Trump at the Economic Club of NY today was amazing. Hours of presentation, discussion, real talk about deep economic issues facing us. No “break glass in case of emergency” side kick, open questions, amazing. He needs to bring that energy to the stage.

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I heard that it was probably his best speech ever. I really hope he maintains that momentum for the duration, especially for the debate.

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I’ll have to check that out, thanks for the heads up. It’s probably available to watch on YouTube?

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Incisive analysis Sasha. I’d love to see you on the debate prep team.

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I’m sure there are equally incisive folks on DJT’s team. The question is will he listen to them? And when Harris fishes will he jump at the bait? God, I hope kinder, gentler, Trump shows up.

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Me too, Dunboy. While watching the Biden-Trump debate in June, I kept thinking "he doesn't even have to say ANYTHING"....then he'd say something kind of mean or off-track. If he can avoid that and just let Kamala be Kamala and goad her into the "I'M TALKING" mode, it will leave a mark.

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Just hammer the border/illegal immigration/ crime, inflation/prices/economy, war/Afghan debacle/dead soldiers/WWIII, price fixing, unrealized capital gains tax, active attempts to end free speech by the government coercing media platforms and fake news. Throw in some trans stuff if you want. Anyone who votes for Harris/Walz/Biden/Obama deserves every minute of misery they will get.

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Bravo 👏 Yes!!!!!

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Sasha provides insights not easily found elsewhere. She makes compelling arguments on strategy; eg on Harris:

“Afghanistan - she was the last person in the room.

Inflation - she was the deciding vote on the bill that drove it.

The border - yes, she backed the failed deal, but it was mostly a bill to fund the war in Ukraine disguised as a border bill.

The Economy - Biden wrecked it. She can’t fix it.

Get “Gender Affirming Care” on minors in the public debate”

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I consider myself on the (dead and gone/peace and comedy-first Libertarian to Bernie) left-spectrum, but sympathize strongly with Sasha's correct points, as I do not like Kamala. Just as corroboration that Sasha is not using hyperbole about uh...'us', I am now one/half into my annual trips to Texas, and actually heard this. (from the Austin rather than rural part of my journey), paraphrasing only slightly: 'Defeating Trump is everything. Nothing else matters. Was our media skewed to promote falsehoods and to suppress democratic dissent? so what? good. lies in congress? good, so what? Kamala completely controlled by who knows who, and she believes herself who knows what? fine. the old switcheroo? now blue is forever wars, uber-dishonest banks and pharm, and work-at-home elites, and the red team is working class and country music? fine. even, if it takes kiling him? well, I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't cry. even if the US is no longer a democracy ? no problem. if Trump loses, =good deal. and then here's the kicker: "YOU seem to really want to talk about politics, I am just not interested in it, so it's useless to talk about it with you." In short everything the blue team state media accuses Trump of---and on this democracy point even, they are okay with doing worse and even admitting it, as long as they win and Trump loses.

see you at the debate.

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I hear you, Ben. Ben, I am 9th of 10 kids born into an urban lower class (dad was bartender, mom stayed at home) Irish Catholic family. The sweet spot for being Democratic Party. But after decades of seeing first hand how they have ruined black families via welfare, sponsored poor kids getting killed in neocon wars, and persecuting Christian straight white males; I left them and joined the Lesser of Two Evils. Take care, brother.

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right. and as a Californian, just want to thank every...Texan, Georgian, and Floridian who is currently being nice and polite to a former Californians who got tired of all the mask-wearing breaking glass around them/us. Peace.

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Peace, brother.

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That’s the problem… it is the lesser of two evils, because the GOPe is usually more aligned with the DNC than with rank and file GOP voters.

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse describes the DNC/GOPe alignment as the two wings of the same corrupt vulture.

I think many Democrats would be surprised at how many Trump supporters like Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and Kirsten Synema - even if we disagree with many of their policy positions - because they are authentic and stand up for actual principles.

It is not hard to picture those three having a cookout with Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, or Chip Roy.

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Yikes, people actually think that way? I know you paraphrased, but somebody said something like that? Scary.

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They think that way in NY too!!

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yes. 'any means necessary.' This is one of my most-loved ones, who told me, 'We don't live in Texas, we live in Austin.'

