Pocahontas was particularly shrill shouting Yes or No!!! As if every answer is a binary. And to think that guy in the dress Levine was their pick before. Amazing hypocrisy.
The RFK Jr hearing convinced me that Sen Warren got real COVID shots, and the spike proteins and what all else in them have clogged the coolant lines to her head. Unless it was a masterful act of irony to help RFK Jr get confirmed while appearing not to.
Yes — I personally believe that every Senator (in every confirmation hearing, actually) should be required to disclose every possible conflict of interest dollar that they have received, PRIOR to being allowed to ask a question.
“I’m Elizabeth Warren, and I have received over one point seven million dollars from pharmaceutical companies. My question for you, Mr. Kennedy, is…”
Can you imagine how completely different these hearings would be if that rule was in place?
That's a great idea. If not before they start their rant (aka "questioning"), then they could do it afterward. This would be similar to all the big pharma TV ads that list all the side effects in the last half of the commercial.
Interestingly, Javier Becerra was the Sec of HHS and Levine was the assistant secretary. Most of us have no idea who the assistant of anything is in government, which goes to show that Biden wanted Levine out there to hammer home his trans pick.
It is such a bizarre phenomenon to be obsessed by. Out of the blue it descended onto society several years ago.
This would not have happened naturally. It had to have been been planned as a leftwing indoctrination. A form of mass hypnosis. Sometimes known as brainwashing.
Well, America is the country the brainwashing sorts wish to take over the most. Although this phenomenon happens to a great degree in Canada, the UK, Australia, Europe too.
As RFK Jr will be the real HHS director as "assistant secretary" or the highest position the fiugurehead secretary can appoint if the corporate minions seal their fate by not confirming him.
While I agree with you just one minor correction: Rachel Levine was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health at DHHS. RFK will replace Xavier Becerra as the Secretary of Health. They both had to be confirmed, were confirmed across party lines and both were useless.
Warnock was pretty obnoxious too. Heck, the entire democratic side was uncivil and never once mentioned diabetes, cardiac disease and any other chronic disease. They do not care about the people, only theater for their sad and angry base.
They are POed that RFK Jr left DNC and joined Trump. Actually, Bernie was pretty civil but got a bit hostile the last minute or so. Warren must have kicked him, LOL.
Levine's Wiki page says assistant secretary which I don't think requires Senate confirmation. If Becerra was just the theoretical head, even more reason to believe they wanted the trans out there.
Anthony Fauci is not the Pope of Science as he claimed, the vicar of Science on earth. He's the embodiment rather of the decay of science, originally a mentality of inquiry and investigation by the free and critical mind, ossified by institutions into the slave of politics and ideology.
Both novels 1984 and Brave New World present just such worlds in which science is destroyed by ideology and the politics of control and domination. It survives only in the most truncated forms, while the critical mind that created science to begin with is demolished because it can;t be made to serve any narrative, let alone a totalitarian one.
This is what is at stake in the RFK hearings--whether the scientific mind is still permitted to live or whether it has to be sacrificed to the kind of ideological control the Democrats these days so desperately desire.
It's quite a remarkable thing for anyone who came up during the Civil Rights movement or the Vietnam War to see how the democrats have become not only shameless apologists for the military industrial complex and the natsec state, but for big pharma, big ag, and big food too.
One problem though. RFK jr, has no scientific or medical education. So how would he know the fine details of this one way or the other?
If it was someone like Mike Yeadon here, I would not hesitate to trust it. But Bobby Kennedy jr? Supposedly revamping the whole history of vaccinations for Public Health?
And then there is the issue of Trump announcing AI centres to create MORE of these MRNA "vaccines".
As a successful litigatior, you have to know your fecal matter. Especially if you are litigating cases involving any science. We've had numerous Comissioners of the FDA that weren't physicians or involved in the food industry or drug industry. And quite a few that came directly from big Pharma. No conflict of interest there! And having an expert in health is no guarantee they will be a good administrator. No one is perfect for any position. I believe he has the right instincts, the humility to know what he doesn't know and when to ask for guidance. He's hoed a few rows in his time, and he cares passionately about the American people. That in itself is almost enough. Just my humble opinion. I could be wrong.
