It was the moms that got us into this in 2020 by voting, not for policy, but to remove a man they found vulgar. I found him a vulgar buffoon as well, but in my career I grew to understand that I needed to separate character from effectiveness. I worked in hospitals and knew a side of doctors that the public never saw. When my wife needed very complicated spine surgery, I took her to a neurosurgeon who I loathed (as did most of the staff) but who had the top skills in his department. I didn't care about bedside manner, I wanted her to recover well, and expeditiously....and she did.
Trump had the best policies of any President that's served in my 65 years, and I didn't care if he was a jackass, he accomplished a tremendous amount.
While the moms ignored all but character in 2020, the were slapped in the face by the horrible policy decisions of the left over the past two years. When they couldn't ignore that they had been lied to by Fauci, who was fully supported by the Dems, and that we threw the kids under the bus with school closures, and then discovered the indoctrination of their children by the teachers unions, they realized that there were things worse than buffoonery. Things that actually damaged our children and society.
I think the moms are going to save us this time, and hopefully don't forget the message in 2024.
Nicely put. But you know what is ironic? If the media was honest about Joe Biden rather than propping him up at every opportunity more people would recognize he is just as vulgar and nasty as Trump, possibly even worse. Unfortunately, the gets swept under the carpet.
I felt safer when Trump was president. He has a brilliant memory and often pokes fun at himself. Bullets just bounce off of him. You want a smooth talker to rob the country blind and leave it crumbling, you had one. Get over Trump's personality. I ❤️ Trump. Thanks Sasha.
I think you meant to say "you have one". Biden is the "smooth talker" (when he can talk) and Trump was and is the inarticulate one (as a commenter once said, "My 13 year old daughter is more articulate than Trump"), unfortunately (as Ben Franklin said "A more generous God would've allowed better circumstances/a better situation", paraphrased). Biden is in the proces of "robbing the country blind and leaving it crumbling" and I think the DNC, with it's load of cash, will probably take many Senate Republican wins to court to try and get the election flipped. I hope the RNC backs up the Republicans.
For me Biden is more like a bumbling fool. Obama was the ultimate smooth talker, big on promises short on delivery. Trump speaks plainly and is a very measured speaker. Nobody interpreted Reagan's folksy rhetoric as him being a dimwit. On Substack there are many lawyers who speak like lawyers even in casual comments, it's tedious and tiring to read.
People just cannot put themselves in a Trump voter's shoes and see what could possibly appeal to them, and here is proof. Saying "I can't give my opinion about your comment without attempting to correct it to the proper ideology" just proves SS's point, doesn't it.
Trump *is* brash and annoying and I hope he fades into obscurity, but he is also quite clearly touching a nerve with the middle class that Democrats haven't been able to find for a very long time. He speaks for his followers and does it very very well. These focus on Trump's personality rather than what he is saying to their peril.
The Left's Achilles Heel is mockery. That is how you beat them.
They are so used to being on the dispensing side that when someone like Tucker Carlson makes fun of their arguments, they either think he is being stupid or they fact check him.
They have no response to it, because they are fundamentally humorless people.
They are also susceptible to mockery because their social standing is so very important to them. I had a Ph.D. beg me to stop using "lol" in my responses to his comments on a Wall Street Journal article because it was upsetting. Seriously. Sneering condescension and contempt is their kryptonite - when someone just as intelligent and educated and well-read as them treats them like scum, they tend to fold fairly quickly. They're so used to being acknowledged as the smartest person in the room that when they're not, they have no coping mechanism available. (This is also why people like John Cleese, Bill Maher, etc., are proving to be "uncancellable" - they so look down on the woke that the woke don't know how to handle them.)
The thing about the educated is that they really suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect. Just because you are a real expert in gender studies, entomology or philosophy doesn't make you smart about business, dealing with people or politics.
That's when I realised that a realignment of the parties had really happened--when the right became the side with humour and satire. I used to love the Colbert Report. Now, my favourite book is The End of the World is Flat by Simon Edge. In all seriousness, I'll side with whoever can take a joke.
The great realignment had to do with tech power and money. Democrats trailed heavily in campaign financing and were mostly taking money from labor unions and individuals; while Republicans were mining big money from Wall Street and corporates. Democrats decided to ditch their traditional constituencies (mostly, just paying them lip service and throwing them a bone whenever possible, but essentially ignoring them), and focused on a highly speculative demographic shift toward minority population growth fueled by illegal immigration. At the same time, they brainwashed their increasingly urban, young, coastal tech constituency into embracing a intersectional victim hierarchy, in order to hold together their coalition. Republicans were increasingly squeezed out of their traditional corporate benefactors by ESG, so they turned to populist candidates like Trump, who appealed to white rural voters. A realignment occurred. It's unmistakable. The truly weird thing is going to be the realization in a decade by Democrats that latinos primarily vote conservative. They will suddenly lose interest in illegal immigration and demand reform, border walls, etc to keep from minting new Republicans. Meanwhile, Republicans will be rooting for open borders. Watch: It's going to happen.
