Not only that, Hamilton promoted allowing only landowners to vote. During the Revolutionary Era, there was a widespread belief among the founding fathers, including Federalists like Hamilton, that "too much democracy" could be a threat to the stability and efficiency of government.
They feared that an all-inclusive right to vote could lead to the "tyranny of the majority" and the erosion of property rights. This is why, according to historical accounts, many delegates to the Constitutional Convention preferred that only freeholders, or landowners, be vested with the right to vote, as they were seen as more likely to protect liberty.
When I first learned about the requirement to own property in order to vote, I thought it was elitist. After more reading and thinking I understood a property owner might own a small farm, a plantation, a house, a business. Someone who owns a piece of land has a deep commitment to the community and the nation. Property owners have skin in the game.
That line of thought seems eerliy similar to JD Vance proffering that parents may have a more vested interest in the next generation than say a “childless cat lady”. Which I agree with.
I don't disagree that parents tend to have a more intense interest in the next generation than nonparents do. However, that does not mean that nonparents do not care about the next generation. Many care very much. Also, I wish that Vance had not used the dismissive phrase "childless cat lady." Anybody whose child has been helped by somebody without children in a role of teacher, nurse, pediatrician, nanny, aunt, whatever would tend not to glibly use such a phrase to describe an unmarried woman (who might own a cat).
He made that comment way before he was on the national stage. It was dug up from the past to smear him. Yes, it was not a good comment, but it was probably meant to be sarcastic. You never know when an off handed remark, taken completely out of context, will be used against you at a later date. Lesson: Be very careful what you say on the internet. Anything remotely offensive to anyone will be dug out of the deep dark recesses of the web and used against you. Certainly do not tell any jokes at anyone's expense.
Speaking about parents who have skin in the game about what their children are taught in school his reference to a childless cat lady really Paints the true picture. A cat lady has 20 cats and does not care about children or other people for the most part and a person who has no children does not understand children like someone who does. Criticizing Vance for using such an incredibly descriptive term that exists in society shows a thin skin judgmental person.
This is why we have a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, aka, MOB RULE. That is what France had for a dozen years in 1789 until the aristocracy rebirthed itself in a new form. Education at the Sorbonne became the new ticket to wealth, not winning wars. After Napoleon, they have never won another war. Definition of French Assault Rifle? Dropped once, never fired.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
--attributed to Alexander Tytler, early 18th century.
In this regard, Hamilton was right, subject only to the criterion changed from "landowner" to "self-supporting."
Which is why "I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America, and to THE REPUBLIC, for which it stands. This is at the core of why I am a Republican. We see the "loose fiscal policy" of the Democrats, and hear their cries to abolish the electoral college, the bulwark against the mob rule of pure democracy, 200 years after these words were spoken. But alas, we have an uneducated populace, which is the greatest threat to
All you have to do is change the word "land" to "property" and you have the real power of that!! It would include houses, cars, bicycles, shovels and shirts!!! Thomas Jefferson originally wrote... "life, liberty and property"!! No doubt "pursuit of happiness" was intended to include ownership of "property"!!
Don't worry. They won't find out, because their news won't tell them. And even if the truth leaked out somehow, they would have talking points ready to blame the fake news on Sasha Stone or Tulsi Gabbard. Everything will be fine.
The irony of a musical about maybe the most famous federalist ever, being pulled in protest of the federal government, is so laughable that my sides hurt.
This. And the fact that the show was a 'hit' ONLY among the (mostly) white, suburban population always made me giggle. Then again, sheep like to graze....
Like Taylor Swift? I am no fan. Too much razz ma tazz. Does Taylor actually sing or is it all just wiggling and lip syncing to computer generated music?
Sasha, great one. The left has cast out so many talented folks for the tiniest of infractions that now they are leaderless and rudderless. They behaved like a minority party at Trump’s address to Congress, petulant and pouty throwing a tantrum. No mind that 3 out of 4 liked Trump’s speech. They have lost the plot.
Especially the young males. All the youth males have been chased out (and then they ran, and ran so hard away) from the Democrat party. Only a select few youth males still want to identify with this party that virtue worships at the alter of the oppressed. The largest male vote for the Democrat party today are those with the least testosterone still stirring through their bodies.
Why did Trump cancel the the performance of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D.C. with the National Symphony Orchestra at Kennedy Center? Is he following Project 2025?
Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.” This was all in the news, lol.
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
He just explained the decision to you that was made public by the decision maker and you respond with a half baked conspiracy theory. The TDS is strong within you.
