principle, American republican representative democracy is more toward the right end of the spectrum.
Fascism represented for Mussolini the integration of state and industry, with a centrally planned economy and the state being the default owner of private property, with the power to confiscate assets at any time without what we might call "due process of law." It is theoretically collectivist while actually operating as an oligarchy composed of party leaders and CEOs. National Socialism belongs on the left of the spectrum.
Both conservatives and leftists have been arguing where Nazism falls on the spectrum because for obvious reasons nobody wants to have anything in common with them.
No. The National Socialists put "Socialism" in their name in order to appeal to workers. Their ideology had nothing to do with the motivations and goals of the SPD and KPD. We all know how, once the Nazis got power, the workers were treated.
And so we arrive back at the beginning. Any totalitarian group can put any nomenclature they wish on their ideas. They still promote the ideas that align with their philosophy. Doesn’t matter if you call them left or right. They are still totalitarian fascists. Sasha correctly identified their philosophy.
Every major corporation in the country aligns with the left. But the left can’t be fascist because everyone knows that fascism is on the right. As Dana Carvey used to say, “how conVENient!”
(1) Why do you think that every major corporation in the US aligns with the left? Personally I suspect that most people on the left would argue that the majority of major US corporations align with the right.
(2) Per Merriam Webster a fascist "exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Do any major US corporations fit that description? If so, can you please name a few of them.
My apologies, williamj. I did not know that the definition of fascism had been completely changed from my youth, which was a while ago. Back then, the alignment of corporate and business interest with government was the definition of fascism. That is what differentiated it from socialism, which was thought to be a working people phenomenon. Both were recognized as totalitarian. I see that the definition of fascism nowadays has completely eliminated the corporate collaboration aspect. More Newspeak, completely necessary to hide what’s really going on.
As to question 1)- why do I think corporations align with the left? My answer is: Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Disney, NYT, Hollywood, etc etc. My short answer is: Duh.
I do not know your age or background. The quoted Merriam Webster definition of "fascism" is perfectly consistent with my own decades old understanding of the term. Only some recent partisans coined the neologism "left wing fascism," little realizing that this phrase is a contradictio in adjecto.
Commonly when fascists gain power they appeal to business on the grounds that only they will save capitalism from the perils of socialism and communism. However as almost any pro-business political movement makes similar arguments, that cannot be a defining characteristic of fascism. Hence the key differentia in the dictionary definition of fascism: an authoritarian appeal to nationalism and race embodied in a dictatorial leader.
"Fascism" -- of course -- is anything that resists the totalitarian impulses of the death cult aka the Democrat party. It's racist, white supremacist and whatever other insane dipshittery Democrats can dream up.
Wait? Somebody says national SOCIALISM is in some way connected to the leftist ideology of SOCIALISM? Jeez... Where would they get that idea? Thankfully we are around to set them straight. Thank Heaven for us.
Ignoring your sarcasm, my point concerning the misuse of "socialism" by the Nazis stands and should not come as a surprise.
The same point regarding misnaming applies to other political movements. Consider how various Communist countries called themselves People's Democracies. As we all remember, elections in those one party countries had nothing to do with the usual understanding of "democracy." Opposition parties could not organize and regime opponents were jailed. These countries simply borrowed a popular label without implementing any real content.
The German National Socialists did the same thing with "socialism."
The thing that you're missing, williamj, is that the left would essentially do the same thing to us that Hitler did to Germany, if they ever got totalitarian control over this country. Socialism is merely the hook that they use to topple the government through bankruptcy. Doubt it? Look at what FDR (a Democrat) did in putting the Japanese in internment camps during WW2. We have an existence proof of what Democrats do when they're handed complete control of any political system.
Thank you for raising the case of the Japanese internment, probably the single most disgraceful infringement of civil liberties in American history,
Alas, where you go horribly wrong and show you partisan bias is in attributing the internment to the Democrats. Political leaders of both major parties endorsed the internment as a military necessity, Moreover after the end of the war I remember only assorted conservative nativist organizations such as the Native Sons of the Golden West defending the internment.
Fortunately decades later the whole country recognized, apologized, and made reparations for this horrible mistake.
We noticed something in the interview with the newly elected Javier Milei that doesn’t seem to get that much attention.
