
I have been going to MV for 30 years. It’s progressive credentials are well established. As you enter a prominent intersection in Chilmark, you are greeted w a sign inviting you join in a Black Lives Matter community kneel every Sunday at 9 am.

For the last decade or so MV has had a recurring labor shortage. Construction, landscaping and other “trades” are chronically short of people. Same w restaurants. They have been partially filled w Baltic and Balkan Europeans.

The truth is MV needs more workers. But I guess not brown workers.

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The MV community are doing themselves a disservice by not having their high school kids work these jobs. It is so important for kids to work (ideally labor-rich jobs) during high school to build work ethic, character and moral fiber. My husband and I did it growing up & I will make sure my kids do when they are older. Kids that don’t work end up with no purpose, no character, spend too much time online & on antidepressants due to the above.

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Kind of like how NPR covers the war / tragedy of the Ukraine war. But barely gives notice to the multiple other tragic conflicts in Africa or Middle East.

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Or how many Christians are killed daily. Or churches are destroyed.

Anyone really believe that Notre Dame was really a cigarette fire? We are the most killed rn of any religion (except maybe in China)

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Or provides the recent history behind the conflict, the U.S. led Maidan coup that toppled the duly elected President who just so happened to want closer relations with Moscow. The people of Donbass (Russian majority) who were told their language and culture would be stripped from them by the U.S. (NATO) installed regime in Kiev. After the Donbass citizens voted in referendum to break away as independent republics the Ukrainian AZOV Nazis led a military assault on the region killing thousands (thanks John McCain and Vicky Nuland). Back in March little Zelinsky was about to negotiate a peace deal with Russia brokered by Turkey and true to form, BOJO flew to Kiev and Nuland to Istanbul to scuttle the deal. Now thousands dead.

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For sixty years I’ve been hearing “ All politics are personal”, “Question Authority”, “If you aren’t angry you’re not paying attention “. Now that the Left has captured all the levers, all we hear is “ shut up” “ nothing to see” “ “ you are a Nazi “ ….. fill in the blank

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This whole thing is so comical. The more the left beats their chest with righteous indignation and calls DeSantis et.al "monsters" they more they broadcast to the world their intolerant xenophobic bigotry. They really should be helping finance the relocation of "assylum seekers" to their sanctuaries.

Virtue untested, is no virtue at all.

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Illegal immigration. I’ve wondered for 20 years what is going on with our government and illegals.

I work at a small manufacturing company. Many of our production employees are Mexican immigrants. About 15 years ago, we started getting letters from SSA notifying us that “reported SSNs and names didn’t match”. Of course that was because employees gave us forged ID cards.

BUT, the government letters warned us that it was illegal to fire these people. Instead, we were to give them the opportunity to “rectify” the error. Of course, they simply procured new fake ID’s, and we would receive another notice the next year. Eventually we gave up on hiring employees, and only used temps for our production.

But I always wondered why the government made it clear that we could not fire people based on their presumed illegal immigrant status. Why do they seem to want to keep illegals employed? I thought it was to shore up Social Security- illegals forced to contribute through payroll deductions, but they would never collect. After all, the SSN was invalid.

They could have stopped this years ago. Clearly they did not want it to stop.

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they need their names on the voting rolls. They either make sure they go out and vote D, or if they don’t vote, the DS will vote for them. Obama did this to Ohio. He changed entire communities into Somalia communities where boys are taught not to listen to women - so imagine the schools systems now. Crime came to Ohio, Dem ran cities & school systems came to Ohio. Then he closed our factories....I miss the Ohio I grew up in. Most Ohioans do🥺😢

Sadly, it isn’t just Ohio....

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Cheaper labor as well. Trump's policies were raising the demand for employees which raised labor costs. Good for America and the little people, but not for the globalist American oligarchs in both parties. That is one of the reasons the current occupant of the WH was installed(look up Molly Ball's lengthy article from Time 2/5/21).

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You are disconnected, sir. Sorry.

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Wages rise when the economy grows and it has stagnated or declined under JoeBama, buddy.