The previous person that just left office was a lawyer. Xavier Becerra, the former Attorney General for California. Fat lot if good that did us. It's not necessarily about his previous work history title, but what they do in actuality. I'm not sure by es the best administrator, but he's good a solving problems and motivating other and working hard.
I cannot find a recent HHS secretary with either a scientific or medical education. Biden's HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, a lawyer, served in the US House for 24 years, then as AG of California. Trump's secretary, Alex Azar, also a lawyer, was a pharma exec, and served in GW Bush administration as Gen Counsel and Deputy Secretary of HHS. Obama had two - Sebelius, former Kansas governor and public office holder, and Burwell, who held positions in the Clinton administration and then with the Gates Foundation, then Walmart's foundation.
I'm from a family of medicine, I wouldn't trust any of them to run a lemonaide stand. Surgical procedures? Sure. Business administration? Not a chance.
It will take a lawyer to dismantel the revoving door of corruption at the HSS complex. Kennedy can do that. He has first rate sciebtists backing him up at CDC, NIH, & FDA.
Yes thanks, someone else had told me that. But with such a paradigm shift in the offing during Trump's term, I think it is wise to have a health background here in an honest and capable person for the role.
I promise you, as a litigator he has sued those agencies many times over the years. He tried the cases himself. In discovery you get access to their internal documents. You know everything about their behavior and you tear it apart and that’s how you win the case. He knows the FDA and the NIH backward and forward and exactly who and what are the problems.
I think that is still a different issue from knowing the science that goes into developing/testing vaccines.
RFK jr. was happy to do a flip-flop over his vaccine ideas when it suited him personally -- at the launch party for his book on -- wait for it -- why the COVID vaxxes were bad. He demanded that everyone attending the party be vaxxed. Blatant hypocrisy there. I knew it would come back to haunt him.
So whatever he knows about the law....there has arisen a trust issue here too. As well as the lack of scientific/medical training.
If you talk to any litigator who specializes in a certain field you will be surprised at how well they know that field. As for vaccines, he is vaccinated and his children are vaccinated. He has only advocated for safe vaccines. He has shown the testing for vaccines is deficient. The pushback he is getting for insisting vaccines be adequately tested and shown to be both safe and effective and necessary for the population being vaccinated is illuminating.
I think that most of us are on the side of vaccine safety. I certainly am. We had assumed that they were tested and shown to be safe before reaching the market, but the COVID vax phenomenon blew that trust to pieces.
We need to reach for net public benefit here. When all is said and done, which approach will lead towards the best possible outcome...knowing that there will probably still be individuals harmed by either stance?
Of course Fauci had medical training, but that did not guarantee human decency in the man. Too many medical professionals fell badly during COVID Mania. I am not so naive as to think that being a bona fide doctor alone will do the trick. I would look for the full package of appropriate training along with personal virtues.
RFK jr. is a bit shaky on the personal virtues, in addition to no scientific training. Therefore I am not entirely won over by him.
Most of these people are shaky on personal virtues. LBJ, Clinton, FDR had a mistress and the press kept it quiet, Wilson’s wife ran the country after his stroke, etc. They are not in the running for pastor. The question is can they do the job. I cannot think of a better person to reform and clean out a corrupt agency than someone who has sued them repeatedly. And that fact of course animates his detractors.
I watched it. I will watch on Thursday. There is no healing this country. Not with so called, "leaders" like those Dem's and my sad sack Independent but really a Socialist, Sanders.
I am going to have to go to confession and do some repentance. I had some really choice but horrible thoughts every time they asked him a ridiculous question or cut him off or grandstanded. YUCK.
The whole spectacle was somehow both infuriating and hilarious. What’s particularly remarkable (and amusing) is that if the DNC hadn’t law-fared RFK off the Democratic primary ticket they might have won the election. What a bunch of goobers.
