Regarding the Greenwald video. America is 100% responsible for this awful quagmire in Ukraine. It started with dopey Dubya and the two never met a war they did not like Cheney and Nuland. They give Ukraine NATO membership and it won't much matter since the global conflict resulting in this will be a mighty short one.
Yes, Bush was POTUS when in April 2008, NATO extended charter membership to Georgia. In August of that same year, Russia invaded Georgia. The redline was crossed before and the Bear reacted.
Candace Owens is a fraud. She hasn't left her leftist, vindictive ways behind. She's done more to try to take down conservatives rather than propping them up, and people give her a pass because she says the right things once in a while. Kim Klacik, Steven Crowder, now the Daily Wire, and heck even Trump at one she seems reluctantly pro-Trump after all her preferred candidates bowed out. Listened to Ben Shapiro for years, has some good legal takes, but for the most part I can't stand the guy. Not sure who's side I'll be on. Should be interesting!
I don't think she's a fraud as much as she a perpetual provocateur who loves to stir the pot. I do believe she genuinely was red pilled just like a lot of us. But that her motivations for next steps are promoting Candace which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Although, as Daily Wire admirer, it was a bummer to see her sabotaging her contract, preaching about money & being a slave, then be easily let go because obviously, she was causing more drama than she was worth.
Candace is on Candace’s side. She’s a malignant narcissistic opportunist without any particular ideology aside from garnering attention.
When she appeared on the political scene, the GOP thought she was the best thing since “ white bread”, pun intended. I loathed her immediately. Reaped such ire from my Republican consorts, including my husband.” You just want to find fault because everybody else likes her!”. Wrong. I wanted to like her. The GOP desperately needs fresh blood.Especially young minority women. But like everything the GOPpurports, invariably, they fuck it up. Totally out of touch with modern culture. Every culture.
She was unrelatable to Black Americans. With her little puff sleeved dresses, little girl center parted pony tail and offensive “ Get off the plantation” trope.It’s always about Candace. And when she doesn’t get what she wants-ie constant attention and lavish praise, she schemes and lashes out at those who gave her a platform. She lies. She was hideous to Dennis Prager who stood with her, even as she turned on him. Ditto Charlie Kirk, Shapiro, Trump, Israel.. She used Kanye as well. He’s struggled with mental illness since early childhood. Admittedly. When he was beginning to unravel, she literally egged him on. When he imploded during the Fox interview with Tucker, instead of doing what a real friend would have… like aiding him in seeking help and maintaining a low profile until he received help, she egged him on and then adopted his platform as her own and did so as a provocateur. Ironically, Trump was more sympathetic in his defense of Kanye, attributing his bizarre outburst to struggling with mental health issues. Candace made it about “ Being free”. Free from what? He has bipolar disorder and borderline schizophrenia- particularly paranoia. He’s had several bizarre public episodes in the past, including some crazy conspiratorial paranoia that Taylor Swift was out to get him. He went batshit on the stage, clad in a black hefty bag. He has breakdowns, is hospitalized and medicated , released and on San even keel for awhile , stops taking his meds and has a repeat episode. Always replete with paranoia. Candace capitalized on his most divisive episode to date and has emboldened antisemitism never before normalized in the US. For attention.Toxic.
I’m not a Ben Shapiro enthusiast. He’s a bit too opinionated,strident and socially ideological for my liking, but he’s honest, bright and always open to debate.. and then enjoys breaking bread with the very people who differ from him.Including Bill Maher, Joe Rogan and Russell Brand… until Candace went on her hate tour. Spreading the lies.
"She's a malignant narcissistic opportunist" - Awesome! Unreal that she turned on Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk - they helped launch her career in the conservative space! I mostly agree, except the Taylor Swift part...that may not be paranoia, as several stars have come out and said that she's not who her fans think she is. When her fans were in an uproar about Ye's lyrics about her, she pretended to be offended and then manipulated her "swifties" to go on a rampage for her. The recorded call/video showing the truth sure didn't stop them from going after him. But, I don't care about that horrendous industry.
Thank you! She’s loathsome.More so, because she in no way stupid, unlike so many who propped/prop her up. You know when there is something that causes a visceral reaction that you can’t pinpoint, but instinctively know is wrong? And no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise still can’t shake it? And 90% of the time, your instinct was correct.