He pointed out the despicable double standard of the left in that they excuse themselves for any transgression while hammering us for the slightest misstep, in that it has forced the pro-freedom side to naturally become better than the anti-liberty left. Paraphrasing the interview:
“They will ruin because you don’t think like them. And do you know what is the good part in all of this?
Because to err is human, everyone can be mistaken
They force us to be better, and since we are getting better than them
Since we are crushing them in the cultural battle
We’re not only superior economically
we are morally superior
We are aesthetically superior, we’re better than them than anything and that triggers them
And since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they just use the repressive apparatus of the state.
With loads of taxpayer money to destroy us. And yet they’re still losing”
“The Antisemitism is coming from inside the House.”
The antisemitism is based on the fact that the Jews are white and the core belief of the Woke faith is that “Whiteness!” is the source of evil in the world and therefore must be brought firmly under control and not allowed to oppress “people of color” in general and blacks in particular. The left classifies the Palestinians as “people of color” even though most look white. So from their point of view the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a perfect example of white supremacists oppressing “people of color” plus the Israelis really did steal much of the land from the Palestinians and are still doing so.
Recently wealthy Jews who’ve given money to places like Harvard said they’re going to stop their donations due to the antisemitism there. Why though did they never have a problem with the anti-white hatred promoted in pigsties like Harvard? Apparently it never occurred to them that since they’re also white this could someday come back and bite them. Excellent summary below of the Israel-Palestine conflict by a Jewish man interviewed by Joe Rogan.
“Blinded by Binary Bias in Israel-Palestine: On What Ben Shapiro Misses.” (8 min)
Well written, Sasha! A couple of my Jewish friends abandoned the Left about a year ago because they perceived they were no longer welcome in 'the tent' and particularly in their urban communities in the Denver Metro. Both of them moved their families out of Colorado to the southeast coast areas of the Carolinas. I am sure they will be followed by a stampede of not just Jews but other reasonable people who see the impending threat and rot of Denver, a mini San Francisco. I feel fortunate to live outside of town in a rural part of the Front Range where the craziness has not (yet) taken hold.
WTF is the Oakland City Council doing debating a resolution condemning Israel, or anything that has anything to do with foreign policy? They can't even run their own city. It reminds me of a resolution sometime during the 1980s I think where the Boulder, CO City Council passed a non-proliferation of nuclear arms resolution. Boulder never even had a tank, much less a nuclear weapon, nor would they ever.
It reminds us that so much of leftist politics has to do with creating an identity, or a political aesthetic, that people adapt as part of their lifestyle. It has nothing to do with reality or human action. Fortunately more and more people are seeing this identity as a mark of evil, and I look forward to the day where these rats will be relegated to a few coastal enclaves, and their influence diminished beyond devouring themselves, in an ever escalating purity spiral of insanity and human negation.
Looks like the gloves are off. I know what side I'm on. Thanks, Sasha, for another stellar analysis. I don't know how you do it, but please never stop!
“I’m merely saying pointing that out is stating the truth, not “antisemitism.””
Sasha again speaks with profound courage and objectivity. Elon Musk and Sasha seem to have a shared experience and similar values. I’m thankful for both.
Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and publishing the Twitter files was one of the most important events of the decade. Let’s hope future historians look back at that moment as a major pivot towards America becoming America again.
Love that! People overly concerned with looking good. While doing evil. Sums it up all these vacuous silly SJ warriors. I want to believe their hearts are in the right place but they wouldn’t recognize real Justice if it hit them in their lazy superficial faces
Elon Musk is more American than our president by proxy. Had he not purchased Twitter and changed it to X, a free speech platform, we'd have few free speech platforms left. The government is angry because Musk can't be bought, and worse, he shutdown their vehicle for narrative control.
He not only purged the Marxists from Twitter, he exposed their wholly unconstitutional collaboration with various government entities. For this he must pay.
But notice how the IRS didn't darken his doorstep as they did with Taibbi. That's the freedom that having fuck you money buys you. A freedom which at one time was had by all.
I would bet that the IRS has offices in Musk's various corporate entities. They would be working there full time.
Agreed. The reason they are out to get Musk and X is precisely because it's the only remaining major social media platform that refuses to toe the line. It broke the illusion of consensus that made bullying and gaslighting people far easier.