Talk about 'diseases'. Every dam demonic Dem questioner has a serious 'mental disorder'. Right, they are in the hip pocket of BigPharma, but they also just spewed a lotta hate to RFK Jr cuz he is a Dem defector.
Pocahontas, Bernie, StolenValor Blumenthal -- they all Dem Defacators!
Indeed. And what does it say about Connecticut voters who keep electing him? Too often these days I'm dumbfounded and disturbed by what lurks in the average man's heart...especially in BLUE states.
You have to admit Sanders gave an entertaining minute asking if RFKJR was responsible for anti vax baby onesies on the market. Had the gallery laughing.
The D’s have this one last chance to keep the media on their side. If RFK/Trump bans pharma advertisements, they go under and that’s not an exaggeration. I worked in TV ad sales and they get the most from pharma, at good prices and they never canceled their schedules. If the politicians don’t boot Kennedy, all bets are off.
I sold radio advertising at a time in history when the big news stations wouldn’t even run a Beano add 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What the ad business has turned into is pathetic.
Let's point out that Sanders leads the pack of pathetic panderers to pharma in contributions he must pay back at well over $1,000,000; and Warren comes in a close 2nd. Snakes, all of them, snakes in the weeds. Do they think we are stupid? (Rhetorical question).
At this point I hope and pray there is no saving them. They are rude, puffed up windbags who do not care at all about the American people. They merely wish to impress enough constituents to remain in their cushy jobs. We need to find out how much each of them is worth....and how did they get to be that rich?
Yeah, their lack of caring for people was very clear. It’s almost someone in power like Pelosi sent out a memo saying how many millions they will lose if so, and so and so and so get in.
Couldn't have said it better myself ... 😉🙂. Him, and Darwin and his "bulldog", T.H. Huxley.
Lotta ideological claptrap -- articles of faith -- floating about. On both sides of course, though that on the Left, among Democrats, kind of has to take the cake. In particular, the rather demented idea that people can change sex, and that it is "good medicine" to sterilize and castrate autistic and dysphoric children -- turning them into sexless eunuchs -- because they happen to be "gender non-conforming".
Crime and medical scandal of the century that the Democrats are going to have to wear for a very long time.
I don’t think so. I think even God will look at them as child torturers. And one of the worst parts is that they pat themselves on the back for this twisted satanic ideology. Virtue signaling PLUS money grubbing by the university clinics. Pray they are sued into bankruptcy and the “doctors” go to jail.
Not that I needed confirmation for “Walking Away” in the Summer of 2020, but I would think this display of hostility, stupidity and willful blindness would dislodge any remaining hangers on. One thing the Democratic Party is clearly adept at is making Republicans of Democrats at Warp
I rarely pay attention these days to hearings because they are never about getting answers. Hearings have degenerated into opportunities of posturing before the cameras for as long as I can remember. Perhaps it has always been that way.
Agreed, but I watched much of today’s performance because I believe if RFK is not given this job, the health of our nation will only get worse. It is about time we got control of the medical-industrial behemoth.
The lesson is and has been for a very long time Democrats can only get power by lying their entire worldview is built upon lies. Truth and facts are foreign concepts to them. They believe the ultimate lie that a man can become a women by declaring it to be so.
It is so apparent that NONE of them has EVER read a vaccine package insert. They have no idea they contain aluminum, mercury, cow blood, chicken parts, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, and more, including highly toxic adjuvants. The myths of "safe and effective" and "the science is settled." is all they know. They dance well to the tune of their masters.
Democrats are going the way of the Whigs and should be remembered as the party that went full on totalitarian until enough people took notice and left.
Pocahontas was particularly shrill shouting Yes or No!!! As if every answer is a binary. And to think that guy in the dress Levine was their pick before. Amazing hypocrisy.
Thanks Sasha for keeping us so well informed.
Pocohontas...er Chief Running Mouth. Her only 2 gears are Low Shrill and High Shrill.
Chief Big Pharma.
Chief Big Bucks. What a coincidence!