When has the right ever have a half baked conspiracy theory? They have full blown conspiracy theories that aren't even plausible. They are blind to trump's lies and say they don't even matter.
I heard Trump closed it down to prepare it for reveal of the JFK files on that co-named site. And the entire county has more interest in that than the rainbow candy stripers singing ‘I’m Coming Out’ 🤷
The hypocritical left is of course at it again. When Biden became president he fired all of Trump's appointees to Kennedy center. Now he did not take the chairmanship himself, perhaps because he knew his dementia would not allow it, so that is something different with Trump but all in all Trump did the same thing to the trustees not in sync with his values that Biden did in 2021. But nowhere does one read this because that doesn't go with the narrative and that has to be memory holed.
Biden fired Sean Spicer and Russel Vought from the Naval Academy advisory board that President Donald Trump had appointed them to, and other Trump appointees from other military boards. I can't find anything about BIden firing people from the Kennedy center. Trump canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. So the Kennedy Center is hardly bipartisan.
Since you brought up Sean Spicer, it seems like a good idea to post this ...
In a nutshell, Joe Biden (or whoever had their hand up his butt to move his lips) couldn't stand having Sean Spicer and other Trump appointees on the Board of Visitors for the Naval Academy for a few months until their statutory terms ended. So they demanded they resign or be terminated. Spicer was originally gonna let it go but was talked into filing a suit (along with a number of other Trump appointees who were also given walking papers) and of course the Democrat hacks in black on the DC Court of Appeals ruled in Biden's favor.
Now Democrats are whining 'cuz their petulance is biting them in the ass.
A Biden-era legal win that allowed the president to fire certain board members set the stage for President Donald Trump to can several people who sat on the Kennedy Center board.
Former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer – one of the plaintiffs in that case, Spicer v. Biden – told Fox News Digital that, evidently enough, the suit was "about sending a message to the President of the United States."
With Trump under fire for removing multiple Kennedy Center board members earlier this month, Spicer says his loss is Trump's win.
"The idea was to make sure that the Republican Party in the future had the legal backing to do what President Trump is doing now," Spicer said.
Upon starting his term in 2021, President Joe Biden attempted to remove Spicer, current director of the Office of Management and Budget Russ Vought and others from their positions on the Board of Visitors for the Naval Academy.
Spicer and Vought were serving statutory terms on the Naval Academy board after being appointed by Trump during his first term. Spicer's term was set to expire in December 2021.
On Sept. 8, 2021, Spicer and Vought received a letter from the White House Presidential Personnel Office, stating, "I am writing to request your resignation from the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy. If we do not receive your resignation by end of day today, you will be terminated," according to the initial complaint.
The suit was ultimately dismissed by the district court while the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled in a similar case, Severino v. Biden, that a presidential appointee similar to Spicer and Vought could be removed by the president at will.
Yes, that's the article I read so Trump certainly has the right to fire every body. But Stone is up in arms about Hamilton withdrawing but neglected to mention that TRUMP canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?
Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.”
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
“It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?”
It’s pretty sad what the mocking bird media has done to a large segment to our society. Please read carefully! The right does not hate transgenders and actually show more compassion for people who are struggling with these issues than the left. It’s the reason the right will always vote to prevent harm from children that do not have the maturity to make body altering decisions.
Studies show people that have undergone these irreversible changes are 12x more likely to commit suicide. The push for gender-affirming care will likely go down as one of the worst medical malpractice trends. As far as not-tolerating the LGBTQ+ honestly no one on the right cares what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. Do you all really care what we are doing? Phhhttt! Get real!
Read the statement above^^^ regarding the performance by the Gay Men’s Chorus. Richard Grenell & Scott Bessent are both openly gay men serving in the Trump administration. Richard Grenell also served in his first administration. Please, the Trump is “anti gay” screed is false & tired 🥱
I grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, worked for the Federal government for 23 years while living in Prince George's County, Maryland, so I've been around liberals all of my life. But I still find the reactions of the people to this White Lotus scene somewhat shocking. I know there are people who are surprised that I voted for Trump but not to the extent that they no longer want to be my friend.
But I've lived in West Virginia these last four years so maybe things have changed since I left Maryland. I have seen posts on Facebook from some of my former coworkers who are horrified by the job cuts and act as if the world were ending. It is hard for me to understand the mindset of people who applauded the conduct of the Dems at Trump's speech to Congress. But it seems to me that the issues that the Dems are clinging to -- "gender affirming care" for children, seemingly mindless support for Zelensky no matter how unstable he seems -- are just not that popular with independent voters who decide elections.
