I am a well-educated retired teacher who will proudly vote for President Trump. What kind of leader would call half of his fellow Americans “ garbage”? I realize his cognitive dissonance affects his intellect and his lack of vocabulary, but his remark is indefensible.

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As people reach Biden's age they sometimes lose their filter and say things they would not if their filter was still working. Call it cognitive dissonance or a common aspect of some older folk, but with the filter off you get to know how the truth of how the person thinks and feels.

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I am an older folk 87 years old to be exact but I do not believe that I suffer from cognitive dissonance or whatever it is you call it. Biden suffers from diagnosed dementia which many of us do not. So please don't say

many older adults which is such an insult to those of us who are fighting for peace and unity and love in this world. I hate these generalizations no matter how they're applied or from w h o m.They are unfair to everybody who is called garbage as well as everybody who is called an older person who has no filter.

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You are right about not connecting Biden's anger and lies. What I have learned by having a parent who had dementia, is that the "real person" comes out well before documented dementia. Angry people become very nasty, even violent. Loving people cry easily and are frail. Many people can see the signs of early dementia, as we did when Biden was running for President in 2020. People, who don't know just think because he is old, he is confused, but it isn't age, it is an illness.

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Glad you are doing well at 87. If you review my post you will see I said "sometimes" so clearly it doesn't apply to everybody, certainly not to you. May your blessings continue.

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My filter is that I give a shit. If I don't give a shit, poof, filter is gone.

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That's a good one. Made me laugh out loud.

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My Grandma (Dad's Ma), lived to 98, mind sharp as a razor. There was a large picture on her wall of here school mates from the early 20's--all around 5 years old...at 98ish she still knew everyone's name, nicknames, stories

Anyway, when Gram passed away, my wife and I thought that she'd just had enough of burying everyone she knew, son, daughter, granddaughter, husband, etc..it got so hard for her.

But, yeah, I agree, don't generalize 'old people.' My 10 year old has more sense than some people I know in their 40s...my Gram was sharper than most 20-30 somethings in her 90s.

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I do understand because I am 83.5 years old.

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Because when you get old you can't remember anything.

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I understand because I am 83.5 years old.

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Don’t call it cognitive dissonance, that’s an entirely different thing. I think you mean cognitive decline perhaps?

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I’m waiting for him to slip up and say something to the extent of “too bad we missed.”

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Oct 30Edited

What is mind-boggling, is that Democrats don't get that if they succeeded in convincing folks that Donald Trump is a Nazi Hitler-in-waiting, the first in line to actually take Trump out would be rightwing, conservative, patriotic, American veterans. It would be our duty (the only moral dilemma is would we hesitate to take baby Hitler out in his crib, if we had the chance).

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True. Patriots want righteousness to prevail. Not the right. If Trump or Vance or anybody else in their orbit were shown to be an actual dictator, God help them. No leader or army in the history of civilization has been successful in holding territory long term without the will of the governed.

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He probably has, but it's been edited out

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Cognitive dissonance would not be the term. Cognitive impairment, yes. He's barely there and we don't even talk about who's actually running the country. The media is complicit and treasonous.

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And how old was Biden when he ranted on C-Span about protecting his women from the irredeemable black teenage boys who were the targets of his crime bill?

The establishment media has been operating as his “filter” for a long time. They’ve managed to memory-hole his worst moments, but a lot of us still know what we’ve heard and seen.

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I think Joe and Jill are very angry with the left. The Bidens sold their souls for power, and followed the activist agenda. In return, they were kicked to the curb. These comments so detrimental to Kamala are a passive aggressive form of payback.

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100% Jude!!!! I said the same thing to my husband this morning. It was not a mistake. It was a deliberate strike to make her look even worse than she does already. This move was directed at Obama & Pelosi & Schumer & HRC & Harris-----the cabal that kicked him to the curb. I'm sure Jill thinks up the most effective weapons.

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Well, to be fair, I think that the Bidens violated the implicit deal that was put in front of them back in 2020: Be President for a single term and, then, hand the reins to someone else. Remember: they referred to Biden as a "transitional" leader. But, I think that the Bidens became a little too comfy with presidential power; it enriched their family (illegally), and scratched an itch that Biden had for 50 years. So, they refused to budge. Which left the Democrats in a bind: Biden was clearly not functional, and they just couldn't hide it. Still, yes, you can tell that the Bidens are angry about getting kicked to the curb but, frankly, they deserved it.