This post is exactly right- we are all Americans and must fight to take back our country. Both political parties have betrayed us, but the Democrats are the clear and present danger right now that must be defeated. Political triage to save our country.
I believe Trump had a good heart, but people listened to him, but didn't really observe him. Biden is an blackhearted crook who's never contributed positively to anyone but his family, or anyone that he owes a favor to. He's done more damage to our country over the last two years than any President I've observed in my lifetime, by far.
Sasha you write with amazing insights, reflection and understanding.
Getting the Dems out of power is only a start. Getting them to change their thinking is a much longer battle. That step is like getting family members out of a cult. It goes to the core of their belief and identity. They believe that all the policies you point out make them better people, virtuous, anointed. The emperor has no clothes moment will take more work than one election. Years and years. The future of our country and the world hangs in the balance.
That's the thing about internalizing a victim mentality so well - you become unable to see, accept, or act on criticism and can only shout blame at others for persecuting you.
Good luck with that. The woke Dem drones are Stockholm Syndrome victims. Only extended isolation from their captors will allow them to be de-programmed. But, since the Internet and media feed them reflexive pellets of affirmation like Pavlov's dog, that seems highly unlikely.
Another thing that Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill shared: None was a conventional party politician. Lincoln helped start a third party that won the presidency within a decade and would remain to this day: the Republicans. TR always challenged party orthodoxy and of course started a third party in 1912 that had historic consequences for good and ill. Churchill was notably unsentimental about parties. His affiliations changed from Conservative to Liberal to Independent of several stripes and back to Tory all over again. Yet he never viewed party as his primary identity, even as a politician--and he wasn't shy about saying so.
For many years--I would argue three decades at this point--the Democrats and Republicans have been broken and disserved the country. The intense minority of voters in each bloc of course hasn't seen it that way. They ascribe all manner of unmerited virtues to their most prominent national politicians--and ascribe all manner of overwrought evil to their opponents.
Rather than be a "temporary" Republican or Democrat, it seems past time to move toward structural reform. At the least to be an Independent. Then vote for the best choices one has. Otherwise, one is complicit with a system that I expect will be viewed harshly by future generations.
I'd agree, but I always said I register as a party member so I can vote in the primaries (and I am NOT into open primaries because Dems rig those). If I register as an Independent, I could do what many Democrats did this last primary season and switch to Republican (to vote for whom they thought was the 'worse' Republican) and switch back to being an Independent after the primaries. I think there are one or two states that have regulations, if not laws, against this, but how are they enforced? I personally want the switching to stop as it's a form of fraud.
They lie, they steal and they commit ungodly offenses against children. They support Nazis and deny election fraud. I pray that many more people will come to their senses. Unfortunately, many of our citizens will not recover from the mind control and manipulation. Many are of their father, the devil and will die in their sins. Malcolm X said: "The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."
I agree. Woke Democratic Party has controlled Philly and Chicago for decades and look at the misery the blacks there endure; sky high murders, shootings, assaults and yet near zero arrests, prosecution, incarceration. White liberals have optimized the killing of blacks (eg abortion, murders) and subjected those left with government jobs and government welfare.
Indeed. I lived the Philadelphia experience from '56 to '96. Living in SC Virginia presently. I still see the decay when I visit relatives in Montgomery County, PA. Be well and God bless you 🙏 ✝️🌹🇺🇸
I hope you’re right next month! Whomever runs in 2024 for the Republicans should include Tulsi Gabbard on the ticket. DeSantis and Gabbard would be a great ticket in my mind.
I have issues with Gabbard that unless she soundly rebukes them and shows she's had a complete switch in her thinking, I would not vote for her. They are most all foriegn policy related. Look back on some of her comments and stands on foriegn policy, particularly the middle east. And she's probably too socially liberal for me, although I haven't checked out her stands on these things, to be fair.
Yeah, truthfully, Gabbard would be unacceptable to a lot of Republicans. She supports the Paris Accord, wants to ban fracking and a lot of oil exploration, and she would coddle China. I can't fault her for her Middle East policy, since pretty much the entire status quo has been a failure, aside from Trump's Abraham Accord.