The country is going through a massive realignment and most of the Dems just seem completely oblivious to the changes that are happening all around them I think they are in for a very rude awakening in a couple of years.
Wonder why Stone didn't mention that Trump canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025? So the Kennedy Center is hardly bipartisan.
I guess because Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.” This was all in the news, lol.
Please repeat this for the people in the back, who keep saying that Trump canceled the Gay Men’s Chorus, even after people like you are correcting that factual mistake.
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
He didn’t cancel the performance, see the whole statement by the director above in the thread^^^. I’ll reiterate Rick Grenell, Scott Bessent - gay men in the administration.
Our political divide in this nation currently cleaves along class lines, and the ruling classes - economic, political, and cultural - simply cannot stand the thought of the lower classes having a seat at the table.
What is most unusual about the current political alignment is that actors, musicians and visual artists by and large self-align with the ruling elites, not the common person they normally claim to speak for.
I think what is unnerving the cultural elites is that the working class, working poor and outright poor have discovered that they can speak for themselves politically just as effectively as they do culturally. (It's long been this way as "Jersey Boys" ironically points out, they were the music of the draftees who were sent to Vietnam, while so-called "working class" heroes CCR and Crosby, Stills Nash & Young were listened to by the suburban college students who were able to avoid the draft.)
IF the Democrats, and their allies in the arts, are serious about rebuilding their former coalition - their only hope of political relevance - they'll have to start by actually listening to working-class Trump voters.
Because the Democrats need them far more than the working class needs the Democrats.
Republicans are now home to a majority of private-sector union households, HIspanic households, and black males under 30.
The Democrats skew increasingly white - whiter by the day, frankly - urban, and white-collar.
What happened is the reverse of you just posted. Kennedy center was a center headed by Bipartisan commitment to arts and Trump removed all the democrats to put himself and his loyalists in.
Trump was elected (mostly) by the working class. HIs removing the existing board is, in fact, an absolute reflection of what I wrote: The ruling class is losing a little of their control, and is lashing out.
He was not elected to be a petty partisan president who has become arrogant, smug, vengeful and nasty. He 100% tainted the center and its goal for his vengeance he owns it.
My posts I made clear I said Democrats deserved to lose 2024 but this isnt about winning this is smug, petty, and miserably partisan politics and Trump wonder why not one democrat likes him because he does not even try. He cant even support getting rid off switching daylight savings time which has great bipartisan support.
Interesting commentary. I have to admit I hated Hamilton. I couldn’t understand a word they were saying in the rap songs, I hated the dancing, I didn’t understand why the entire cast was black except for Hamilton and something about it just felt off. My husband quit trying to decipher the lyrics by intermission and spent the entire second half of the show staring into space. Two hours and $500 I’ll never get back.
We watched it b/c they had broadcasted it over Covid. We were both grateful when it was over and said ‘well, we watched it all the way through and we’ll never have to watch it again’. We couldn’t figure out what all the hype was all about.
Obviously some had put a lot of work into it, but it was just awful.
I watched it on a streaming service (Netflix, IIRC) and thought it was just a woke version of history. Also, that it glorified the Federalists (who brought us centralized government, central banking, and taxation). So, in essence, the musical was propaganda from both an ideological (woke) and political (pro-Federalist) perspective. In that sense, I'm glad they decided to (inadvertently) stop indoctrinating people.
Brilliant. The Left continues to denigrate half of the citizens of this country. And that is the half that they push their hate on through their songs, films, plays, musicals, and publishing. Surprise: We're not gonna buy your nonsense any more. Go peddle your propaganda in countries that have no freedom of speech. They're used to your pathetic drivel.
Stone is up in arms that Hamilton withdrew but neglected to mention that TRUMP canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?
There is a passion in your writings that stirs within me a desire to scream from the rooftops all the truth so many of us have been forbidden from letting pass our lips! Part of what I would say though, is that so much of this is our own fault. We were silent too long. We were afraid of the wrong thing.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. I want to be entertained not subjected to political posturing. Besides I don't live near New York City. I don't go to large cities unless I can conceal carry my 9mm.
I thought Hamilton was very well done and original, though I hear you about everything becoming too political. I’m a big time NBA fan, and sports in general, but I’d prefer they keep the politics out of it.
Well I never liked basketball. To me sports in America is overrated and the actors playing sports are overpaid. The second after Colin Keapernik kneeled for the anthem I shut off my TV. I've never watched American sports actors again. After his disrespectful stunt I take my mind to the brave men that died trying to get on land at Normandy Beach in 1944. Those a real people. Not the men and women playing games. Screw them and the Hamilton the play.