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That's what Denocrats do, use people and discard them when they're no longer useful.

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Somebody once used this phrase: "Democrats bury their political dead; Republicans dig them up."

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dR. Frankenstein.

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It's possible but impossible to prove. The fact that he makes such blunders, though, is the very reason it's been reported that they are continually trying to blow him off from having any involvement in her campaign. It's hard to imagine that he holds no animosity.

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But it's so typical of the people with whom they associate. What's that saying about lying down with dogs?

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I'm not sure he really meant to. I listened to the tape. But . . . as Sasha Stone points out . . . if we hold them to the same standards they hold Trump and the Republicans or really anyone they don't like, yes, it becomes indefensible.

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Lillia, like you, I imagine we've all listened to the recorded commentary he made. What within it gives you doubts?

I agree that his cognitive state can certainly be used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he did say what he said. It wasn't ambiguous.

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Here is how one could interpret the sentence: "The only garbage I see floating around is his supports' [garbage]." It's almost as bad, but not quite.

I tend to agree that he probably meant Trump supporters because he's elderly, he has no filter, and he likes acting like a tough guy with the trash talk (pardon the pun).

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I see. Hmmm. I heard he clarified his statement, but I didn't actually hear what his clarification was. Was that it?

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His office sent out a tweet (https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1851436643498037614) and his staff "clarified" with a "transcript," which you can find at the end of this article (https://nypost.com/2024/10/30/us-news/bidens-garbage-comment-due-to-missing-apostrophe-white-house/).

And, yes, that was sort of it. His office said he was referring to the comedian. The pronouns are kind of a mess. Read for yourself. I'm not sure the excuse works.

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Let’s not kid ourselves. Joe Biden isn’t keying text into X/twitter.

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You would have to have that deeply rooted feeling and attitude in order to vocalize it. Biden's dementia just has made him more honest. He can't control as easily his deceptions, which he was very good at as a lifetime politician. Kamala is also very deceptive. In that way, she is a perfect politician, though maybe not adequately shrewd. Trump, on the other hand, is also painfully truthful (with some braggadocio and exaggeration thrown in). And it hurts him.

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My brilliant father was consumed by dementia during his final months. A lot of what he said was gibberish but occasionally he came up with some zingers. Having often been the subject of his evaluations when he was coherent, I saw his late stage zingers coming from the coherent part of his remaining consciousness. I see Biden's comment the same way. He meant it.

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Trump truthfulness is a breath of fresh air from all the clown show political double speak we have been exposed to for decades. Don't be offended by direct and precise facts & statements.

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Lol. I wouldn't call Harris "the perfect politician," unless you mean that her moral emptiness makes her ideal.

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Perfect vassal.

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I was going to write it off to what ever it is he is suffering from but remembered he's said some foul things in the past before his condition started, so I'm gonna go with this is just Joe.

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Agree, and a retired teacher here as well!

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And he meant it.

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That Biden said this is unsurprising and insignificant; everyone with his eyes open has seen that this is how Democrats have perceived non-Democrats for a hundred years.

The scandal worth our attention is the media's hasty editing of the transcript and declaration that Biden didn't really say that. This from the same media who salivate at the chance to turn sketchy audio into an "N-word" or some other scandal that it clearly wasn't if the speaker has an "R" by his name.

The media behavior is also not new at all, but it's more likely to open the eyes of the blind.

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With the White House ‘edit’ I could help think again of the 60 Minutes edit.

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Joe has always had a nasty streak just under the surface. Calling everyone garbage is completely in character. Pre old age he might have kept that remark to behind closed doors. But is accurately reflects how he feels.

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Reminds me of Hillary's "basket of deplorables" comment a few weeks before the 2016 election

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Just curious, have you listened to what Trump says about half of the country?

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Of course Biden meant what he said - his history of this kind of remark goes back quite a while. Don't forget the infamous 'Red Speech' in Philly, or the post George Floyd verdict speech. I've never believed the kindly old grandpa image. One thing I've always always liked about Trump is that he may criticize opponents but he does not denigrate average American people the way Democrats do.

