The most maddening part of all of this is that you are right, Sasha, nothing will happen to Willis or Wade. As long as it "get's Trump" it's all a-ok. Just like nothing will happen to those involved in Russiagate (Matt Taibbi has a great Substack about that today). There is no more justice in this country. None.

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“There is no more justice in this country. None.“

Why do you assume America even still exists as a country? Our society is disintegrating and our whole world is in a tailspin. Only AI can save our sinking ship. The best of times. The worst of times. We will soon see what fate has in store for us.

“A Conversation with the Founder of NVIDIA. Who Will Shape the Future of AI?” (24 min)

World Governments Summit. Feb 12, 2024


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I disagree, Amy J.

The tide is turning.

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Do you really think so? I'm not optimistic. I hope you are right.

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Been down this road.

Until Ronna & Mitch lead they will undermine America First. They had rather lose to Ds, then win as 1st.

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I assume "lead" is supposed to be "leave".

But leaving is a process, too, and one is already stepping down, and the other has little time left.

"Been down this road."

Freedom isn't free. We will ever be on this road. We will always have to fight and persevere. Sometimes that requires patience.

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“Sometimes that requires patience.”

And sometimes there’s no time for patience to work. “How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” This is also what happens to countries as their internal cohesion dissolves which eliminates their foundation and glue that holds them together. We no longer have the luxury of time on our side. We are well past “gradually” and now very much in the time of “suddenly.” I don’t say this to be Mr Doom and Gloom. I say this because this is what I see every day.

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Hi, Seva. You are well spoken and I think we see the same things. I am no Pollyanna.

There is time to win in November.

Yes, many bad things could happen before then, and we might lose in November, but it *is* the next battle.

I counsel care in not sabotaging possible victory. And we need *massive* voting for Republicans, despite their many flaws. We cannot win by splitting the opposition vote, nor throwing up our hands. We need to persuade the peeps, and counter the TDS.

I know it sounds simplistic to say, but this *is* today's truth: Our State has declared stealth war on the People. And we People have the ultimate power *and* a silent strength that only needs awakening.

*That* is the task at hand.

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“There is time to win in November.”

Very hard to imagine our ruling class allowing Trump to win in November and actually make it to the White House. What’s your plan B for when they steal the election again? Another protest rally at the Capitol? And even if he somehow did make it to the White House how could he actually govern when so many so intensely hate him due to the years of being demonized by the democrats and their media as a monster, another Hitler, evil incarnate, Satan in the flesh, one of the most monstrously evil men to have ever walked the earth? How could that possibly work? How though could even someone as talented as Vivek, my favorite, govern a society this severely fragmented where we no longer even have a common reality? Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide?

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In American politics you never pay a price as long as you're failing for the right reasons on the orders of the right people.

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I was a Deputy District Attorney in California for 38+ years. Now retired. Have been through very heated moments in court many times where I have been accused of wrongdoing. Have testified under oath on some of those occasions.

A prosecutor must always maintain their composure and professional demeanor. No matter what. Ms Willis fell seriously short of the mark.

She did a very poor job as a witness.

She was insulting and unprofessional. Her body language and demeanor show a prosecutor who clearly could not professionally handle normal questioning.

In all candor, she was an embarrassment to all public prosecutors throughout the country.

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Yes, thanks for that.

Her entire presentation was not only one steeped in arrogance and elitism, it was even more so as someone with lots to hide.

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Perfect summation

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SGC, all that professional stuff is now just so much white privilege. Because of grade inflation and DEI Affirmative Action hires, intelligence and talent isn’t measured and is resented.

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and some of it is.... white privilege..... which we often cannot see as we are the entitled ones benefiting from that privilege.... a fact which sociological studies have been demonstrating for years now.

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No. There is rich elite privilege but that is not granted poor and middle class whites. Blacks have gotten racist privileges since 1964 Affirmative Action legislation that gave them unfair advantages for jobs, scholarships and entrance criteria. And all it has resulted in is a lot of less qualified over entitled people who couldn’t compete head to head with anyone else; and nearly all US whites and Asians victims of racial discrimination.

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You adhere to your handle. I appreciate consistency.

You are wrong. Humbly and without malice to you, I say again, you are wrong.