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GOP never lost control of Ohio they always had one chamber in the state congress and only very very briefly lost the state house.

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Except it hasnt grown Apr 26, 2021 — Ohio comes up about 11400 short of enough to retain its 16 U.S. House seats for the 2022-2030 elections. WOMP WOMP WOMP

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"A walled-off aristocracy that cares only about their own image can’t survive with a majority of forgotten people banging on the castle walls."

It can if locks up enough of those banging on the walls, which the wholly corrupted DoJ is in the process of not only doing but expanding. Put the fear of God in the proles and they will be too afraid to step out of line. Just wait until those 87K armed-and-willing-to-use-deadly-force IRS agents come knocking on your door. Better take down that Trump banner.

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What a pleasure to be recently introduced to your thoughtful essays. I look forward to future essays guided by principles and a search of truth.

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Whenever I walk by a house sporting a BLM or rainbow flag or a poster proclaiming “In this house...”, I immediately think that in that house resides a moron.

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We had a house a neighborhood over that proclaimed Biden for Prez. Then last year, after Afghanistan, it was FJB spelled out. His neighbors forced him to take it down "bc I feel threatened he'll hurt me when I walk past.". Seriously?? FJB people aren't violent. I just thought he finally wised up. And now he knows his neighbors are wacko...

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DeSantis' "stunt" won my vote. That's it. And I know I'm not alone.

I'm usually long winded in here, but I'll keep it short -- Sasha? This was brilliant. You're on fire lately. This sentence may be the best thing I've seen written anywhere in quite some time, "Twitter has become not a hub for news but the reflecting pool of Narcissus, to tell the alpha voices of the Left how virtuous they are. Narcissus fell in love with his own image and stared at it for the rest of his life. So too have the Biden Democrats fallen for their own publicity."

Please reach your hand up in front of your screen and accept my high-five. That is outstanding writing.

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Progressives are the masters of the costless virtue signal. Good on DeSantis for goading them into putting their money where their virtue-signaling mouth is.

Oh, and the MSM's sprint straight to Godwin had to set a land speed record.

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Well, the Democrats DON'T possess any moral superiority. They only think they do - which, in the world of organized religion, we call "sanctimony." And it's no more attractive when smugly exhibited by secularists than it is by the supposedly faithful.

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The progressive left is the same breed of cat as the religious right.

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I disagree. I think that the sanctimonious maskers/follow without common sense/bossy lefties are the SAME people who give religion a bad name; they simply have a new ‘religion.’ I have been searching for a church in our suburban philly community. Every Protestant church I have found except for the Mennonite down the road is Woke. Rainbow flags outside with crt now part of their tenants. I read several “about us” descriptions and it is a top down issued demand. Even the Baptist church, I was assured by a member, is ‘far from the old Right church it used to be.’

I can’t find farRight religion anywhere. We may try the Mennonite Church; I had a Dunkard uncle generations ago…I have asked around and we can’t find moderate much less FAR right religion.

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Agreed. The first order of business for fascists of all stripes is to marginalize or destroy organized religion because they represent legitimate competition to the new religion of the state. The new Technopoly is every bit as religious as Christianity, Judaism or Islam -- but not nearly as compassionate or life-affirming. Our families and communities are dying because we have replaced God with Google, Facebook and Apple. The old school religions in the 21st century cede control of our lives to us. The new, drug-induced religions based of quasi-science and technique cede control of our lives to the state.

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What about Latter Day Saints?

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Peace Lutheran Church in King of Prussia will preach the Bible, with no rainbow flags or CRT.

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You might try one of the Eastern churches - Greek Orthodox, Coptic, Armenian, Melkite, etc. All very traditional, all very loving and welcoming and mostly unwoke.

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Thank you. My husband’s family was Byzantine Catholic, I have a friend who is Greek Orthodox. I am concerned that Western Churches are systematically being eliminated. I have several friends who are in the same quandary. I never, ever thought I would hear a Baptist tell me they are left of moderate! I firmly believe we need to return to Judeau (sp) Christian values to survive and my path to find a church over the past few years has frightened me.