Here’s the proof. https://x.com/MidwesternDoc/status/1884824761940721677?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1884824761940721677%7Ctwgr%5E44152ef2d45e569ae5b8fef8fdef80c5e953cda7%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Finstapundit.com%2F699349%2F
She was totally unhinged, just like the last hearing, and the one before that, and ALL the Democrats before that. They are really flailing.
The RFK Jr hearing convinced me that Sen Warren got real COVID shots, and the spike proteins and what all else in them have clogged the coolant lines to her head. Unless it was a masterful act of irony to help RFK Jr get confirmed while appearing not to.
Fauxcohantis is one of the largest recipient of money from Big Pharma. She stated RFK would be swayed by his lawsuits against Pharma.
Per Walter Kirn she sounded like a nasty Big Pharma lawyer.
Spot on summary Sasha.
Yes — I personally believe that every Senator (in every confirmation hearing, actually) should be required to disclose every possible conflict of interest dollar that they have received, PRIOR to being allowed to ask a question.
“I’m Elizabeth Warren, and I have received over one point seven million dollars from pharmaceutical companies. My question for you, Mr. Kennedy, is…”
Can you imagine how completely different these hearings would be if that rule was in place?
That's a great idea. If not before they start their rant (aka "questioning"), then they could do it afterward. This would be similar to all the big pharma TV ads that list all the side effects in the last half of the commercial.
They could just continually run it on a ticker under their faces the entire time they are speaking
That would really put things into perspective. Great idea.
Interestingly, Javier Becerra was the Sec of HHS and Levine was the assistant secretary. Most of us have no idea who the assistant of anything is in government, which goes to show that Biden wanted Levine out there to hammer home his trans pick.
Am I the only one who is sick and tired of The Lefts Obsession on transgenders?
Most definitely not!
It is such a bizarre phenomenon to be obsessed by. Out of the blue it descended onto society several years ago.
This would not have happened naturally. It had to have been been planned as a leftwing indoctrination. A form of mass hypnosis. Sometimes known as brainwashing.
It seems to me the mass hypnosis/ brainwashing, is focused on a very narrow segment of society, an only in one county...America.
Well, America is the country the brainwashing sorts wish to take over the most. Although this phenomenon happens to a great degree in Canada, the UK, Australia, Europe too.
Europe has walked away from it.
As RFK Jr will be the real HHS director as "assistant secretary" or the highest position the fiugurehead secretary can appoint if the corporate minions seal their fate by not confirming him.
RFK as HHS secretary, Dr. Vinay Prisad as assistant HHS secretary! (Or that great British gentleman, Dr. John Campbell)
Good point!
While I agree with you just one minor correction: Rachel Levine was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health at DHHS. RFK will replace Xavier Becerra as the Secretary of Health. They both had to be confirmed, were confirmed across party lines and both were useless.
Warnock was pretty obnoxious too. Heck, the entire democratic side was uncivil and never once mentioned diabetes, cardiac disease and any other chronic disease. They do not care about the people, only theater for their sad and angry base.
They are POed that RFK Jr left DNC and joined Trump. Actually, Bernie was pretty civil but got a bit hostile the last minute or so. Warren must have kicked him, LOL.
To be fair, Levine was Deputy Secretary, Becerra was the theoretical head
I do understand the confusion, the Admiral was the face of HHS for the last few years
Which seems to be a questionable decision in hindsight
Levine's Wiki page says assistant secretary which I don't think requires Senate confirmation. If Becerra was just the theoretical head, even more reason to believe they wanted the trans out there.
Thinking themselves wise, they are become as fools.
Anthony Fauci is not the Pope of Science as he claimed, the vicar of Science on earth. He's the embodiment rather of the decay of science, originally a mentality of inquiry and investigation by the free and critical mind, ossified by institutions into the slave of politics and ideology.
Both novels 1984 and Brave New World present just such worlds in which science is destroyed by ideology and the politics of control and domination. It survives only in the most truncated forms, while the critical mind that created science to begin with is demolished because it can;t be made to serve any narrative, let alone a totalitarian one.