Just wait till all those unhinged leftist Hamilton freaks find out that Hamilton, like Trump, was all in on tariffs! LMAO
That just tickles the shit out of me.
Not only that, Hamilton promoted allowing only landowners to vote. During the Revolutionary Era, there was a widespread belief among the founding fathers, including Federalists like Hamilton, that "too much democracy" could be a threat to the stability and efficiency of government.
They feared that an all-inclusive right to vote could lead to the "tyranny of the majority" and the erosion of property rights. This is why, according to historical accounts, many delegates to the Constitutional Convention preferred that only freeholders, or landowners, be vested with the right to vote, as they were seen as more likely to protect liberty.
When I first learned about the requirement to own property in order to vote, I thought it was elitist. After more reading and thinking I understood a property owner might own a small farm, a plantation, a house, a business. Someone who owns a piece of land has a deep commitment to the community and the nation. Property owners have skin in the game.
That line of thought seems eerliy similar to JD Vance proffering that parents may have a more vested interest in the next generation than say a “childless cat lady”. Which I agree with.
I don't disagree that parents tend to have a more intense interest in the next generation than nonparents do. However, that does not mean that nonparents do not care about the next generation. Many care very much. Also, I wish that Vance had not used the dismissive phrase "childless cat lady." Anybody whose child has been helped by somebody without children in a role of teacher, nurse, pediatrician, nanny, aunt, whatever would tend not to glibly use such a phrase to describe an unmarried woman (who might own a cat).
He made that comment way before he was on the national stage. It was dug up from the past to smear him. Yes, it was not a good comment, but it was probably meant to be sarcastic. You never know when an off handed remark, taken completely out of context, will be used against you at a later date. Lesson: Be very careful what you say on the internet. Anything remotely offensive to anyone will be dug out of the deep dark recesses of the web and used against you. Certainly do not tell any jokes at anyone's expense.
Agreed. For a smart guy like Vance, that stupid remark was not his finest hour.
Speaking about parents who have skin in the game about what their children are taught in school his reference to a childless cat lady really Paints the true picture. A cat lady has 20 cats and does not care about children or other people for the most part and a person who has no children does not understand children like someone who does. Criticizing Vance for using such an incredibly descriptive term that exists in society shows a thin skin judgmental person.
Don't walk on eggshells. No matter what you say somebody will be offended. Be genuine but not rude and speak from the heart and show Who You Are.
True that
Yes. It lined up with Aristotle's take on pure Democracy:
In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.
This is why we have a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, aka, MOB RULE. That is what France had for a dozen years in 1789 until the aristocracy rebirthed itself in a new form. Education at the Sorbonne became the new ticket to wealth, not winning wars. After Napoleon, they have never won another war. Definition of French Assault Rifle? Dropped once, never fired.
French assault rifle is a white flag staff.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
--attributed to Alexander Tytler, early 18th century.
In this regard, Hamilton was right, subject only to the criterion changed from "landowner" to "self-supporting."
"Democracy" is two wolves and a chicken voting on what's for dinner.
Which is why "I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America, and to THE REPUBLIC, for which it stands. This is at the core of why I am a Republican. We see the "loose fiscal policy" of the Democrats, and hear their cries to abolish the electoral college, the bulwark against the mob rule of pure democracy, 200 years after these words were spoken. But alas, we have an uneducated populace, which is the greatest threat to
our nation.
All you have to do is change the word "land" to "property" and you have the real power of that!! It would include houses, cars, bicycles, shovels and shirts!!! Thomas Jefferson originally wrote... "life, liberty and property"!! No doubt "pursuit of happiness" was intended to include ownership of "property"!!
Hamilton was also a pro-banker kind of guy.
Aaron Burr did nothing wrong! This play/musical was nothing more than Leftist propaganda hugging a multikulti flag.
Burr tried to create his own country in what's now the Southwest and was charged with treason.
And was acquitted multiple times for said "treason."
Charged by the same type of people that charged and "convicted" Trump of 34 "crimes"!! Today we call it "lawfare"!!
There it is!!! Hamilton was a member of the "controlled opposition" (what we now call RINOs) deep cover agent of the Bank of England!!
I have a dream, that one day, John Goodman will portray the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and recite his magnificent speech on The Mall.
My favorite John Goodman moment
“G-d damn G’venment’
Big River
Don't worry. They won't find out, because their news won't tell them. And even if the truth leaked out somehow, they would have talking points ready to blame the fake news on Sasha Stone or Tulsi Gabbard. Everything will be fine.
