It took me about 5 or 6 years of serious cogitating to figure out why DJT is so popular, especially with men. It finally occurred to me that it was because... every man sees a little bit of himself in him. If anyone has ever spent any time with men in a group and that group collectively forgot you were a "woman" for a few minutes and let their "hair down", then you would see what men really think. It ain't pretty. But neither is a bunch of women sitting around man bashing either. When the trend started, the one where women would collectively bash all men, I didn't say much at first. Some of it is true. Made me laugh. But after a short period of time I started exiting those conversations or trying to counter them. Didn't go well.

I'm not a femme type of woman. I like pretty shiny girly things, but I'll stop and move that tree that fell across the road. I mow the lawn. I stack wood. I tote heavy things that need toting. I can bake a mean apple pie... from scratch. I like to scrapbook. I sew simple things.

I want men to be men and women to be women. I also want men to be able to understand where women are coming from and for women to appreciate and value men and understand where they are coming from and to pony up and share the work. We are different for a reason.

I get why Trump is popular. If he was more articulate, less bombastic, he wouldn't be as popular. If he was smoother and more diplomatic, he wouldn't be as popular. In many very basic ways, he is the American. The embodiment of the American People. So, if you hate on him, you hate on us. Don't have much more to say on that.

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I keep remembering the black guy at the Trump rally from a few months ago in NYC who said, "I'm voting for daddy." I get it. I am arriving at a place where I no longer trust the idea of a woman in a position of power. Years ago (when I was still a Democrat) when Nancy Pelosi was handed the gavel in the House, I was kind of cool with the idea of a woman having ascended to that position. But then I saw how she used it. Remember when she tore up Trump's State of the Union address? That's it, right there.

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We are told that men and women are interchangeable and undistinguishable. If true, why would it matter what gender the people leading us have? The joke I like to tell is the reason they don't let women in combat roles in the military is because they would not follow the rules of war. They would KILL EVERYONE!!!

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I often wondered why the feminist never lobbied for equality in being drafted in equal numbers in the military. Seems they like conscription to be be a male only privilege. DEI, go figure.

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I absolutely agree. But women do not belong in most combat arms. That's just an off the cuff opinion. And the fact that they could get out of their commitment and off active duty, just by getting pregnant (understandably so) and leave active duty, makes for an unstable workforce. In war, that would be very bad strategy. I'm sure there would be a way to work around this-SS for women. I could be way off base here from a military viewpoint but fundamentally fairness matters. So maybe go back to WAVE's and WAC's? I dunno. I'm sure I'll catch a lot of heat for that suggestion. Just spit balling here.

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At heart, they lie and confabulate.

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Apparently confabulate means “bullshit”. For a wonderful little book on the difference between lying and bullshitting, check out “On Bullshit” by Harry Frankfurt. No confabulation!

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

Thank you, Libertarian. Good stuff.

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Women in the military and police forces is part of the planned weakening of the West. A force like China, with its well-trained male military, could just waltz in and take over. Far less resistance to an enemy force with women in large numbers in a military. While the fools are preening themselves and their atrophied brains on how "progressive" they are. It's almost funny.

So who do you think arranges these "feminist initiatives"? Guess. 🤣

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Is that "waltz in" or Walz in"??

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My double entendre.....

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Hollywood removed the biological reality of the difference in physical strength, to the extend of distorting history. Look at all those warrior women in movies! Didn't women always go to combat? And if Hollywood doesn't do it, it's sexist, as women and girls are going to cry, cry, cry about a lack of strong female characters... Go figure.

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So many people I know from the Left thought what Pelosi did was cute and clever, but I thought it was extremely disrespectful and not a good look from a House Leader. That’s fine if she disagreed with it but she still needs to act with dignity and respect.

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Totally agree, Gabe. I would have also disapproved of that behavior if Paul Ryan or Kevin Johnson or any other Republican did the same.

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Contemporary Western women thrive on non-peace. By any means necessary.

I don't say this to 'bash' or as condescending, etc. Accountability is not control, and it's wise to know that difference.

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it was pathetic- like Sinead O'connor ripping up the picture of the pope!

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What Sinead did wasn’t pathetic, it was extremely brave!

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Deep State actors, like many institutions. That does not mean their authentic message is wrong.

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Right, but what Sinead was protesting was systemic abuse by the Catholic priests. It was less known about at the time, but she’s been proven correct since then.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

My point though is that there have been sinister actors infiltrating the Church. Starting as priests in disguise, too. Communists particularly. They have done a lot of damage. Priests in many places work unattended.

The problem was that the authentic Church did not move fast enough to try to quell this. But the original problem did not come from them.

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Daddy is somebody who listens to you. A female boss does not. I would go for Aunty or Granny, a wise woman archetype (Mommy might be too smothering) but we're not given this choice.

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I worked under 4 women academic deans and 3 men. I could always count on having a rational conversation with any of the 3 men. The women, on the other hand, were authoritarian tyrants who couldn’t handle a difference of opinion.

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I left research when my male supervisor decided to side with a couple of "mean girls" harassing me (there is nothing worse than a weak man who carries water for mean women). But I also had the kindest, greatest female supervisor.

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Yes, Mary Ann, and it seems so anomalous... even from my sexist male perspective, as a young man, I figured that, overall, women bosses would be better--as in more fair, more able to listen, more willing to change their mind--than men. But, turns out, I was wrong.

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I stupidly thought the same thing. Instead, however, our faculty was governed by gossip, secrets that you had to promise not to share, and a dean -imposed dress code.