I think conservatives/MAGA’s can respect Gabbard because she is principled and willing to take action when she sees BS even from her own side. They already respect and love Desantis. Real liberals like Gabbard can respect Desantis too for the same reasons. People need to realize you aren’t going to get everything you want from the other side and need to be ok with that. Real liberals and conservatives can coexist. It is the extreme left that can’t live with centrists or even those slanting to the left. That is what her article is all about.
Lol. I only brought her up because Rogan asked if she would run as an independent or 3rd party and she said it can’t be done in this country due to the fact the two parties own the debate rights and won’t allow a 3rd party or independent in, among other things. She would be a decent add for a Republican because she isn’t nuts, she is current member of the army, and she could bring level headed democrats, especially women, to the republicans. Which is why they lost in 2020, or at least part of why. I liked Trump policies but his personality is too much for some and we need sanity to win in these midterms and in 2024, or the country could be lost forever. If the Dems somehow win both, the constitution and bill of rights are done for. They will dismantle them totally. Hell, they flat out ignore them now.
Lol. I agree with the prospects that the other ticket is going to be delusional. Tulsi Gabbard is pro 2A. She is pro choice too, but that has been decided by the SCOTUS that it is a state’s issue now, where it should have been the whole time. Now if one side wants to look to pass legislation, that is another thing, but I can’t ever see that happening. The issue will likely never be able to be compromised on by either side, which is sad it’s own right, so it should stay with the states.
You’re right that we can live together, but how far have we sunk as a political society that you’re discussing voting for someone just because she is semi-sane. Tulsi’s politics have nothing to do with Desantis’. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-life and pro-choice. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-2A and pro-gun control. So sad that it’s even a discussion because we all (here on this forum at least) know that the other ticket is destined to be completely delusional. Like, outer space delusional.
“You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-life and pro-choice. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-2A and pro-gun control. ”
Why can’t you? The country is nearly divided down those lines and we have to think of solutions that work for everybody.
Why must there be a clear “winner” and “loser” on every issue?
Why can’t we have in power people who disagree on important things? This could be a way of ensuring that everyone’s interests are brought to the table.
The problem is that we have lost faith in the good will of those with opposing beliefs. We have come to a point where both sides think (with some justification) "give them an inch, and they will take a mile". Compromise is only possible when there is agreement on fundamental goals, but some disagreement on how to achieve them. I'm not sure there is agreement on fundamentals any more.
That works in the states.. not so much within an administration. They have to work toward the same goals. No MAGA will vote in a Vice President who is for “choice”, because it doesn’t serve their interest. This should be obvious.
Real liberals (a friend started calling herself a "classical liberal" and she voted for Trump) and real conservatives HAVE co-existed for a long time. It wasn't until the neo-Marxist, globalist powers got control of the Democratic party in the early 20th century that things changed. That got even worse when Saul Alinsky and then the Clintons got involved (imagine the USA if the Clintons never got into politics; of the Bushes, for that matter!). The Republicans could've done something right away but they sold out to the military industrial complex and big corporations (the majority of which are now with the Democrats and have been for quite a while).
"Temporary Republican" is a great description for classical liberals who have been abandoned by the Democrat party. Hopefully, the leaders of the Republican party will wake from their uniparty slumber and separate themselves from Democrats with warp speed.
"These are all lies being pushed by the state, forced upon us not just by the media but by the complicit Big Tech and corporate monopolies, all in complete alignment with the Democratic Party." This is front row America as described in Chris Arnade's fantastic book "Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America". The front row has failed us so miserably, my new litmus test for any idea proposed by a politician, government agency, or corporation is the following: What would back row America think?
It’s important to remember that it’s always the catastrophe that brings the people back together during a fourth turning. We are still in the ‘I’m right and your wrong moralizing’ part of the fourth turning. It’s sad to watch and be a part of, but nobody has an incentive to stop proving how right and righteous they are at this point. I’m glad to see the temporary Republicans, but I’m not convinced it’s going to be enough. The Dems and a lot of R’s have made it super easy to know who not to vote for. I just can’t blindly vote for an R just because they have the R these days.