He was also a proponent of paper (worthless) currency. Our banking issues today originate with Hamilton.
The irony of a musical about maybe the most famous federalist ever, being pulled in protest of the federal government, is so laughable that my sides hurt.
This. And the fact that the show was a 'hit' ONLY among the (mostly) white, suburban population always made me giggle. Then again, sheep like to graze....
Like Taylor Swift? I am no fan. Too much razz ma tazz. Does Taylor actually sing or is it all just wiggling and lip syncing to computer generated music?
Here’s more my beat, Tom. I hope also that someday soon Sasha can stop saying goodbye to the Left and instead fully embrace her inner Liberty!
“If I get a notion I'll climb this tree. Or chop it down and you can't stop me”
That requires an applied knowledge of history. It seems leftists don’t like to apply history otherwise they wouldn’t be leftists.
The irony!
Sasha, great one. The left has cast out so many talented folks for the tiniest of infractions that now they are leaderless and rudderless. They behaved like a minority party at Trump’s address to Congress, petulant and pouty throwing a tantrum. No mind that 3 out of 4 liked Trump’s speech. They have lost the plot.
Especially the young males. All the youth males have been chased out (and then they ran, and ran so hard away) from the Democrat party. Only a select few youth males still want to identify with this party that virtue worships at the alter of the oppressed. The largest male vote for the Democrat party today are those with the least testosterone still stirring through their bodies.
Wait, am I describing NWCitizen? Or perhaps HL3…
I heard a joke that there are no Democrat men over 5'9".
Their loss is our gain, doubled.
Why did Trump cancel the the performance of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D.C. with the National Symphony Orchestra at Kennedy Center? Is he following Project 2025?
Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.” This was all in the news, lol.
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
"Sounds to me"
He just explained the decision to you that was made public by the decision maker and you respond with a half baked conspiracy theory. The TDS is strong within you.
When has the right ever have a half baked conspiracy theory? They have full blown conspiracy theories that aren't even plausible. They are blind to trump's lies and say they don't even matter.
If so many so-called "conspiracy theories" didn't turn out to be true, there might be some merit to your comment.
Is that a little paranoia creeping around the edges?
I heard Trump closed it down to prepare it for reveal of the JFK files on that co-named site. And the entire county has more interest in that than the rainbow candy stripers singing ‘I’m Coming Out’ 🤷
Who cancelled it and why?
Trump did it he went partisan on the historically bipartisan Kennedy center
Kennedy Center leans like Pisa. I’ll let you guess which direction.
No anymore.
"Trump defeated them not once but twice."
Correction: Trump defeated them three times.
Let’s not forget that he also ended the Bush, Clinton, and Obama dynasties.
He will end other dynasties as well. Stay tuned.
The Clintons put the 'nasty' in dynasty.
Clinton’s man John Podesta just got caught with a $370B with a B slush fund from the EPA. This should be entertaining.
The hypocritical left is of course at it again. When Biden became president he fired all of Trump's appointees to Kennedy center. Now he did not take the chairmanship himself, perhaps because he knew his dementia would not allow it, so that is something different with Trump but all in all Trump did the same thing to the trustees not in sync with his values that Biden did in 2021. But nowhere does one read this because that doesn't go with the narrative and that has to be memory holed.
Biden fired Sean Spicer and Russel Vought from the Naval Academy advisory board that President Donald Trump had appointed them to, and other Trump appointees from other military boards. I can't find anything about BIden firing people from the Kennedy center. Trump canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. So the Kennedy Center is hardly bipartisan.
Since you brought up Sean Spicer, it seems like a good idea to post this ...
In a nutshell, Joe Biden (or whoever had their hand up his butt to move his lips) couldn't stand having Sean Spicer and other Trump appointees on the Board of Visitors for the Naval Academy for a few months until their statutory terms ended. So they demanded they resign or be terminated. Spicer was originally gonna let it go but was talked into filing a suit (along with a number of other Trump appointees who were also given walking papers) and of course the Democrat hacks in black on the DC Court of Appeals ruled in Biden's favor.
Now Democrats are whining 'cuz their petulance is biting them in the ass.
A Biden-era legal win that allowed the president to fire certain board members set the stage for President Donald Trump to can several people who sat on the Kennedy Center board.
Former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer – one of the plaintiffs in that case, Spicer v. Biden – told Fox News Digital that, evidently enough, the suit was "about sending a message to the President of the United States."
With Trump under fire for removing multiple Kennedy Center board members earlier this month, Spicer says his loss is Trump's win.
