If I could like this 100x, I would. I’m also a Gen Xer who grew up not knowing or caring about someone’s politics. I was a latch key kid, and I was most certainly not cool. But compared to the woke scolds and snobs on the Left (especially in Hollywood), I was Judd Nelson in TBC. Sometimes not giving an F is a really good thing, but so is being left alone. It started with Obama and continued with Biden. God willing, Trump has ended the Cult of Woke.

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The New Deal Democrats ended their reign with Ronald Reagan, who ushered in an era of deregulation and free market economics.

Obama ended the reign of deregulation and free market economics and ushered in the era of Wokeness.

Trump ended the reign of wokeness, and is ushering in an era of populism.

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Trump ended wokeness?

Do you think these self praising, virtue signaling, brainwashed cultists have gone away?

I WISH that were the case.

👇 It isn't ended

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It started with Obama 💯💯💯💯

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It kind of started with the Clintons....remember "politically correct speech"?

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The "Your body My Choice" cry, coming from THEM after their tyrannical JAB Mandates, now falls on DEAF EARS.


<never forget>

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The whole push for abortion was part of the plan for destruction of the West. Under a Pathocracy (rule by Psychopaths).

Disguised as "women's rights". And look at the huge number of women who bought into this evil. Against their own unborn children. Much like the eugenics against Jews in 1930s/40s Germany. Those Germans saw nothing wrong with that either.


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"I was MAGA,

When MAGA wasn't cool."

Barbra Mandrell

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Trump became "cool" when his original arrogant persona transformed into the anti-leftist-bs persona.

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Normalcy is 'cool' again.

Leftists have always been trying to impose their collectivist ideology – their collectivist scam – on the people for centuries.

"For their own good", of course.

But the people have rejected their ridiculous ideas over and over again.

Because they know in their wisdom, their collectivist system can NEVER work – and it NEVER has.

In over 400 years…

But the left keeps on lying and changing names like a used car salesman (no offense used car salesman) Communism, Fascism, socialism, Maoism, collectivism…..

Isn't it time we buried Communism for good?

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Mika and Joe said they weren't going to "normalize" Trump as they talked about how they were willing to debate his policies again. The Left hates "normalizing" anything they oppose, as if THEY are the norm.

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Unfortunately, the opinion-forming classes always imagine they will get to be opinion formers under collectivism.

If you told them they would be digging coal instead of being a poet maybe they would reconsider.

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That's where the fact that lefties lie like it's a bodily function comes into play – along with their (former) domination of the media.

They'll lie and make people think that it'll be “The wonderful world of next Tuesday.”

Jen Rubin of the Washington Post says that slogans have to be 'pithy.'

So how about: Leftists are Liars?

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Really it's just the most extreme possible version of egalitarianism. And since that has some appeal, and people tend to gravitate toward simplistic "table-pounding", I am afraid that it will, for the foreseeable future, always come back.

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Of course, they will always come back.

But the big $64 question is how do we fend them off when they do?

Towards the end of that video I posted, the Historian points out that we have the facts on our side, while they have emotion. The question is, how do we counter that?

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Silly me. I forgot something that is very important: start teaching about (logical) fallacies. (The word "logical" should not really be necessary here, but it seems that the meaning of "fallacy" has lost its former precision.) Leftist ideology is critically dependent on its targets not recognizing fallacies. Which is what happened with both of my kids, while I wasn't looking ...

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SO, how to fend them off? EDUCATION and SPIRITUALITY and FAMILY. The Founders had this and that's how they got out from under the yoke of the monarchy.

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Under the present circumstances, the Lefties only have to win once in order to establish a "temporary" One-Party State (to be ended once Utopia is achieved, don't you worry). That is why I am not so elated about the last election. A fairly easy first step, I think, is for "red" states to re-establish control of public education, at all levels.