In my state there’s an awful proposal on the ballot to make abortions 100% legal anytime and blows up every restriction we currently have in place regarding it. It also paves the way for unrestricted child mutilation and sterilization. The crazies are out in force promoting this and the R’s are pretty much silent. I really don’t see much activism against this outside the efforts of my church to defeat this. Thank God at least the Catholics are trying to stop this nonsense, but where is everyone else? A lot of the groups you’d expect to hear from are just staying out of it. And if it passes in my state, it will be going to other states next. That should worry everyone who cares about women and children. I think most rational people would agree with legal abortion with restrictions and no child mutilation/sterilization. Once you turn 18 do what you want, but not before. But they are wrapping up in we need abortion and ‘reproductive right’ to be constitutionally protected and not many are talking about the awful details and implications of the text as written. So, I’m just not convinced the moms are going to save us or the temporary Republicans. Feel free to convince I’m wrong. 8-). I’m glad to see how the trend line is skewing, but is it enough? My gut feeling is that this will pass without too much fuss because the R’s aren’t willing to stand up on this. They seem to value their positions more than they value women and kids.
The Republicans in Congress have been emasculated by the left. There are a handful or R's who still have a spine (Hawley, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Jim Jordan, Gaetz, Roy, Cotton, Rand Paul and others). But for every one of them, there are 2-3 spineless, war-mongering cowards like Romney, Graham, McConnell, Kitzinger, Murkowski, McCarthy, etc. I'm not sure how this one gets fixed over the short term because the alternatives in the Democrat party are even more nauseating. But if even half of the House and Senate Republicans would 'grow a pair' - I think things might begin to improve quickly - but I'm not betting the ranch on that happening.
Agree, but voting for an R, any R, takes the crazy D out of the equation. And to be fair, many R's have been attacked with cut-throat, despicable actions by the Dems for half a century or more and so it's more than just "valuing their positions". Justice Kavanaugh not only had (and has) death threats, he had an assassin come to his house, ready to kill him! And yet, the DOJ hasn't stopped the protesting (which is against the law) right outside the conservative justice's houses! I could go on for pages with the horrendous actions done by Dems and so I understand why many Republicans stand down. But cowaring to bullies never works. And yes, plenty just do the least they have to, to keep their jobs.
Sasha, you provided great insights to begin with and now amazingly enough are getting even stronger. I am a vet like Tulsi and am really proud of her for standing up to the Woke and Powerful; just like you are doing now. Thank-you for giving so many of not only a voice but also Hope.
She decided not to wait in line or to hope for them to change. Smart move on her part, she will have a bigger audience now and more opportunities to help us out of this horrible mess. She also knows she is not alone as Sasha points out here.
Well written. I hope sanity prevails, it may be our last chance. Democrats are trying to take kids away if parents don't affirm their gender identity. Here is a guide to the physiognomy and platforms of candidates in they key races:
Great article. Don’t be too surprised or upset if you find yourself the target of Leftist-Orwellian bullying and intimidation from intolerant relatives and self righteous friends. This fellow “Temporary Republican”-classical liberal can’t wait to vote them out
You should put "Temporary Republican" on a t-shirt and sell it, Sasha. It pretty much encapsulates the majority of people I know who are keeping quiet while keeping receipts. Whether that changes the House and Senate remains to be seen, but I think so many are just fed up with the identity politics and social justice issues.
One of the more fascinating things on TV (at least to me) is watching how Bill Maher (after Rob Reiner sat on the panel) now spends most of his show trying to convince everyone that Biden is the best President since Washington but the party he represents are a bunch of knuckleheads. Huh? It feels to me that Bill was going down a very strong path that was telling people it was okay to question the left, but got some marching orders at some point.
Contrast that with Tulsi who is out there just speaking her mind free of any party. I actually don't want her to join a party. She is more effective as a former Democrat who couldn't stomach it anymore and speaks the truth and common sense like you do here.
I don't want party politicians in the future -- I want people who feel free to speak their minds regardless of what the "party platform" is because that's the only way out of this.
But yes, in order to get there we need a boatload of Temporary Republicans to show up in November to be heard. I hope they roar. I keep asking people in NY outside of Brooklyn hipster elites, who are all these people showing up in droves to keep NYC and NY state on the decline it's currently undergoing? Even the Upper East Side/Upper West Side NYC residents are fed up. If Brooklyn, filled with the children of the wealthy who have all the jobs in the media/publishing, is making the decisions for NY State it may be time for me to move.
It was the moms that got us into this in 2020 by voting, not for policy, but to remove a man they found vulgar. I found him a vulgar buffoon as well, but in my career I grew to understand that I needed to separate character from effectiveness. I worked in hospitals and knew a side of doctors that the public never saw. When my wife needed very complicated spine surgery, I took her to a neurosurgeon who I loathed (as did most of the staff) but who had the top skills in his department. I didn't care about bedside manner, I wanted her to recover well, and expeditiously....and she did.
Trump had the best policies of any President that's served in my 65 years, and I didn't care if he was a jackass, he accomplished a tremendous amount.
