We are only destined to lose if we persist in the fantasy that this is one country. If we were two, America could work on regeneration without constant leftist sabotage. The Peoples Republic would be free to engage in socialist self-destruction rendering their threat potential to something like Canada.
You are missing the distinction between an unfalsifiable and demonizing ideology, which is what the Demos fell into as part of TDS, and the more usual "laundry list" approach. Trump had a laundry list. Obama had a laundry list. I could keep going back without any clear limit. But Biden has (or at least pretends to have) an ideology. Call it "DEI" if you want to. But it is really defined by the synthesis of Marcuse's "Neo-Communism" and Foucault's (part of) "Post-Modernism" that was produced decades ago by Kimberle Crenshaw. It's all there in more or less the first half of Lindsay's "Race Marxism", if you are interested. (The second half is too much "in the weeds" for me. My Eyes Glaze Over as soon as I hit Hegelian Dialectic ...)
GOP fell apart after 2010 in fact this has been an a escalating feud since 2004 Democrats got desperate then 2010 GOP got desperate its been escalating on the again and resentment each side has for each other. I get it you hate the left but you still have a divided country to deal with grow up and be a better person instead of being bitter only then can you expect the same from others.
I get that you don't get that the Far Left is effectively Nazi, just with Whites in place of Jews. And that you don't get that, while the Far Left has taken over the Demos, the Far Right has not (all Lefty fantasizing aside) taken over the Repos. And that you don't get that the parallelism you see, as if the KKK had taken over the Repos, is nothing but a figment of your imagination. Demonizing ideologies, like to old Nazis and the New Far Left, fully and richly deserve demonization.
I get that you do not understand the destructiveness of the democrats from their inception. They were the party of slavery. They voted 100% against freeing the slaves. They voted 100% against giving freed BLACKS AND WOMEN the right to vote. They are the party of Jim Crow Laws, the KKK, Antifa, BLM, DEI. Whoever is controlling that party wants TOTAL CONTROL. They want the right to eliminate ANYONE who disagrees with them. They want to control the world population, control how you think and feel. They enslaved the black community once again with government assistance. They are the party of death. Abortion, eugenics……..or just force a deadly vaccine on you……for everyone else’s good, doncha know? They are the party of death. They are the party of war. That’s how hate works. And it works very well on the weakest of minds and on the most evil of hearts. I have watched them all my life. They have a hatred for humanity that is not absolute and abnormal. Come out into the sunshine and leave the hate behind!!!!
Just stop all you want to produce is hate for a party and a partisan hack. I get that you will never see the democrats ever as anything but the enemy but dont ever disguise that.
We say ‘Biden has dementia. Who then is making decisions.’ The left says ‘Put him in the crosshairs. Get in their faces. Don’t give them a moments peace.’ They are not two sides of the same coin.
Being forced to have in schools and taught is being forced you have churches for religious activities and school is learning not being indoctrinated also that goes that same for DEI/Woke.
Understand that the Bible holds real and significant connection to the establishment of our country/society, our western culture, leaving it out of the public school's was a big mistake. The Bible is history our history, removing it for the reason of its violating the separation of church and state is bogus, the Bible is not a church. At least understand this, killing is a sin, stealing is a sin, bearing false witness is a sin, does that ring a bell for you, is that dangerous speech you worry about?
Wow Tim Robbins posted that? He's a huge liberal so I give him massive respect for that.
Some of the comments on the WSJ articles are truly despicable. If you've read any of my comments you know I've greatly been against the left, especially Obama. I would never in a million years wish this incident on him or any other politician I disagree with. This is horrific for the nation.
I hope after this the political violence subsides.
Since the new woke management of WSJ started courting subscribers on the left and selling bargain-basement subscriptions, the comments section there has become a cesspool of TDS-crazed leftwing nuts. It didn't used to be like that. Now it rivals WaPo for progressive derangement. Thankfully there are still a few normies and conservatives there to provide some balance. The comment censorship is appallingly biased in favor of the left. I call it the Woke Street Journal.
I've seen comments there and elsewhere (it's still barely 48 hours since the event), that Trump was a coward for ducking. That he was reckless for standing back up again so soon. That he was selfish for not stopping to make sure everyone else was safe before leaving the stage. That he was being overly theatrical by not wiping the blood off his face before it could be caught on camera. That he was fascistic for pumping his fist and shouting "fight." That his gesture was culturally appropriating the Black Power fist. That he only got his ear nicked, what's the big deal anyway, he's a crybaby.