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Indeed. Biden is a hateful, spiteful man. He would destroy anybody that goes up against him, given the chance.

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I just read a book by Mike McCormick who was a White House stenographer, and he says Biden is a malevolent man.

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"A truly great society is one in which being unpopular can be safe." -- Words we can actually live by.

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Words for which the Constitution was written. America, at its founding, was a Land for Misfits

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Dr Drew last night on Gutfeld commented that until a few years ago the only people he remembers calling other people Nazi or Hitler were patients in mental institutions and now it's normalized by the left.

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I once asked my manager why a certain famous band didn’t write good songs anymore, and he said because they take limousines.

That sums up what you just said. They aren’t part of real life anymore so they can only write illusions.

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And THAT pretty well sums up the problem with the shining entity formerly known as "the west."

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What is truly delicious is how the media are rushing to cover up Biden's remarks as "mis-speaking" and the White House is altering the transcript, yet they are only exposing their glaring hypocrisy of misreporting Trump's comments on Charlottesville for years, now known as the "fine people hoax". The tapes clearly showed he was not calling Nazis "fine people" but the media ran with the lie anyway, showing only part of his speech out of context. Now it's coming back to bite them as they can't have it both ways.

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Harris and her supporters are STILL using the "fine people" lie and the media is still letting them get away with it. Man what a sick place we've gotten to.

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She is a disgusting liar.

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Concisely accurate.

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Yeah, they're still trumpeting project 2025, too, even though it's been debunked as a white paper from the Heritage Foundation and the author resigned. I even got a pamphlet in the mail warning about project 2025.

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Ah, but you see, the Left has an immutable moral high ground (immutability being the key), so any conceivable action in support of the Left against the Right is a noble act!

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I’ve often wondered at the phenomenon of people who, for any number of reasons, find themselves in an unhappy marriage, and rather than just filing for divorce, come to the conclusion that they have to actually murder their spouse! It is such an insane and incredible leap to come to such an irrational conclusion! How on earth did they get from “there” to “THERE”?!

That’s exactly how I see the Democrats in their highly volatile, vitriolic and irrational attacks on their political opposition. It’s soo out of balance, to say the least, but speaks to something far darker and more desperate coming from deep within them. Fear? Guilt? Shame? It is definitely not coming from a good place, and should be a bright red flag to any one of sound mind to stay as far away from them as possible.

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I think it’s absolutely fear and even self-loathing. They fear their own faults, so they project them onto others. It’s easier that way.

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Literally EVERYTHING negative the Democrats say about Trump is stuff they are doing themselves. Even if we had no other reason to consider Sigmund Freud an important thinker, the concept of “projection” would be enough in itself.

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Lincoln has entered the chat.

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Doing damage control, this morning Harris has stated that "I strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they vote for,"

So, let me get this straight. Harris thinks Trump is a Fascist and a Nazi, but she doesn't criticize his voters?

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Indeed. I'm coming around more to the idea that she's just dumb. A smarter politician could have come up with some Cliff notes version of the woman at the well story, those who are without sin, throwing the first stone, Mathew's splinter in your brothers' eye (but ignoring your own) , and added the Jesus advice to love and pray for your enemy (also in Matthew). Kamala? Not a chance. Like provisionally with stipulation, agreeing to 1 not three hours on 'Rogan', and of course, she'd be late for that too, she is just so very deficient in thought...

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this is another example of why she knows she can't appear on the Joe Rogan podcast. He would politely but insistently press her to explain the contradiction, and she knows she can't. Kamala is so hypocritical. She will routinely say we need to move past the divisive rhetoric, and in the next breath say Trump is a Nazi Fascist. Just pathetic, really! Maybe Biden, cognitively impaired though he is, actually could have turned in a better campaign than Kamala has.

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She only quotes the Bible when someone else has done the research, written it out for her to memorize, explained it to her in simple terms, and prayed she gets it right when she regurgitates it in context. She wouldn’t know Jesus if he appeared beside her.

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Dumb and evil are not incompatible.

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Maybe she is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, that they have been deceived by the constant lying that Trump does.

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By definition, calling someone "Hitler" is the lowest you can go and is the declaration that he should be assassinated for the greater good. Once that declaration was made (a long time ago), Democrats forfeited the right to complain about being insulted or threatened, because they had already declared war.