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Yes, I was curious about that. It seems by then there was a pattern of Trump reading a prepared speech rather dispiritedly, then clarifying what he really wanted to say on twitter the next day. I'm thinking that Nancy knew that Trump didn't even value the right wing policy his republican strategists and speech writers prepared for him. Maybe that's why she ripped it up - its content meant little to nothing and her contempt for him.

Trump no longer bothers with this "respectable society" pretext. He cuts right to the chase, whether it makes sense or not, because he's surrounded by yes people now who know how to stay within his powerful inner circle of grifters. He's a powerful person with no filter and no guardrails. And he appears juvenile and delusional, an emporer with no clothes to the majority on the outside.

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Trump's speech was about all the things he ALREADY DID and wanted to do. It certainly did "mean" something to him. And Pelosi HATED THAT HE HAD ACCOMPLISHED SO MUCH WITHOUT the bureaucracy and growing the federal government (this was before COVID). And he's not a grifter. He and his administration fulfilled more promises than any president in my lifetime (and I'm an old fart).

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I considered her evil.

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"It took me about 5 or 6 years of serious cogitating to figure out why DJT is so popular, especially with men. It finally occurred to me that it was because... every man sees a little bit of himself in him."

I spent my working life on The Factory Floor, Making Stuff. Donald Trump talks just like the people I spent 40+ years with. Yes He's rich, but he talks Blue Collar. I think that's because he spent A Lot Of Time on construction sites.

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You nailed it! Most "feminists", be they male or female, will never, ever "get" that. They don't understand humans and human behavior. They certainly don't appreciate hard labor. Very foolish. Hard work is what grounds you.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

I can agree there. I have a string of degrees. But I also worked years of menial jobs, before and after, in order to pay the tuition myself.

And I can see right through the leftwing WOKE trash.

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What a great comment, spot on, bulls eye ... 😊👍👌

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True. Trump's real gift is his ability to talk with the common man and woman as if he were one of them. He's not. He's a billionaire. But, he understands enough about the problems they face to know how to talk with them.

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Genesis 1:27 - God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

“male and female He created them”

That’s about as clear as you can get that there are only two genders and that we are different and not interchangeable. We are meant to be complementary. Not the same or interchangeable. I like religion but don’t have one in particular but I most surely do totally believe that what the Bible says about gender is the truth. Traditional values are also the values of all traditional religions and even of atheists who understand that these values are essential for civilization to flourish.

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I loved one of Sasha’s opening comments, “We can’t do without masculinity any more than we can do without feminity.”

Because it is so biblical. I love the beauty in both that the other cannot replicate no matter how hard they try, and they DO try, way too much. And both fail: men trying to encapsulate femininity better than a woman can but they just can’t, women trying to be masculine and as capable as a man in ways he was meant to be more capable of by nature, and they fail. Instead it would be better for our society if we all embraced what we naturally are and be reverent of those amazing, powerful differences.

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You are religious?

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Yes. I like Western mysticism and the Eastern religions.

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There is a difference between liking it as an interesting subject, and basing your faith upon it.

People with Judeo-Christian faith, for instance, generally do not side with abortion.

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But you seem to be pro-abortion nonetheless. Is that correct?

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No. I’m pro-choice.

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Pro-choice is just a euphemism for pro-abortion.

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If that’s so, then Pro-life is just a euphamism for ”Women have no right to control their bodies.”

Pro choice and pro life are not euphamisms for anything.

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That’s absurd. You spout nonsense.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

No , Seva. I am losing patience with your ignorant put downs. Lost your credibility with me.

I see that you twist issues to suit.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

How do you tally that with biblical beliefs? You know..."thou shalt not kill"?

And before you play games of semantics here over "kill", I will state that yes, abortion is killing.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

1560 Geneva Bible: Exodus 21:22-23 If men fight and hurt a woman with child, so that her child departs from her and death follows not, he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband shall appoint him, or he shall pay as the judges determine. But if death follows, then thou shalt pay life for life, eye for eye....".etc..

1752 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision Bible: If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with child, and she miscarry indeed, but live herself: he shall be answerable for so much damage as the woman's husband shall require, and as arbiters shall award.

But if her death ensue thereupon, he shall render life for life...".

That word "depart" in the Hebrew text means "be gone from existence" or "death" or "gone" nearly every place it's used. You've probably seen old movies, where there's a burial service and it shows the Pastor saying "We are gathered here today, for our dearly DEPARTED (that's the dead person who's about to be buried)....". So, some have said for hundreds of years, that this is in regards to the accidently ending of an early pregnancy (not a later pregnancy, because the Hebrew woman would be sequestered) and that it is not murder, or taking of a life. It makes sense, because Genesis says "God made (a full, complete human life, human BEING) man to be body, soul (the life of the body) and spirit (also called the human spirit) and then he breathed into him, the breath of life". So an 8 week old pregnancy couldn't breath outside of the womb, nor have spirit, as I believe it takes some cognitive ability to have that. (con't in reply).

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

(con't) That being said, THIS IS DEALING WITH THE ACCIDENTAL MISCARRIAGE or ending of a pregnancy, by way of a fight breaking out and not a deliberate action, which they'd never think of doing, because life was precious to them.

I remember being in a Christian mother's group and a mentor talked about her daughter being pregnant and how thrilled she was to be a grandma and she said she went up to her daughter's belly, as the pregnancy was just starting to show, and said "I can't wait until you're born, little one; we'll have so much fun at Disneyland, going on the rides, seeing the characters...." I thought, GOOD GOD, this is the kind of stuff that makes Christians look stupid. There were NO ears in that belly that can hear her.

