Meanwhile, Hilary with one 'l' has turned out to be a bust, at least here in the city of San Diego. We've had some short bursts of heavy rain followed by extended periods of no rain for about the past 12 hours. That's about it. Literally no wind. Calm.

They've been selling this thing all week as the storm of the century. Katrina meets "Perfect Storm". We have relatives from all over calling and writing, "OMG! Are OK?" And this is not San Diego's first hurricane. Remember Delores in '15?

Like the Joker said to the mobsters in Dark Knight, the television lies.

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Yeah, it was mighty pathetic to watch the San Diego media hype Hilary...but truth be told, local media here has, in recent years, become a ongoing refrain of Left-wing taking points (Climate Change, Systemic Racism, Trump is bad, etc etc etc). This past week was just kind of a big cherry on the shit-sundae that is local SD media, both TV and radio.

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Glad Tropical storm Hilary was a “fail”. Having been through Ian, it’s no joke. With supply chain issues and this screwed up economy/work force, there are still houses in my area waiting for roofs to be fixed/replaced. mEtEoRolOGy/weather forecasting was once, one of the few professions you could be wrong 90% of the time and still retain your job. That profession has been surpassed by politicians, journalists, climate activists and pandemic terrorists. One silver lining in all of this is alternative information sources like Substack and Rumble. I’m grateful for Sasha’s insights and other alternative sources of information.

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What cha gonna do with whatever starts with "I"?

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It’s a good thing I’m an old guy, cuz I’m not watchin any more recently-made movies. There are still enough older movies I haven’t seen. Hollywood and actors and whoever else is responsible for that mess, should starve.

And wicked witch of the east is more like it than “queen.” See there’s my point. In the original Wizard of Oz, Dorothy dropped a house on her, Go Kansas.

Old movies are decidedly better.

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Ken, tonight the family and I are enjoying watching Hitchcock’s 1940 ‘Rebecca’. Black & white flick and oh so good starring Lawerence Olivier & Joan Fontaine. Housekeeper played by Judith Anderson looks like the Wicked Witch of the West!

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My favorite book as a kid & love the movie. Try Love with a Proper Stranger, Steve McQueen & Natalie Wood.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Jennifer! We are having so much fun watching old flicks. Last one we bought Jiffy Pop and made popcorn over the stove to round out the nostalgia evening

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Wonderful film. I watched Lawrence Olivier's film version of "Othello" last night, also starring a young and beautiful Maggie Smith. Magnificent!

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I still don’t watch a lot of movies, and although there are such classics that are well worthwhile, if I do watch one it is somewhere between 1970 and 2012. Acting in many older movies was often lousy, can’t explain it and that doesn’t really interest me. I loved Cast Away and Second Hand Lions and Fight Club. Avatar was a great movie but is based on aggressive human militarism, exploitative downside of extreme capitalism and the wronged species is based on the American Indian (“one with nature, prays over killed game). So there were politics in even that.

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Yep, all I watch anymore is TCM. The movies today stink on ice.

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It has been at least 15 years since I’ve turned on a tv. No pay sites, either. Tried that, they actually push politics. So now it’s a 5-dollar dvd on the computer, tubitv, crackle or nada. And you have to be choosey.

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Just in case, I’ve kept all my favorite DVD’s & a player. Someday, I may jump ship (cable). Try to find “ The Path to 9/11, which they (?) won’t allow to stream, I guess because there is to much truth/facts in it. VERY GOOD!

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I loved how the author incorporated her extensive knowledge of film and movies to compare and contrast Hillary, the hurricane and the story of Snow White. For me, this is wonderful story telling and as such goes to place in the mind that makes it long remembered and understood at a deeper level than mere logic and facts. That she mixes multiple forms into the story is amazing because by the end I have read a story, listened to songs, watched relevant clips and been immersed in an experience. That’s value! Further, I get to read the many thoughtful posts most of you make; and I learn from that as well.

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Way to elevate the discussion. 🔥. That just brought me back to school when we had to write book reports. Also Sasha’s “communication” style is what distinguishes her Substack from others. 👍🏻

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Yeah, Sasha's ability to connect the old with the new and to make it into something timely and unique is unparalleled in American jounralism today, from what I know of it...she is kind of re-inventing the essay for the 21st century.