Beyond that, a more difficult problem is how to put a lid on public schools giving approving treatment to ideologies that are unfalsifiable, from fundamentalist Islam to Neo-Communism, probably by cutting off federal funding, including student loans. It is not too difficult, I think, to establish what is and is not unfalsifiable. For example, the concept of "lived experience" was clearly invented so that the Left could render its views on race unfalsifiable: all the studies in the world cannot (so they say) refute what Coates and Kendi say on the basis of their "lived experience". (In pharmacology, evidence of this type is called "anecdotal", and is routinely dismissed as worthless.) What gives me pause is what the limits would be for any board entrusted with this power: what would stop the Left from declaring "unfalsifiable" any set of related propositions that it *just does not like*?

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Sorry for taking so long to respond.

Yes, we do need to take steps to turn the government indoctrination centres back into schools – that would probably take us a long way in conserving liberty.

That's the insidious nature of leftism (note I use Leftism, not liberalism) and demarcates a major difference between left and right.

We on the Pro-freedom right see government as a necessary evil.

The left sees it as a way to further their ideology, hence the divergence in what they do with power – using it to further their agenda instead of just provide services.

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Raise our kids to be sane, orderly in thinking, and able to understand and manage their emotions. Traditional Christianity is the way.

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disclaimer: TLDR. Trump has shown the way. You shrug off their crap and keep doing your thing. His energy overcame them. And when he taps out, people like Gabbard and Vance are there. The Left's legal system toadies had Trump in court half the summer, and all they got out of it was publicity for Trump. The smart move would have been to never mention Trump, not prosecute him for anything and let him and Jan6 fade. But they couldn't leave it alone. The Harris/Walz campaign revealed just how 1-dimensional the Left's playbook was. Get a dream team of rich-as-God, preachy know-it-alls to tell those of us with dirt under our nails how to think. And millions said no, 💙 has nothing and voted for Orange Man. And this populist thing that is starting, it is a third party, the Republicans just don't say it yet. We'll see how well it ages and what kind of answer the Left comes up with during the coming 4 years. In the meantime, these protracted tantrums you see online, I waited 4 years for new memes and they're finally here

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The Leftie Leadership is intent on making it: "austerity for thee, but not for me"

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Bury it all you want---they will just keep digging it up. Because, don't ya know? This time, if they close their eyes and wish real hard--it will work....

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No, at some point humanity has to put a stop to the insanity.

Leftists can only bring it back by lying about it – that it's never been tried before.

Puncturing that lie will destroy leftists trying to resurrect the scam that is socialism.

It has been tried before, in untold numbers of experiments in all kinds of conditions and locations.

Some with perfect natural experiments such as East and West Germany – which side of the wall had graffiti, and which side had anti-personnel mines with trip wires so sensitive, they needed a separate wire so that birds wouldn't set them off.

Or North and South Korea with a similar setup.

It's been 400 years of failure, 400 years of deliberate mass murder on an industrial scale, 400 years of billions of people living in oppression and misery.

Isn't it time to say enough is enough?

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Oh--I think 'enough is enough.' I've thought that a very long time. But--I'm not the one you're trying to convince... They will NEVER remove their clutch on the levers of power, unless they are specifically forced to do so. And then, they will grab those levers back at the very first lapse in focus--even if it means using violence. To them, the ends, will always justify the means....

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I understand that…

It's one of those things that people in the middle of momentous historical time periods don't have the proper perspective to see what is truly going on.

You don't see the big picture forest for the trees.

It's sort of like living so close to a mountain that the forest and the trees block the view, it's paradoxical, but trust me, it's true.

Certain things have happened that make you take a step back and marvel at the times we're living in.

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Well-- as for forest and tress and so on: The biggest danger we face is not Putin or Xi or the Ayatollah. It's the 'enemy within'--and they are here amongst us. Lots of them.

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Well said! I lived close to that border! Same people, divided by two different systems!

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I lived in Berlin for a year as a grad student 1965-66. In 1990 I took my two boys to see what that border was like before it disappeared. Taking the elevated train across it, one the west side were flowers in window boxes, painted masonry, new cars. On the east side, in the same town, buildings built at the same time had tiles coming off rooves; walls not painted for decades; no flowers; dirty Trabants. Communism could make lazy slobs even of Germans.