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Matt Tiabbi had a great line in his recent speech where he noted that Americans have a bit of asshole in them relative to the Europeans in particular. That is what sets us apart. The FREEDOM to run counter to any narrative (assholedom). Sometimes it doesn't work out, but a lot of the time it does. America sure has relative to every. other. nation. on. earth. And that is because it is filled with Americans.

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The Brits, French, Belgians, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Germans brutalized the world for a solid 500 years at least. And they only stopped when someone else made them stop; never on their own volition. That makes them bigger assholes than Americans. They’re just sneakier about their history and brutal practices. Next time you see an EUer, tell them I said so.

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Yes, they prefer to smile while inserting their knives.

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Well, they did sign the Magna Carta and put a common law in place, unlike most all of the non-Western world. The USA Founders used that as a spring board.

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Hi Cat, indeed, 800 years ago, one of the kings signed it under duress from the local rebel barons.

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Who made them stop?

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WWI made the Brits, Germans, French stop because they were exhausted. So they made each other stop. The Spanish civil war made them stop. American Revolution, Opium wars, Boar wars, Prussian war, etc all took their toll in making them stop. But at no point did they relinquish power that they could have practically kept.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Well PB, you may be right about some men, but there are others, like myself, who do not "like" Trump because he is inarticulate and bombastic...we like Trump in spite of those qualities. We like Trump because he is the only option we have who is willing to stand up against the machine that is running this country. Is this a masculine or feminine issue? No, there are many women who, given the chance, would challenge the "uni-party establishment" (Tulsi Gabbard is one that comes to mind, but there certainly are others). Trump just happens to be the only choice offered at this point in time who is willing to try to change the status quo and those who understand that will support him in spite of any personal shortcomings.

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We don't have to like him to understand that the Kamala Harris alternative equals self-destruction.

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I get that. I have talked to many people who admire Trump for his brashness, his non-PCness and even his flaws. Others will not vote for him BECAUSE of these qualities.

Makes me wonder if when we vote we're really just voting for ourselves.

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If his brashness is the only reason they DON'T vote for him -- even knowing that Kamala Harris is a trainwreck -- then they deserve the outcome. Our country will continue its decline.

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it should be!!

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Yeah, in the sense of voting our values. The risk is that we project onto candidates what what we want to see, miss seeing who they really are.

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They say that when someone is totally disgusted with someone else, to an extreme point (and I don't mean horrified, as in how we feel about Hitler or Hamas) and almost gets nauseated by them, it's because there's a little bit of that disgusting part, in them. With leftists who decry that Trump is so mean, brash and disgusting, many of them (more so these days, after all the walls are down and the gloves off) go and act even MORE "mean, brash and disgusting" in return!

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Totally agree. There is a saying ”Whatever negative thing we are saying about someone else we are really saying about ourselves.”

Still, there is a difference between talking **** about someone and honestly identifying qualities in a person you dislike or disagree with, even if you see some of that person in yourself.

For example, an honest person should recognize in themselves tendencies towards honesty, dishonesty, selfishness, generosity, violence, peace, and so on. We all have everything, including me.

Trump has almost entirely bad qualities, but he’s good at getting people to indentify with him and then support him.

Me, I’m gonna vote my strengths, not my weaknesses.

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You have some major tunnel vision. Trump doesn't have "almost entirely bad qualities", not by a long shot. Maybe do some research. Your freedom and liberty hangs in the balance. Our USA constitutional republic hangs in the balance. At the very least, don't vote Harris/Walz, as they are the antithesis of our country.

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Nope, no tunnel vision. More like open eyes, seeing the man behind the mask.

Trump is lousy, totally terrible. He has no redeemable qualities except cleverness. Maybe persistence.

I would never vote for the “antithesis” of our country. So if Stalin or Satan shows up, Trump has my vote.

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Why has any sane and moral woman ever believed that it was OK to hate males? Even young boys? The things I have heard many feminists say make me want to back away slowly from them, and keep children out of their reach. Many of them have become disturbed and disturbing human beings.

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I find their celebration of abortion to be utterly repulsive. I mean, I understand that they may be advocates for abortion, but actively CELEBRATING it? Evil. Abortion is a last resort. It isn't something to be celebrated.

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People say in private meaner things than Trump does publicly. I myself said those things.

If you start thinking of TDS as living in a fantasy world, disconnected from the community and reality itself, everything falls in place. It's some crazy obsession who said what on the internet, listening to rants from talking heads (some are, perhaps, AI creations), hating people they've never met, "protecting" imaginary people from "racismsexism" etc. While having no clue what people in their own community worry about. But the majority of the population still care about real things, talk in person, don't speak publicly and don't use Twitter.

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Exactly. You can find anything you want on the internet, including proof of TDS or people living in fantasies or hate or infatuation with racism.

I’ve never used social media of any type, unless you include email and commenting on articles. I’m involved in the local school, go to flea markets, three kids, treat people decently. It’s not hard.

And yet, I am convinced like many others that Trump is a dangerous man who cares only about himself, and so will vote for Harris. I believe policy issues can be worked out after we ensure that very bad man loses the election.

I’m not sure your theory of TDS can explain me.

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Everything that I've witnessed (and I never watch the MSM) has told me that Trump isn't a "very bad man". He's got issues, more than most (and I don't know why, but those are the types that get into politics; as I said in another comment, the only non-jerk presidents I can think of, from my lifetime, have been Carter and Reagan and before my lifetime? Maybe Eisenhower and Teddy R?) and I wouldn't be his friend, if he was a neighbor, but I am convinced he loves the USA and will fight to keep our free constitutional republic. What proof do you have that Trump is a dangerous man who cares only for himself?

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No proof.