For the record, again, no pun intended, I can’t stand Taylor Swift either. She’s manufactured. All stagecraft and facade.Crap music and sun-par talent has been the norm since the “America’s Got Talent” style shows became a thing. They’re all at best, interchange back up level chorus singers and dancers.The pop genre is so mundane but for the sixties when every genre was fabulous. Classic Rock, R&B, Motown and yeah, Pop. Because it included the Guess Who, Paul Revere, Zombies, Young Rascals..
Disagree with you about Candace Owens. She's a provocateur (provacateuse?), but not in a bad way, and she has every reason to be ticked. You see the interview with Rabbi Barclay ( He was loathsome towards her, completely ridiculous. Her discussion with a libertarian-minded Jewish man, Dave Smith, doesn't reveal a lick of antisemitism ( Be wary of how the media characterize people with labels like "sexist," "homophobic," "racist," and "antisemitic." Look at what the accused themselves say.
I agree. When the slurs come out, I look at the one calling the names. It’s always to shut someone down.
I also don’t think any country deserves unquestioning support—at least not their governments including my own.
I support the people and if innocent people are being bombed, and starved out of existence, I can’t support that country.
Look what our government is doing to us?
Our government is replacing us with ‘oppressed migrants’ and using our tax dollars to do it.
All governments need to be questioned—all the time.
I’m for any debate that does so—by anyone. It’s the questions that are brought up by the debate that are important not the celebrities doing the debating.
Is it possible to be simultaneously pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian, and pro-American? Israel has a right to exist and should be free from terrorism. Palestinians also deserve their own state on their historical land. Terrorists/ murderers/ rapists should be brought to justice without killing children in the process. Americans should be free to voluntarily fund either side (or not), but not coercively taxed to do so.
That may be a fair assessment of the likelihood of reasonable solution to the ongoing bloodfeud, but we can certainly start with halting funding for military activity abroad.
If Ben and Candace debate, it should be at a neutral site with a neutral moderator. I suggest Piers Morgan (basically pro Israel guy but troubled by high civilian death toll in Gaza and oppression of the Palestinians). An imperfect choice, but at least he will air controversial discussions.
The pro-Israel faction of conservatives want to censor any criticism of Israeli government policy, including zionism, as anti-semitic. They have gone so far as to suggest criminalizing such speech. Sound familiar?
The charade that Biden has a coherent thought makes all of the 'news headlines' farcical. The entire planet knows he is not making any decisions and we can only pray it won't lead to disaster
Shapiro is a little too establishment for me while Candace is moving around a little too much. Considering Ben has more cash behind him I wait and see.
Since I’m not on Twitter, I’m not in the loop there. I am trying to decide who to support in this issue. Can you provide an example of an obnoxious comment she made on Twitter. Thank you for your opinions being shared.
The US is being run by an international cabal that has as part of its agenda the removal of democratic institutions, particularly: (1) Christianity and all its moral precepts; (2) the nuclear family; (3) patriotism and national pride, even unto knowledge that America has any virtue; (4) private property and its corollary, individual civil rights; (5) any resistance to our impoverishment and subjugation. Ukraine is an interest of the cabal, they evidently think they can use this conflict to gain power, drain the treasury, and obliterate the political existence (rights and consent) of all citizens. The Gaza thing is an obstacle for them as it exposes how pitiless and grasping their true nature is.
The enemy of this vile coven is humanity. Any one who opposes them improves the chances of humanity to survive and escape their desired hellscape.
Blinken is an embarrassment, a very dangerous embarrassment.
The worst thing about Biden isn’t Biden, it’s the people around him.
If I was Putin, and I heard Blinken’s foolish NATO pronouncement; I would crush the Ukrainian army this summer, take all of Ukraine.
I feel so sorry for the Ukrainian people, and believe that certain Americans are primarily responsible for all of the death and destruction.
Qui bono? Who reneged? Who really understands what happened during the first (6) months of this war? America does not have clean hands.
I have to agree. And I think that what Putin plans.
Regarding the Greenwald video. America is 100% responsible for this awful quagmire in Ukraine. It started with dopey Dubya and the two never met a war they did not like Cheney and Nuland. They give Ukraine NATO membership and it won't much matter since the global conflict resulting in this will be a mighty short one.