They can’t destroy musk because he is the only ceo in America who is able to compete against the Chinese in manufacturing autos. The rest of our corporate elite have no,clue how to build a ev and just want to gut American factories and sell imported Chinese cars, solar panels and batteries from now on.
How much stronger might the Censorship-Industrial Complex have grown, in its naked Orwellian ambitions, without Musk giving us the Twitter files?
TR talked about the brave "man in the Arena". The guy who fights while the rest of us cower or choose comfort.
I know.. I've chosen comfort over courage many times in my life. I wish I was stronger:(
But Elon? He might really be that guy. The guy who makes life count. Every minute of it.
Easy to do when you have billions you might say. But I would counter than when you have his kind of money, the EASY thing to do is live like Bill Gates. Donate it all to foundations with your name on them. And make sure they always AlWAYS have the stamp of approval from the progressive establishment.
I've never been prouder of Elon.
And I'm proud of you too, Sasha. You're making life count by speaking your truth courageously.
Godspeed to both of you.
Right on, Sasha and right on, Elon!
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose". Fuck you to the leftists and those who think we elected them to run our lives.
“Ain’t nothin if it ain’t free” 💯
Someone should redo that song. "Freedom is just another thing leftist want to lose"
"...and nothin' is all that Biden left me"
Projection is the fascist far-left’s favourite way of lying.
It confuses the issue, and throws the spotlight away from them onto someone else.
So, when they accuse the Pro-freedom right of being ‘Nazis’ it’s because THEY are much, much closer to that manure-coloured mob more than anyone else.
"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion."
-- Karl Marx
Very true. The first defense mechanism of a narcissist is to project. ANTIFA is a classic example, their principles and behaviors are fascist. When they attack moderates or anyone in support of small government, they call them fascist- the very thing they are.
Projection is also Sasha's favorite way of lying, since everything she writes is 100% projection with no facts to back them up.
Nice try but the fascist far-left’s domination of the media precludes that.
There is a key difference between the Anti-liberty left and the Pro-freedom right in that the left and the national socialist media are virtually one in the same.
Thus, the fascist far-left can get away with any kind of lies it likes and the Pro-freedom right is held to a higher standard because we get fact checked six ways to Sunday.
D Parker is doing a fantastic job of replying to trolls. I for one, appreciate his insight.
Don't even bother to feed the trolls.
Au contraire, responding as such is a good opportunity to educate everyone on the issues.
The fact that it had no response speaks volumes.
May I suggest that you please try to write a bit more accurately? As completely unacceptable as something someone on the far left might be saying is, your usage “fascist far-left” is an oxymoron. When you write like that you drain the word “fascist” of its cognitive content. People on the far left may well be totalitarian and believe all sorts of awful things. However fascism is a political movement of the far right and is completely opposed to the far left.
Bullshit. Fascism is a way of behaving and set of policies and absolutely does not have a singular relationship with the right, left or middle. D Parker was spot on and since you’re giving advice I suggest you research the term and history of fascism beyond Germany’s. Cheesh.
To help me understand your meaning, could you please explain what is the "way of behaving and set of policies" which to your mind constitute being a fascist?
Ignoring facts, living by your own make-believe narrative and projecting all of your true motives onto those you wish to destroy in hopes of convincing all of the useful idiots that think the same way into believing that this is a righteous path. Does that sum it up for you?
Let me help you out, williamj.
fascism (noun) fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
It's neither left nor right. But epitomized by the far left, who support "severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
Do you know how long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess.
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.
The “Fascist” Label and Its Misuse
Fascism is as far left as Communism. Both are socialism’s children
The Radical Socialist Roots of Fascism
Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists ideologies.
How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right”
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Thank you for your definition. I do not agree that fascism is neither left nor right. Quite the contrary, until recently no one with a knowledge of 20th century politics and history would ever misapply the term to the far left.
The reason is in the very definition that your present. Whatever other vices the far left may have, the left is associated with internationalism and multi-racialism, not a nationalism of Blut und Boden (“Blood and Soil”) or an appeal to race supremacy. However vile the political system of the USSR was, the country paid lip service to the cooperation of nations and peoples. In contrast, the paradigmatic examples of fascist governments all asserted the national and racial supremacy of their countries. So yes, while both the far left and the far right are sympathetic to centralized autocratic government, suppression of individual rights, and a regimented economy, their political motivations and professed goals are quite different.