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Inflation ---"What caused companies to suddenly start gouging consumers after I left office?"

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Spot on. Unfortunately, they are good at illusion. How can so many people not see the blatant lies, the constant coverups, the smoke and mirrors? Propaganda works. It is especially effective when you own the Bureaucracy, Hollywood, the Tech Industry, and most important the Main Stream Media. But, the Truth seems to find its way out. More and more people are Awakening from their wokeness. And, Sasha Stone you are certainly doing your part. Thanks

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They see it, they just don't like Trump. I don't know why this fact is downplayed here. Trump problem is that he's divisive and now he's running against a deliberately generic candidate that cannot be defined and such cannot offend.

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It’s even worse if they see it, but prefer to act as if this is a high school popularity contest. But we don’t LIKE Trump!

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Not liking Trump also means his policies. For all the talk about people living worse under Biden-Harris, there's a whole class or two that doesn't feel the negative effect of their policies or can afford to continue living like that. They cna afford to vote for who they like as if it's a HS popularity contest. Something to think about.

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Excellent Joe Rogan interview of Bret Weinstein. I recommend starting about the one hour five min point where Bret Weinstein starts talking about our health care system and things like Covid, viruses, vaccines and about how evil our ruling class has become. He believes if we don’t beat the democrats by a cheat proof margin in this election our next stop will be civil war since too many are too aware of the rot in our society for it to continue as a nation. Watch and share with others. He’s doing everything he can to save us and we should do everything we can to help him plus he really is extremely intelligent and fascinating to listen to. Joe Rogan is also a great interviewer. Funny at the end where Bret is talking about the “Rescue the Republic” rally in DC later this month and Joe asks “How many FBI will be there?”

“Joe Rogan Experience- Bret Weinstein.” (3:15:00)

Joe Rogan. Sept 4, 2024


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As I have said before, history records no example of a nobility being willing to share power with its associated peasantry. Upward concentration of wealth inevitably creates a ruling class that is evil. That is really just the flip side of "Democracy is a middle-class form of government". If the middle-class is "hollowed out", democracy will not endure. At the historical moment, much of what is going on is that the 1 percenters (by status, not just wealth) have seen that the authoritarian nature of Far Left ideology provides a very convenient pretext for them to make themselves the authorities.

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Bret only wants to save the republic if it means GOP winning otherwise nope.

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Bret Weinstein had always been on the Left, until he was hit with DEI and COVID insanity.

Those were wakeup calls.

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Too much GOP leads to that, true.

The problem with your Left-Right dynamic is that you are using European modeling (Right as Monarchist, Left as supposedly Egalitarian).

But in the US, the model is more Right as individualist / small government, and Left as collectivist / big central government.

I agree that allowing either the DNC or GOP to gain too much power is not a good thing. I am usually happiest with the following configurations:

R White House and House, D Senate

D White House, R House and Senate

Letting D control the House, particularly Pelosi and Jeffries, is a recipe for disaster

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You say that as though it were a bad thing.

Too much Left leads to Robespierre, Stalin, and Mussolini and Hitler, for that matter

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Too much right leads to authoritarian governments as well balance is needed in America but both parties understand balance as much as a young sports star understands balancing money. This is why I cant accept either party with super majorities.

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He calls himself left but digging into his issues he is more libertarian left leaning not left leaning.

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Have you considered that the Republican cannot be saved if people continue to vote for the leftist lunatics? This is no longer about “both sides bad”.

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I dont trust either side with the majority anymore because both act-like shitty assholes with that power.

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So what’s your alternative? The never-ending “both sides” cul-de-sac goes nowhere and provides no viable solution to anything.

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It's the best solution we have to a divided country at the moment neither respects the other they at best contempt for opposing viewpoints so unless views on each other changes yea that's your best option.

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Why else would anyone want to save the republic? Is there another option?