Your first point: the privilege of the elite class did not extend into the lower white classes. Racial privilege did most certainly flow into the lower white classes. Look at who threatened black civil rights workers, not your elite industrialists, but the middle and lower middle class white folks who were defending their perceived loss of that perceived privilege. In Boston, In Georgia, and more subtly in California with housing restrictions against Blacks purchasing in white neighborhoods.

Your second point: the 1964 Civil Rights legislation led to less qualified individuals (black individuals) taking seats at Universities and jobs that would otherwise have gone to white folks which amounted to a an anti white discrimination. Oh brother.... this makes me sad..... was there racial oppression that led to economic oppression in the USA prior to the 1964 Law? If you say yes there was, then how should have we as a nation addressed that economic harm caused by racial oppression? Your argument rests on the assumption that the pie is only so big and if we give blacks some of that pie than whites (and Asians) have to have less. If you for a moment envision larger universities, and more employment opportunities then your zero sum argument becomes .... sad. I suspect your neo-liberal economic foundation makes a non zero sum argument less possible. We may have to suspend this aspec tfor another conversation.

Your Third point ( forgive me if I changed up sequence) Has a less qualified work force, student body etc evolved because of Affirmative Action? Just yesterday the headline was that Journal articles with more diversity in authorship are received better by peer review committees in scientific journals. In the financial world, management teams with greater diversity actually perform better as they avoid group think better. I have found no articles suggesting a broad drop in scholarship due to Affirmative Action in elite Universities.

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Saagar from Breaking Points has some good videos about how standards are being dumbed down in all areas of our society for the sake of “Equity.” You never see things like this because you live in a Woke bubble where the truth is always censored.

“Exposed: Med Schools Drop Merit For Racial Admissions.” (6 min)

Breaking Points. Saagar Enjeti. Jan 30, 2023


“California Nukes Math Standards For Racial Equity.” (7 min)

Breaking Points. Saagar Enjeti. July 17, 2023


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I actually do not live in a woke bubble, as I interact w friends like you to keep me thinking and researching all the time. If I look at yours, will you look at mine? ;)

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Your Woke white leftist squeaking about “white privilege” aka “systemic racism” is one of the many things that have destroyed America as a country internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. Open borders, dumbed down schools, the demonization of “Whiteness!” and the war on meritocracy due to it having a “disparate impact” on blacks are just a few of the many ways your democrats have ruined the country.

“How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America.”

Real Clear Investigations. Sept 7, 2022


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Studies show that the real advantage lies in intact, two-parent families providing a stable, loving environment. But that doesn’t fit the progressive fable of “white privilege”, does it? Who wants to take responsibility for their own offspring? Isn’t that the government’s job?

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Oh, sociological studies! Yes, you want to prove something, anything. A sociological study should do the trick.

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So you write off science? Sociological research should only be cast aside based on criticism of methodology, not on a generalized criticism of it telling you things you may not want to hear.

The argument stands, the entitled often cannot see their own entitlement.

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I don't write off science, I write off claims of what "science" shows without evidence of what those claims are based on. I think the concept of "white privilege" is mythological not scientific and a racist mythology to boot. I think it is in fact a power ploy masquerading as an idea, meant to give one group power over another. Your positional language - "we are the entitled ones," e.g., - pits one group against another and uses the concept of white privilege in a one-upmanship game of "we vs. them." Especially odd when you do not know if the others you address here (including me) are or are not a part of the "we" you have in mind.

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You have to read the science, or you have to read the news that covers the science. But not the 'opinionators' that make their living off of riling up folks w bad interpretations and bad intentions.'

Your arguments remind me of how the right wing claimed the left wing was divisive by arguing against policies that deprived the middle class of resources in favor fo the most wealthy. The trickle down theory was not class warfare, criticizing it was. total BS. Just as your argument has some serious holes but actually discussing it w you is difficult for me as I am tired from a long day.

I like your name. We are both gifts of God. Good night

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you don't write off science, just the results of scientific inquiry?

Go read some of the sociological research on race and privilege that you want to ignore. It will be eye opening.

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So long as anyone in this country thinks skin color is even slightly relevant to anything at all, we will continue to be reduced as a nation.

My sympathy to any person who thinks even in the smallest degree about skin color.

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How do you respond to folks who have been economically disenfranchised because of skin color? Do you think that has not happened? ever? if in the past, how far in the past?