Naturally, they pretend that this is not the case. Even as they repeat the "Hitler" charge, they act as though comeuppance of any form is unacceptable. Many of them are stupid enough to actually believe this, but the thought leaders understand that what matters is whether YOU believe it.

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Who are the thought leaders? Name names.

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The Democrats are starting to remind me of a cringey movie Woody Allen made in the 1970s. It was his first attempt at a non-humorous movie, and boy was it non-humorous. It was about a family where everybody hated everybody. "Interiors" I think it was called. Bingo, Democrats today!

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No. The Dems don't hate everybody. They hate MAGA.

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I've never played the left vs right game and have always had friends of all political leanings. I campaigned for Bernie and now I'm voting for Trump. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 (I never voted for Biden or Obama either) but I never had TDS and could see that the media lied about Trump and I would call it out. I had a preponderance of friends on Facebook who constantly posted hateful memes about Trump and Trump supporters. I was not one these people. I found this behavior ridiculous and said so.

Then COVID hit. This changed everything. The Leftists across the globe became the authoritarians, some tyrannical. They were simply awful. In fact they got so bad, I completely deleted Facebook and Twitter and went out of communication with almost everyone. They act is if nothing happened at all. We are still recovering from a collective trauma of crimes against humanity and they don't even see it. It blows my mind.

Be grateful that you are free thinking and though people on the Left are propagandized, delusional, and bitter, try to have (if you can) some empathy for their plight. Yes, they are condescending and smug (unwarranted), but they are not in good shape. They're not doing well.

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With thanksgiving right around the corner, grateful seems like a good suggestion. But I think context is everything. Nothing happens in a vacuum. In North Korea look what happens to free thinking Warmbier. Free thinking people in North Korea are sent to gulags. That's why North Koreans like propaganda so much. It tells them what to think so they can stay away from gulags.

But, while grateful of the context of living not in North Korea but America, what keeps me safe and free is my ineffectuality. If I were a real threat to society, like Trump, the full faith and credit of the deep state would fall down upon me like a lead zeppelin. Only a billionaire like Trump can parley with the Feds who can literally print money while everyone else has to make money through business. No, it's not a fair fight.

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That tells you that Joe and Kamala are NOT friendly. Perhaps Joe was trolling her with his comments.

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What tells you that Brutus and Caesar weren't butt buddies?

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I thought we were all deplorable, white supremacist, fascist Nazi garbage. That's a compilation of the epithets Hillary and Biden have used for us.

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Oct 31
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A little angry, are we?😏

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You are the troll, Shawn. Your profile reveals it so. We can also tell you just ‘found’ this stack due to its RCP posting, and your jonny-come-lately comments. Most of us here are long time subscribers, and you sir, are decidedly not.

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Right wing media spreading BS? That remark makes it obvious you don't read right-wing media. Even Fox News gives fair time to opinions from the other side. It's the leftists who refuse to listen to the other side, which is why they so easily believe the lies they are fed, and why they don't actually know the facts about the BLM riots, January 6 or who are the true election deniers.

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We understand that if the Dems win bad things happen to grandma.

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It certainly does make them bad people. I walked away and thus left my circle of friends standing in the crazy. They just got crazier. Only my best friend still does things with me, and he is disgusted that I think logically, historically, and liberally. There’s a lot of tension.

They made a choice the same as you and I did. We walked away because we could see wrong and we wouldn’t be part of it. We are all responsible for our choices.

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It's a mass psychosis. You cannot blame the crazy for being crazy. But they have left a lot of wreckage in their wake.

And, yes, in their heart of hearts, they do see Trump supporters as "garbage," but that's okay because they're not judging them based on skin color or sexuality, but based on ideas. (That was sarcasm BTW. It's hard to tell sometimes.) Never mind that those "ideas" would be very familiar to liberals of even twenty years ago. But they need to realize the Democrat Party they support today isn't run by liberals. It's run by globalists and neo-feudalists (which are much the same). And they might occasionally sound like liberals, but their base programming is as illiberal as it comes.

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Good comment! Neo feudalists! That’s why they hate Trump. He wants America to prosper and not be part of that. No individual freedoms!