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She’s Not Black. Her father was a white Marist Professor and her mother is from India. Her 3rd great grandfather was the largest slave trader in the Caribbean. And she has the folks of color conned and hood winked into believing she’s black. And she.. like Hilary.. OB & Michelle ..they walk into these communities of color and preach lies and they mock and mimic them by trying to talk like they do.. be it bad Habla Espanol .. or trying to sound like a southerner … or a person who lived on a plantation .. or a person from the outskirts of Georgia or Sapelo Islands .. Darien Georgia. And the sad thing is these folks fall head over heels for their lies and mocking. It’s sad that they can’t see that they are mocking them….And after their speeches they fly away on their private jets .. laughing and saying to all that hang on to their every word.. we have them right where we want them .. voting for us the next 100 years!!! These haughty politicians.. just like Kamala and 🇨🇳 Tim they would never sit down and have dinner with these folks …because they think they’re better than them… what will it take to wake them up? Oh and look at the gangs throwing the Blacks.. elderly blacks and Hispanics out of their apartments in Aurora Colorado … it’s called Disaster Capitalism at its finest … and please pray tell me where is Kamala …China Tim.. Hillary and Bill.. OB and Michelle.. where are they??? why are they not speaking out for these poor people.. why are they not trying to this insanity? I thought they cared about the poor ..elderly and little children??? And now these poor folks have no where to live… shame on you Kamala for siding with The Venezuelan Gangs.. you & the cadaver in chief who allowed them to waltz across our border… with your open door policies. 😢 but true. And she’s Not Black. And Elizabeth Warren isn’t Cherokee… my 3 great grandmother was Cherokee.. Morning Dove. Folks need to study their ancestors.. ancestry.. and if they did they wouldn’t fall for the scam.

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among this post is many good questions and points. only we can't just scream at China from afar and expect a better result. US number one and all that, like with reaching the moon, but we gotta keep engaged and negotiating with number 2. (isn't that what Reagan did with the Soviets?).

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I think a significant reason China is tops is because they essentially have 1B serfs supporting about 10M elites. Crazy big numbers.

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Yes!! But we Do Not Have Reagan on our side now. He’s long gone. All we have is two puppet players marching us towards WWIII and their Agendas.. the Mr. Globals agendas… Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 .. The Great Reset. And then we have a business men who cares about we the people. Along with the others that he has asked to join his team. We can vote for war or ☮️ and prosperity or we can vote for their 15 minute cities.. C-40 cities.. Ghettos.. where you will own nothing and be happy. I find that we can learn a lot from each others experiences and comments.

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I'm sure there's some peaceful people in the middle who might think 'if only Trump softens N. Korea enough' to begin planning to rejoin the South, and for effort, he gets more points on that than the blue team, that would be reason to vote for him.

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China is shrinking, whether the measure is growth or population. We spend way too much time and ink on this paper tiger. The music has stopped on several major economic sectors in China and there aren't enough chairs for everyone. Ordinary middle class Chinese have seen savings evaporate. In a system where the top officials accept responsibility for everything in exchange for having authority over everything, COVID and the residential real estate crash have evicerated public confidence.

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I haven’t seen your comments on Sasha’s Substack page before, but I like your style… 😊

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Thank you.

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Good one, Sarah!

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Thank you.

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This is the scary bit;

“People vote for what makes them feel good and watching Harris make history feels good.”

So spot on and scary

Amr Australia

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I've been saying this for a long time. Liberals vote 100% with their feelings ESPECIALLY women. Sorry ladies

2020 was living proof of this.

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White liberal women are the worst.

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ha ha. but what can you do?

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White liberal women should not be allowed to vote.

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I’ve never heard of a female version of Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Genghis Khan so perhaps our world would be a safer and better place if we had more women in charge.

“They killed 10% of the population of earth while he was alive.”

Joe Rogan on Genghis Khan and the Mongols.

“How Brutal the Mongols Were.” (7 min)

Joe Rogan Fun Clips. Apr 10, 2023


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Women seem to have no problem murdering their babies with abortion.

So...there's that...

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Whoa, pretty devastating rejoinder, Kathleen!

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If it’s murder then shouldn’t all these women be arrested and put on trial for murder?

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When a pregnant woman is killed, the perp is normally charged with 2 deaths.

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Yes, funny how that works... it's not a child until it is murdered in the womb by someone else... I don't get it...

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but...you know how happy you would make attorneys though if full civil rights status was granted to embryos? Right next to the ambulance chasing billboards and TV commercials for injury lawyers, would be: 'DID your mother abuse drugs before you were born? Did YOUR father beat YOUR mother before you were born? You got a case$$!!! ' you really want more of those kind of apelike attorneys running around?