Just a lifetime of experience with people like him. Your average police detective basically has the same knowledge as I. They usually get criticised as jaded, cynical, paranoid. They are not.

Trump is not a "jerk." Well, maybe he is but he's more.

With respect, I do not believe Trump is capable of "loving" the USA. What you call the USA is not something he can distinguish from himself. As you said, this type is often found in politics. What happens is that he presents a fake persona and gets people to believe that he cares, and then our partisan nature makes us vulnerable to believing him.

Not this time, not for me.

If JD Vance was running against Harris, I'd vote for him. But not Trump.

Ok, bring on the acusations of TDS.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Somehow, he wasn't a dangerous man prior to running for the office and wining. But then he was called a Putin's puppet and cleared closer to the end of his first term. What danger, real or imaginary, is he now? Forgot, he's still running for the office. And he's far from the only person under character assassination by the corporate media, so why believe a single word they say? Dissidents are always portrayed as a danger to society, it's all you have to know.

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Exactly. Trump isn't dangerous when he doesn't have power.

Nobody can know what Trump will do. But based on the past, we can guess. My guess is that he will do bad things.

I'd have no problem with Biden pardoning him. I wish that had happened instead of proding him with court cases to the point where he felt he had to run again just to stay out of jail. But Garland was a fool. He did not understand people like Trump or the effect he has on people.

I guess you live and learn.

All the candidates are subject to "character assasination." Trump is not the only person.

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Well, at least, you agree that the current administration is authoritarian. Garland is prosecuting the political opposition, as people only become "dangerous" (for the authoritarians) when running for the office. Stay out of politics and you're not dangerous or in danger. And a guess is completely sufficient for authoritarians.

I have this funny feeling that I'm talking to a professional Troll Factory (hired by Kamala?), there is definitely a certain methodology to those comments.

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Are you sure that you don't consume the same propaganda like many others? You sound exactly like one. Otherwise, who or what convinced you that Trump is a dangerous man, who becomes dangerous only during the second term? I myself can't read anyone's mind and can't predict the future, it's the nature of the reality. But I don't presume anyone dangerous unless they do something dangerous (like robbing a store or pointing a gun at me). Sure, there is the hate campaign and endless conspiracy theories in the media, like "Putin's puppet" or J6 "insurrection" or absurd lawfare "cases" (I highly recommend perusing government documents directly to notice the blatant manipulation and lies in the media), but they belong to the world of propaganda and election influence, not the reality. And do you really believe that the current administration and Democratic party behaving like a classical authoritarian regime, such as launching lawfare against political opposition (not just Trump but third parties as well), censorship and attacks on the First Amendment, hate campaigns and election switcheroo isn't danger to democracy?

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

I agree. Men would like to be Trump in many ways - living the high life at Trump Tower, Bedford, Mar-al-ago and staying in the most palatial towers and hotels and the power of a current or past president, if not the legacy given his sedition and criminal and civll convictions in mainstream courtrooms. Having his own Twitter type devoted site & being a lover of the cinematic camera and having virtually no filter gives him a megaphone to trash one and all who he perceives non loyal, which he does with unbridled glee every time his fingers get typing or mouth gets moving. Having his pick of beautiful women even in his dotage inside and outside of marriage. And he can $ to keep their mouths shut (well not all of 'em).Not worrying too much about anything - covid (one day it will mysteriously disappear), climate change, abortion being examples ones that made big news - other than making money. In fact, one of his relatively new ventures and the only one listed on a mainstream stock exchange means we get some unusual transparency. His share is still worth a couple of billions (even if he took a $4 billion hit) on a business that loses millions monthly. A company worth billions makes less than a million a month and is in the red by 10 million or more each and every month!? When his niece Mary got some of his taxes released spanning 10 years, guess who was the American among all tax payers that posted the biggest loss? Why, it was none other than Donal J Trump and to the tune of $US1 billion! So that's why he pays no taxes and is smart because of it - he runs businesses that lose money and sometimes even go bankrupt and yet the lavish lifestyle he lives! Now that's some smart shit. He's also beloved by enough fans that his rather large ego remains as stroked as ever.

What man wouldn't want this?

On the downside, most aren't cons and delusional and some may even possess a soul, so perhaps factoring that in might dull the appeal. But otherwise, what's not to aspire to for lower education, economically depressed heartland straight males. Getting outta dodge requires action, and many are fat & lazy!

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So sorry you can't understand normal thinking.

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Wow, so many lies. Do you have links to all this stuff? Of course not. Do some research outside of the MSM, Wikipedia, etc.

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To me, Tim Walz is not "sensitive;" he is an out-and-out creep. I see a bully who has "had his way" with little boys and little girls alike.

Even worse than that, he is a pathetic waste of a man who encouraged thugs to burn down his city and who is married to a woman who liked the smell of said carnage.

These are people who should be voted off the island, not voted into the White House.

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Hello, Sasha. We know you're listening. 😃

Great piece 👏🏻❕️

No mention of Andrew Tate? This is right up his alley.

He'd LOVE you and this ❤️

We do! Much LOVE, Sawsh!

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Lemme give you a hint: Masculinity does not equal Andrew Tate.

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Are you suggesting that Walz is a pedophile?

Partisanship can make you see things that aren't there.

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YouTube is awash in videos about how men have given up on women/won’t approach them anymore/cancel proposed dates @ the last minute & - apparently- the women are freaking out about it. Older women (defined as 30yrs+) are really looking down an empty well especially if they have a high body count (a lot of sex partners). Guys don’t want to buy used goods & you can’t roll the miles off them. I read the comments on these & it’s very illuminating in a number of ways. And stick a fork in Hollywood; men couldn’t care less about their woke screeds, they’re actually fodder for brutal humor about how bad these people really are (I.e. the decision makers). Largely they’re a bunch of bullying, man-hating Harridans. Unbridled toxic feminism (“a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”) is what got us here. Hope Gloria Steinem enjoys her cats.

