Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

I'm a retired US citizen living in Mexico City.

I follow US news closely from the standpoint of a life-long Democrat who's come to despise the party. (Not that Republicans are any better.)

Ukraine (where's our vital interest?); Covid (Why did so many submit to totalitarian lockdowns?); the economy (why don't people protest the Fed's deliberate destruction of the economy?) Wokeism (Why do people submit to these brownshirt tactics?) -- the list goes on.

What happened to my country?

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

No question yet Sasha, I’ll work on that. But I’m really happy to see this post after I just saw a news story about a 50 car pileup on an interstate in Ohio! Was a little worried about you.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

My husband and I are just north of Columbus if you run into a snag today. It’s going to be a quiet Christmas; one son is out working-salting and plowing. The other is in Cancun with his family. I’m 66 and it’s hard to believe the corruption is so pervasive they don’t even try to hide it anymore. If one more politician tells me my #1 priority is Ukraine I’m going to scream! I love pie and dogs. I’ve been obsessed with trying to understand the COVID nonsense and how they were able to instill so much fear the masses went along with it. That can’t happen again. I pray for your safety. There’s nothing worse than ice. Be well and take your time.

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Love Sasha Stone’s calm voice discussing the problems we face with interest in finding solutions instead of scoring debating points in a cacophony of shouting voices.

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You write concisely and allow your passion to come through without overwhelming the story. What were your biggest influences in developing those skills.

So look forward to reading when Sasha arrives in my mailbox.

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First vote was for President Eisenhower in ‘52 and have voted for every Republican since. Believe limited constitutional government is always superior to government imposed solutions to problems.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

I was so excited to see you picked up by RCP. How has all that exposure changed your life? Is it opening new doors?

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Hi Sasha. I have enjoyed your blog. Succinctly : regardless of political or ideological bent, we must find a way to defeat the canceling of free speech, the thwarting of a free and inquisitive press and top down collusion among the DC and Corporate elite manipulating all of the tools of communication to propagandize a public that I hope is gradually waking up. Favorite films: The Third Man, Double Indemnity, the Wild Bunch, Treasure of Sierra Madre and No Country For Old Men. These stand proudly among the best of visual art. David G

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Hi ya Scott! I think it's probably Banshees.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

This cold is once-in-a-generation. I hope you get back to warm California after family time in NYC. I am spending the holidays with my wife, son, daughter and cat and dog. Favorite movie Pulp Fiction for dialog and cool storytelling, Saving Private Ryan for tugging on my emotions(the scene where he asks his wife if he was worthy of his friend’s’ sacrifices had me bawling in the theater).

I think my dog taught me to love dogs’ dependent and loving nature (she’s 14), but my 1 year old cat has renewed my love of a cat’s inscrutable personality. My question is: Do you think the Left was planning and calculating this move to wokeness all along ? And what kind of event could break it? Keep safe on your journey. I visited NYC last summer after having been there only once in the 90’s for a David Letterman show. I really loved it and want to go back summer 23 and also to Alaska for my 50th State visit for the bucket list.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

I absolutely hate the cold. It is freezing here in NY as well. Driving Saturday to spend time with my SIL and her husband and dog in NH. She’s invited 3 other friends for Christmas Eve dinner and we are Jewish lol!

I am a dog and cat person.

Love to read non fiction and spiritual books as well as any thing on the tiny house movement.

Don’t have a favorite movie as I don’t watch a lot of TV, usually fall asleep in front of it and actually got rid of cable 3 years ago.

Be careful drive safe stay warm and enjoy the holidaze!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

HI Sasha,

One of my favorite books is just a short one...The Death of Ayrton Senna...written by Richard Williams...so well written about such a great and complex man and racing driver.

Movies...Cinderella Man...Warrior..... Gold.... & Fracture.

My one question for you, since I enjoy your writing style so much. What's the writing rule or even rules you follow without fail.

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Do you believe misnamed “green energy” will solve climate change by reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

My take is believing that reducing one atmospheric gas, carbon dioxide, will make a significant difference in temperature is fantasy. Dr Bjorn Lomborg is a voice of reason in the screaming about imminent destruction of civilization if we don’t control carbon dioxide emissions. Listen to him and become educated in real solutions.

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Born ‘31 and grew up in Hoover/Roosevelt Depression. Believe they were about equally responsible for Depression. Went from farm prosperity to town near poverty when markets collapsed and good crops sold for less than it took to pay taxes.

Do you believe “New Deal “ saved the nation or lengthened a recession bringing suffering to the nation?

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Sasha Stone

My Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life, I love black and white old movies. Christmas Carol, Gone With The WInd, Musicals, Three Penny Opera, My Fair Lady. I love to read Mark Twain, C.S. Lewis, The Confessions of Saint Augustine, To Heal the World, Matthew Kelly write very simple books to see our lives and examine our life.

I don't like sweets, but a dark chocolate with a cup of Pinot Noir will hit the spot.


Just my husband and I, will go out to one of our favorite places.

I like to cook and bake, I just baked rosemary bread ( grain and gluten free). The house smells amazing!

cookies and cake will be next.

Sasha, this country is lost if we continue on this road. The elites hate what this country stands for, liberty, justice, and prosperity for all. It is very sad that they only look for power and control. We need to bring back God, yes this country was founded on Judeo Christian Principles. The laws was based on the Ten Commandments, now we have left everything. Like it or not, to govern we need to look at how and why this country was born. I am sorry but my English is not the best.

But thank you for your thoughts! Merry Christmas! (Christmas is my holiday). What Holiday are you celebrating? There is always something we need to be grateful for and that is having peace, knowledge of who I am and why I am here. Be safe and many blessings.

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I grew up in Dayton - if you stop there on the way back from New York, be sure to get a Marion's Pizza! And the Bob Evans chain of restaurants has great breakfasts and coffee. (Plus the Air Force Museum north of town has every Air Force One that was ever in service, and you can tour the interiors!)

Be safe!

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