While the moms ignored all but character in 2020, the were slapped in the face by the horrible policy decisions of the left over the past two years. When they couldn't ignore that they had been lied to by Fauci, who was fully supported by the Dems, and that we threw the kids under the bus with school closures, and then discovered the indoctrination of their children by the teachers unions, they realized that there were things worse than buffoonery. Things that actually damaged our children and society.
I think the moms are going to save us this time, and hopefully don't forget the message in 2024.
Another stellar column Sasha
Nicely put. But you know what is ironic? If the media was honest about Joe Biden rather than propping him up at every opportunity more people would recognize he is just as vulgar and nasty as Trump, possibly even worse. Unfortunately, the gets swept under the carpet.
Far worse. Biden is a vicious demagogue when his Prevagen is peaking. Witness the "blood soaked walls" speech in Philly, for example.
I know, and the media licks his hand like a puppy dog.
I felt safer when Trump was president. He has a brilliant memory and often pokes fun at himself. Bullets just bounce off of him. You want a smooth talker to rob the country blind and leave it crumbling, you had one. Get over Trump's personality. I ❤️ Trump. Thanks Sasha.
I think you meant to say "you have one". Biden is the "smooth talker" (when he can talk) and Trump was and is the inarticulate one (as a commenter once said, "My 13 year old daughter is more articulate than Trump"), unfortunately (as Ben Franklin said "A more generous God would've allowed better circumstances/a better situation", paraphrased). Biden is in the proces of "robbing the country blind and leaving it crumbling" and I think the DNC, with it's load of cash, will probably take many Senate Republican wins to court to try and get the election flipped. I hope the RNC backs up the Republicans.
For me Biden is more like a bumbling fool. Obama was the ultimate smooth talker, big on promises short on delivery. Trump speaks plainly and is a very measured speaker. Nobody interpreted Reagan's folksy rhetoric as him being a dimwit. On Substack there are many lawyers who speak like lawyers even in casual comments, it's tedious and tiring to read.
People just cannot put themselves in a Trump voter's shoes and see what could possibly appeal to them, and here is proof. Saying "I can't give my opinion about your comment without attempting to correct it to the proper ideology" just proves SS's point, doesn't it.
Trump *is* brash and annoying and I hope he fades into obscurity, but he is also quite clearly touching a nerve with the middle class that Democrats haven't been able to find for a very long time. He speaks for his followers and does it very very well. These focus on Trump's personality rather than what he is saying to their peril.
The Left's Achilles Heel is mockery. That is how you beat them.
They are so used to being on the dispensing side that when someone like Tucker Carlson makes fun of their arguments, they either think he is being stupid or they fact check him.
They have no response to it, because they are fundamentally humorless people.
They are also susceptible to mockery because their social standing is so very important to them. I had a Ph.D. beg me to stop using "lol" in my responses to his comments on a Wall Street Journal article because it was upsetting. Seriously. Sneering condescension and contempt is their kryptonite - when someone just as intelligent and educated and well-read as them treats them like scum, they tend to fold fairly quickly. They're so used to being acknowledged as the smartest person in the room that when they're not, they have no coping mechanism available. (This is also why people like John Cleese, Bill Maher, etc., are proving to be "uncancellable" - they so look down on the woke that the woke don't know how to handle them.)
The thing about the educated is that they really suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect. Just because you are a real expert in gender studies, entomology or philosophy doesn't make you smart about business, dealing with people or politics.
That's when I realised that a realignment of the parties had really happened--when the right became the side with humour and satire. I used to love the Colbert Report. Now, my favourite book is The End of the World is Flat by Simon Edge. In all seriousness, I'll side with whoever can take a joke.
When I was growing up, the Democrats were the Deltas and the Republicans were the Omegas.
Today, the Democrats are the Omegas and the Republicans are the Deltas.
The great realignment had to do with tech power and money. Democrats trailed heavily in campaign financing and were mostly taking money from labor unions and individuals; while Republicans were mining big money from Wall Street and corporates. Democrats decided to ditch their traditional constituencies (mostly, just paying them lip service and throwing them a bone whenever possible, but essentially ignoring them), and focused on a highly speculative demographic shift toward minority population growth fueled by illegal immigration. At the same time, they brainwashed their increasingly urban, young, coastal tech constituency into embracing a intersectional victim hierarchy, in order to hold together their coalition. Republicans were increasingly squeezed out of their traditional corporate benefactors by ESG, so they turned to populist candidates like Trump, who appealed to white rural voters. A realignment occurred. It's unmistakable. The truly weird thing is going to be the realization in a decade by Democrats that latinos primarily vote conservative. They will suddenly lose interest in illegal immigration and demand reform, border walls, etc to keep from minting new Republicans. Meanwhile, Republicans will be rooting for open borders. Watch: It's going to happen.