I am literally not making any of this up or exaggerating a single thing. We're talking about either severe and hopeless mental illness, or literal paid trolls who are paid to write senseless trash about Trump. I can't anymore, I just can't. There's a "mute" button and I employ it.
There ARE trolls paid, I’m sure of it. I found at least 6 on my NewsBreak that continually defend the Covid fake shot. With all the sudden deaths, and young athletes dying unexpectedly, they are out in force. It took awhile to catch on but now I know them by name & many others do too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump has trolls paid to hate him.
Soros has a lot of money & those cowards are shaking in their boots with him heading for the White House again.
You are a treasure Sasha. I can’t tell you how much this senior citizen admires and respects you for your candidness and honesty in detailing your journey from Left to Light.. yes I said light, because very dark is what the Left has become. Many of my friends on that side don’t see that their Democratic Party ain’t the party of John F. Kennedy any more… by a long shot.
Not that on the Right we are some kind of transcendent beings.. no, but we hold in high regard what is an almost vanished resource on the Left: common sense. And that makes us anathema to the utopian brain and comparatively enlightened.
We both share ties to the entertainment world. And even though I’m semi retired, I still function somewhat in that game. But I made the moral and political exit from that cloistered assemblage, gradually, over the decades, and hence share very little values-wise with them any more. Fascinating to see how your switch was relatively fast and recent. But then it seems time has sped up immensely.
My dad was a WW2 and Korean War Marine Corps vet. He passed three years ago at 98. But I remember sitting with him in the summer of 2020 looking for the live feed of a Trump rally on TV.
When we found the channel he simply said.. ‘ ahh, my hero ‘. I found his utterance sort of oddly embarrassing at that moment. But every day that passes I see more and more what he saw earlier on. My dad was a simple, quiet and decent man who in addition to serving in those two wars, had spent 3 1/2 months in a communist Chinese prison camp in 1948… all of this by the time he was 30.
He saw in Trump the military like qualities of a fighter and a leader. A clearly flawed human yes, but a man willing to forgo the easy, cushy life he could have retired to, to risk his all to recapture the good things about America that the Left has been determined to destroy, and that my dad experienced. Trump has literally put himself in the crosshairs to do that. The least I can do is vote for this brave man to once again be president.
Welcome! There are at least a dozen veterans that follow Sasha and comment here frequently. You dad certainly sacrificed much for America and no doubt suffered greatly as a POW. It seems he didn’t leave this life before passing on to you part of his dauntless spirit.
Last week I upped my subscription to a paid status, not because I wanted extra goodies, but because I wanted to reward you. You write beautifully and your conversion to reality gives me great hope. Let’s stick with the orange flag hugger all the way!
It wasn't just Trump that dodged a bullet on Saturday, it was the whole country. I hope that the Left can come to understand that before it is too late.
I found this essay quite moving. I haven't fully recovered from TDS* but I've found Sasha's writing very relatable and really appreciated this article, which I read/listened to with a totally open mind. Whenever I started thinking BUT - BUT - I thought, NO - JUST LISTEN. REMEMBER YOU WERE FULLY PROPAGANDIZED AND YOU ARE THINKING THAT OUT OF HABIT. And I felt ashamed thinking of the things I used to believe about Trump supporters, especially during the last election. Over the past two years, I have met a lot of wonderful Trump supporters and had my eyes opened to how bigoted I had been when making ugly assumptions about them.
*I consider myself an ex-liberal at this point and I am so glad to have found Sasha's writing - because it makes me feel less alone (it's very hard to suddenly realize you no longer blindly agree with almost everyone in your community!). She reminds me there are many more of us, and we're all at different stages in our journey.
I still remember this series of videos I saw prior to the last election, created by ex-liberals talking about why they were no longer voting Democratic, and thinking, OMG, who brainwashed these people!?? I honestly never could have imagined not falling in lockstep with Dems/progressives. It's been really challenging from a foundational perspective to not quite "belong" anywhere anymore. But at least I feel free to think my own thoughts...
What you don't understand is that you are not an ex-liberal, THEY are illiberal. Don't let them define you. That's the problem, the left are the ones who get to define what is left, right, and center. I am and always have been moderate (right-wing to them), and I will not let them define me.
You are observing the methods that all Communists and Marxists have utilized, in gathering a list of the names of all those who would dare to disagree with any facet of their ideology.