"The idea was to make sure that the Republican Party in the future had the legal backing to do what President Trump is doing now," Spicer said.
Upon starting his term in 2021, President Joe Biden attempted to remove Spicer, current director of the Office of Management and Budget Russ Vought and others from their positions on the Board of Visitors for the Naval Academy.
Spicer and Vought were serving statutory terms on the Naval Academy board after being appointed by Trump during his first term. Spicer's term was set to expire in December 2021.
On Sept. 8, 2021, Spicer and Vought received a letter from the White House Presidential Personnel Office, stating, "I am writing to request your resignation from the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy. If we do not receive your resignation by end of day today, you will be terminated," according to the initial complaint.
The suit was ultimately dismissed by the district court while the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled in a similar case, Severino v. Biden, that a presidential appointee similar to Spicer and Vought could be removed by the president at will.
Yes, that's the article I read so Trump certainly has the right to fire every body. But Stone is up in arms about Hamilton withdrawing but neglected to mention that TRUMP canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?
Not exactly. From Kat’s reply above
Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.”
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
You should stop listening to the voices in your head. They are not being kind to you.
“It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?”
It’s pretty sad what the mocking bird media has done to a large segment to our society. Please read carefully! The right does not hate transgenders and actually show more compassion for people who are struggling with these issues than the left. It’s the reason the right will always vote to prevent harm from children that do not have the maturity to make body altering decisions.
Studies show people that have undergone these irreversible changes are 12x more likely to commit suicide. The push for gender-affirming care will likely go down as one of the worst medical malpractice trends. As far as not-tolerating the LGBTQ+ honestly no one on the right cares what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. Do you all really care what we are doing? Phhhttt! Get real!
Read the statement above^^^ regarding the performance by the Gay Men’s Chorus. Richard Grenell & Scott Bessent are both openly gay men serving in the Trump administration. Richard Grenell also served in his first administration. Please, the Trump is “anti gay” screed is false & tired 🥱
Nope because 1/2 the committee was republican keep trying loser
Who were they?
2023 board note half of them are still there so compare both and you can tell which were the democrats Officers
Joan Bialek, Chair
Jo Ann Jenkins, Vice Chair
Thomas C. Green, Treasurer
Christina Co Mather, Secretary
Stanley Pierre-Louis, Assistant Treasurer
Ashley Davis, Assistant Secretary
Executive Committee
composed of the officers of the Association and the following
Carl Bergeron, Chair, Pension Committee
Brian Boyle, Chair, Corporate Development Committee
Ashley Davis, Chair, Nominating and Governance Committee
Shannon McCormick Davis, Chair, Development and Special Events Committee
Kathryn Jones, Chair, Audience Development Committee
Christina Co Mather, Chair, DEIAB Committee
Stanley Pierre-Louis, Chair, Education and Community Engagement Committee
Ronald D. Abramson
Anne K. Altman
Michael F. Brewer
Jean Davidson, ex officio
Barbara H. Franklin
Jo Ann Jenkins
Michael Mayton
Joyce Moorehead
Richard Moxley
Michael Salzberg
Roger Sant
Susan Silverstein Scott
Tina B. Small
Ash Zachariah, ex officio
composed of the officers and members of the executive committee and the following
Ernest Abbott
Martin K. Alloy
Andrita J. Andreas
Loran Brueggen
Jane Lipton Cafritz
Rajib Chanda
George Cohen
Ronya Corey
Pierre de Lucy
Kathleen de Guzman
Christine Dingivan
Debbie Driesman
Larry Driver
Thelma Duggin
William Finnerty
Brian L. Gevry
David Ginsberg
Cindy Green
Daniel Heider
Helen Jackson
Sydney McNiff Johnson
Ann D. Jordan, Lifetime Dir.
Gerald L. Kohlenberger, ex officio
Cynthia Krus
Michael Lipsitz
Jan M. Lodal
Timothy R. Lowery
Heidi Narang
Martha Nelson, MD
Cathy McCulloch
William McDaniels
Sarah Mills
Jeanne Weaver Ruesch
Carol Ruppel, ex officio
Sheryl Schwartz
Jeff Shockey
Raghu Srinivasan
Courtney Straus
Stuart Winston
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Nobody gives 2 cents for any of these people
I get it you hate democrats.
We get it. You hate Republicans
So, you don't know.
I do know for decades each party selected half the board till Trump got into office the second time this is on him.
Nope, POTUS appoints the board of trustees for the Kennedy Center.
I grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, worked for the Federal government for 23 years while living in Prince George's County, Maryland, so I've been around liberals all of my life. But I still find the reactions of the people to this White Lotus scene somewhat shocking. I know there are people who are surprised that I voted for Trump but not to the extent that they no longer want to be my friend.