This post is exactly right- we are all Americans and must fight to take back our country. Both political parties have betrayed us, but the Democrats are the clear and present danger right now that must be defeated. Political triage to save our country.
The centre is getting more and more fed up with both left and right. They've both been reprehensible toddlers.
True. But we have to deal with the toddlers who are bullying the others first.
what do you propose?
Sasha's post is far more eloquent than I could be in answering that question. First step - remove them from power.
Trump's policies were actually very good. People just need to get over Trump personality. Trump was reducing wars and bringing peace and prosperity.
I believe Trump had a good heart, but people listened to him, but didn't really observe him. Biden is an blackhearted crook who's never contributed positively to anyone but his family, or anyone that he owes a favor to. He's done more damage to our country over the last two years than any President I've observed in my lifetime, by far.
Sasha you write with amazing insights, reflection and understanding.
Getting the Dems out of power is only a start. Getting them to change their thinking is a much longer battle. That step is like getting family members out of a cult. It goes to the core of their belief and identity. They believe that all the policies you point out make them better people, virtuous, anointed. The emperor has no clothes moment will take more work than one election. Years and years. The future of our country and the world hangs in the balance.
That's the thing about internalizing a victim mentality so well - you become unable to see, accept, or act on criticism and can only shout blame at others for persecuting you.
Good luck with that. The woke Dem drones are Stockholm Syndrome victims. Only extended isolation from their captors will allow them to be de-programmed. But, since the Internet and media feed them reflexive pellets of affirmation like Pavlov's dog, that seems highly unlikely.
Another thing that Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill shared: None was a conventional party politician. Lincoln helped start a third party that won the presidency within a decade and would remain to this day: the Republicans. TR always challenged party orthodoxy and of course started a third party in 1912 that had historic consequences for good and ill. Churchill was notably unsentimental about parties. His affiliations changed from Conservative to Liberal to Independent of several stripes and back to Tory all over again. Yet he never viewed party as his primary identity, even as a politician--and he wasn't shy about saying so.
For many years--I would argue three decades at this point--the Democrats and Republicans have been broken and disserved the country. The intense minority of voters in each bloc of course hasn't seen it that way. They ascribe all manner of unmerited virtues to their most prominent national politicians--and ascribe all manner of overwrought evil to their opponents.
Rather than be a "temporary" Republican or Democrat, it seems past time to move toward structural reform. At the least to be an Independent. Then vote for the best choices one has. Otherwise, one is complicit with a system that I expect will be viewed harshly by future generations.
I'd agree, but I always said I register as a party member so I can vote in the primaries (and I am NOT into open primaries because Dems rig those). If I register as an Independent, I could do what many Democrats did this last primary season and switch to Republican (to vote for whom they thought was the 'worse' Republican) and switch back to being an Independent after the primaries. I think there are one or two states that have regulations, if not laws, against this, but how are they enforced? I personally want the switching to stop as it's a form of fraud.
They lie, they steal and they commit ungodly offenses against children. They support Nazis and deny election fraud. I pray that many more people will come to their senses. Unfortunately, many of our citizens will not recover from the mind control and manipulation. Many are of their father, the devil and will die in their sins. Malcolm X said: "The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."
I agree. Woke Democratic Party has controlled Philly and Chicago for decades and look at the misery the blacks there endure; sky high murders, shootings, assaults and yet near zero arrests, prosecution, incarceration. White liberals have optimized the killing of blacks (eg abortion, murders) and subjected those left with government jobs and government welfare.
Indeed. I lived the Philadelphia experience from '56 to '96. Living in SC Virginia presently. I still see the decay when I visit relatives in Montgomery County, PA. Be well and God bless you 🙏 ✝️🌹🇺🇸
I hope you’re right next month! Whomever runs in 2024 for the Republicans should include Tulsi Gabbard on the ticket. DeSantis and Gabbard would be a great ticket in my mind.
I have issues with Gabbard that unless she soundly rebukes them and shows she's had a complete switch in her thinking, I would not vote for her. They are most all foriegn policy related. Look back on some of her comments and stands on foriegn policy, particularly the middle east. And she's probably too socially liberal for me, although I haven't checked out her stands on these things, to be fair.
Yeah, truthfully, Gabbard would be unacceptable to a lot of Republicans. She supports the Paris Accord, wants to ban fracking and a lot of oil exploration, and she would coddle China. I can't fault her for her Middle East policy, since pretty much the entire status quo has been a failure, aside from Trump's Abraham Accord.