Oh yes, I totally agree. All these labels, definitions, and false equivalencies (you think this, therefore you are that) are complete bullshit. Life is way more nuanced than that.
The first step, the hardest step, is realization… not the fake ‘woke’ but actually being awake and aware of the indoctrination and propaganda. Good on ya!! Stay strong!
Thank you once again Sasha. I'm not a religious or even a particularly spiritual person but the spiritual component to this moment seems unmistakable. When I hear people on the left expressing their disappointment that Trump survived this assassination attempt, it's hard to call this way of thinking anything but evil. How are we to reconcile with these people?
I haven't always agreed with Megyn Kelly but I think her analysis of this situation is spot on. Listening to her impassioned pleas to heed Trump's calls to fight for this country I was overcome with emotion. We must win this fight or the country as we have known it is gone.
gsharper, many of us believe this is a spiritual battle we face. When anyone replaces God for another idol (even their own spouse), bad things eventually befall. It’s especially corrosive when a whole people or culture succumbs. The 1st commandment of the Decalogue is too often forgotten, too under appreciated. But it’s 1st for a reason its foundational for everything else - and those who strive to live by it are those not seeking power over others, and instead seeking to live in freedom
That's the missionary's frustration. Salvation comes from within. You're not allowed to hold the horse's head under water, and it wouldn't work if you did.
Omg Casey , I know that you are correct , but I have to admit that it’s difficult not to want to. Everytime I hear “well they said on The View “ I either want to scream , vomit , or go back to bed. All at the same time.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
-Ronald Reagan-
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke-
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer-
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.' "
-St. Anthony the Great-
"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"
-Ayn Rand-
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
-Winston S. Churchill-
“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” ― Thomas Paine
"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been"
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
You can fight an empires wars going against its divisions takes more than just swords and anger.
Another person who should have gotten more credit said this awesome quote
"No ma'am, he's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about,"
I’ve been enjoying your posts lately very much. Thank you for the work you did on this one. I’m not sure if there is a way to reach the left with these arguments but better to encourage ourselves to persevere, but maybe along the way more will come over like you did.
The section you are commenting on is the piece that struck me the most. Sasha has to give herself more credit than she does. She is chronicling for future generations as well as giving those on the "left" who stumble on her writing a safe if direct space to challenge the uneasiness of their current state.
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.” -St. Thomas Aquinas-
In the Messianic Scriptures of the Bible Rav Shaul (Paul the Apostle of Christ) said a lot of very interesting things, and in a letter he penned to the Christians in Ephesus he obviously knew that anger was a normal response in life.
Ephesians 4:26-32
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil. 28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Whether you are a Christian or not, it’s good sound advice, hard to follow when you’re really ticked off, but it’s the ideal. Get angry but don’t put the gloves on and try not to poke your adversary in the eye, as tempting as it may be at times (and these times are very tempting).
I know I need this attitude more in my life. We all do. However, one of my favourite sayings when I see/hear what’s going on in the governments and the deep state, WEF, UN, WHO, and after Saturday’s horrific events is:
“Where’s my bazooka?! ”Of course I don’t own a weapon of any kind because it’s Australia folks, they took them away years ago after a staged event (oops, did I say the quiet part out loud?). You all know what I’m saying.
So get angry people. Anger can be turned into constructive action. Trump displayed that yesterday, his fist in the air saying: “Fight!” All the dems can throw is crap and they use a lot of anger energy to do so.
Sasha, we who were once Left of centre and who all moved to the Right did so about the same time, even here in Oz (Obummer helped us along I’m afraid, and my husband and I stood up for him more than once too, when the accusations came - including the famous birth certificate debacle - until the veil fell off).
You know, there’s a Bible verse about YeHoVaH sending “strong delusion so they will believe the lie..” and is in reference to a particular man soon to appear on the world stage - the props are in place except some major ones so rest easy on that one for now. I do often wonder how much “strong delusion” is afoot now preparing the way, why some have woken up and why some will NEVER wake up.
Through tears in my eyes Sasha, thank you.
I had the exact same reaction. I’m teary eyed and I’m not even sure I understand why .
Me too!
Hope not, but if your right god help us!
Me too! I listened twice because it was just that good!
Me too (no pun)
same here! WWG1WGA
I don't hate the Left, I just want them not to have power over me. I don't want to dominate them either. That takes separation.
I don't hate them, either. But I find myself frequently disgusted by them. The dehumanizing of the right has been downright scary.