One final word: IMHO what seems to be happening is that people on the right recognize that "fascism" is a near universal term of opprobrium. So to tarnish their political opponents they have begun applying it to those on the left. Alas, in so doing they are contradicting the standard meaning of "fascism" for the last century. Hence again, the term "left wing fascism" is a contradictio in adjecto.
Ehhhhh ... you're cherry-picking. Democrats have already had a near-dictatorial leader in FDR who interned Japanese-Americans in camps during WW2 based on national identity. The fact is that your party wants to take away my constitutional free speech rights by classifying anything that I say as "hatred" or "disinformation." Your government created a ministry of truth to prevent me from speaking. This happened. It's not hyperbole. The 1st Amendment underlies every single thing that we do in this country. It is the most important right (which is why it is first). You will undoubtedly counter with something about abortion, which is not a constitutional right. There simply is no comparison to what the left is doing to take away individual rights. Furthermore, on the subject of regimented economy, the left has created ESG policies which are being used to exclude companies from financing and investment who don't comply with the left's demands on social concerns (e.g. climate change, diversity, etc). Collaboration between government and corporations is the textbook definition of fascism.
Still WAITING for an answer to this question:
Why don’t YOU explain how a self-described anarcho-capitalist and libertarian – in favour of individual liberty and limited government - Javier Milei, has been described by some on the far left as being a ‘fascist’ or ‘Neo-nazi’ – philosophy’s of BIG government with NO individual liberties. Those two things CANNOT be true – like the old bit from Sesame Street One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others.
Explain that contradiction please. The fact that you won’t will prove your contention and that of the rest of the far-left has always been a LIE.
Javier Milei: Argentina's First-Ever Libertarian President
In Argentina—one of the most statist countries in the world—a libertarian economist is now the president-elect.
There's No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism
Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists ideologies.
Nicolás Maduro arremete contra Javier Milei: "En Argentina ganó la extrema derecha neonazi, que pretende recolonizar América Latina"
Ataca al presidente electo argentino, a la oposición venezolana e Israel en su programa televisivo
'The Neo-Nazi Extreme Right Won In Argentina' Says Maduro After Milei Victory
Fascistic candidate Javier Milei elected president of Argentina
Everyone please note that ‘williamj’ is using the all-too-common tactic of the fascist far left in stating something without PROVING it.
Just out of curiosity, do you know how long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess – if you’re going to try and ‘correct’ someone you should have the full story.
May I suggest that you please try to learn the fact FIRST before commenting?
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.
The “Fascist” Label and Its Misuse
Fascism is as far left as Communism. Both are socialism’s children
The Radical Socialist Roots of Fascism
Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists ideologies.
How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right”
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Excellent. Those like William that pop off with their nonsense the fascism is a movement of the right is infuriating. Their attempts to gas light is soul sucking. Your response is spot on and unfortunately will be necessary again.
That gaslighting is extremely effective on the woke, especially so the highly degreed ones.
No... it won't... if everyone would just ignore these people and leave them to their echo chambers, nobody would have to be infuriated.
To me, the relationship between communism and fascism is always best exemplified by the Berlin wall. It was built to keep the communists in not to keep the capitalists out. When the wall fell they ran to the West not the East.
Yes, always remember which side was covered in graffiti – and which side was covered with machine guns, high intensity search lights, death strips, warning flares, vehicle traps, guard towers (always with two guards so one couldn’t escape themselves) mine fields – with an extra wire to keep birds from tripping off the mines.
One side was unguarded – because no one wanted to go to the “worker’s paradise” of the Warsaw Pact – so the people 'decorated' it.
The other side was clean because if someone made it that far, they were going to scramble over it to escape.
The graffiti should tell you which side was governed by freedom and which side by force.
I always remember the final scene from "The Spy Who Came In From The Cold".
A good friend of mine at the time was there in '90 just after the fall. He brought me a piece of it.
"Socialism with a capitalist veneer" is one of the best succinct definitions of Fascism I've come across.
Biden ordering private companies to get their employees vaxxed was a textbook example of fascism in action.