Great way to lose the election. Just saying. Alienate the MAGAs and the liberals all at once.
I think conservatives/MAGA’s can respect Gabbard because she is principled and willing to take action when she sees BS even from her own side. They already respect and love Desantis. Real liberals like Gabbard can respect Desantis too for the same reasons. People need to realize you aren’t going to get everything you want from the other side and need to be ok with that. Real liberals and conservatives can coexist. It is the extreme left that can’t live with centrists or even those slanting to the left. That is what her article is all about.
Lol. I only brought her up because Rogan asked if she would run as an independent or 3rd party and she said it can’t be done in this country due to the fact the two parties own the debate rights and won’t allow a 3rd party or independent in, among other things. She would be a decent add for a Republican because she isn’t nuts, she is current member of the army, and she could bring level headed democrats, especially women, to the republicans. Which is why they lost in 2020, or at least part of why. I liked Trump policies but his personality is too much for some and we need sanity to win in these midterms and in 2024, or the country could be lost forever. If the Dems somehow win both, the constitution and bill of rights are done for. They will dismantle them totally. Hell, they flat out ignore them now.
I think she’d be a net loss. But i could be wrong
Lol. I agree with the prospects that the other ticket is going to be delusional. Tulsi Gabbard is pro 2A. She is pro choice too, but that has been decided by the SCOTUS that it is a state’s issue now, where it should have been the whole time. Now if one side wants to look to pass legislation, that is another thing, but I can’t ever see that happening. The issue will likely never be able to be compromised on by either side, which is sad it’s own right, so it should stay with the states.
Alright, so it could be a “states rights, pro 2A ticket. Maybe.
You’re right that we can live together, but how far have we sunk as a political society that you’re discussing voting for someone just because she is semi-sane. Tulsi’s politics have nothing to do with Desantis’. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-life and pro-choice. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-2A and pro-gun control. So sad that it’s even a discussion because we all (here on this forum at least) know that the other ticket is destined to be completely delusional. Like, outer space delusional.
“You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-life and pro-choice. You can’t have a ticket that is both pro-2A and pro-gun control. ”
Why can’t you? The country is nearly divided down those lines and we have to think of solutions that work for everybody.
Why must there be a clear “winner” and “loser” on every issue?
Why can’t we have in power people who disagree on important things? This could be a way of ensuring that everyone’s interests are brought to the table.
The problem is that we have lost faith in the good will of those with opposing beliefs. We have come to a point where both sides think (with some justification) "give them an inch, and they will take a mile". Compromise is only possible when there is agreement on fundamental goals, but some disagreement on how to achieve them. I'm not sure there is agreement on fundamentals any more.
That works in the states.. not so much within an administration. They have to work toward the same goals. No MAGA will vote in a Vice President who is for “choice”, because it doesn’t serve their interest. This should be obvious.
Real liberals (a friend started calling herself a "classical liberal" and she voted for Trump) and real conservatives HAVE co-existed for a long time. It wasn't until the neo-Marxist, globalist powers got control of the Democratic party in the early 20th century that things changed. That got even worse when Saul Alinsky and then the Clintons got involved (imagine the USA if the Clintons never got into politics; of the Bushes, for that matter!). The Republicans could've done something right away but they sold out to the military industrial complex and big corporations (the majority of which are now with the Democrats and have been for quite a while).
Thank you for How you write. The calm and steadiness in your tone. Your chosen words.
Well done and please keep it up!
"Temporary Republican" is a great description for classical liberals who have been abandoned by the Democrat party. Hopefully, the leaders of the Republican party will wake from their uniparty slumber and separate themselves from Democrats with warp speed.
"These are all lies being pushed by the state, forced upon us not just by the media but by the complicit Big Tech and corporate monopolies, all in complete alignment with the Democratic Party." This is front row America as described in Chris Arnade's fantastic book "Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America". The front row has failed us so miserably, my new litmus test for any idea proposed by a politician, government agency, or corporation is the following: What would back row America think?
Real Clear Politics, AGAIN!! So happy your audience is expanding -- Congrats!
It’s important to remember that it’s always the catastrophe that brings the people back together during a fourth turning. We are still in the ‘I’m right and your wrong moralizing’ part of the fourth turning. It’s sad to watch and be a part of, but nobody has an incentive to stop proving how right and righteous they are at this point. I’m glad to see the temporary Republicans, but I’m not convinced it’s going to be enough. The Dems and a lot of R’s have made it super easy to know who not to vote for. I just can’t blindly vote for an R just because they have the R these days.