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Trump stands for individual freedom. Dromedary stands 4 collective fweedom.

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They remember nothing. They forget nothing.

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Some obviously do, or Trump wouldn't stand a chance.

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I give Trump an ice cube’s chance in hell

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So much love, tolerance, and unity. Their brains have been broken by garbage information diets. MSM is the junk food equivalent of news: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/substack-info-diet-tips-unplug-from-matrix?utm_source=publication-search

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They don’t even pretend to be tolerant and loving anymore. Now they just believe their hatred is justified.

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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. I have listened to many of Trump's speeches. He talks about the unhinged Left and disparages the leaders like Pelosi, Schiff, et al, but I have never heard him talk meanly about Democrat voters. In fact, most I have heard he says that those of all political stripes are welcome. Witness Musk, Gabbard and Kennedy to name a few.

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The gross disrespect on the part of elites for the working class has really shocked me. I think Trump will win because its the best way to poke the eyes of the folks who feel so superior to the average American. Calling people Nazis, racists, homophobic and garbage is not going to convince them that your way & candidate is the best alternative for the country. I hope a Trump win will actually add speed to the pendulum.

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And the Democrats used to be the party of the working class! Now they're the party of the rich upper class.

The craziest thing is that they seem to have learned NOTHING from the 2016 election. How did that deplorables tactic work for them last time?

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I would rather be called deplorable than to be despicable.

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What about the other way around?

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If you really study history, you see the Democrat Party was never the party of the working class. They found a way to make it seem so for a time, but their focus never really changed from their inception: maintain power and wealth by any means possible.

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A trump win will make time go by faster.

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I have one liberal friend with whom I can go deep into this topic, and she recently confessed that yes, she thinks of Trump supporters as toothless rednecks, living in trailers & marrying their sisters, somewhere in flyover country. I confess I felt that way at one time as well. When I was a liberal. The impoverished Appalachians are an entirely forgotten (or when not forgotten, reviled) demographic among the American intelligentsia. Those folks are white and uneducated, which makes them beneath contempt. If you're any other color and uneducated, you get a free pass. Why? I do not know. It runs deep in the country's consciousness.

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But I thought poverty wasn't supposed to be a character flaw!?! Wasn't that what liberals were always lecturing to us?

When did they become illiberals? And as far as toothless rednecks, how does your friend explain Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Dr. Phil, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard, Jamie Dimon, Bill Ackman, etc. etc.?

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It's getting harder and harder for her. I often find that just as I am about to pin her down she says "I just don't like him, that's all. I just don't like him." The edifice among my well educated liberal friends is starting to crumble now. They're sounding less sarcastic and superior than they used to. Muwahahaaa!

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I think it’s deep shame for America’s true roots. Most of the people who fought for independence were bunch of uneducated farmers living in wild, untamed country. Yes, very smart and educated people formed the government. But the mass movement behind it was filled with drunken conspiracies. There’s a reason Europeans think we’re uncouth.

The “elites” this time around are own countrymen, but they resemble out of touch British aristocrats more than the wild eyed American hoodlums who drove them out.

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Hey Leah, 4 of my brothers served active duty military and there are a lot of other veteran subscribers to Sasha also. Hundreds of guys in my neighborhood served. The vast majority of the military is lower-middle class Christians. Upper class were extremely rare.

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I have a deep love for veterans—have known, loved, and dated many. Grew up next to Camp Pendleton, with young men coming our home for holidays and Bible study. Got a special place in my heart for enlisted Marines—another selling point for JD for me! Our enlisted military are the backbone of our country, and have always been. Ooh ra (or hoo ya if you like Army)

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Thanks. I meant to write “4 of my brothers and I served …”.

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Libertarian, if your time allows, check out this chat from a week ago w/ what I think will be the GOP’s 2028 presidential nominee. This is a long podcast but shows me perhaps the 1st authentic politician of my lifetime. Also, there’s a funny joke about Marine Corp boot camp being ‘the original Ozempic’ ;)


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Very insightful point! You 100% nailed it. WE are the revolutionaries. So ironic given I'm old enough to remember when liberals were the rebels. No more.

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They’re racist is why.

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and those same people stood up for Clinton when he had to testify with some honesty about the Lewinski deal. They felt his pain, back, I suppose. Kamala shows so little, and what she shows is so obviously false, few really care about what happens to her.