Yes, just as Joe Biden’s EV Edict is another good example of fascism:
Joe Biden’s EV Edict Isn’t Just Harmful, It’s Fascistic
According to the contemporary left, it’s “authoritarian” for local elected officials to curate school library collections but fine for a powerful centralized federal government to issue an edict compelling a major industry to produce a product and then force hundreds of millions of people to buy it.
A private business being ordered to perform certain tasks as though owned by the government.
D Parker,
Please be advised that the definition and explanation of "fascism" that I offered is directly from the Merriam Webster Dictionary:
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
The Italian Origin of Fascism
The words fascism and fascist have long been associated with the Fascisti of Benito Mussolini and the fasces, the bundle of rods with an ax among them, which the Fascisti used as a symbol of the Italian people united and obedient to the single authority of the state. However, Mussolini did not introduce the word fascista (plural fascisti) with the 1919 organization of the Fasci di combattimento (“combat groups”), nor did the fasces have any direct connection with the origin of fascista. In Italian, the word fascio (plural fasci) means literally “bundle,” and figuratively “group.” From at least 1872 fascio was used in the names of labor and agrarian unions, and in October 1914 a political coalition was formed called the Fascio rivoluzionario d’ azione internazionalista (“revolutionary group for international action”), which advocated Italian participation in World War I on the side of the Allies. Members of this group were first called fascisti in January 1915. Although Mussolini was closely associated with this interventionist movement, it had no direct link with the post-war Fasci di combattimento, and in 1919 the word fascista was already in political circulation. It is, however, to the Fascisti in their 1919 incarnation—who seized power in Italy three years later—that we owe the current customary meanings of our words fascism and fascist.
When I consider the historical figures who I would label fascist, the paradigmatic figures are Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco. Vile dictators as they were, I would not apply the label to Stalin or Mao. By contrast, the way in which you are using "fascist" drains the term of its cognitive content and instead reduces it simply to a term of opprobrium.
While nobody should take a dictionary definition as the last word, it's clear even from your own citation that Fascism is on the left of the spectrum..
1. You utterly FAILED to answer my questions – as expected
2. It clearly identifies it as a collectivist and thus leftist ideology
3. Where does it say that it’s ‘right wing’
4. All of those who you cite are Left wing – Why are you defending them?
How long the fascist far left has been LYING about this subject?
60 years? 75 Years? 90 years? 100 years?
Make a guess – if you’re going to try and ‘correct’ someone you should have the full story.
May I suggest that you please try to learn the fact FIRST before commenting?
Do a little reading- you might learn something.
In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.
The “Fascist” Label and Its Misuse
Fascism is as far left as Communism. Both are socialism’s children
The Radical Socialist Roots of Fascism
Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists ideologies.
How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right”
The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that set markers to distinguish between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of Fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.
Fascist no longer has any meaning in today’s conversation.
similar to:
Election Day
100%. It means "any political faction I don't like."
Better yet, why don’t YOU explain how a self-described anarcho-capitalist and libertarian – in favour of individual liberty and limited government - Javier Milei, has been described by some on the far left as being a ‘fascist’ or ‘Neo-nazi’ – philosophy’s of BIG government with NO individual liberties. Those two things CANNOT be true – like the old bit from Sesame Street One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others.
Explain that contradiction please. The fact that you won’t will prove your contention and that of the rest of the far-left has always been a LIE.
Javier Milei: Argentina's First-Ever Libertarian President
In Argentina—one of the most statist countries in the world—a libertarian economist is now the president-elect.
There's No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism
Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists ideologies.
Nicolás Maduro arremete contra Javier Milei: "En Argentina ganó la extrema derecha neonazi, que pretende recolonizar América Latina"
Ataca al presidente electo argentino, a la oposición venezolana e Israel en su programa televisivo
'The Neo-Nazi Extreme Right Won In Argentina' Says Maduro After Milei Victory
https://archive.ph/dg0w0 25 Nov 2023 23:54:36 UTC
Fascistic candidate Javier Milei elected president of Argentina
The political spectrum is intended to indicate the degree of centralized state control over citizens, with places Communism on the far left and Anarchism on the far right. At least in principle, American republican representative democracy is more toward the right end of the spectrum.
Fascism represented for Mussolini the integration of state and industry, with a centrally planned economy and the state being the default owner of private property, with the power to confiscate assets at any time without what we might call "due process of law." It is theoretically collectivist while actually operating as an oligarchy composed of party leaders and CEOs. National Socialism belongs on the left of the spectrum.