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I wasn’t surprised by the number of young people who voted for Trump.

I’m a 72 year old Vietnam Vet who at 17 enlisted in the military in 1969.

I followed the advice and example of my male family members who served in WWII and Korean wars.

Advice given by elders have always been an important part of all societies.

Unfortunately for many young people today their grandparents are Leftist Democrats who have been anti government since the 1960’s when they were hippies and didn’t trust the MAN. But in the last 60 years the hippies have became the MAN and now the government must be trusted.

Young people can see through this bullshit that their grandparents were selling.

What these grandchildren see in Trump is the grandfather who loves them and wants them to achieve their goals in Life.

As a grandfather of two beautiful granddaughters I live for these girls and want them to live in a great country with as much opportunity to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves.

Donald J. Trump and I along with my brothers in arms have the same dreams for all young people not just our own.

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Those who shouted "power to the people" when young are now shouting "power over the people." But many of them don't even realize it.

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I could have written that. Two granddaughters, a grandson, another grandchild on the way. Suddenly after November 5 their future seems bright far into the future.

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Amazing- thank you! I once had TDS and am beyond it thanks to my sisters' curiosity (ie looking outside legacy media) and brave sharing of "contrarian" info during COVID. I am in portland and surrounded by people who seemingly wouldn't dare put any other sign up but Harris's (portland) and would (have behind my back) call me a bigot and racist if I spoke my mind...it's intimidating and I am sorry to say I self-censor, but listening to this I am feeling a new sense of confidence and hope for courage forward. I am in my 50s and a gay woman which adds to the intimidation factor as I feel so alone in my views... but perhaps this is one of my greatest life lessons---to be brave amongst those who would tell me I am mean and stupid. Yikes! Thank you again for this! Xo

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Omg! Be safe and careful in Portland. Talk about a city that is illiberal and intolerant.

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Know how you feel! Portland does not take kindly to Trumpers😏

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Yes! Be brave! Speak out and you will find your tribe!

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Amen Sasha. You were prescient months ago when you wrote “MAGA is now the counter culture”.

That thought became crystal clear to me with Neil Young. The once rebel demanding his voice be heard in Ohio. The Nixon hater who loathed the institutions that tried to quash his freedoms and message.

And now? He and Joni Mitchell ARE Nixon. They ARE the institutions seeking to quash others’ freedoms and messages. Using Spotify as their weapon of choice.

Loathsome Progressives. No longer deserving our respect, attention, or support. It’s time they lose all they worked so hard to gain.

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Yesterday's hippies are today's authoritarians.

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Just like leftists of today, they all dressed the same, how is that being independent minded?

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So true. There was a rigid dress code, and only people like John Lennon could get away with not following it. For us normal kids, God forbid your jeans didn’t have the right label, or were an inch too short, or didn’t have the right flare. Good little conformists desperately pretending they were free spirits.

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Absolutely. My leftist SIL (in her 60’s) and all her friends all dress and look the same, same as they did in the 60’s/70’s. They still don’t shave, their hair is down to their behinds, and they are climate freaks.

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Yes, that generation became what they hated

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I think they were always narcissistic phonies.

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I think Sasha identified and called the reversal of cool from Dems to MAGA even more than a year ago. She seems quite good and reading the tea lives in Hollywood, politics and culture.

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Sure is

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We all have got to start calling them "regressives" because that's what they are and what they do. I call them leftists or Marxists/commies.

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Meanwhile, the tone deaf Biden is busy starting WW III and making speeches about climate change being the one "existential threat to humanity". I wish Trump would take the opportunity to gather together a climate summit with all those scientists who DON'T think CO2 is a significant cause of warming, to educate the public once and for all that the anti-carbon "green" agenda is not only going to make no difference, but will drive us all into poverty if it is pursued. Leaving the Paris climate agreement will be a good start, but he needs to get those sane voices to speak out without fear of being condemned as "climate deniers". Many of those scientists are under threat of being fired from universities or losing their research funding if they speak out, but they need now to be unleashed to speak without fear.