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My ancestors were economically disenfranchised. Asians were economically disenfranchised. At some point in history, most of us were economically disenfranchised. That shouldn’t give anyone an excuse in 2024 to expect preferential treatment. Especially when that preferential treatment requires dumbed down requirements. You and the rest of the woke mob looking at everything as a zero sum game where white people are keeping black people from being successful are incredibly myopic.

We’re not competing against ourselves, we’re competing against the world and the Chinese don’t care if some kids’ great, great grandmother was a slave or his parents are tied up in the judicial system. While you have the white privilege to destroy a relatively merit based system, the Chinese are planning on enslaving everyone under communist rule.

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You respond by YOU being the best, fair and most honest person you can be today.

And treating others the way you wish to be treated.

I will do my utmost to do the same.

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And God bless you for it.. I believe your heart is good and unbiased. There are factors in the structure of our society that bias the outcome of education, of work and of wealth generation. How are public schools funded? Property taxes. What is the history of that fact?

Here is an interesting read on the subject. https://theconversation.com/legacy-of-jim-crow-still-affects-funding-for-public-schools-181030. Yes the conversation is left leaning (not leftist) but you wont find this type of information in the right leaning or right wing journals.

Another factor in our society is land titles and the effect that past racist practices that prevented Black families from documenting the passing of land to the next generation during Jim Crow means that today black families are ineligible for Federal aide after a disaster strikes them as they do not have the required paperwork.

This has nothing to do with the quality of our hearts nor with our current behavior. It has to do with the legacy of structures in the operation fo society that were based on a racist past and that have an effect on today's ability for people to compete equally.

so again my question, which no one on the other side of the argument (5 of you now) have failed to answer....

When did the economic effects of racism end? How long ago did racism stop being an inhibiting factor in the lives of our once oppressed brethren?

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Thank you!

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Is it possible that you are using a racially biased filter? Recall how everyone thought that Cassius Clay (at the time, later Muhammed Ali) was too brash, to unprofessional. Recall how the old ABL prior to its being included into the NBA was splashy and street ball oriented and disliked by white players. I found her to be difficult at times but intent on correcting what she declared were lies and very disparaging insinuations about her character. While I believe she made an error in judgement in getting into a romantic relationship w a fellow attorney on the team, I do not see any specific act(s) that would rise to a conflict of interest. So is your criticism all optics? If so, that would bring me back to my lead in question.

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The issue isn't that she got into a relationship with a colleague. It's that she hired and is paying this colleague with money from the investigation, and he in turn is using that money to fund their vacations and other luxuries. That's the issue. Money and corruption, not a doomed romance.

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Skin color is irrelevant to me and hopefully to everyone in all aspects of life.

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If you came to Chicago and visited the south side I can assure you your skin color would be relevant.

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Ditto for Philly and Camden

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What a shame.

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SGC, how can you say skin color doesn’t matter when DEI and Affirmative Action are so race based and so prevalent in our schools, academia and economy?

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What a display! She played too many stereotypical race cards to keep track of: paranoid, strict old black Daddy, independent strong proud black woman who doesn’t need a man but need thousands in cash because [black] men can’t be trusted not to leave you in the lurch; lonely black woman who can’t find a man to rescue her from MAGA death threats; southern black gentleman (weak) boyfriend but she’s not so nice. He played the cuckolded husband AND cancer cards. There was so much responsibility deflection and victimhood it made my head spin! Yet, we should just ignore thousands of unreceipted cash exchanges using their State salaries,and every conceivable perception of improper conduct in a high-profile case that affects the entire nation. This was even worse than her non-confession church speech. Evidently, Georgia State employees don’t receive mandatory annual Ethics training!!

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There was not one button on the Elevator of Woke she did not press. "I belong on every floor a' 'dis bitch".

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Next floor; “judge was a cracker”

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recall the term "woke" was originally a term that a black person used to describe a white ally in the racial struggles that shaped parts of our 20th century.

I wear it proudly.

sad that you do not see the value of appreciating others' reality.

what if she was telling the truth? and all those buttons on the elevator were actually experiences that she a black woman knows, but that you as a man of unknown ethnicity do not.