Yes, Bush was POTUS when in April 2008, NATO extended charter membership to Georgia. In August of that same year, Russia invaded Georgia. The redline was crossed before and the Bear reacted.
…and they took Crimea when Obama was President after the US-led 2014 coup, the Maiden Revolution.
The pattern is US-NATO meddling where it does not belong.
What else is new?
What else is new?
How about Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer are the same person.
I wonder how long this re ordering of Republican Party into a Populist Party will take. I hope it completes in next 2 cycles.
I enjoy your writings more with each new submission.
Candace Owens is a fraud. She hasn't left her leftist, vindictive ways behind. She's done more to try to take down conservatives rather than propping them up, and people give her a pass because she says the right things once in a while. Kim Klacik, Steven Crowder, now the Daily Wire, and heck even Trump at one she seems reluctantly pro-Trump after all her preferred candidates bowed out. Listened to Ben Shapiro for years, has some good legal takes, but for the most part I can't stand the guy. Not sure who's side I'll be on. Should be interesting!
I don't think she's a fraud as much as she a perpetual provocateur who loves to stir the pot. I do believe she genuinely was red pilled just like a lot of us. But that her motivations for next steps are promoting Candace which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Although, as Daily Wire admirer, it was a bummer to see her sabotaging her contract, preaching about money & being a slave, then be easily let go because obviously, she was causing more drama than she was worth.
Sorry to point out, but she married upper crust Brit, and they are notoriously anti-Israel.
Candace is on Candace’s side. She’s a malignant narcissistic opportunist without any particular ideology aside from garnering attention.
When she appeared on the political scene, the GOP thought she was the best thing since “ white bread”, pun intended. I loathed her immediately. Reaped such ire from my Republican consorts, including my husband.” You just want to find fault because everybody else likes her!”. Wrong. I wanted to like her. The GOP desperately needs fresh blood.Especially young minority women. But like everything the GOPpurports, invariably, they fuck it up. Totally out of touch with modern culture. Every culture.
She was unrelatable to Black Americans. With her little puff sleeved dresses, little girl center parted pony tail and offensive “ Get off the plantation” trope.It’s always about Candace. And when she doesn’t get what she wants-ie constant attention and lavish praise, she schemes and lashes out at those who gave her a platform. She lies. She was hideous to Dennis Prager who stood with her, even as she turned on him. Ditto Charlie Kirk, Shapiro, Trump, Israel.. She used Kanye as well. He’s struggled with mental illness since early childhood. Admittedly. When he was beginning to unravel, she literally egged him on. When he imploded during the Fox interview with Tucker, instead of doing what a real friend would have… like aiding him in seeking help and maintaining a low profile until he received help, she egged him on and then adopted his platform as her own and did so as a provocateur. Ironically, Trump was more sympathetic in his defense of Kanye, attributing his bizarre outburst to struggling with mental health issues. Candace made it about “ Being free”. Free from what? He has bipolar disorder and borderline schizophrenia- particularly paranoia. He’s had several bizarre public episodes in the past, including some crazy conspiratorial paranoia that Taylor Swift was out to get him. He went batshit on the stage, clad in a black hefty bag. He has breakdowns, is hospitalized and medicated , released and on San even keel for awhile , stops taking his meds and has a repeat episode. Always replete with paranoia. Candace capitalized on his most divisive episode to date and has emboldened antisemitism never before normalized in the US. For attention.Toxic.
I’m not a Ben Shapiro enthusiast. He’s a bit too opinionated,strident and socially ideological for my liking, but he’s honest, bright and always open to debate.. and then enjoys breaking bread with the very people who differ from him.Including Bill Maher, Joe Rogan and Russell Brand… until Candace went on her hate tour. Spreading the lies.
"She's a malignant narcissistic opportunist" - Awesome! Unreal that she turned on Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk - they helped launch her career in the conservative space! I mostly agree, except the Taylor Swift part...that may not be paranoia, as several stars have come out and said that she's not who her fans think she is. When her fans were in an uproar about Ye's lyrics about her, she pretended to be offended and then manipulated her "swifties" to go on a rampage for her. The recorded call/video showing the truth sure didn't stop them from going after him. But, I don't care about that horrendous industry.
Thank you! She’s loathsome.More so, because she in no way stupid, unlike so many who propped/prop her up. You know when there is something that causes a visceral reaction that you can’t pinpoint, but instinctively know is wrong? And no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise still can’t shake it? And 90% of the time, your instinct was correct.