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Most excellent! But Mr Biden? Really? I'll answer that; no, not really.

“…for the present, no one knows who is in charge of the United States.”

Whoever gets charge of Investigations has their work cut out for them.

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Sasha, your articles are fun, interesting and I must say it, cool 🙏

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Jack Smith dropping Jan 6 case against Trump 🤣🤣🤣

Democrats just keep losing. Love it

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It's more than KH being a lousy candidate and being forced into a horrible choice for Mr Jazz Hands Tianenman Tim. They were out-campaigned, out-worked and out-smarted...

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But most of all out cooled

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I spite of being out-spent, massively. Just goes to show you the lefty approach: Throw $$ at it and if that doesn't work throw more $$$$. And more celebrities. Yeah--that's the ticket!

People gather information different now--and thus, they have been totally exposed. Which explains their thrust for more censorship...

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Yup. Dead on

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They've been throwing money at the problem of the inner cities, gangs, drugs, poverty for decades now. Since the early '60s and LBJ's "Great Society"/"NEW NEW DEAL" we've spent 20 trillion on spending on all the social services and yet, poverty has only gone down by 1 to 2% (this was before Biden/Harris - I think it's gone up since they got in office). Personally, I think we've been scammed. But D.C. sure has grown!.

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Yes, agreed. They should de-centralized WDC. And haul K Street into some desert...

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But they were not out-spent, and that is scary: the Rust Belt states were closer than they should have been. Being the party of the both the ordinary rich and the extraordinary rich has its advantages. Plutocrats and Neo-Communists. What a lovely party!

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Maybe what I wrote less than clear: The 'they' is the dem-comms, who out spent the Trump campaign by a wide margin. KH blew through over 1Bn and end up at least 20M in debt--compared to Team Trump which spent roughly 400M.

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Great piece, Sasha. So much correct about this especially the Gen X aspect. And I always love the inclusion of the always underappreciated Almost Famous. Vivek and Elon are the uncool non-establishment types that have had their voice heard. Same for JD Vance. He had the opportunity to join "the cool kids" when he got popular, but knew it wasn't him, so he shunned them. Elon spends a lot of his time still mocking the "in crowd."

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Every Trump supporter, Republican and American Patriot should read Dinesh D’Souza’s book “The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left.” D’Souza does a masterful job of exposing the undeniable links between the early 20th century American progressives on the one hand and Italian Fascists and German National Socialists on the other. Mussolini was a socialist first, but embraced fascism as a means of advancing the movement more quickly. Hitler was a socialist first. Nazism was an extension of his socialist views to which he added a thick layer of anti-semitism because he associated the Jews with finance capitalism, supposedly the cause of Germany’s economic woes. Both were totalitarian movements of the left which elevated the state over the individual. They are the polar opposite of those on the right who support limited government, free markets, free speech, the rule of law under the Constitution, fiscal discipline and common sense. Yet, the left has been working for nearly 80 years to create the totally false impression that fascism is a right wing movement, an effort that was popularized by Joseph Stalin against all those who were not in the Soviet camp, even those who were fellow socialists. They have worked mightily to fabricate the illusion that because the Soviet Union fought the Nazis they were polar opposites. This is totally wrong. They were both left-wing totalitarian movements fighting for world domination, rival left-wing thugs if you will. The current left has simply extended Stalin’s lie against Republican presidents and politicians. Not just Trump, but Nixon, Reagan and Bush. For most leftists, Democrats, and their Allie’s in the MSM, “fascist” “Nazi,” and Hitler are simply mindless pejoratives used to attack and marginalize their political opponents that have no basis in reality.