Left and Right Hegelianism
Some of them will not quit as long as they are alive. That’s why the good guys are always destined to lose. Coleman noted this in one of his posts.
We are only destined to lose if we persist in the fantasy that this is one country. If we were two, America could work on regeneration without constant leftist sabotage. The Peoples Republic would be free to engage in socialist self-destruction rendering their threat potential to something like Canada.
So, you're telling the trans t bugger off! Aren't they terrible?
I could say the same about the left whenever the right comes into power its resentment when they start attacking things they hold dear.
You are missing the distinction between an unfalsifiable and demonizing ideology, which is what the Demos fell into as part of TDS, and the more usual "laundry list" approach. Trump had a laundry list. Obama had a laundry list. I could keep going back without any clear limit. But Biden has (or at least pretends to have) an ideology. Call it "DEI" if you want to. But it is really defined by the synthesis of Marcuse's "Neo-Communism" and Foucault's (part of) "Post-Modernism" that was produced decades ago by Kimberle Crenshaw. It's all there in more or less the first half of Lindsay's "Race Marxism", if you are interested. (The second half is too much "in the weeds" for me. My Eyes Glaze Over as soon as I hit Hegelian Dialectic ...)
GOP fell apart after 2010 in fact this has been an a escalating feud since 2004 Democrats got desperate then 2010 GOP got desperate its been escalating on the again and resentment each side has for each other. I get it you hate the left but you still have a divided country to deal with grow up and be a better person instead of being bitter only then can you expect the same from others.
I get that you don't get that the Far Left is effectively Nazi, just with Whites in place of Jews. And that you don't get that, while the Far Left has taken over the Demos, the Far Right has not (all Lefty fantasizing aside) taken over the Repos. And that you don't get that the parallelism you see, as if the KKK had taken over the Repos, is nothing but a figment of your imagination. Demonizing ideologies, like to old Nazis and the New Far Left, fully and richly deserve demonization.
Neither deserve it but here we are
So the Nazis did not "deserve it"?
I get that you do not understand the destructiveness of the democrats from their inception. They were the party of slavery. They voted 100% against freeing the slaves. They voted 100% against giving freed BLACKS AND WOMEN the right to vote. They are the party of Jim Crow Laws, the KKK, Antifa, BLM, DEI. Whoever is controlling that party wants TOTAL CONTROL. They want the right to eliminate ANYONE who disagrees with them. They want to control the world population, control how you think and feel. They enslaved the black community once again with government assistance. They are the party of death. Abortion, eugenics……..or just force a deadly vaccine on you……for everyone else’s good, doncha know? They are the party of death. They are the party of war. That’s how hate works. And it works very well on the weakest of minds and on the most evil of hearts. I have watched them all my life. They have a hatred for humanity that is not absolute and abnormal. Come out into the sunshine and leave the hate behind!!!!
Just stop all you want to produce is hate for a party and a partisan hack. I get that you will never see the democrats ever as anything but the enemy but dont ever disguise that.
We say ‘Biden has dementia. Who then is making decisions.’ The left says ‘Put him in the crosshairs. Get in their faces. Don’t give them a moments peace.’ They are not two sides of the same coin.
Like what? What does the right ever do?
Those offenses have become normal ‘everyday behavior,’ not unlike the
constant chatter, 24/7/365, that has demanded
someone ‘take 45 down’… from countless
Hollywood actors and actresses, Radio and Television and Internet Personalities, Professional Athletes, MLB, NBA, NHL,
The View, PBS, NPR, Main Stream Media, Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities, many others.
Look at Texas and Louisiana forcing religion into places it has no business being in there.
Religion created this nation. It isn’t being ‘forced’ in anyone
Being forced to have in schools and taught is being forced you have churches for religious activities and school is learning not being indoctrinated also that goes that same for DEI/Woke.
Understand that the Bible holds real and significant connection to the establishment of our country/society, our western culture, leaving it out of the public school's was a big mistake. The Bible is history our history, removing it for the reason of its violating the separation of church and state is bogus, the Bible is not a church. At least understand this, killing is a sin, stealing is a sin, bearing false witness is a sin, does that ring a bell for you, is that dangerous speech you worry about?
Wow Tim Robbins posted that? He's a huge liberal so I give him massive respect for that.
Some of the comments on the WSJ articles are truly despicable. If you've read any of my comments you know I've greatly been against the left, especially Obama. I would never in a million years wish this incident on him or any other politician I disagree with. This is horrific for the nation.