Both conservatives and leftists have been arguing where Nazism falls on the spectrum because for obvious reasons nobody wants to have anything in common with them.
" National Socialism belongs on the left of the spectrum."
I doubt that Hitler and the Nazis would agree with you.
That’s why they put Socialism in their name, right? To make sure they were not identified as leftists?
No. The National Socialists put "Socialism" in their name in order to appeal to workers. Their ideology had nothing to do with the motivations and goals of the SPD and KPD. We all know how, once the Nazis got power, the workers were treated.
And so we arrive back at the beginning. Any totalitarian group can put any nomenclature they wish on their ideas. They still promote the ideas that align with their philosophy. Doesn’t matter if you call them left or right. They are still totalitarian fascists. Sasha correctly identified their philosophy.
Then who had the collectivist slogan like every other socialist:
Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz
The non-Jewish workers were treated better than Jews in management, that's for sure!
Try this on for size leftist:
Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party
Every major corporation in the country aligns with the left. But the left can’t be fascist because everyone knows that fascism is on the right. As Dana Carvey used to say, “how conVENient!”
It's a brilliant PR campaign. This meme says it all:
(1) Why do you think that every major corporation in the US aligns with the left? Personally I suspect that most people on the left would argue that the majority of major US corporations align with the right.
(2) Per Merriam Webster a fascist "exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Do any major US corporations fit that description? If so, can you please name a few of them.
My apologies, williamj. I did not know that the definition of fascism had been completely changed from my youth, which was a while ago. Back then, the alignment of corporate and business interest with government was the definition of fascism. That is what differentiated it from socialism, which was thought to be a working people phenomenon. Both were recognized as totalitarian. I see that the definition of fascism nowadays has completely eliminated the corporate collaboration aspect. More Newspeak, completely necessary to hide what’s really going on.
As to question 1)- why do I think corporations align with the left? My answer is: Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Disney, NYT, Hollywood, etc etc. My short answer is: Duh.
I do not know your age or background. The quoted Merriam Webster definition of "fascism" is perfectly consistent with my own decades old understanding of the term. Only some recent partisans coined the neologism "left wing fascism," little realizing that this phrase is a contradictio in adjecto.
Commonly when fascists gain power they appeal to business on the grounds that only they will save capitalism from the perils of socialism and communism. However as almost any pro-business political movement makes similar arguments, that cannot be a defining characteristic of fascism. Hence the key differentia in the dictionary definition of fascism: an authoritarian appeal to nationalism and race embodied in a dictatorial leader.
"Fascism" -- of course -- is anything that resists the totalitarian impulses of the death cult aka the Democrat party. It's racist, white supremacist and whatever other insane dipshittery Democrats can dream up.
Wait? Somebody says national SOCIALISM is in some way connected to the leftist ideology of SOCIALISM? Jeez... Where would they get that idea? Thankfully we are around to set them straight. Thank Heaven for us.
Ignoring your sarcasm, my point concerning the misuse of "socialism" by the Nazis stands and should not come as a surprise.
The same point regarding misnaming applies to other political movements. Consider how various Communist countries called themselves People's Democracies. As we all remember, elections in those one party countries had nothing to do with the usual understanding of "democracy." Opposition parties could not organize and regime opponents were jailed. These countries simply borrowed a popular label without implementing any real content.
The German National Socialists did the same thing with "socialism."
The thing that you're missing, williamj, is that the left would essentially do the same thing to us that Hitler did to Germany, if they ever got totalitarian control over this country. Socialism is merely the hook that they use to topple the government through bankruptcy. Doubt it? Look at what FDR (a Democrat) did in putting the Japanese in internment camps during WW2. We have an existence proof of what Democrats do when they're handed complete control of any political system.
Thank you for raising the case of the Japanese internment, probably the single most disgraceful infringement of civil liberties in American history,
Alas, where you go horribly wrong and show you partisan bias is in attributing the internment to the Democrats. Political leaders of both major parties endorsed the internment as a military necessity, Moreover after the end of the war I remember only assorted conservative nativist organizations such as the Native Sons of the Golden West defending the internment.