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This Real Clear Investigations article below from 2020 is about the “1619 Project” and what the author Nikole Hannah-Jones told the editors of the Chicago Tribune about its purpose which is, she said, to instill guilt in white liberals so they will support reparations for blacks. White liberals are not being targeted though. White children in our public schools are. And our Woke white leftist ruling class loves this and is totally supportive of it. She was even given a Pulitzer Prize for this poison in 2020. This is not “black history” though. This is anti-white hate mongering pretending to be history. This is evil and this is what the democrats have become. And these are the same people who are working to put Trump in prison. May God curse them for being such evil pigs.

“If you read the whole project, I don’t think you can come away from it without understanding the project is an argument for reparations,” she told the Chicago Tribune in October.

“I'm not writing to convert Trump supporters. I write to try to get liberal white people to do what they say they believe in,” she said. “I'm making a moral argument. My method is guilt.”

“Disputed NY Times ‘1619 Project’ Already Shaping Schoolkids Minds on Race.”

Real Clear Investigations. Jan 31, 2020


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Seva, Your name means "service" in Sanskrit, an ancient language of India. I have positive attributes to that name. You did not answer my question. Could you please give me an answer? When did systemic racism end?

Now I have listened to the pod cast 1619 Project when it was first released. A fascinating story. I suggest that you go to the primary source to make up your own mind rather than use secondary sources that may have their own agenda.

Having listened to the 1619 Project, I feel no guilt for being white (which I am). I feel no urgency to pay for reparations. So I do not relate to your response above.

Black history is American history. The two are as linked as is Women's History, or the history of urbanization or any other filter through which we see historical facts. Don't be afraid of it, learn from it.

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“When did systemic racism end?”

It hasn’t ended at all. It’s flourishing in this society and weaponized against white people in hiring, promotions in the government, in private industry and in academia plus the media constantly demonizes white people as racist oppressors while always giving blacks a pass on their bigotry and atrocious behavior. As for the 1619 Project, the “primary source” of the quote “I'm not writing to convert Trump supporters. I write to try to get liberal white people to do what they say they believe in,” she said. “I'm making a moral argument. My method is guilt.” is Nikole Hannah-Jones when she was interviewed by the editors of the Chicago Tribune. That’s a good enough source for me.

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😂 try wearing your white woke proudly in North Philly and see how your “allies” treat you.

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Pompous much?

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If there is any justice in this country, the act of a lawyer lying should result in her being disbarred. Permanently.

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America no longer exists as a country and she won’t be disbarred for lying and incompetence because she’s black, racist and leftist. Democrats have replaced meritocracy with “Equity” aka “Equal Outcomes” to a great extent in many areas and our judicial system is one of the areas this has happened. She’s just another example of this. Democrats are deeply committed to this and something like 40% of our “fellow Americans” strongly support it. This is just not working at all. The idea that Trump can somehow make it to the White House and then govern a society as severely fragmented as this is absurd. What we now have here is an ungovernable society.

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“What we now have here is an ungovernable society.“

Wasn’t that the plan all along?

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like Guilliani? like all the other Trump lawyers who have been shown to lie time and time again.?

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Fani Willis was a mess. I find it amazing that she is a DA. Mediocrity not meritocracy.

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She's the ghettoest of all the ghettos 🤣🤣

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Affirmative Action in action.

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How many times did she predicate her dire predicament by telling everyone, "as a proud Black woman....."?

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Oh, "proud". I thought she said "loud".

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This short clip making the rounds today. Fani in 2020 telling voters why she should be elected DA… are the exact reasons why she’s on witness stand today for. Pretty unbelievable


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Fani (NOT pronounced “Fawn-y”) has just given memers hours and hours worth of memes and oh, won't that be fun! I’m sure she and lover boy will skate on this but how glorious to see how insulted she was to be questioned about anything at all. We can expect her to double down on nastiness in the coming days, cuz “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, and boy, is she going to be scorned!

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I only saw a snippet of it and deemed her unhinged and unprofessional and then laughed about it while thinking "so how do you like it? being gone after like you are doing to Trump?" It really is unbelievable.

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It was glorious! You could just see her steaming, thinking how DARE they question me! Same attitude Hillary gave being questioned about Benghazi! HOW DARE THEY????

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She can dish it out, but she can't take it.

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Twitter (X) was on fire today with this. Much more entertaining than some hyped-up football game.

