Every time someone pushes back, like you did in that phone call with your old friend, every time we challenge the “do you feel safe” garbage, (dripping in irony because the real danger comes from those same smug authoritarians, drunk with the power they have to shame and destroy), every time we cause the little glitch in their brain by speaking the forbidden thoughts - a tiny bit of ground is clawed back from these sickening scolds.

They think they’ve won. I’ve often feared it. But then I read something from you, or Michael Shellenberger, etc. And I have a glimmer of hope.

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Great article defending Musk (yes we need him and appreciate his desire for free speech) and defending Taibbi (excellent journalist). What I truly enjoyed was watching video interview between Phil Donahue and Donald Trump. Phil tried so hard to ‘get him’ but Trump was too smart and truthful. Awesome job explaining NYC rent control.

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Excellent, much needed piece, very glad you wrote this. Elon is a courageous hero who put his money on America’s legacy of freedom and free speech. Taibbi has been a rare courageous journalist who followed his conscience.

Regarding Trump: excellent observation that the big kerfuffle amounted to dissecting his words, and had nothing to do with what he actually did. We saw humorless ill-intentioned literalism. And worse.

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" That does illustrate perfectly what the modern Democrats value, and it’s not success or hard work or innovation."

Open you eyes, they never did.

It has always been about redistribution and taking from the productive individuals to the lazy and irresponsible.

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Another great read! Thank you! Btw I always enjoy listening more when you

personally read to us!

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The latest from you in my inbox is always a day brightener - and this one is no exception.

I couldn't help but be taken aback, somewhat, by this:

"The Democrats seem to only want power now."

NOW? That has been a socio-political constant since the first administration of FDR.

"So much of the battle for Twitter is simply about words. Words control ideology, which ultimately controls the people."

This has been the single preoccupation of the left since the 1960s - maybe even earlier.

"He who controls the language controls the masses."

–Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Hollywood has been the effort's chief ally, accessory, and enabler with the NEA and this nation's teachers an almost imperceptible second. How much of the entertainment beginning in the 1970s introduced a new definition of, 'family?' How much of it either subtlely or brazenly turned sexual morality on its head, mercilessly mocking the Judeo-Christian ethics upon which much of our society and culture had been founded?

"We need more people like him to thrust a bold middle finger at the information monopoly the Left controls."


"We need role models who are resilient and who send the message to the young that words are just words."

True, and yes, words are just words, but our language is crucial. Definitions matter - connotations can change with context, but denotations must remain fixed for words to have any meaning, and the language to have relevance. Our common language is one of our society's great equalizers - or at least, it used to be.

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This is an excellent essay because it is relevant, timely, organized, complete, and accurate and combines these attributes to paint a compelling and insightful portrait. The author is definitely an artist and professional. Regarding the topic per se, I saw Tucker’s interview with Elon earlier in the week and it is so refreshing to see a truthful and frank exchange, with no small dose of humor, being held by two outspoken critics of the Uniparty and Deep State. The Democratic Party once rebelled against wars (ok Vietnam was 50 years ago) and the Deep State but now they are Neocons and in bed with the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Finally, regarding David Frum, his reflection will never fade, even though the water has become a fetid pool.

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I have to say that this is your most important piece to date, wonderful lady.

Remember that the federal government(meaning democrats as 93% of DC votes for them) has been 'influencing' all of social media since about 2012. If you haven't been censored on any of the platforms you support them.

Taibbi was 'visited' by IRS agents recently; you can only imagine the pressure on Musk from the federal government who used to essentially run Twitter... Support him.

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"So much of the battle for Twitter is simply about words. Words control ideology, which ultimately controls the people." You understand this, you understand everything that's been going on with "hate speech" and "speech is violence" and "racist" wordlists and so on ad nauseam. They want to reduce language to a few words that express nothing in specificity.

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There is a commonality between Musk and Trump that I feel is important to point out. Their sense of humor. Alas, politics these days is completely devoid of it. Scratch that. The left is completely devoid of it.

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Those who are angry over Twitter being about free speech, tells you something about them. They like people who disagree with them censored. They have dark hearts.

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Another brilliantly articulated article on one of the biggest stories of our generation. I just hope and pray more people will read, awaken, and move away from lies and deception toward the truth. Our lives depend on it.

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I just seems to me that Twitter and Substack should be natural partners in the effort to promote free speech. They serve two purposes that are parallel, not crossed.

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

Speaking of not talking about what else is going on in the world, there is some sort of scandal with USAID paying terrorists instead of helping the desperately poor. Considering Samantha Powers runs it, it is no wonder. How long have these tentacles of US government funded groups just been covers for CIA operations?

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

Social media is, and continues to be, a propaganda tool of the intelligence community that benefits the Leftists. We’re most likely dealing with only partial information or what is sometimes called ‘limited hangout’. Shiny object distractions to keep the masses (us) reactionary and away from whatever it is they want to hide. Right now… the end of the petro-dollar, is my guess.

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Sasha, you nailed them, again!

Great job on a wonderful piece.

The left needs to be called out on their condescending, intolerant, hysteria and unwillingness to discuss the horrible results of their corrupt policies.

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