Let's hope all of Rogan's viewers vote for Trump 😍

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yes- get them out to vote!!

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Rogan has a vested interest in showing that traditional media lost its relevance which shifted to podcasts as an alternative. I don't know who's gonna win but I wager that not getting Taylor Swift to perform at the closing argument concert in PA is not what Harris campaign hoped for.

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❤️ 💖Sasha Stone💖❤️


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Hey Sasha, how do I forward your videos? I want to send the one about your boy’s balls to my boy.

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Me too😄

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Send him this link to Sasha's Substack and instruct him to click on the last video with the boy.


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I did already, but that’s so complicated. The youngster has a hard time clicking the last link on a post. He’s finishing up college, you see. A clean, clear link has a much better probability of success.

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About time. And DO watch the JRE podcast! It’s worth your time!

No matter what happens tomorrow, thank you Sasha for being a soldier. Thanks for being true to yourself👍🏽

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She is a fighter and has lots of military veteran subscribers in part for that reason.

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What a time to be alive.

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The best of times, AI. The worst of times, democrats.

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Thank you Sasha! Although I am cautiously optimistic about Trumps' chances tomorrow, I'm going to have some trouble sleeping tonight. With people like Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and now Joe Rogan and Megyn Kelly climbing on board, this really feels like a turning point.

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Hope springs eternal but we are so severely divided that we no longer even have a common reality. My hope is that the exponential rate of AI increase will enable us to disentangle ourselves, not geographically but on a personal level with things like home schooling with a personal mentor for children so that they can avoid our truly dreadful public schools.

Bill Maher on Kamala Harris and Chicago public schools.

“Chicago Teachers Union: Tests are racist.” (2 min)

Illinois Policy. Oct 28, 2024


“The Chicago public school where no student can read or do math.” (2 min)

Illinois Policy. Aug 22, 2024


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In good company no doubt with Baltimore's failing school system despite its budget!

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No doubt pretty much all democratic cities have schools like this and the msm sees nothing wrong with it nor do many of our “fellow Americans” who are voting for Kamala. This is why I say we lack a common reality and that only a game changer like AI can alter our present course which is rapidly taking us to the abyss.

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There are adds on YouTube telling people that their voting records are public, so your (liberal) friends can look up whether or not you voted. Unreal.

And we are the fascists.

Fuck these people. Send them to a reality where they win all the elections and the sane people can just get on with our lives in this universe.

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I'm afraid they're already in a reality where they win all the elections.

Now what?

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I'm cautiously ⚠️ optimistic moving forward BUT I'm so happy I was wrong in that they win all the elections.

I know y'all understand why I've been so skeptical.

They've given us all EVERY REASON to be.

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The dirty foreign (and domestic) money (Arabella, et al) is everywhere, in the attempt to control the messaging / narrative. But--if there is any lesson--the way we get our messaging and information has rapidly changed. We may truly be seeing the beginning of the end of legacy media. Thankfully...

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If this world takeover continues we may truly be seeing an end of free speech including this substack.

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If they are going to control the message--they have to control the messenger. Fortunately, slo-joe and KH were terrible messengers. And with KH, they actually found someone more unlikeable than Shirillery... The's not easy to do....

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The humiliation inflicted on young girls, both on the field and in the locker rooms, is reflective of the most anti-feminist policy that any politician could support. https://www.americanpeaceofficer.com/p/why-your-vote-matters-key-issues?r=1t4zwv&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes! It's awful to see how the progress of earlier decades has been so eroded by Democrats over the last 3-3/4 years.

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I would definitely add on a few more years to that erosion process.

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Let’s hope for a safe landing.

Amr Australia

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Sasha, voting for you son’s balls is classic! LOL! Mock them mercilessly as they so deserve it. In fact, they invite it.

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Someone wrote: “The White House is nothing more than a publicity stunt, it is PR and a Hollywood/Disneyland production. It doesn’t matter who runs it; it matters how good they look and who writes their speeches.”1

“Voting legitimizes a corrupt centralized government. What other people do isn't up to me and especially not puppets in Washington. People would make different choices if the elite didn't control everything. I refuse to elect between 2 criminals.” 2


Think bigger. It's true that the system is rigged, that there's no real freedom to become a votable candidate, and that even if you become President, the system leaves you very little alternatives to change it.

Yet, by not voting, you are allowing the worst, because your non-vote will still be used to vote for the worst.

It's about minimizing damages, injuries and deaths.

It's not the same to have half a million than 1 million yearly abortions: 2 million babies could be saved along 4 years by your vote. They will thank you in person in Heaven!

“One thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” 3

Edmund Burke (1770): “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”4

Not voting allows evil to prosper even more ... by not recognizing that we all share lesser or higher responsibility for the society we live in:


Go vote!



It's important that people share, not the article, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

Kamala’s dirty Big Fat secrets:


Go vote! Let massive-voting drown massive-fraud!

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Ads are good; brevity is good. Demonrats are hurting women the most with this trans shyte. All of their policies hurt women most. Break free you wonderful ladies.

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Two great ads! I wonder where the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has been. They’re the ones who have been telling us how different our lady bodies are from the men! I remember going to a professional meeting of the AAOS, where one presenter was touting the benefits of Title XI to the attendees, saying that Title XI was the best thing to happen to orthopedic surgeons. Firstly, because women in sports subjected twice the population of students to sports injuries, which we would have to fix. But even more importantly, women were up to 20X more likely to tear their ACLs than men, because of our jumping mechanics and the difference in strength of the muscles of our thigh. Where was that guy when men started competing against women?

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Save the balls!

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Wow, Megyn! Well done.

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Hilarious! I think the last one is the best Sasha!

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Justice for Peanut and Fred!! Vote MAGA up and down the ballot!!

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From the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Nov. 3 2024: "New York can't keep the subways safe, the mentally ill attack random pedestrians on the streets, and the Manhattan district attorney won't prosecute many nonviolent crimes. But house a pet squirrel, and the state's bureaucrats will come down on you like you're a menace to society."

“Power, Control and a Pet Squirrel. Why it Matters!” (4 min)

Dennis Prager. Nov 4, 2024


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Nov 5Edited

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time!! For those of you like me that wait until election day to vote, be sure to vote, and take friends and family, persuading allies and advocates to make the decision for good vs. evil and right vs. wrong! Vote for Trump/Vance!! MAGA 2024 and beyond! Let's help Vance keep his promise to repo Khameleon's plane, and send the drunken, anti-American Marxist back to Cali and her commie counter part back to MN, where hopefully the remaining socialist communist governors and members in both houses of congress get voted out sooner rather than later!

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