This is what is at stake in the RFK hearings--whether the scientific mind is still permitted to live or whether it has to be sacrificed to the kind of ideological control the Democrats these days so desperately desire.
It's quite a remarkable thing for anyone who came up during the Civil Rights movement or the Vietnam War to see how the democrats have become not only shameless apologists for the military industrial complex and the natsec state, but for big pharma, big ag, and big food too.
Great comment. You really hit the nail on the head with this, especially the referencing of 1984 and Brave New World…
That’s why we call him Bingo.
As a former Dem, it’s horrifying and heartbreaking.
Yeah... we used to be the good guys.
One problem though. RFK jr, has no scientific or medical education. So how would he know the fine details of this one way or the other?
If it was someone like Mike Yeadon here, I would not hesitate to trust it. But Bobby Kennedy jr? Supposedly revamping the whole history of vaccinations for Public Health?
And then there is the issue of Trump announcing AI centres to create MORE of these MRNA "vaccines".
As a successful litigatior, you have to know your fecal matter. Especially if you are litigating cases involving any science. We've had numerous Comissioners of the FDA that weren't physicians or involved in the food industry or drug industry. And quite a few that came directly from big Pharma. No conflict of interest there! And having an expert in health is no guarantee they will be a good administrator. No one is perfect for any position. I believe he has the right instincts, the humility to know what he doesn't know and when to ask for guidance. He's hoed a few rows in his time, and he cares passionately about the American people. That in itself is almost enough. Just my humble opinion. I could be wrong.
Thanks for your opinion, P.B.
i.e. he DOES have scientific and medical education. He was self taught. You are right. Just like Da Vinci, Abe Lincoln, Ben Franklin, to name a few.
The medical folks are on the dole and drove us through the guardrail.
The better question is why haven’t we found a non medical person before now?
The previous person that just left office was a lawyer. Xavier Becerra, the former Attorney General for California. Fat lot if good that did us. It's not necessarily about his previous work history title, but what they do in actuality. I'm not sure by es the best administrator, but he's good a solving problems and motivating other and working hard.
I cannot find a recent HHS secretary with either a scientific or medical education. Biden's HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, a lawyer, served in the US House for 24 years, then as AG of California. Trump's secretary, Alex Azar, also a lawyer, was a pharma exec, and served in GW Bush administration as Gen Counsel and Deputy Secretary of HHS. Obama had two - Sebelius, former Kansas governor and public office holder, and Burwell, who held positions in the Clinton administration and then with the Gates Foundation, then Walmart's foundation.
Tom Price, MD was Secretary of HHS for a short time under Trump v1
Seven months. That's why I didn't list him.
Although they were not attempting the massive overhauls that Trump promises during his term. This is meant to be a major paradigm shift.
I think people really would feel more confident knowing that they had someone in that role who is both honest and who is knowledgeable in the field.
I'm from a family of medicine, I wouldn't trust any of them to run a lemonaide stand. Surgical procedures? Sure. Business administration? Not a chance.
It will take a lawyer to dismantel the revoving door of corruption at the HSS complex. Kennedy can do that. He has first rate sciebtists backing him up at CDC, NIH, & FDA.
Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com
I respect your opinion. Dick. I am not a fan of RFK jr. though. But many are.
Xavier Becerra had no medical or health background either.
Yes thanks, someone else had told me that. But with such a paradigm shift in the offing during Trump's term, I think it is wise to have a health background here in an honest and capable person for the role.
I promise you, as a litigator he has sued those agencies many times over the years. He tried the cases himself. In discovery you get access to their internal documents. You know everything about their behavior and you tear it apart and that’s how you win the case. He knows the FDA and the NIH backward and forward and exactly who and what are the problems.
I think that is still a different issue from knowing the science that goes into developing/testing vaccines.
RFK jr. was happy to do a flip-flop over his vaccine ideas when it suited him personally -- at the launch party for his book on -- wait for it -- why the COVID vaxxes were bad. He demanded that everyone attending the party be vaxxed. Blatant hypocrisy there. I knew it would come back to haunt him.