I hope after this the political violence subsides.
The two times President Obama ran, I voted against his policies. Not him as an individual. I don’t know him, but I’m sure he is a fine person.
I couldn’t care less about the color of his skin nor the color of anybody else’s skin.
We live in a time now where if you go against someone with a particular skin color then you are labeled a racist. How shameful.
Will we ever get out of this insanity?
Pray God that we do!!!
Bravo, Sasha Stone!
He’s not a fine person. He’s a dirt bag, just like the Clintons.
And he's an anti-white racist, possibly antisemitic too. He was totally down with that hatemonger Reverend Wright.
Obama is about as close as one can get to have been programmed from birth, for a specific mission.
Just a glance at his perverse ‘values’
and you see that he IS NOT a fine person!
Since the new woke management of WSJ started courting subscribers on the left and selling bargain-basement subscriptions, the comments section there has become a cesspool of TDS-crazed leftwing nuts. It didn't used to be like that. Now it rivals WaPo for progressive derangement. Thankfully there are still a few normies and conservatives there to provide some balance. The comment censorship is appallingly biased in favor of the left. I call it the Woke Street Journal.
I've seen comments there and elsewhere (it's still barely 48 hours since the event), that Trump was a coward for ducking. That he was reckless for standing back up again so soon. That he was selfish for not stopping to make sure everyone else was safe before leaving the stage. That he was being overly theatrical by not wiping the blood off his face before it could be caught on camera. That he was fascistic for pumping his fist and shouting "fight." That his gesture was culturally appropriating the Black Power fist. That he only got his ear nicked, what's the big deal anyway, he's a crybaby.
I am literally not making any of this up or exaggerating a single thing. We're talking about either severe and hopeless mental illness, or literal paid trolls who are paid to write senseless trash about Trump. I can't anymore, I just can't. There's a "mute" button and I employ it.
There ARE trolls paid, I’m sure of it. I found at least 6 on my NewsBreak that continually defend the Covid fake shot. With all the sudden deaths, and young athletes dying unexpectedly, they are out in force. It took awhile to catch on but now I know them by name & many others do too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump has trolls paid to hate him.
Soros has a lot of money & those cowards are shaking in their boots with him heading for the White House again.
You are a treasure Sasha. I can’t tell you how much this senior citizen admires and respects you for your candidness and honesty in detailing your journey from Left to Light.. yes I said light, because very dark is what the Left has become. Many of my friends on that side don’t see that their Democratic Party ain’t the party of John F. Kennedy any more… by a long shot.
Not that on the Right we are some kind of transcendent beings.. no, but we hold in high regard what is an almost vanished resource on the Left: common sense. And that makes us anathema to the utopian brain and comparatively enlightened.
We both share ties to the entertainment world. And even though I’m semi retired, I still function somewhat in that game. But I made the moral and political exit from that cloistered assemblage, gradually, over the decades, and hence share very little values-wise with them any more. Fascinating to see how your switch was relatively fast and recent. But then it seems time has sped up immensely.
My dad was a WW2 and Korean War Marine Corps vet. He passed three years ago at 98. But I remember sitting with him in the summer of 2020 looking for the live feed of a Trump rally on TV.
When we found the channel he simply said.. ‘ ahh, my hero ‘. I found his utterance sort of oddly embarrassing at that moment. But every day that passes I see more and more what he saw earlier on. My dad was a simple, quiet and decent man who in addition to serving in those two wars, had spent 3 1/2 months in a communist Chinese prison camp in 1948… all of this by the time he was 30.
He saw in Trump the military like qualities of a fighter and a leader. A clearly flawed human yes, but a man willing to forgo the easy, cushy life he could have retired to, to risk his all to recapture the good things about America that the Left has been determined to destroy, and that my dad experienced. Trump has literally put himself in the crosshairs to do that. The least I can do is vote for this brave man to once again be president.
All God’s blessings to you Sasha.
Welcome! There are at least a dozen veterans that follow Sasha and comment here frequently. You dad certainly sacrificed much for America and no doubt suffered greatly as a POW. It seems he didn’t leave this life before passing on to you part of his dauntless spirit.
Thank you that’s very kind.
Lots of love to your dearly departed dad, Rooster, and sincere condolences to you and the family.
Echo that, Libertarian. I tear up thinking about guys like Rooster's dad--so brave, so devoted, and now gone.