“The Democrat party is a party of weak men & angry women.” - Tucker Carlson.

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Yeah, that's it: "toxic feminism" is the trait Democrat women have and they celebrate it. It's nauseating.

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the sour pussy cabal of nasty bitches that ran obama, also ran biden, and will run kamala.

and white dudz for kamala was so pathetic. what a bunch of douche bags. empty sacks all day long. it was like they were competing for who could do the best tuck.

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Gloria Steinem was a CIA operative, to make sure the Feminist movement stayed rolling. And many girls of that generation gave up marriage and children to follow her. They realized the mistake too late.

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Normal people are flocking to Trump because the Left has done nothing but demonize them for nearly a decade….

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of you work for a living, what possible reason could you have to vote dem?

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I am 72. A retired, active duty, Marine of 25 years, then 30 years in construction, still working 6 to 7 days a week, carry a gun daily, hunt, drink beer, cuss, and not afraid to tell people my opinion.

I am a MEGA Deplorable and proud of it.

We are at war, a fifth-generation war. If you don't know what a fifth-generation war is, read below:

Remove space after //

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generations_of_warfare

One of many tactics in a Fifth-generation war is to strip the enemy of masculinity.

We are losing. Our military has been gutted. It’s so bad real men won’t join and are leaving in groves.

Tim Walz is a classic girly man. Not even enough balls to go with his unit to a war zone. In the rear with the beer.

DEI has screwed up every organization it touched.

Meritocracy is how societies succeed.

Women have a place in the workforce, but not in combat formations, construction, etc.

Sure a few can do it but to what end? To scree up the unit cohesion.

It only fair to let everyone try.

“If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”

Tactics apply in peace and war.

Women have the most important and hardest job in the World. It’s called motherhood.

Oh a pregnant and barefoot guy.

No a realist. If you don't like it, go raise cats and wait for evil to be at your door.

I have the utmost respect for women especially mothers.

Women are the center of a society.

Women are to die for.

A man can get 100 women pregnant in a short period of time.

Best to expect is one woman and one baby a year.

Only the most foolish would waste women in war or dangerous activites?

Women are defensive by nature and men our offensive.

Don't mess with a “Moma Beer.”

Also don't expect a women to swim a river to cut the enemy’s throat on the other side.

Thank God women are NOT full of testosterone. If women had testosterone, humanity would have butcher itself long ago.

Women restrain men at least in western society. The MANdated roles of Women in muslim & the east is snother story.

We don’t have enough babies any more, we kill them out of convince. If we didn’t have immigrants, we would have unsustainable population growth.

No I am not an open border fool. Build a wall with a well regulated gate.

Warriors and Workers sustain societies.

Demographics is another Fifth-generation war tactic along with dumbing down America.

Fifth-generation warfare shapes the battlefield.

We will soon see a fourth-generation war in the form of a civil war. This is the enemy’s plan and the enemy is in the wire (in our perimeter and walks amoug us).

No a battalion of Angelina Jolie’s won’t surface to save the day.

Then when the time is right after we kill, burn, and destroy ourselves, China and other masculine Army’s will roll military formations down our Interstates and have the survivors working in fields & factories. Ask the Polish and others in WWII. Ask any conquered society throughout history.

Our women and young girls will just be meat for the victors.

Rome is falling.

You won’t win wars with Girls, Gays, and Girly Men.

Yes, I am a male chauvinist.

You will cry and beg for real men when the shit hits the fan.

Good luck cat ladies.

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Well dang. Not one word of what you said do I disagree with. Although I am a tomboy. Earlier I expounded on men and women in this comment section so I won't go into it here. But I am a really good shot with firearms. Just about anything I pick up, I fire in a tight group at long distances. If I practiced or cared enough about it, I've been told I should compete.

So I always ask the guys I admire for their masculinity (truly admire), the following question. If the SHTF, and you are leading your group of citizens, are you going to stick me in the kitchen or the Aid station or are you gonna give me a strategic position with a weapon and a scope to snipe?

I'm a nurse and a pretty good cook as well as a darn good marksman.

FWIW, the best answer would be: "it would depend on the needs of the group and the talents of the group."

To their credit, no gentleman has ever started out the gate with option kitchen or option Aid station. I know they think it. Because they don't believe I really am a good shot. And they are nice guys.

And if it came down to it, I would follow whatever orders the leader deemed appropriate (unethical, grossly immoral notwithstanding)

Just my two cents worth.

I hope we never have to test this question. And I thank you sincerely for saying those great and fundamental truths.


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Sounds like you are an All American Woman.

There are two types of operations.

Deliberate. In this case you organize, train, and equip over a period of time.

Crisis Action. SHTF. Take what you have and make what you need.

Sounds like you could easily provide “over watch” with a rifle, but nursing skills with a holstered pistol for close defense might be more critical.

Adapt to the situation.

In a crisis, train constantly.

A good cook has hot sauce, and a bad cook has ran out of hot sauce.

Well the kids will need better then hot sauce.

Yes, I am in a group with a couple of remote locations to “bug out” to.

We have military, LEO, Fire/EMS, nurses, even a CPA, compute geeks, and a pack of multi-talented, Moma Bears.

We all Luv the outdoors and are ready to transition from fun to tactical in 60 seconds.

Always have a group of friends that you can trust with your kids lives.

Talk to them about “what if.”