So whatever he knows about the law....there has arisen a trust issue here too. As well as the lack of scientific/medical training.
If you talk to any litigator who specializes in a certain field you will be surprised at how well they know that field. As for vaccines, he is vaccinated and his children are vaccinated. He has only advocated for safe vaccines. He has shown the testing for vaccines is deficient. The pushback he is getting for insisting vaccines be adequately tested and shown to be both safe and effective and necessary for the population being vaccinated is illuminating.
I think that most of us are on the side of vaccine safety. I certainly am. We had assumed that they were tested and shown to be safe before reaching the market, but the COVID vax phenomenon blew that trust to pieces.
We need to reach for net public benefit here. When all is said and done, which approach will lead towards the best possible outcome...knowing that there will probably still be individuals harmed by either stance?
Of course Fauci had medical training, but that did not guarantee human decency in the man. Too many medical professionals fell badly during COVID Mania. I am not so naive as to think that being a bona fide doctor alone will do the trick. I would look for the full package of appropriate training along with personal virtues.
RFK jr. is a bit shaky on the personal virtues, in addition to no scientific training. Therefore I am not entirely won over by him.
Most of these people are shaky on personal virtues. LBJ, Clinton, FDR had a mistress and the press kept it quiet, Wilson’s wife ran the country after his stroke, etc. They are not in the running for pastor. The question is can they do the job. I cannot think of a better person to reform and clean out a corrupt agency than someone who has sued them repeatedly. And that fact of course animates his detractors.
Becoming elitist goes with becoming plutocratic.
I watched it. I will watch on Thursday. There is no healing this country. Not with so called, "leaders" like those Dem's and my sad sack Independent but really a Socialist, Sanders.
I am going to have to go to confession and do some repentance. I had some really choice but horrible thoughts every time they asked him a ridiculous question or cut him off or grandstanded. YUCK.
The whole spectacle was somehow both infuriating and hilarious. What’s particularly remarkable (and amusing) is that if the DNC hadn’t law-fared RFK off the Democratic primary ticket they might have won the election. What a bunch of goobers.
Talk about 'diseases'. Every dam demonic Dem questioner has a serious 'mental disorder'. Right, they are in the hip pocket of BigPharma, but they also just spewed a lotta hate to RFK Jr cuz he is a Dem defector.
Pocahontas, Bernie, StolenValor Blumenthal -- they all Dem Defacators!
Blumenthal should have his lying mouth bitch slapped. The stolen valor shithead
Indeed. And what does it say about Connecticut voters who keep electing him? Too often these days I'm dumbfounded and disturbed by what lurks in the average man's heart...especially in BLUE states.
I was truly disappointed in Bernie. He really is a phony.
Well past the retirement age. And Welch was such an a-hole. So happy to have such great representation. NOT
You have to admit Sanders gave an entertaining minute asking if RFKJR was responsible for anti vax baby onesies on the market. Had the gallery laughing.
He is my Senator and I do not like him. I campaigned hard for his opponent. Of all the things he could have asked the candidate, he chose onesies.
He should retire to one of his homes.
Yes, I hear that he lives an authentically "socialist" life....just like all the other hypocrites.
I'm waiting for the Sanders in onesie memes! 🤣
The D’s have this one last chance to keep the media on their side. If RFK/Trump bans pharma advertisements, they go under and that’s not an exaggeration. I worked in TV ad sales and they get the most from pharma, at good prices and they never canceled their schedules. If the politicians don’t boot Kennedy, all bets are off.
It’s wonderful. I pray Bobby is confirmed.
I sold radio advertising at a time in history when the big news stations wouldn’t even run a Beano add 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What the ad business has turned into is pathetic.
Haha! It was different even when I started in the late nineties! It changed after the money started to go to the internet.
Same here, Allison. If for no other reason, then to watch 24 hour news take a dirt nap.
Let's point out that Sanders leads the pack of pathetic panderers to pharma in contributions he must pay back at well over $1,000,000; and Warren comes in a close 2nd. Snakes, all of them, snakes in the weeds. Do they think we are stupid? (Rhetorical question).
