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Tulsi is a sellout that made millions from book deals and Fox and flipped all her stances within one year after being hired by Fox.

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Sellout? Ms. Gabbard was attacked as a Russian asset by Hellary. The Leninist wing of the Democrat party attacked her.

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What opponent didn't Clinton attack as a Russian asset?

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That what you call someone who mysterious flips on every stance (military, regulation, climate and environment, gun laws, backing GOP (who actually want to ban abortions) held in congress after being hired.

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Being able to write a book, that people want to buy, that's a good thing, HL3. Also, Fox is fairer than MSNBC, much.

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Fox isnt fairer and need both sides of the aisle no matter how biased they are to represent our divided nation.

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One has my man RFK, Jr. on, the other doesn't. One has Glenn Greenwald, the other doesn't. I was watching the reports just after Biden resigned, or before the BBC could report. MSNBC: immediately, in real time, went from Biden must stay, he's the best, and the only, if you disagree you are an anti-democracy fascist following disinformation, TO, we all need to support Kamala, she is the only choice and we all must vote for her or else. Flip over, to Dana (the woman with the grey haired guy) on Fox, =so much fairer and journalistic. Objectively. and I am blue.

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Like Sasha I used to be blue. I donated to the Obama campaign but it was when Obama turned a blind eye to the Wall Street mortgage crooks in 2009 that I realized this game is rigged. From that time on I decided to vote for the people the media hates. Trump completely plays that part.

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You must mean, the blue media hates, because the red team media loves Trump. LOVES him. I liked Bernie for your opening reasons. But only a real nutcase would go from Bernie to Trump. ha. just kidding.

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I liked Bernie in 2015 when he said open borders was a "Koch Brothers proposal." He changed his tune in 2016 and essentially supported illegal immigration. I'm not remotely nutty, I've realized that the powerful people that hate Trump also hate my class. There isn't really much red team media. FOX used to be a red team and the others were balanced between the 2 parties but these days it's a complete shift to the social left (labor issues are no longer part of the discussion). Only in today's world is a right winger someone that doesn't support puberty blockers for kids even though these same kids are too young to drink, smoke, or drive. I'm definitely voting Trump because his opposition has gone "nutcase."

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Fox is still red team, and they love Trump very much.

I have read all of Bernie's books. Really good criticisms of the US elites running banks that were too big to fail, and Big Pharm and so forth. He is very working and middle class conscious, and most certainly, this was the reason that the dems chased him away.. Don't remember the I support illegal immigration part, though.

Certainly, if Trump wins, we are helping to create a record to later explain the reasons, and you and Sasha have legitimate gripes. The social extremes that you reference are idiotic and should be called out.

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I find RFK Jr either to be a willingly or unknowingly pasty to MAGA donors. I looked into the donations fed into his election and found an amount of money from these groups.

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yeah, the money in our politics is effed up. but his are surely not the worst examples of abuse, especially when all the others get free promotion by the media and he doesn't. Further, he promised a cabinet with both dems and repubs. No one else does that. Finally, not everything that people who like MAGA say or do is always wrong. Take Sasha for example...

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The money wasnt the issue but it was compounded by a drastically shift hard conservative in every way possible.

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Unlike Hillary Clinton who made $100,000,000 by selling herself to the highest bidder. Then there are Barak and Michelle Obama and their sell out book deals and speeches......and Biden.......Gee, who's left?

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And shes a pile of schit but Tulsi did and flipped every stance she stood as being a Hawaiian US representative.

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She did not 'flip' ffs. Get ur head outcher arse.

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Lets see flip 101 just 2 of them many stances she flipped 180

Climate change and environmental laws: When she was in office hard left protection since she got a job with Fox she backed candidates who outright wants to cut both

Gun Laws: When she was in office gun laws and federal background checks since Fox total reversal on both

Election laws: Never said election were stolen since then she has said elections has been stolen see her videos on Kari Lake

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She must be the only active duty sellout at Fox.

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Just because you served doesnt mean you are immune to being a sellout.

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She is still on active duty in the military. She is serving as well as having served.

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Still point is not invalidated still a sellout of principals

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The point is invalidated by your gross ignorance of lawful facts.

Do you know the difference between principals and principles?

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Shit grammar police does not invalidate the statement

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This is why we can't have nice things. Ppl have been taught what to think at the expense of how to think.

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She left the party of sell-outs, and it probably cost her far more.

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She made a tidy fortune all it cost her was dignity.

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She has a lot more dignity than themтАЩs what stayed.

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I dont see it I see a sellsword for the highest price who was angry she only got .1% in all primaries 2020.

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Harris spent $39M. How well did she do? And the way the game's played now GabbardтАЩs two delegates would have made her a shoo-in for the тАШ24 nomination if sheтАЩd stayed.

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Except she was hated by the Democrats even more I suspect they saw Tulsi as a sellout before she even did it with Fox.

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Cross the mafia, you pay a price.

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What price besides her dignity?

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She kept her dignity. The price was in the keeping.

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