Have you noticed this trend? (I am not sure how welcoming Armenians are. I know the culture….)

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It's also an interesting phenomenon that the faster a congregation embraces secular woke beliefs in lieu of traditional Christianity, the faster it empties its pews. The Methodists, Episcopalians and the Presbyterian Church of the USA have all dramatically shrunk in recent years.

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The Armenian priests tend to be very welcoming - they are, after all, in the business of saving souls and sharing the Good News. ;-) If you prefer Western liturgies, you might visit an Ordinariate parish - these are former Episcopalian congregations that have converted to Catholicism, are in communion with Rome, and celebrate the Anglican rite. There is one in Bridgeport - https://www.sjbbridgeport.org

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Any evangelical church?

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Find a nondenominational church. The denominations have been sunk for decades

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The modern left and culture reminds me 100% of Catholic school run by nuns.

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I was taught by nuns 1-8 and priests 9-12 as well as graduate school. My experience was that nuns and priests were from poor hard working families mostly and that they valued hard work, faith, charity, country and Jesus.

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I hate to say it but I think allowing women to be clergy in Prot churches seems to be a bad choice. They are more woke than philosophers or scholars. Attended RC college. You are right! No offense abt Armenians btw, but the ones I knew had goal of marrying and keeping the bloodlines. Def walls while being gracious. Part of community churches is helping young find mates with same values, hopefully no feuds.;) thank you for your insights.

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When you write ignorant stuff like that, you remind me of the wokester lefties you claim to oppose.

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12 years of Catholic education gives me all the knowledge I need about the subject, skippy.

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I had 16 years Catholic education- Sisters of Mercy and Jesuits; you must have been absent the day they taught Religion.

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Lol - apparently not. Don't try pulling rank on another cradle Catholic, buttercup. Might want to go back and actually learn what you skipped over all those years. Bigotry against the faith that raised you is still bigotry - and if you're somehow confusing woke ideologues with Catholicism, you missed more than a little.

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Except they don't even have belief in an omniscient God to put a little humility and fear into their step.

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I wonder if any of the leftists in MV noted that the immigrants were from Venezuela. Illegals fleeing the results of the system put in place there following the same premises that leftists advocate for here in the US. Venezuela was one of the wealthiest South American countries before Chavez came to power not so many years ago. Not one person on MV will make the connection between a socialist system and thousands of immigrants fleeing.

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I keep on hearing about how Red Wave is gone. But then I look at pools from NV, AZ, GA, NH, PA, WI and they all show Republicans either up or in the margin of error. Polls have definitely tightened. But we'll see.

We are heading towards some sort of confrontation. People who love power as much as our elites won't give it up without a fight.

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Terrific, Sasha! There seems to be a direct correlation between the moral hectoring of those who populate the woke left and the ease with which they jettison it the moment reality intrudes: The more morally strident they become, the easier it is for them to set their morality aside when confronted with inconvenient truths. It's a signal symptom of the drug-induced mass psychosis that provides them with collegial succor in their hypocrisy and a convenient enemy in you and me.

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Sobering warnings from Hanson and Luntz.

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Thank you for your thoughts. It was right on point.

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Sasha is a brilliant new voice on the scene.

The left has radicalized a generation -- make that several -- and we are now finally seeing the fruits of "the long march through the institutions". The rapidity of demands that the populace now comply with transgender surgery on minors, or men in women's sports, or ending proactive policing, or open borders, or tripling the price of energy is terrifying.

People of conscience who still care about this country need to wake up that the next few elections are about saving civilization from a Balkan- or Rwanda-style self-immolation in civil war over ethnic tensions. Despite all the pap, the left is clearly far more addicted to identity politics than the right.

Every single index of human flourishing I can think of gets worse under Democratic rule. Crime, educational failure, teenage mental illness, border chaos, energy inflation, economic dislocation, lockdowns, masking toddlers, lying about a "climate crisis", journalism, comedy, you name it.

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