They make me ill.
At this point I hope and pray there is no saving them. They are rude, puffed up windbags who do not care at all about the American people. They merely wish to impress enough constituents to remain in their cushy jobs. We need to find out how much each of them is worth....and how did they get to be that rich?
🙂 Good question. Mark Twain's answer -- a golden oldie; the more things change, the more they remain the same:
“It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”
Yeah, their lack of caring for people was very clear. It’s almost someone in power like Pelosi sent out a memo saying how many millions they will lose if so, and so and so and so get in.
I bet if there was a WikiLeaks of their emails, it would say exactly that!
Type in their name and “net worth” on your search engine and you will find that info!
> "Galileo is turning in his grave."
Couldn't have said it better myself ... 😉🙂. Him, and Darwin and his "bulldog", T.H. Huxley.
Lotta ideological claptrap -- articles of faith -- floating about. On both sides of course, though that on the Left, among Democrats, kind of has to take the cake. In particular, the rather demented idea that people can change sex, and that it is "good medicine" to sterilize and castrate autistic and dysphoric children -- turning them into sexless eunuchs -- because they happen to be "gender non-conforming".
Crime and medical scandal of the century that the Democrats are going to have to wear for a very long time.
I will never forgive them. Ever.
Pretty unforgivable. Maybe only "Gawd" can do so -- "forgive them lord, they know not what they do".
I don’t think so. I think even God will look at them as child torturers. And one of the worst parts is that they pat themselves on the back for this twisted satanic ideology. Virtue signaling PLUS money grubbing by the university clinics. Pray they are sued into bankruptcy and the “doctors” go to jail.
Not that I needed confirmation for “Walking Away” in the Summer of 2020, but I would think this display of hostility, stupidity and willful blindness would dislodge any remaining hangers on. One thing the Democratic Party is clearly adept at is making Republicans of Democrats at Warp
It would be nice if they really wanted answers.
I rarely pay attention these days to hearings because they are never about getting answers. Hearings have degenerated into opportunities of posturing before the cameras for as long as I can remember. Perhaps it has always been that way.
It’s all performative. It doesn’t reflect well on congress.
Agreed, but I watched much of today’s performance because I believe if RFK is not given this job, the health of our nation will only get worse. It is about time we got control of the medical-industrial behemoth.
Lol, Dems bombed with so many "Do you still kick your mother?" questions with a demand for an immediate yes or no answer.
I thought that was "Have you stopped beating your wife?" That is the fallacy that I call "embedding". No doubt there is some "official" other name.
The lesson is and has been for a very long time Democrats can only get power by lying their entire worldview is built upon lies. Truth and facts are foreign concepts to them. They believe the ultimate lie that a man can become a women by declaring it to be so.
The biggest lie in an extraordinarily long list! How can anyone vote for these people? It’s like a collection of the top stupids in the country
They are stupid people. That's it.
I remember Hillary saying that the democrats are stupid and easily manipulated. That's the easy part she said.
Not stupid as much a GREEDY
not either/or - both/and
Which / as they fall from their own grace / makes them say and do stupid things.
It is so apparent that NONE of them has EVER read a vaccine package insert. They have no idea they contain aluminum, mercury, cow blood, chicken parts, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, and more, including highly toxic adjuvants. The myths of "safe and effective" and "the science is settled." is all they know. They dance well to the tune of their masters.
Many Americans are just like them unfortunately parroting “safe and effective and trust the science” all day long:/
Thank you Sasha. I am so honored to have been named in this piece.
You are the best Dr Northrup! Been following you since 2020 and have read ALL your books :). Miss hearing you play your harp 🥰
"The world's greatest deliberative body" my hind end. What a load of cow purge. If I were not in favor of RFK Jr. before, I would certainly be now.
Democrats are going the way of the Whigs and should be remembered as the party that went full on totalitarian until enough people took notice and left.
No, they're locked in as a semi-official party due to the primary system. The Whigs did not have that to keep their heads above water.