But I've lived in West Virginia these last four years so maybe things have changed since I left Maryland. I have seen posts on Facebook from some of my former coworkers who are horrified by the job cuts and act as if the world were ending. It is hard for me to understand the mindset of people who applauded the conduct of the Dems at Trump's speech to Congress. But it seems to me that the issues that the Dems are clinging to -- "gender affirming care" for children, seemingly mindless support for Zelensky no matter how unstable he seems -- are just not that popular with independent voters who decide elections.
The country is going through a massive realignment and most of the Dems just seem completely oblivious to the changes that are happening all around them I think they are in for a very rude awakening in a couple of years.
If these workers were good, then they would find a way to stay
If they were not so good then……. Learn to code.
Jan Hus was a champion for the Reformation. An early one. We are Reformed Christians and few people know what that means.
Thanks for confirming that I should never go see Hamilton.
It’s getting to the point that I hate Hollywood as much as the kneeling assholes in pro sports.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
25 Years Active Duty
Since the original cast performance
All the other subsequent casts now take every opportunity to make digs at the Trump administrations
No matter what you see, they’ve inserted applause lines
And it’s the a wink and a nod to their liberal politics
I’ve seen it three times and it’s become more and more insufferable every time and I’m done
Just listen to the original cast recording
Since it’s a libretto that’s all you need without the histrionics
Wonder why Stone didn't mention that Trump canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025? So the Kennedy Center is hardly bipartisan.
It’s a good thing you’re correcting the oversight by posting the same thing at least 4 times.
And it isn’t even true! 🤣🤣🤣 But if a lefty says it enough that makes it a fact!
I guess because Trump didn't cancel it. "National Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jean Davidson said in a statement that the decision to postpone the performance was made before Trump took over as chairman.
“Before the leadership transition at the Kennedy Center, we made the decision to postpone Peacock Among Pigeons due to financial and scheduling factors,” Davidson said. “We chose to replace it with The Wizard of Oz, another suitable program for World PRIDE participation.”
Davidson said that “program changes are a common practice,” saying leadership was “unable to announce the replacement program until we had secured the rights to present it, but in the interest of transparency, we removed the original program from the website to prevent further ticket sales.” This was all in the news, lol.
Please repeat this for the people in the back, who keep saying that Trump canceled the Gay Men’s Chorus, even after people like you are correcting that factual mistake.
Sounds to me like the director of the NSO had the WIzard of Oz as a backup, and when she found out the GMC wouldn't be allowed, she fell back on the Wizard of Oz.
He didn’t cancel the performance, see the whole statement by the director above in the thread^^^. I’ll reiterate Rick Grenell, Scott Bessent - gay men in the administration.
You’ve got TDS bad & that ain’t good.
Our political divide in this nation currently cleaves along class lines, and the ruling classes - economic, political, and cultural - simply cannot stand the thought of the lower classes having a seat at the table.
What is most unusual about the current political alignment is that actors, musicians and visual artists by and large self-align with the ruling elites, not the common person they normally claim to speak for.
I think what is unnerving the cultural elites is that the working class, working poor and outright poor have discovered that they can speak for themselves politically just as effectively as they do culturally. (It's long been this way as "Jersey Boys" ironically points out, they were the music of the draftees who were sent to Vietnam, while so-called "working class" heroes CCR and Crosby, Stills Nash & Young were listened to by the suburban college students who were able to avoid the draft.)
IF the Democrats, and their allies in the arts, are serious about rebuilding their former coalition - their only hope of political relevance - they'll have to start by actually listening to working-class Trump voters.
Because the Democrats need them far more than the working class needs the Democrats.
Republicans are now home to a majority of private-sector union households, HIspanic households, and black males under 30.
The Democrats skew increasingly white - whiter by the day, frankly - urban, and white-collar.
That's not a coalition - that's a demographic.
What happened is the reverse of you just posted. Kennedy center was a center headed by Bipartisan commitment to arts and Trump removed all the democrats to put himself and his loyalists in.
Trump was elected (mostly) by the working class. HIs removing the existing board is, in fact, an absolute reflection of what I wrote: The ruling class is losing a little of their control, and is lashing out.
He was not elected to be a petty partisan president who has become arrogant, smug, vengeful and nasty. He 100% tainted the center and its goal for his vengeance he owns it.
lol ... where were you the last four years?