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Agree completely; a new form of journalism, story telling, essay. Someone should coin a label for it for her. Here is an offer; journeylism.

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And I love that she does it from a unique perspective.

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I agree! This is really literary brilliance! And now I finally understand Hillary... brilliant!

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If only someone in main stream media was as honest as the fabled mirror.

One of you best Ms Stone.

Amr Australia

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Mate, some day I hope you will share a little about the state of Down Under. My understanding is that the citizenry there has regressed to their ancestral roots and enslaved themselves again. Irish cousins visited from there in my youth and we were impressed by their rebellious attitude and independence; now, not so much. They seem to work for, or be highly dependent on, the government. Take care, Amr.

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"Are we made better because we see a movie like Snow White as oppressive and not beautiful? Or are we made more miserable because it’s never enough?"

I love the way you phrased this.

Beautiful observation on the absurdity of it all.

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The problem is that studios keep putting woke women in charge of stuff. They're all about featuring Strong Female Characters who don't need help from anyone -- and if any cherished male characters or stereotypes can be crushed in the process, all the better.

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Another good article. Thanks! I never fell for Hillary and always found her to be sneaky and void of character. Don’t forget she was kicked off the Watergate committee due to suspicious behavior.

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As always, I ❤️ your Substack offerings. 👍🏼👍🏼

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Seems to me that we are seeing a reflection of elite self-centeredness. They cannot comprehend a message being sent by someone who doesn't look like them. So they assume everyone else is that way. I am nearly certain that, for example, kids know Snow White is a fictional character and are capable of seeing themselves in her regardless of their skin color. I also think people are fully capable of understanding, again for example, the idea that love, as expressed in a kiss from a man to a woman can be transformative. They may not be able to articulate it, but they understand it.

When I was a wee lad, I loved the TV show "The Cisco Kid". I knew many of the characters "were not like me" but that didn't cause me to reject the show. I understood.

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Nicely done Sasha! I’m reminded of a statement reputedly attributed to an anonymous acquaintance of the Clintons years ago, regarding the effect they had on everyone’s lives with whom they interacted .. he likened the resultant disruption to that of a hurricane.

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I really appreciate your creative and often wise voice in a world of dimwits parroting talking points. Thank you for what you do.

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Sasha, your post today reminded me of a fascinating interview between Jordan Peterson & author Jonathan Pageau 2 months ago. Their analysis of the Snow White story in that longer interview of classic fairytales is worth the 4 1/2 min listen:


Their analysis of the Snow White story is one at its core, a narrative on Puberty, or a transformation where a woman doesn’t have all the answers and is asking what the heck is happening to me? And the 7 dwarfs as singular, individual portraits of masculine archetypes that she awakes to, are on their own, not very attractive (because they are incomplete and therefore cannot be her mate), but when those same characteristics are bundled together under one person (the Prince) they become a whole, and therefore wanted & desired

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Awesome work, glad I subscribed!

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I pity her mirror.

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Hillary, one of the nastiest people on the globe. She is responsible for the cluster-uck in Libya.

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When Gaddafi was captured by rebels in Libya I read they sodomized him with a bayonet. Here’s a video clip where Hillary is asked about what happened to Gaddafi. She said “We came, we saw, he died.” and then laughed. I’m sure Putin and the Russian people know about things like this. They have very good reason to totally distrust our globalist, Woke ruling class. Comment on the video is also quite interesting and damning.

Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died. (12 sec)

CBS. Oct 20, 2011


“She forgot to add: "He died and we stole 150 tons of gold from the Libyan people!" Libya had accumulated this tonnage to launch a gold backed Pan-African currency. Instead, it was appropriated by the various NATO countries to 'compensate' them for the cost they incurred for their regime change. Go figure the morality of that one.”

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They also sodomized our Ambassador in Bengazi....Hillary’s response...” but what difference does it make now”?


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Haven’t heard that Neil Young cover before, thx for sharing, it was great !

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If it's Neil Young, you BETTER say you like it, or else...

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