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So…there’s that. When should we start arresting all these women who’ve murdered their babies?

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I have no problem with women in power.

I love Italy's Georgia Meloni.

She doesn't let her feelings delude her rational thinking like liberal women do which was my point with regard to voting.

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Margaret. Thatcher.

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But how about the irrational behavior of men? Pol Pot had something like a quarter of the people in Cambodia murdered while he was in charge. Don’t you think that’s somewhat of a bad look for male behavior?

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If I'm right, and you are liberal & probably a feminist (which I do not disparage) you of all people should know gender has nothing to do with intellect, leadership, or integrity.

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“If I'm right, and you are liberal & probably a feminist”

Ha ha. Wrong! I’m male and a Trump supporter. Seva is just a name I borrowed from one of my cats to use on Substack. And my cat Seva was also a male!

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Never heard of a female version? I've seen one, and she makes those four look like sissies. Nancy Pelosi.

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How many FBI agents were among the Jan 6 protestors? FBI Director Wray refuses to say. Did Nancy Piglosi express remorse about the needless loss of life of her fellow American Ashli Babbitt at the Jan 6 Capitol rally? Not at all. She preferred to use the occasion to slobber about “Whiteness!” And this creature was one of America’s top political leaders!? A truly evil old hag.

Nancy Piglosi: Trump Insurgents Chose ‘Whiteness Over Democracy’ (3 min)

Now This Impact. Jan 11, 2021


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Yes, the Mongols may have killed 10% of the population, but then again, Genghis Khan is said to have raped so many women that 10% of the population today has him as a ancestor... so I guess it evened out???

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I’ve read that historically monarchies were more apt to go to war since it was males that joined the battlefield…

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Corsican blood feuds were almost always driven by the elder females in families. So the idea of “vendetta” more or less came from women.

Also, see how unwarlike Boudicca and Elizabeth I were.

Margaret Thatcher was lauded for her pacifism, right?

And Golda Meir?

Not saying those women were like Stalin or Hitler, and I don’t mean to imply it.

But I am saying that history does not support the premise that females in power are less warlike.

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and let us not forget Indira Gandhi! Although no Attila the Hun, she was pretty brutal!

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well, it all depends. Ms Stone tends to oversell this aspect of voting. It requires stars lining up. Maybe they lined up for Harris like they did for Yeoh, to continue with the Oscar analogy, or maybe they didn't like for Gladstone. By stars lining up I don't mean anything supernatural. I mean many factors so lets look at 2 historical feel good scenarios where one panned out and another didn't:

Yeoh was a veteran with many industry admirers and fans, her movie was a sweeper in multiple ATL categories, she was a clear lead and she was running against a fairly recent winner in the same category (and 2 time winner altogether) in an unlikable role

Gladstone was a virtual unknown and a category fraud in an unloved movie that they felt they had to nominate but didn't pull at heart strings running against a fairly recent winner in a super showy likable role

Is Harris one or the other? Time will tell.

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I hope Trump speaks of the new coalition that he’s forming. The Republican establishment is becoming a relic while Trump is redefining the party as he brings more prominent democrats into the movement that are fed up with the Democrat party’s despotism, authoritarianism and failed policies. As RFK Jr. has pointed out, there is a historical realignment occurring that is America’s future. It will not be stopped. This election is not about Trump, as democrats are desperately trying to prove. It’s about securing America’s future for peace, prosperity and freedom. The alternative is a haplessly Kamala kept afloat by a faceless bureaucratic machine unaccountable to anyone but themselves and ONLY concerned with its own survival. The contrast could not be more stark. I hope Trump points out that if Americans care about the future of their children the choice for his new coalition could not be more obvious.

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You mean democrats that turned every stance they once stood for and RFK Jr was always that libertarian not a democrat on issues especially medical, environmental and social agenda. But you are right I believe we are seeing the end of a libertarian party as a whole and a new uneasy alliance to wipe Democrats out for a generation.

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he was/is an attorney, and to be a libertarian is a wonderful thing.

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"A new uneasy alliance to wipe Democrats out for a generation"? We can only hope!

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GOP main dream for 30 years now

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Make a case for why we should want open borders which invites criminals in to carjack, or rape, torture, & murder teenage girls.