My posts I made clear I said Democrats deserved to lose 2024 but this isnt about winning this is smug, petty, and miserably partisan politics and Trump wonder why not one democrat likes him because he does not even try. He cant even support getting rid off switching daylight savings time which has great bipartisan support.
"...Trump wonder why not one democrat likes him..."
Democrats in Congress: I'll show Trump. I won't even applaud for the 13 year old who survived brain cancer.
Democrats in the media: I'll show Trump. I'll mock the 13 year old who survived brain cancer.
And Democrats wonder why not one person with any decency likes them.
Don't let the door ...
Fuck all these "artists." They're all DEI hires and their work sucks.
I have no idea what movie won the Oscar for best film. I have no idea who won Best Actor or Actress.
And that's because I know all Hollywood movies suck, Broadway sucks and the music industry sucks. It's no longer worth 10 cents of my money.
A movie about a prostitute won, because, you know, the prostitute they wanted to win.......
(you can finish the rest)
I know someone who works at the Kennedy Cntr. To say it is a bi-partisan entity is hilarious and insulting to our intelligence.
Exactly lol 😝
Then you would know its board members were nominated by BOTH parties as a symbolism of bipartisanship. Trump changed the rules.
Interesting commentary. I have to admit I hated Hamilton. I couldn’t understand a word they were saying in the rap songs, I hated the dancing, I didn’t understand why the entire cast was black except for Hamilton and something about it just felt off. My husband quit trying to decipher the lyrics by intermission and spent the entire second half of the show staring into space. Two hours and $500 I’ll never get back.
We watched it b/c they had broadcasted it over Covid. We were both grateful when it was over and said ‘well, we watched it all the way through and we’ll never have to watch it again’. We couldn’t figure out what all the hype was all about.
Obviously some had put a lot of work into it, but it was just awful.
Rap is not art. It is pure filth. Same as hip hop . No creativity suited for families.
I watched it on a streaming service (Netflix, IIRC) and thought it was just a woke version of history. Also, that it glorified the Federalists (who brought us centralized government, central banking, and taxation). So, in essence, the musical was propaganda from both an ideological (woke) and political (pro-Federalist) perspective. In that sense, I'm glad they decided to (inadvertently) stop indoctrinating people.
Brilliant. The Left continues to denigrate half of the citizens of this country. And that is the half that they push their hate on through their songs, films, plays, musicals, and publishing. Surprise: We're not gonna buy your nonsense any more. Go peddle your propaganda in countries that have no freedom of speech. They're used to your pathetic drivel.
Trump took one of the LAST bipartisan centers and turned into a mockery and now Sasha complains they cancelled a show?
Stone is up in arms that Hamilton withdrew but neglected to mention that TRUMP canceled the performance of the Gay Men's Chorus with the National Symphony Orchestra which sounds like he's carrying out Project 2025. It is certainly strong message that the right will NOT tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, everyone knows they hate transgenders but the "Gay Men's Chorus"?
Do you even know who Scott Bessent or Ric Grenell are?
Sounds like there were many factors at play:
Think again. Check out the Log Cabin Republicans.
In TX, they don't allow the Log Cabins at the GOP COnvention.
There is a passion in your writings that stirs within me a desire to scream from the rooftops all the truth so many of us have been forbidden from letting pass our lips! Part of what I would say though, is that so much of this is our own fault. We were silent too long. We were afraid of the wrong thing.
Never had a desire to see Hamilton because of the left’s insane love affair with it. That told me to ignore it.
Haven't seen it. Had no desire to see it. Much like the NFL, NBA, NHL, WNBA, MLB and so on. I'd rather watch grass (turf) grow.
Your loss.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. I want to be entertained not subjected to political posturing. Besides I don't live near New York City. I don't go to large cities unless I can conceal carry my 9mm.
I thought Hamilton was very well done and original, though I hear you about everything becoming too political. I’m a big time NBA fan, and sports in general, but I’d prefer they keep the politics out of it.
Well I never liked basketball. To me sports in America is overrated and the actors playing sports are overpaid. The second after Colin Keapernik kneeled for the anthem I shut off my TV. I've never watched American sports actors again. After his disrespectful stunt I take my mind to the brave men that died trying to get on land at Normandy Beach in 1944. Those a real people. Not the men and women playing games. Screw them and the Hamilton the play.
Do they know that the Democrats were the party of slavery, and the Republican Party was founded to fight slavery?
Did you know that was a shit post?
Hurts you that much to deny the truth?
I speak the truth here I dont care.
Sarc? Or just uninformed?
Shitposting not related to the article its not sarcastic I mean it.
Got it…. Uninformed
I get it a tosspot