Fortunately decades later the whole country recognized, apologized, and made reparations for this horrible mistake.
In short, your existence proof fails.
And yet FDR presided over and administered the internment. It wouldn't have happened without his explicit approval. Sorry, Democrats own this one.
Sasha's writing has been right up there with the best on Substack of late. She's got the Left's number and isn't going to let go!
The more they push the more we push back.
We noticed something in the interview with the newly elected Javier Milei that doesn’t seem to get that much attention.
He pointed out the despicable double standard of the left in that they excuse themselves for any transgression while hammering us for the slightest misstep, in that it has forced the pro-freedom side to naturally become better than the anti-liberty left. Paraphrasing the interview:
“They will ruin because you don’t think like them. And do you know what is the good part in all of this?
Because to err is human, everyone can be mistaken
They force us to be better, and since we are getting better than them
Since we are crushing them in the cultural battle
We’re not only superior economically
we are morally superior
We are aesthetically superior, we’re better than them than anything and that triggers them
And since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they just use the repressive apparatus of the state.
With loads of taxpayer money to destroy us. And yet they’re still losing”
“The Antisemitism is coming from inside the House.”
The antisemitism is based on the fact that the Jews are white and the core belief of the Woke faith is that “Whiteness!” is the source of evil in the world and therefore must be brought firmly under control and not allowed to oppress “people of color” in general and blacks in particular. The left classifies the Palestinians as “people of color” even though most look white. So from their point of view the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a perfect example of white supremacists oppressing “people of color” plus the Israelis really did steal much of the land from the Palestinians and are still doing so.
Recently wealthy Jews who’ve given money to places like Harvard said they’re going to stop their donations due to the antisemitism there. Why though did they never have a problem with the anti-white hatred promoted in pigsties like Harvard? Apparently it never occurred to them that since they’re also white this could someday come back and bite them. Excellent summary below of the Israel-Palestine conflict by a Jewish man interviewed by Joe Rogan.
“Blinded by Binary Bias in Israel-Palestine: On What Ben Shapiro Misses.” (8 min)
Joe Rogan. Nov 23, 2023
Well written, Sasha! A couple of my Jewish friends abandoned the Left about a year ago because they perceived they were no longer welcome in 'the tent' and particularly in their urban communities in the Denver Metro. Both of them moved their families out of Colorado to the southeast coast areas of the Carolinas. I am sure they will be followed by a stampede of not just Jews but other reasonable people who see the impending threat and rot of Denver, a mini San Francisco. I feel fortunate to live outside of town in a rural part of the Front Range where the craziness has not (yet) taken hold.
WTF is the Oakland City Council doing debating a resolution condemning Israel, or anything that has anything to do with foreign policy? They can't even run their own city. It reminds me of a resolution sometime during the 1980s I think where the Boulder, CO City Council passed a non-proliferation of nuclear arms resolution. Boulder never even had a tank, much less a nuclear weapon, nor would they ever.
It reminds us that so much of leftist politics has to do with creating an identity, or a political aesthetic, that people adapt as part of their lifestyle. It has nothing to do with reality or human action. Fortunately more and more people are seeing this identity as a mark of evil, and I look forward to the day where these rats will be relegated to a few coastal enclaves, and their influence diminished beyond devouring themselves, in an ever escalating purity spiral of insanity and human negation.
🎯 🛎️🔨
Looks like the gloves are off. I know what side I'm on. Thanks, Sasha, for another stellar analysis. I don't know how you do it, but please never stop!
“I’m merely saying pointing that out is stating the truth, not “antisemitism.””
Sasha again speaks with profound courage and objectivity. Elon Musk and Sasha seem to have a shared experience and similar values. I’m thankful for both.
My admiration and ❤ for Elon only grows by the day. I didn't buy into that anti-Semitic hit job for a second.
The elites are right to fear him.
One of your best essays.
Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and publishing the Twitter files was one of the most important events of the decade. Let’s hope future historians look back at that moment as a major pivot towards America becoming America again.
Love that! People overly concerned with looking good. While doing evil. Sums it up all these vacuous silly SJ warriors. I want to believe their hearts are in the right place but they wouldn’t recognize real Justice if it hit them in their lazy superficial faces
"It’s not Musk’s fault these college brats are one Tweet away from going full Patty Hearst." Great line, Sasha.