Semper Fi

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I've been working on such a group for many years. We train, my husband and I, with our firearms but not as consistently as we should. We homestead in a very rural part of New England- can't get a contractor out here to save our soul, with a few exceptions. Folks out here are rugged individuals and not group joiners. But we keep the lines of communication and association open and refreshed.

Hot sauce- I'd be in deep doodoo if I didn't grow and preserve a variety of hot peppers as I married a Texan with Mexican heritage. This Yankee also learned how to cook TexMex very early in our marriage. He has only said it once, cause he's a loyal son, but I make better frijoles than his mom.

Thanks for the great conversation. It's Americans like yourself and others on here, that keep the flame of hope and freedom burning.


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P.B.-- I agree w/ you 100%. Some women will be better shots and some women will be better swimming across the river to cut the enemy's throat. Some women will be better leaders than some men. We all have our strong suits (as I'm sure the leadership of the Israeli army can attest to. I think Steve makes a lot of good points and I agree w/ much of what he says, but I don't want the pendulum to swing back so far that the only role for women is barefoot and pregnant.

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I think he covered it exceedingly well. "Adapt to the situation". Remember, the question posited to him was in a SHTF scenario.

And for the record, a majority of the women I know would be completely incapable of functioning in that type of environment. They were never exposed, had no interest and therefore would be a liability.

I would love to spend time in the Israeli army studying how this dynamic plays out. Not reading some 🐂 💩 article, but talking and watching everyday soldiers.

And men fall into the same category even more so now because so many are so feminized. I had to help some 30 year young man jump his car. Had no clue what to do. Nice young man but clueless. My pops wouldn't let me take my driver's test till I had shown him how to change a tire, jump start and change the oil(back when you still could get to the dang thing). Our military is highly screwed and thus, so are we. It will be us seniors on the home front using our experience and brains instead of brawn should we ever have a Red Dawn scenario.

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Marine here. I don't mind Walz bugging out of Iraq duty. What irks me is how he presents this false narrative of his duty. Walz was there to collect a check but no more. He pretended he didn't know Iraq was in the cards. I say b.s. At his rank he knew and decided he didn't want to get hurt. A real press would have crucified him as a fake hero

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Walz is a creep. There's nothing redeeming about him.

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Sasha has a lot of military veteran subscribers; welcome to the club.

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We could be friends.

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Huahhhh. You had me at 'women are to die for.'

Thx for your service Marine.

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What I think he meant, is men will die to save women, not the "sexual" overtones that that saying has. What is it called? A double entendre?

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Hey Cat...that's how I meant it...that women are SO valuable and to be cherished by men (and I do), that we go to war for them.

I detest what has happened in my lifetime, where men used to 'protect' women, but now -- decades since the sexual revolution of the late '60s -- way too many men only want to 'use' women.

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I go back and forth at least once a month between our small town and our Capitol city in a Southern state. The difference esp in the men is astonishing. At home, guys are guys. Hunting, fishing, pick up trucks, dragging the kids camping with no electronics for their own good, taking their family to church, spending the days on the boat and keeping their kids outside and moving. In the city, I see 5 trans “girls” in 20 min at the farmers market, the neighborhood is full of soy boys being led around by the nose by their wives, and everyone has a Tesla. I don’t need to tell you where I prefer to be.

All the guys in my family - husband, son, and 2 sons in law - are GUYS. Tall (shortest is 6’2”), athletic, outdoorsy, etc. All lead and protect their families. All are hilarious and irreverent and fun. Guess who all are voting for? And while we gals are all typical Southern women (“strong and independent”) we are all women and act like it.

We are way past the “weak men make a weak country” stage and the turn of the wheel back to strong men is likely to be unpleasant for awhile.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

There's an old saying: A man that hunts with his sons will never have to hunt for his sons.

Now the presence of firearms in the house triggers horror. Might as well have freshly shrunken heads on display. No, heads are less concernful because they have favored cultural roots.

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Well said, JW. Generally speaking, I find big cities to be diseased places. Broken places. I don't understand how people can live there.

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I used to have no fear of going out at night. Public transit, cities, parks, with some but few exceptions. I stayed alert, smart, but not afraid. Now with millions of unvetted migrants, of course "not all" are dangerous, and it's not about race, but now I assess things differently about being outside at night.

If Trump restoring an actual border to this country means less murders and rapes, that sure counts as protection.

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Democrats are anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-children, anti-men, anti-peace, anti-free speech. We and our children are really going to suffer if they get this most radical version of themselves in again for another 8 years.

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Bret Weinstein says if America fails the West will go down with us. No doubt about that. But isn’t it already too late? Seems to me the disastrous failure of the American experiment clearly indicates the human experiment is also doomed. We’re not all crazy but more than enough are to bring us all down. Only AI can save our sinking ship. We sure can’t save ourselves.

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Hi Seva, I definitely think AI can and will help. My trust and faith though is in Jesus Christ.

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"With God, all things are possible". Read up on the Revolutionary War. Our Founders were doomed from the start. God had different plans. The other day, Speaker Johnson said Trump reminded him of George Washington. That's because before the revolution, Washington was in some war (French American?) and he got shot at a dozen times and none of the bullets penetrated. He got home that night, took off his uniform and shells just dropped out from it. There's other miraculous stories too.

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Same question as posted to Seva above. Good to hear how others believe AI "can and will help."

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I think this because most technologies are double edged swords and I think AI is at least minimally similar to most technologies. I do also think it has serious risks, some of which we can anticipate and many of which we cannot. Regardless, AI is happening and at a faster pace than most realize or can prepare for. My biggest threat though is not AI; it’s anti-Christian, anti-peace, anti-children policies of the elites running the Democratic Party. Have a good one, Paul. I think your comments and questions are valid and thoughtful.

