What Hillary stated and thinks is exactly what pretty much goes on in the education system in this country. Brainwashing from a very young age.

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Hillary has become a bitter, miserable crone. She persists in giving these unhinged interviews, apparently not realizing that she stopped being relevant a few years ago. It's really kind of strange.

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Her contempt is on full display. They don’t even try to hide it. It’s almost as if they want to push or provoke otherwise good people into a “full on up rising”. Amanpour is in full agreement, goading her on. It’s actually very disturbing. There’s something visceral about Hillary’s contempt and bitterness. The one thing we can take “revengeful” pleasure in is that she was not elected to the position she believes she was destined for. Her true colors are showing through and it’s really ugly.

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Hillary needs to be put out of our misery.

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I've ordered "deprogram the deplorables" bumper stickers for my Tesla.

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I think Hillary is the same as she ever was. She knows what she is saying, and it’s 100% projection. Everything she accuses others of, she is guilty of and she’s not alone. I don’t remember where, but I read just last week that the MAGA Republicans are going to kill people-- they take it to that level to keep people terrified and to qualify Maga Republicans as domestic terrorists. When, in fact, the cult as Sasha calls it, is guilty of terrorism, literally. And murder literally. Remember, every single thing that comes out of her mouth exposes her and all the other players. It has worked for her for so many decades that she can’t possibly imagine that it won’t work forever. In that regard perhaps she is delusional but other than that she knows exactly what she’s saying. Of course, this is just my opinion and what do I know?

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Hillary is just being her usual, tone-deaf self. In this one instance, at least, she's displaying her political acumen, not aware of what she's saying. She thinks she's clever. She doesn't know the times, can't read the room, doesn't have a clue.

(And I often wonder, doesn't she understand what a Faustian parable she is?! SEE ALSO: "Hillary's 'deal' with Bill")

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Most politicians with 24/365 Secret Service protection can spit out this bile on a regular basis about any of their sick ideas knowing full well they’re protected and shielded from criticism by the Leftist media and the Injustice department.

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Sasha, Karen and I loved your caricature of Hillary as Stalin. Could you do one of AOC as Che Guevara? Red beret and all.

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All the regimes that Seth Dillion sited had one thing in common. The population that was to be re-educated didn’t have weapons. While the military likely would defeat us it won’t be pretty at all. And much like the Civil War there would be some members of the military that would Jack boot along.

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God...it's amazing she feels so free to say such things as if they make any sense!! Anyone that listens to that bullsh*t would be on full 5 star alarm...but to her it's like she said can you please pass the salt! OMG...does she have no filter?

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It's amazing to read the words of that DC judge Julie Kelly quotes. The lack of awareness is breathtaking. She tells someone ELSE to broaden their horizons and viewpoint? She's living in a bubble, few areas are more so than DC and it's proven by her statements and actions.

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Your assumption re: the Costner film was dead on!

I was cringing reading the synopsis of it thinking the identical thing.

We shall stay tuned but my faith in the Hollywood machine is nil.

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I cant help but be reminded of this TV special I saw as a teen during the Cold War, about what would happen if the Soviets won WW3. Recently re-watched, and got chills. There are so many analogs to what's happening today...


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Here's two suggestions:

1) we adopt the old Athenian rule on ostracism. We have an annual vote where any person can be nominated to face a vote on exile. If 60 percent of the population votes "Yes," the person is stripped of their citizenship and exiled.

2) we go door-to-door and start mass executions of Dims. I call dibs on Bill and Hill.

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Now that Hillary has gone around the bend to full blown totalitarian psychopath, she'd still be shocked and screeching at the underlings when she's inevitably drug into the street like Nicolae Ceausescu. The government and leftists seem hell-bent on goading anyone not in The Party into violence to justify doing exactly what she says. We're not falling for the entrapment. They've spent too much time and taken too much money from the Chinese and have ended up just like the CCP.

All these Hillary appearances are now moving her up in my rankings of "Replacement Biden" at the convention. The Clinton Money Laundering Initiative is back in business and there's influence to be peddled. Now all the media interviews out of nowhere? Not a coincidence.

On another topic, anyone else engaging in The Dead Pool: RFK Jr. Edition? Hillary will really not stand for him wrecking her party and coronation.

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