Make a case for how higher taxes will lead to prosperity.

Make a case for how price control will reduce inflation without lowering supply.

How will it be executed? Give an example of where it has worked.

Make a case for scraping private health insurance and give an example of any enterprise the government has successfully run without taxpayers bailing it out

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Price controls are already in place see Medicare the very fact other countries do the exact same thing we just are treated like shit for meds because we would pay it.

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Sep 6Edited

And Medicare is slowly going bankrupt.

Next......or is that all you got?

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THAT is the exact goal.

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Hello, dear Sasha.

Thankful you've survived your stay in Telluride.

LOVE your Podcasts! You nail it on mostly all the important issues, and with a SOOTHING voice, too! ❤️

This one doesn't disappoint 👏🏻, for the most part. 😵‍💫🙃🤓

Was feeling HAPPY TEARS 🥲🥲 until IT happened.

👉Harris spouting off. (The "4th Turning" of the STOMACH). Sorry, but she's just so SICKENING. 🤮

But you've brought it HOME so NICELY, in more ways than one.

Very grateful. 🙏🏿

Thank you, and WELCOME BACK!!👋👋👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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The border part of the Ukraine funding bill as you aptly put it was yet another sellout designed by the Democrats and the Bushies. It would have allowed another almost 2M illegals per year plus the ones they didn't catch

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It's crazy that it would have legalized illegal immigration - and would have been almost impossible to undo at a later time. We dodged that bullet, and hopefully it won't ever be resurrected

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“and hopefully it won't ever be resurrected”

It never died. They are still as determined as ever to have an amnesty for all illegals plus at the same time simply eliminate the distinction between citizen and noncitizen so that illegals can get all the benefits of being a citizen without ever actually being one. What we have here is an ever more unworkable and ungovernable society. This does not bode well for our future.

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Thanks to Trump

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That’s a really good analogy. In this case, though, they are trying to win an Oscar before anyone has seen the 4-year long movie.

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The attempt to manufacture a squabble over mics-on mics-off hints at the Kamala team's read on Trump. They are playing against the caricature they've created which, in the popular vernacular, is called buying into your own hype. Recall that Trump when debating Biden under mic-off rules, remained camera aware and silent, allowing Joe to twist in the wind.

Maybe Hollywood has some insights into electoral politics. It appears being a skilled actor, able to adapt look, body language and speech to the requirement of the scene, might be a pretty useful candidate skill.

P.S and worth looking into: Lawyers and lobbyists for the Chicago Teachers Union set upon the nominating petitions of independent candidates for school board, successfully getting 14 kicked off the ballot. It turns out that ordinary citizen aspirants without big lawyer and money (read: CTU) backing are easy targets. They might vote for more charter schools or for vouchers so best to strangle them in the cradle.

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Honestly, someone needs to send this entire article to the Trump team now with a big red bow. I truly believe Trump is capable of pulling this off. I think he is improving. But this is the time for level heads.

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Strategically, after giving a brief answer to a question at the debate, Trump should cede the rest of his time to Harris saying”Madame VP what do you think?” This would catch her off guard &off script. Would be revealing & interesting.

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You don't need to do interviews if the MSM sycophants (formerly known as journalists) are carrying your water. What a disappointingly despicable bunch of hacks they have turned out to be!

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As the saying goes, politics is Hollywood for ugly people...

I reposted you Sashino....

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Instead of arguing about immigration, the economy, or anything else, what Trump really needs to tell the millions who will be watching is, that if Kamala is elected, America is over. Free speech will be gone. She WILL pack the courts, so her unconstitutional acts will never be overturned. Your 401k will be confiscated. Your taxes will go through the roof. Every area of your life will be controlled, and if you speak out you will go to jail. The economy will be devastated beyond recovery. The Left will control elections from now on. You will have no choices about anything. You and your children will go hungry. Don't believe me? Ask the Cubans. Ask the Venezuelans, what happened when they elected a Socialist. Don't think it can't happen here. Elect Kamala, and you will see just how evil and corrupt the Left is. they want power, and they will have it. They do not care about you or your children or grandchildren. All they care about is power. And that's why they will do anything to stop me from becoming president again, because I am trying to restore power to you, the People, where it belongs. Do not underestimate their willingness to break any law to get what they want.

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