Listen to it last night. Tucker gives voice to the voiceless just like Rush Limbaugh did.

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God bless Tucker Carlson.

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Thank you Sasha. I never watched much TV news, really no one, but now I watch Tucker every chance I get. He speaks the truths that powerful people do not want to hear but need to be told.

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Thank you Sasha. I have become a really big fan and follower. I can only imagine what your experience was like when your perspective shifted your thinking and emotions into the place you're currently in. I know about what it's like to have one's perspective shift. I'll never forget the moment I came to realize that Jesus was not my enemy, but actually my first and best friend.

It's profound stuff.

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So few people equal Tucker Carlson when it comes to speaking truth. Incredibly moving.

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We moved out of Michigan last year because we see where it's going and it's not good.

Like Tucker, we moved to a town of 700 and couldn't be happier.

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Thank you, Sasha .... and Tucker!

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Tucker is at his best speaking about our shared humanity. Simple human emotions that connect all. He is simply pragmatic which seems to be in incredibly short supply today.

But his best point was on running. When they put section eight everywhere but the gated communities where will the bulk of us run?

I hope we run to the feted communities. And tear them down. And make the people responsible for giving us nowhere to run their judgement day

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Thanks for the transcription!!! I LOVE listening to Tucker, but I also appreciate a transcript any time I can get on - very useful for going back and reviewing. Also, for most speakers, I'd rather read.

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Thanks for posting - I’m glad I took the time (and a beer) to listen to this.

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A relative and longtime resident of MI is leaving due to corruption and mismanagement of the state.

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Tucker is like a waterhole in the desert, fearlessly calling out the evil being promulgated against us, those hungering and thirsting for righteousness.

We need to activate our love for this country into action, because love in its truest form is action - that emotion of love is just the spark needed to spur us into tangible acts to being about the change we so desperately long for.

Even if it just talking to your kids and family, or the grocery clerk, or attending the school board meeting in your town- you don’t have to run for office necessarily, but ALL of us must speak out: that is the one power ALL of us have, and to do so fearlessly. I believe that is what expected of us who are alive today bearing witness to what is occurring. It is our reasonable service, and words are the first catalyst to change.

“Land of the Free, Because of the Brave.”

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Yes, God created us for such a time as this for a reason. We all need to speak up. That will look different for each person based on their life situation, their God given gifts and talents, etc. but everybody needs to do something.

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Sasha, thanks for posting and for developing and fostering this thriving community. I particularly note that I have enjoyed the comradery of your many other military veteran followers.

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Tucker will need to look both ways before he crosses a grassy knoll.

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Thanks for posting, Sasha!

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Thanks Sasha. Tucker and his crew don't miss much.

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