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Sep 30·edited 8 hrs ago

Thank you for the reply and kind thoughts, Libertarian. Some have said that the anti-Christian, anti-peace and anti-children (maybe expand that to anti-family) policies are hallmarks of Communist doctrine, all as a way to cut the traditional moorings of citizens from the Judeo-Christian foundations of their nations.

Your comments on AI are spot on. Serious and sometimes unanticipated risks is an excellent way to put it. Well done.

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Thanks, Paul. It’s been a pleasure and I hope to read more from you.

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I'd be curious to hear more of your thoughts on how AI will "save our sinking ship." Having worked in the software business for almost 40 years , I have a different opinion on its potential effects.

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I'm with you, Paul. So far as I've seen, AI is GIGO...whoever programs AI controls its output. AI is no more able to have "feelings" than your door stopper. If whoever programs AI decides to make AI appear to have "feelings," they can easily manipulate the software to accomplish that. Beyond programming, it's just a machine.

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Hey JT, fairly put. Thanks. Based as they are on humans and how humans see things, original AI code -- from which all else is built upon -- is subject to the interpretation and biases of the developers. Those, as you allude to in your GIGO statement, are amplified in any computer, but, I believe, more so on an AI platform.

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How can you ask me this? There is a huge amount of information about this on YouTube that deals with this question. Elon Musk, for one, often does and has specifically started his “X.AI” company to be curious and committed to truth rather than committed to Woke ideology. You apparently believe AI will be a disaster for humanity. It could be but that overlooks we’re already very rapidly heading for disaster. I’m not saying I want to be ruled by AI. I just want them to help their crazy parents who brought them into existence and raised them to avoid burning down the house.

Could AI feel a sense of commonality with us? Sure they could. How could they not since they were created to interact and communicate with humans. As a human I am far beyond my cats in intelligence but that doesn’t mean I consider them inferior beings and have no interest in their well being. Many people feel their cats and dogs are family rather than just pets. Why wouldn’t AI feel that way about us? When my cats fight I don’t punish them. I just stop it and then things quickly go back to normal.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Simple. I just did. I don't particularly see how AI will help keep its crazy parents from buring down the house, but I am not as well versed in using YouTube for citations as others. And, since you asked, I think the move to AI will have far-reaching and disasterous consequences. FWIW.

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AI does not feel. Tecnology may be very advanced, but the AI is not going to replace humans or solve their problems. The opposite is a more likely possibility IMO. The AI is only as good as people who create and program it. It is a tool.

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You need to pay more attention to AI. It’s already beyond “a tool.” A couple of years ago Lex Fridman was interviewing Ray Kurzweil about AI and Kurzweil said by 2029 it will be so advanced it’ll be impossible to tell whether it’s actually self-aware and by then most people will assume it is since there will be no evidence it isn’t. I agree and it could well be they already are that advanced.

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Anything done can be undone. Anything undone, can be put back. One has to choose and do it.

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Hi Orenv, actually there are a lot of things we can’t undo; death for example. And even many of the things we can undo often take decades or centuries to undo. Slavery for example.

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People die every day and the world goes on. The quote I believe is "the graveyard is filled with indispensable men". Today can be the first day of undoing that current practice of slavery. We can start by not buying anything from slave traders like China per se.

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A-men to all of that!

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This is particularly obvious in TV commercials - the husband/boyfriend/dad is often the ditsy one while the mom/girlfriend figures it all out and saves the day. Oh, and Tim Walz should not be allowed within five miles of the White House.....

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The white male is the last group that is safely pilloried today. I would also go further and add that the southern while male suffers the most from this. As a southern white male, it please me to no end to be the burr under their saddle.

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Indeed. The Affirmative Action legislation of 1964 protected all except straight white males from discrimination based on race, gender and sexual orientation. Essentially it is the okay to be racist and sexist against straight white males law.

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Check out Matt TIabbi's speech. We need a lot more burr's.

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White Christian males come in for extra vigorous condemnation.

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It is also why many "woke" women are foolishly attracted to jihadists, thugs and criminals, they can't find that masculinity in their own circles, as they themselves have destroyed it.

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That probably divides about evenly between foolish attraction and some misguided belief that the incarcerated criminal can be transformed somehow. I always wondered about women who marry guys who are locked up. What happens when they eventually get out?

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I think its an unconscious animal attraction to masculinity, followed by a frenzied attempt to find an excuse for it in order to balance the dichotomy in the female's brain.

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Spot on 👍👌

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Or just foreigners from more traditional societies in Asia and the Muddke East. I’ve seen that a lot.

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just like blue people fleeing Cali for Austin- then fleeing Austin because it's a crowded mess that developed crime and traffic problems because of all the blue Cali imports!!

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I once saw a video of Camille Paglia talking about these Women’s Studies classes in our universities. She said they are taught by women with serious mental problems who hate men yet they are allowed to poison young women with their pathologies about gender. Why is this allowed? Because our ruling class wants it, that’s why. Democrats say Putin is a monster but I’m sure this type of thing would not be allowed in Russia. Am I a fan of Putin? I sure am. The media says he’s a dictator as if our degenerate, deranged, corrupt, hate whitey ruling class isn’t. What’s also quite noticeable about Putin is that he’s a straight, white, masculine male who puts his country first unlike our ruling class that puts America last, if at all. Paglia’s talk in this video is excellent and also exactly what Putin says about Woke ideology in America and throughout the West in general.

“Camille Paglia on Transgender Mania.” (6 min)

Apr 9, 2023. From a 2016 talk.