In my state there’s an awful proposal on the ballot to make abortions 100% legal anytime and blows up every restriction we currently have in place regarding it. It also paves the way for unrestricted child mutilation and sterilization. The crazies are out in force promoting this and the R’s are pretty much silent. I really don’t see much activism against this outside the efforts of my church to defeat this. Thank God at least the Catholics are trying to stop this nonsense, but where is everyone else? A lot of the groups you’d expect to hear from are just staying out of it. And if it passes in my state, it will be going to other states next. That should worry everyone who cares about women and children. I think most rational people would agree with legal abortion with restrictions and no child mutilation/sterilization. Once you turn 18 do what you want, but not before. But they are wrapping up in we need abortion and ‘reproductive right’ to be constitutionally protected and not many are talking about the awful details and implications of the text as written. So, I’m just not convinced the moms are going to save us or the temporary Republicans. Feel free to convince I’m wrong. 8-). I’m glad to see how the trend line is skewing, but is it enough? My gut feeling is that this will pass without too much fuss because the R’s aren’t willing to stand up on this. They seem to value their positions more than they value women and kids.
The Republicans in Congress have been emasculated by the left. There are a handful or R's who still have a spine (Hawley, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Jim Jordan, Gaetz, Roy, Cotton, Rand Paul and others). But for every one of them, there are 2-3 spineless, war-mongering cowards like Romney, Graham, McConnell, Kitzinger, Murkowski, McCarthy, etc. I'm not sure how this one gets fixed over the short term because the alternatives in the Democrat party are even more nauseating. But if even half of the House and Senate Republicans would 'grow a pair' - I think things might begin to improve quickly - but I'm not betting the ranch on that happening.
There will be some new blood coming into Congress this January and they are NOT the "ball-less" kind!
Agree, but voting for an R, any R, takes the crazy D out of the equation. And to be fair, many R's have been attacked with cut-throat, despicable actions by the Dems for half a century or more and so it's more than just "valuing their positions". Justice Kavanaugh not only had (and has) death threats, he had an assassin come to his house, ready to kill him! And yet, the DOJ hasn't stopped the protesting (which is against the law) right outside the conservative justice's houses! I could go on for pages with the horrendous actions done by Dems and so I understand why many Republicans stand down. But cowaring to bullies never works. And yes, plenty just do the least they have to, to keep their jobs.
Sasha, you provided great insights to begin with and now amazingly enough are getting even stronger. I am a vet like Tulsi and am really proud of her for standing up to the Woke and Powerful; just like you are doing now. Thank-you for giving so many of not only a voice but also Hope.
She decided not to wait in line or to hope for them to change. Smart move on her part, she will have a bigger audience now and more opportunities to help us out of this horrible mess. She also knows she is not alone as Sasha points out here.
Well written. I hope sanity prevails, it may be our last chance. Democrats are trying to take kids away if parents don't affirm their gender identity. Here is a guide to the physiognomy and platforms of candidates in they key races:
Great article. Don’t be too surprised or upset if you find yourself the target of Leftist-Orwellian bullying and intimidation from intolerant relatives and self righteous friends. This fellow “Temporary Republican”-classical liberal can’t wait to vote them out
You should put "Temporary Republican" on a t-shirt and sell it, Sasha. It pretty much encapsulates the majority of people I know who are keeping quiet while keeping receipts. Whether that changes the House and Senate remains to be seen, but I think so many are just fed up with the identity politics and social justice issues.
One of the more fascinating things on TV (at least to me) is watching how Bill Maher (after Rob Reiner sat on the panel) now spends most of his show trying to convince everyone that Biden is the best President since Washington but the party he represents are a bunch of knuckleheads. Huh? It feels to me that Bill was going down a very strong path that was telling people it was okay to question the left, but got some marching orders at some point.
Contrast that with Tulsi who is out there just speaking her mind free of any party. I actually don't want her to join a party. She is more effective as a former Democrat who couldn't stomach it anymore and speaks the truth and common sense like you do here.
I don't want party politicians in the future -- I want people who feel free to speak their minds regardless of what the "party platform" is because that's the only way out of this.
But yes, in order to get there we need a boatload of Temporary Republicans to show up in November to be heard. I hope they roar. I keep asking people in NY outside of Brooklyn hipster elites, who are all these people showing up in droves to keep NYC and NY state on the decline it's currently undergoing? Even the Upper East Side/Upper West Side NYC residents are fed up. If Brooklyn, filled with the children of the wealthy who have all the jobs in the media/publishing, is making the decisions for NY State it may be time for me to move.