Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Feminists for Trump

Feminists for Trump

Of "Preachy women" and "Childless cat ladies"...

Republicans have a problem: a fast-moving narrative that will dominate the news cycle for the next few months if they allow it to. This comes courtesy of some eager beaver operative who dug up this clip of JD Vance from 2021 that has now gone viral.

The old me would have joined the outrage train on X, distorting what he said into an opportunity to wax sanctimonious and proclaim that it’s great to be a woman who chooses not to have children, and how dare he say such a disgusting, sexist thing?

She made news. Lots and lots of news, which shows you what the GOP is up against.

Team Kamala now has a great piece of propaganda to juice her already energized base.

The “Childless cat ladies” echoed what James Carville said about the Democrats not too long ago, that they were dominated by “preachy women” and that it was alienating voters, especially men."

Both of them are essentially saying the Left is dominated by a certain kind of woman, whether childless or not - meaning - they are up in everyone’s business all of the time.

I know that kind of woman. I was that kind of woman. The kind that used to be a powerful consumer demographic back in the 90s, in the Oprah era, but no longer is. Women who have been sidelined by the social justice movement that has decided feminism is too exclusionary. So what else did we have except to ask to speak to the manager and fuss over politics?

When Hillary lost our entire world collapsed. It was as though there was nothing left. We were the center of the universe one minute and invisible and powerless the next.

If anything, Vance’s comments hurt women who can’t have children more, not those who have chosen not to have them. Women have struggled with infertility, even with IVF. Aniston might be one of those women; if so, my heart goes to her. I live with regret every single day of my life that I aborted babies I could have and should have had.

Now, the abortionists want young women to see their babies as just a “clump of cells” and that it doesn’t matter. But guess what? It does matter, and they’re lying to women about it right now.

There were one million abortions last year, a ten-year-high. That’s after they overturned Roe V. Wade. How many more abortions will make them feel empowered? Two million? Five million?

Who will tell them that they might not be able to get pregnant later, or that they might regret not taking the opportunity now, or that the faces of their would-be babies might haunt them in their later years as they do mine?

And honestly, the Left is becoming a party that doesn’t care about mothers and doesn’t see us as even essential. Because what are we anyway? Defined by interchangeable body parts, even words that used to belong exclusively to us have now vanished. Chest feeding, uterus havers.

They can shame JD Vance all they want, but it is true that if you’ve had children and raised them, you understand things that people who have never had children will never understand, and every honest person knows that.

If you raised them, changed their diapers, wiped their noses, held them when they cried, listened to them when they babbled, rocked them to sleep, tended to their fevers, dressed them and fed them every day you will know your child better than any counselor or teacher ever could. Why would they want to diminish that?

Women are seeking power now because it’s been stripped from them on the Left. They used to be the center of the Democratic Party, but they aren’t, not if they’re white women. There is no such thing as feminism anymore, not really. They can’t even define what a woman is; how can they possibly fight for women’s rights?

So that isn’t what Harris is pitching. She’s skipping right over women and heading into her own loose definition of the word “freedom.”

Here is her first campaign ad. Not once does she mention women:

I am so sick of the cowards on my former side of the aisle. I’m so sick of watching them say nothing and do nothing to stop what has happened to women and children at the hands of this cult. They’re so afraid of being exiled from the tribe that they bow to the fanatics' whims, especially on social media.

I wake up every day, and I can’t believe this is our country, that this imaginary government is now running it.

Today, Harris auditioned as the President, which means Joe Biden must really be out of it. Why else would he allow her to speak as though she spoke for the United States? She doesn’t—not yet.

We’re watching a takeover of our government without the people’s vote, decided on by the likes of George Clooney and the guy who runs Netflix. It shouldn’t be like this, but they’ve just given up trying to follow the rules. They’re so afraid of a Trump presidency that they staged their own version of the Russian Revolution, skipping the war and bloodshed part.

They’ve just decided to overthrow our democracy and install their preferred leaders largely based on skin color and gender. They want a woman of color so they put a woman of color in the leading role.

Shockingly, there was one loud voice of dissent, a miracle that pierced the delusion from, of all places, Black Lives Matter:

But otherwise, they were like braindead zombies in how fast they conformed. Rob Reiner describes our inevitable future if the Democrats stay in power.

This election is either 1980 when the totalitarian Left is removed from power at long last, or 1984 and America will never be the same.

“Feminists for Trump”

No, feminists will never be for Trump, and the feeling is mutual. But how long before they realize they’ve been giving their time and money to a party that no longer cares about them?

If they’re voting for Democrats, then they will be complicit in every terrible thing that comes next. Just wait until there are more lawsuits for “gender-affirming care.”

Thus far, the climate of fear is keeping them from speaking out about permanent harm done to their bodies and their reproductive organs while the so-called “feminists” sit idly by watching yet another video of Chelsea Handler screaming about Trump.

Says Megyn Kelly:

They’ve ceded this ground to the Republicans without even knowing it. Of course, hell would freeze over before the Republicans embrace the word “feminist.” Still, they seem to be the only political party right now that is going to bat to protect women and children, something the Democrats used to do.

Harris and all of the women in the Democratic Party — ALL OF THEM — said nothing when Biden signed the Executive Order to eliminate protection for women and girls in Title IX.

No, it’s only the Republicans, time and time again. Here is Harriet Hageman:

Trump and Vance should make it clear to all voters that a vote for them is a vote to protect women and a vote to protect children from irreversible harm, or better yet, find female surrogates to do it for them, like de-transitioner Chloe Cole.

They should also make it clear that a vote for Democrats is a vote to keep the indoctrination in our schools, which are slowly removing parental rights.

Gavin Newsom just signed legislation to that effect, protecting the schools, not the parents, when the cult gets hold of their child. California is the first state in the country to sign this law, and I can’t think of anything that eliminates mothers' rights more than this.

The Democrats said nothing when obvious sex offenders pretend to be “trans” to get away with everything from rape to child molestation.

Kamala Harris will pretend she fights for women’s rights, but she can’t do both. She can’t protect women and girls while also being an “ally” for the LGBTQIA lobby. She is taking women's votes for granted, and she’s probably right.

She’s also now been endorsed:

So please forgive me if I am not shocked and outraged by something JD Vance said. All I hope is for him to be Teflon against their attacks. And that he and Donald Trump will go on offense to wake Americans up to what they’re about to put into power.

Our problems aren’t going to be solved with one election, but at least if Trump wins — which I hope he does — the Democrats will get a lesson they desperately need. If they win, they will have a prosecutor who will not hold back when it comes to jailing “enemies of the state,” starting with Trump.

Watching the machine turn Harris into the candidate she never was feels like gaslighting of the highest order. Sometimes it helps to turn to the head doctors to set us all straight. Here is Dr. Todd Grande.

Trump is hitting the right tone by focusing only on the policies that the American people care about. He should leave the culture war jabs to others, preferably other women.

As for JD Vance, this is only the beginning of what they plan to do to him. He will have to survive it. He knows what matters and what doesn’t. Still, he’d be advised to follow Trump. Sell to the people a better life, outside the clutches of the militant left. If they can do that, they might be able to win.

It’s only to get harder and steeper from here on out. Godspeed, gentlemen. Godspeed.


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Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left.