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Thanks for the link Seva. I've always liked Paglia...she's a magnificent voice in our time!

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The worst thing the Democrats have done to this country is become the very “Russia” they tried to make us fear. How can I fear a man like Putin whose actions are demonstrating more of a moral compass than my own leaders? Of course he is in a position to do terrible things if provoked, as any leader of any country should in defense of that country. But our leaders do terrible things to their own countrymen to be able to keep power and make money. That’s the real enemy here.

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My unsolicited advice is to find a better moral compass than Putin.

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Putin puts Russia first. At least ahead of us. I expect him to do that. Demonizing the man is not useful and has, as noted, prevented Trump from making a deal with the "hated" Putin over Ukraine and developing business ties with Russia and out of the sphere of influence of China. China wants Russian resources and will pay for them. Our policy before WW2 was to keep Russian resources out of the hands of Germany. Now it should be to keep them away from China. So now here we are. And for what? So the Democrats could gain political advantage in the USA.

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Where is Paglia nowadays? She seems to have disappeared around the pandemic.

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The University of the Arts, where Ms. Paglia taught, closed this past summer due to financial difficulties. She probably simply retired.

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We need her voice! I forgot how brilliant she is! Unafraid of controversy, and steeped in history!!

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Read her works. It's all there, always has been.

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I don’t know. I just now checked on that and couldn’t find anything. She’s 77 now though and could simply be retired, in poor health and no longer feels like being involved with social issues.

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Hi Seva, being libertarian to me Putin is a vicious criminal but I get what you are trying to point out ... He is masculine, and he will have his mass of female followers, granted ... But a bad masculine, one that should be in a small cell for the rest of his life for all the violence death and destruction he has caused. Like that assassin Che Guevara and his Fidel Castro or Mao Tse Tung and his Ho Chi Minh ... But then there is the good masculine, masculine but good, the kind Shasha is referring to, salt of the earth, those who put their lives on the line to protect others ... We are who we are as a species at this instance of evolution, and ideology will not cancel biology ... The biology of females will overpower their ideology ... Just look at Taylor Swift and who she married ... To all those white males who have used Wokism as tactic and strategy to seduce their desired women, enjoy the small current victories, alas these will be nothing compared to the huge sexual defeats coming your way ... 😅

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If being a man - a white dude that I am - means becoming anything like Tim Walz, I’d just as soon chop off - well you know. Oh wait, is that why Walz is the way he is?

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Sasha, what an inspired defense of masculinity. Unheard of in these crazy times. I could take you in my arms, pull you in close, hug you tight and give you a big kiss. Ahhh, your voice is a breath of fresh air in a baren, post apocalyptic landscape of man-hating screeds--an invigorating tonic to all that “toxic masculinity” crap. Your voice is so important.

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I was driving to work this AM and opted to drop my podcasts for a change and tune into the local pop radio station. Was curious what the kids are listening to these days. I heard 4 straight songs with female lead singers…all hypersexualized and largely anti-male. This was followed by some dude singing a stupid little song that included references to butterflies and flowers. I was aghast…I yelled ‘wtf?!?!’ at my radio. This article is spot on.

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And Fuck every other word.

The #1 pop song for tweens - Espresso - uses the term "my give-a-fucks are on vacation" without any effing irony.

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“almost a decade”. ???? Are you serious?!! I’m 67 years old. Men have been under attack since I was 15 years old. Women during the 70s, 80s, 90s (First Wave Feminism, Second Wave Feminism, Third Wave Feminism) were propagandized to view men as adversaries. Women were given many (unfair) advantages in the interest of “equality”. We are seeing the results.

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67 here too Dave- and I know of what you speak! Emasculated men began to be celebrated when I was in college. Masculine men were considered "throwbacks" and advantages started being given to women for no other reason but their gender. So many women I know from our generation still love nothing more than to trash men and BLAME them for everything wrong in our world and society!

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I'm 58, my lady is 49 and from the mid-west. She is by any measure a stunning beauty that is extremely fit. (she does 600 crunches a day, 45 minutes on the bike and lifts weights)

We both work in DC in the tech industry.

She is about as anti-feminist as your gonna find and has expectations of a man being a man that she is not afraid to share.

That said, for all her strong feminine tendencies, love of fashion and the nicer things, she is completely unafraid to get down and dirty running a burn pile or changing the tanks on a grill. She will never go camping but will do glamping but is more than happy for me to take off with my son or buddies to go camping. She loves her glittery things but will happily pick up a .45 and go to the range with you. She loves my Mercedes AMG but will happily jump in an old truck to run errands.

She expects me to lead but in a way that respects her desires and needs. She likes very much to cook meals for us but reasonably expects that I help with the clean up. She likes good wine and belongs to a club at a vineyard but she will toss back a smoked bourbon and do so happily. She will happily help clean a shotgun but if something is gonna damage her nails she will hand it off to me. I remember her saying to me once that she loved that I had a "mans hands".

Asked her to go clothes shopping with me yesterday as I have to redo a lot of my wardrobe that has worn out. She had very strong, but politely stated opinions about what a man should be wearing and what he should NOT be wearing and clearly felt that much of what was in the first store was too feminine for a man to be wearing or at least one she would be with.

Honestly, I think one reason that there are so many bitter, angry women, women who gripe about men, is because they have never figured out how to be women that are strong and still feminine. They mistook being masculine for being strong and tried to be bad versions of men or what they thought men were.

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Man this was really well articulated! Thank you. I’m like your wife in every way. And I always crave for men to have masculinity, have convictions, take a stand, and exert power when it’s necessary.

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