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Totally agree!

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Nothing worse than a pissed off, high and mighty black woman. I worked with a lot of the over the years.

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Ah, but there is. A "high and mighty black woman" with lots of skeletons she desperately wants to keep buried. She takes defensive defendant to a whole new level.

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She was outrageous and rude. The judge should have charged her with contempt of court. She showed her true colors today.

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Yes - he should have put a stop to it right away, but he gave her way too much leeway. She obviously has no respect for the system.

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Maybe he wanted to keep giving her rope.

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The judge should have recused himself; he worked for her for 4 years. He is too intimidated by his former boss.

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Yes, he definitely should...that in itself is not acceptable. Who runs that state???

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Kangaroo courts are a huge problem. Perhaps worse than rouge prosecutors.

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do you mean rogue?

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Yes, I transposed. Since the prosecutors in question are Reds, however, I am sticking to it.

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No, she be rouge. Moulin Rouge.

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Autocorrect isn’t always correct. I may a few typos myself

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I’m so tired of the ignorance and lack of integrity in this nation. It is so disgusting but mostly just sad. From the president, Obama/Biden down through all his pawns. I don’t believe God is going to put up with this evil narcissism much longer. He told Noah to build an Ark. I believe we will all be destroyed, if we do not do what God says to do in

2 Chronicles 7: 14.

If you love America, think about this verse in the Bible. I’m praying every day because I love America so much. So many have given their lives to save America, and most today have no clue the value of freedom.

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”if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.“

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Amen Susan

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Revelations 13 promises that Joe Biden will be gone by July.

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Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. There is no book called "Revelations" in the Bible; it is The Book of Revelation.

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While I agree with you wholeheartedly Ms Stone the take home message is what you wrote;

“Either way, I doubt our corrupt government will care one way or the other.” !

Heaven help us.

Amr Australia.

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Her Black Privilege is being questioned and she doesn’t like it.

This is the results of liberal appeasement policies that has turned our country into

a bad television show run by the Democrat Leftist in America.

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An example of how “Equity” has replaced meritocracy in America. Fat chance of this being changed back. Equality is the God of the left and is far more important to them than the objective “rule of law” which has a “disparate impact” on blacks which democrats consider irrefutable proof of racism. How can a society like this ever again function as a country?

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From the video of the hearing, which didn't conclude after the first day. Ms. Willis has had a serious ethical lapse. Absent some sort of bombshell, she most likely will be disqualified. As well as Mr. Wade and the entire office of the DA in Fulton County. Willis and Wade may wiggle out from a perjury charge, but just barely. Also: Five vacations in seven months (that are currently known) certainly would indicate Wade and Willis enjoyed themselves. I'm left to wonder if such unprofessional conduct and obvious rule dodging is prevalent in the rest of our Country's legal system. Very concerning.

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It’s not a lapse if you’ve been a DEI grifter your whole life.

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Hope you’re wrong and these two are disbarred and the case against Trump dropped. Even if not, I don’t discount the power of light shining on corrupt officials.

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I am an experienced civil trial lawyer who is utterly gobsmacked by this lunacy. If she is not stripped of her license, why should anyone bother to follow any applicable rules of professional conduct?

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Thank you. I no longer practice, but when I was sworn before the bar long ago, it was made clear to me that the ethical rules bound me in all my activities. Because lawyers are high profile, hold positions of power and influence at least with their clients if not more broadly, and contribute to setting a moral tone for the culture, how they live both their professional and their private lives matters. It is an embedded lesson in To Kill A Mockingbird.

I fear that the culture has deteriorated to the point where what I wrote above will be seen as quaint. I hope not. If so, however, then your children will find themselves in the same place as Mr. Trump: in a knife fight, where there will be no rules, least of all rules of professional conduct.

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Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, bro.

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“why should anyone bother to follow any applicable rules of professional conduct?“

Many no longer do which is a pretty clear sign that the rule of law is being abandoned in favor of “social justice” which is a pretty clear sign that America is disintegrating and no longer functioning as a country. Other clear signs of this are an open southern border and the out of control crime and social breakdown in our once beautiful cities like Chicago which are becoming unlivable. This does not bode well for our future.

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Professional conduct is just so much white privilege noise. Same as standardized tests like SAT scores.

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