For the record, again, no pun intended, I can’t stand Taylor Swift either. She’s manufactured. All stagecraft and facade.Crap music and sun-par talent has been the norm since the “America’s Got Talent” style shows became a thing. They’re all at best, interchange back up level chorus singers and dancers.The pop genre is so mundane but for the sixties when every genre was fabulous. Classic Rock, R&B, Motown and yeah, Pop. Because it included the Guess Who, Paul Revere, Zombies, Young Rascals..
Kanye doesn’t do anything for me, either.
Disagree with you about Candace Owens. She's a provocateur (provacateuse?), but not in a bad way, and she has every reason to be ticked. You see the interview with Rabbi Barclay ( He was loathsome towards her, completely ridiculous. Her discussion with a libertarian-minded Jewish man, Dave Smith, doesn't reveal a lick of antisemitism ( Be wary of how the media characterize people with labels like "sexist," "homophobic," "racist," and "antisemitic." Look at what the accused themselves say.
I agree. When the slurs come out, I look at the one calling the names. It’s always to shut someone down.
I also don’t think any country deserves unquestioning support—at least not their governments including my own.
I support the people and if innocent people are being bombed, and starved out of existence, I can’t support that country.
Look what our government is doing to us?
Our government is replacing us with ‘oppressed migrants’ and using our tax dollars to do it.
All governments need to be questioned—all the time.
I’m for any debate that does so—by anyone. It’s the questions that are brought up by the debate that are important not the celebrities doing the debating.
Why does anyone on the planet give two hoots about Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens? 🙄
Is it possible to be simultaneously pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian, and pro-American? Israel has a right to exist and should be free from terrorism. Palestinians also deserve their own state on their historical land. Terrorists/ murderers/ rapists should be brought to justice without killing children in the process. Americans should be free to voluntarily fund either side (or not), but not coercively taxed to do so.
Yes, and unicorns are such fun to ride, eh?
That may be a fair assessment of the likelihood of reasonable solution to the ongoing bloodfeud, but we can certainly start with halting funding for military activity abroad.
If Ben and Candace debate, it should be at a neutral site with a neutral moderator. I suggest Piers Morgan (basically pro Israel guy but troubled by high civilian death toll in Gaza and oppression of the Palestinians). An imperfect choice, but at least he will air controversial discussions.
Has the PERSECUTION of Christians Begun in America?
America’s Stunning Embrace Of Paganism Signals The End Of This Country As We Know It
The pro-Israel faction of conservatives want to censor any criticism of Israeli government policy, including zionism, as anti-semitic. They have gone so far as to suggest criminalizing such speech. Sound familiar?
Thanks for the column
The charade that Biden has a coherent thought makes all of the 'news headlines' farcical. The entire planet knows he is not making any decisions and we can only pray it won't lead to disaster
Shapiro is a little too establishment for me while Candace is moving around a little too much. Considering Ben has more cash behind him I wait and see.
It would help my understanding if you would clarify how Candace was obnoxious towards Ben Shapiro. An example would help. Thank you.
My observations of her endless passive aggressive taunts on Twitter.
Since I’m not on Twitter, I’m not in the loop there. I am trying to decide who to support in this issue. Can you provide an example of an obnoxious comment she made on Twitter. Thank you for your opinions being shared.
I hope you have a nice weekend, too. Thanks for all you do!
The US is being run by an international cabal that has as part of its agenda the removal of democratic institutions, particularly: (1) Christianity and all its moral precepts; (2) the nuclear family; (3) patriotism and national pride, even unto knowledge that America has any virtue; (4) private property and its corollary, individual civil rights; (5) any resistance to our impoverishment and subjugation. Ukraine is an interest of the cabal, they evidently think they can use this conflict to gain power, drain the treasury, and obliterate the political existence (rights and consent) of all citizens. The Gaza thing is an obstacle for them as it exposes how pitiless and grasping their true nature is.
The enemy of this vile coven is humanity. Any one who opposes them improves the chances of humanity to survive and escape their desired hellscape.
"A TikTok user explains why celebrities aren’t cool anymore"
Not on TikTok, never will be. But enjoy catching these snapshots. This lady makes a lot of sense. Ooops, just gave away my woke-o-meter reading.