Five Things I've Learned from Democrats Hectoring RFK, Jr.
Galileo is turning in his grave
“Galileo’s head was on the block. His crime was looking up the truth.” - Indigo Girls
Lesson Number One - No Questions Allowed
Did it really get so bad with the Democrats that they thought asking a question about a disease was itself a crime? Yes, that is how bad it got. Just asking a question is itself a crime. You are to accept their version of the facts or you will be labeled - what was the list they put him on? The Disinformation Dozen? Yep, there they are:
They had to dig around to find the most CRAZY FACE for RFK, Jr to place alongside the other CRAZY FACES.
Among them is the once-celebrated Christiane Northrup - one of the brightest, funniest people ever worshipped by the once-open-minded Left. Can you believe that? She is on that list. They demand we follow the unreliable narrators. They want all those seeking answers outside the mainstream to trust THEM when they lied to the public for so long about so many things. That trust is unearned.
Lesson Number Two - Big Pharma isn’t “Bad” Anymore
Lesson Number Three: The Democrats Haven’t Learned a Thing
They still exist inside their insulated, isolated doomsday bunker. Megyn Kelly recently gave a great interview with Frontline. She explains it so well. They should spend a few minutes listening to voices outside of their bubble. They should try, at the very least, to understand where Americans are coming from:
Their hostile attitude toward him was exactly the wrong play. They had this rare opportunity to bring back maybe some of the voters they lost to RFK, Jr. And yet, everything they said and did only proved that all of us who have abandoned the party made the right choice. Did a single one of them sound like they had the people’s best interests at heart? No, they didn’t. It was like every other hearing we’ve watched where the Democrats appear. They go on offense. How much better might it have been if they’d been curious about the problems we all face as Americans?
The Republicans do it too. I am not suggesting they don’t. But as a former Democrat, it was surreal to see a Kennedy standing up for the health of American citizens and the Democrats. This party is supposed to care about this and react to him in an immature, combative way.
Lesson Number Four: There is not an Independent Thinker Among them
Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders - none of them had any courage to stand up to the party and maybe work with, rather than against, RFK, Jr. Only the Republicans seemed willing to take a hard look at everything that has brought us to this point.
Lesson Number Five: There is No Saving the Left
Between the out-of-touch questions in the Senate and how everyone reacted to the funding freeze — mass hysteria ensued — I’m fairly sure there isn’t any saving the Left. I hope they can get a grip because this level of insanity is not good for anyone, especially not young people. That’s why it looks like a Doomsday Cult to me. They’ve walled themselves off from ordinary life and believe everything is an existential threat to their survival.
Here is the hearing if you missed it.
Pocahontas was particularly shrill shouting Yes or No!!! As if every answer is a binary. And to think that guy in the dress Levine was their pick before. Amazing hypocrisy.
Thanks Sasha for keeping us so well informed.
Anthony Fauci is not the Pope of Science as he claimed, the vicar of Science on earth. He's the embodiment rather of the decay of science, originally a mentality of inquiry and investigation by the free and critical mind, ossified by institutions into the slave of politics and ideology.
Both novels 1984 and Brave New World present just such worlds in which science is destroyed by ideology and the politics of control and domination. It survives only in the most truncated forms, while the critical mind that created science to begin with is demolished because it can;t be made to serve any narrative, let alone a totalitarian one.
This is what is at stake in the RFK hearings--whether the scientific mind is still permitted to live or whether it has to be sacrificed to the kind of ideological control the Democrats these days so desperately desire.
It's quite a remarkable thing for anyone who came up during the Civil Rights movement or the Vietnam War to see how the democrats have become not only shameless apologists for the military industrial complex and the natsec state, but for big pharma, big ag, and big food too.