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I live in a blue state and make it a rule to never talk politics. I choose not to let it be a barrier to the people around me. A very dear friend of mine (life-long Democrat of Boomer age) recently told me she and her husband would like to move back to her home state of TN because it has become so expensive in this state. "But," she said, in all seriousness, "we can't bear the thought of living with neighbors who would be Trumpers."

I guess she can't even imagine that someone she knows and loves would ever vote for Trump. Or that Trump voters are regular people who (gasp!) might even be good neighbors. Suffice it to say that I am not shocked for a moment that Biden called Trump supporters garbage. It's been going on for a long time. Classic straw-man objectification of the "other." Very odd that this comes from the "liberal, tolerant" side now. I wish we could have some rational, calm discussions of why we differ with the other side, but I've learned from experience that it all just disintegrates to trite, hateful invectives against Trump the man without any ability to explain why there might be some intelligent reasons to support him.

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I grew up in TN and you can assure your friend that there are liberals there, but you might have to look a little harder to find them than you would in, say, Austin or Palo Alto where you'd be tripping over them. :)

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Slaves in the Deep South were often taught to look down on poor white trash - those who owned no slaves themselves. When you read the WPA slave narratives from the 1930s, this attitude often comes through, even 70+ years after the Civil War.

Slave owners often expressed love or respect for some of their slaves, but never for their poor white neighbors.

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Interesting perspective!

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I hope she doesn't consider you a toothless redneck. Clearly you don't live in a trailer. Do these people not get out much?

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I am a total mystery to her. It's like she's confident there's a fatal flaw somewhere in my psyche, and she engages with me in attempt to find it. :)

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There IS a fatal flaw, you just don't know it yet, bwahhahhahha.

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Love to see JDV stick it to them.

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Communazis don’t like it when they are deprived of what they think is their birthright to ‘rule’ over everyone else.

Why the race isn't as close as you think: With one week to go, analyst CRAIG KESHISHIAN predicts the polls are missing a hidden voter surge


Having said that - GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!!!

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We voted....and got a text notification from the state yesterday it was received by the county recorder

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I see you are above name calling. 🤦‍♂️

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Answered at the top of the thread.

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My wife and I are definitely deplorables, garbage and Nazis. At least to one side that supposedly wants to lead us. We used to hang out with liberal "friends" but it eventually got to the point that the disdain for our opinions got to the point of misery. Being shunned is not joyful.

She was a cop and school teacher. I worked my ass off in the food business then retired from the administrative side of higher ed. We believe we contributed. We quasi adopted a young lady who was dumped by her family. She lives down the street from us across the country from where we first met 40 plus years ago.We have been involved in animal welfare since the late 70's fostering or adopting hundreds of horses, donkeys, cats and dogs. We have both run for office but remain pure since we never won. (She lost a school board election by three votes. VOTE!) We have always left wherever we lived in better shape than when we moved in. There are other examples but you get the idea.

We also partied too much. Our money management was atrocious in our younger years. We made the decision to not have children and regret that as much as anything. I had a terrible temper and can see the old me doing what Biden is doing to Harris. Payback is a bitch when you are a nasty human. We admitted when we made mistakes and did the hard work to get ourselves on a better path.

All we have ever asked is to left alone so we could do our thing. All we asked of the government was to keep us safe. There is no freaking way we would ever worship the government no matter what it promised us. The government was never going to give us more than what we could accomplish if left alone and sure couldn't grasp what we needed when we were on the wrong path.

My point is that most on here can list portions of their life stories they are proud of where they made a positive difference. They can also list their failures. But each of our stories and contributions are because of what we accomplished as individuals, not because of what the government provided.

I fully expect the resident trolls to attack suggesting I am full of myself or bragging. Screw you. The world needs to celebrate each little victory and recognize that the state needs to get out of the way so people can do whatever they are good at to contribute to their families and community.

They hate us both because they refuse to listen to or understand us. I loathe them for that but don't hate them. I mostly feel sorry for them because they will never feel the joy of contributing.

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I’m proud to be a deplorable and garbage along with wonderful people like you and your wife.

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Wow! I wish I knew you guys! What blessed lives you have built!

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