What distinguishes socialism and fascism and is that socialists, following Marx, want the government to own all the means of production, while fascist philosophy and practice combines government ownership with government control through the bureaucratic state. The Democrats in the U.S. fall more closely in the fascist camp through their advancement of the largely unaccountable administrative state that controls major slices of the market economy. It’s why the economic historian, Robert Higgs, calls what our system of government has become “participatory fascism.” Read the history, FDR and Mussolini were part of a mutual admiration society prior to the outbreak of WWII. FDR praised Mussolini and Ill Duce described FDR’s New Deal as an exemplary manifestation of fascist economic policy. Trump wants to dismantle thevfascustcafministrativecstate. The left embraces it because it does their dirty work outside of the annoying limits of the democratic process.

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Indeed the Democrats overwhelmingly depend on the government for education, healthcare, food, shelter, DEI jobs. They are the public school teachers, academia, welfare recipients, fed/state/local government employees and contractors. Musk and Vivek need to cut that largess with a chain saw.

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They can recommend it but some GOP and almost all Democrats in congress will say no and no they can just play dictator and cut all those programs without congress.

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4 iconic photos. Trump mug shot. Bloody Trump fist pump. Trump in the McDonald's window. Trump in the garbage truck. All Trump, all the time.

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Johnny Rotten (Lydon) voted for Trump in 2020. When everyone started getting canceled after Covid, the craziness hit the fan.

It really comes down to the message of Hope v. Fear. Or the message of being independent (and self-sustaining) v Being Dependent on the government. Hopefully, Elon and Vivek are going to get rid of so much dependency/waste/DEI nonsense, that it’s going to be a little rocky for those figuring out they have to work now.

We all need to buckle up because President Trump’s GOP is not the neocon GOP/uniparty of previous generations. Many of us are saying, giddyup! It might get bumpy, but we don’t expect the government to pay for our lives either and we know this 1776 moment needs to happen.

Will President Trump really be able to Make America Great Again this time around? At least his message is one of hope and prosperity – the opposite of the totalitarians running the democrats who tell people to be very afraid:


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I'm all for that, except we must still help those who are truly disabled. Also, many seniors are in dire straights, so to speak, because inflation has wiped away so much of their retirement and savings.

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Sasha, if you haven't yet, you HAVE to watch Bill Maher's show from last Friday with Donna Brazile. She is in full mode denial. She accepts no responsibility for the way the election worked out (and she works for the DNC so it ultimately WAS her responsibility) and she defends Kamala as being the perfect candidate and there just wasn't enough time to introduce her to the public (huh??? The woman has been in high profile public service positions for most of her life). Bill Maher called Bullshit on all of that blather from Brazile, who I find nauseating as she pretends to be nice and caring but is really an evil witch.

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I couldn’t watch 2 minutes of Maher and Brazille without vomiting. Ditto for Rachel Madcow.

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At least Maher is not a zombie of the party I can list many Republicans and Democrats who zombie party line without fail if its Republican MAGA or Democrat Woke they are for every bit of it.

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Not only did she give the debate questions to Hillary back in 2016, but she also changed her stance to supporting Ralph Northam in his KKK uniform after the VA Democrat party accused Justin Fairfax of rape to protect him.

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Bill still has TDS, but he's been less emotional since the election which was a surprise. I think deep down he knew the left have went off the rails and they are not to be trusted to run this country.

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Here’s the truth: Power is the enemy. Those who don’t have it - long for it. Those who acquire it - exercise it. Those who exercise it - abuse it. Those who abuse it - defend it. Those who defend it - lose it. And so the never ending struggle goes on. As humans, we ought to be wise enough and decent enough to organize around issues that don’t use the word “empower”. That is code for war.

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Being a believer in the Creator and his perfect son Christ, is a way out of that loop. Many of the Founders had that and gave their lives as a sacrifice, "taking up their cross (of starting this constitutional republic) and following Christ".

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Someday the left will realize how out of touch they are, and how uncool.

To them: please don't invade our space and try to take over, like Californians did to Colorado, and everything else they touch. We don't want you. Stay away. For ever.

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I doubt they will ever realize it given the amount of self reflection and humility it would take.

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A brief spell of pretending to soul search, then business as usual. Typical of Republicans pre-Trump too.

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