Last week I upped my subscription to a paid status, not because I wanted extra goodies, but because I wanted to reward you. You write beautifully and your conversion to reality gives me great hope. Let’s stick with the orange flag hugger all the way!
Same here…..just wanted Sasha to know how much I appreciate her writing!
Yeah, Sasha is a rising star, we are lucky to be here at the beginning of her reign.
Beautifully expressed.
I did the same. And agree with your reasons as well.
It wasn't just Trump that dodged a bullet on Saturday, it was the whole country. I hope that the Left can come to understand that before it is too late.
me too
The Whole World dodged that bullet, but by God’s Amazing Grace!!
It’s so fascinating to hear from someone brave enough to actually recover from a case of TDS and come out on the other side.
I found this essay quite moving. I haven't fully recovered from TDS* but I've found Sasha's writing very relatable and really appreciated this article, which I read/listened to with a totally open mind. Whenever I started thinking BUT - BUT - I thought, NO - JUST LISTEN. REMEMBER YOU WERE FULLY PROPAGANDIZED AND YOU ARE THINKING THAT OUT OF HABIT. And I felt ashamed thinking of the things I used to believe about Trump supporters, especially during the last election. Over the past two years, I have met a lot of wonderful Trump supporters and had my eyes opened to how bigoted I had been when making ugly assumptions about them.
*I consider myself an ex-liberal at this point and I am so glad to have found Sasha's writing - because it makes me feel less alone (it's very hard to suddenly realize you no longer blindly agree with almost everyone in your community!). She reminds me there are many more of us, and we're all at different stages in our journey.
You are definitely not alone (as an ex-liberal), we are many…
I still remember this series of videos I saw prior to the last election, created by ex-liberals talking about why they were no longer voting Democratic, and thinking, OMG, who brainwashed these people!?? I honestly never could have imagined not falling in lockstep with Dems/progressives. It's been really challenging from a foundational perspective to not quite "belong" anywhere anymore. But at least I feel free to think my own thoughts...
What you don't understand is that you are not an ex-liberal, THEY are illiberal. Don't let them define you. That's the problem, the left are the ones who get to define what is left, right, and center. I am and always have been moderate (right-wing to them), and I will not let them define me.
You are observing the methods that all Communists and Marxists have utilized, in gathering a list of the names of all those who would dare to disagree with any facet of their ideology.
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Hitler, Ceausescu, others. Murderous thugs!
Oh yes, I totally agree. All these labels, definitions, and false equivalencies (you think this, therefore you are that) are complete bullshit. Life is way more nuanced than that.
Bless you, Bridget.
The first step, the hardest step, is realization… not the fake ‘woke’ but actually being awake and aware of the indoctrination and propaganda. Good on ya!! Stay strong!
Thanks for being open minded ♥️
Welcome to the Light my brave friend!
Thank you once again Sasha. I'm not a religious or even a particularly spiritual person but the spiritual component to this moment seems unmistakable. When I hear people on the left expressing their disappointment that Trump survived this assassination attempt, it's hard to call this way of thinking anything but evil. How are we to reconcile with these people?
I haven't always agreed with Megyn Kelly but I think her analysis of this situation is spot on. Listening to her impassioned pleas to heed Trump's calls to fight for this country I was overcome with emotion. We must win this fight or the country as we have known it is gone.
Bless you.
gsharper, many of us believe this is a spiritual battle we face. When anyone replaces God for another idol (even their own spouse), bad things eventually befall. It’s especially corrosive when a whole people or culture succumbs. The 1st commandment of the Decalogue is too often forgotten, too under appreciated. But it’s 1st for a reason its foundational for everything else - and those who strive to live by it are those not seeking power over others, and instead seeking to live in freedom
Thanks Sasha …. I wish I could give what you got to some of my friends.
That's the missionary's frustration. Salvation comes from within. You're not allowed to hold the horse's head under water, and it wouldn't work if you did.
Omg Casey , I know that you are correct , but I have to admit that it’s difficult not to want to. Everytime I hear “well they said on The View “ I either want to scream , vomit , or go back to bed. All at the same time.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
-Ronald Reagan-
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke-
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer-
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.' "
-St. Anthony the Great-
"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"
-Ayn Rand-
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
-Winston S. Churchill-
“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” ― Thomas Paine
"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been"
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
You can fight an empires wars going against its divisions takes more than just swords and anger.
Another person who should have gotten more credit said this awesome quote
"No ma'am, he's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about,"
McCain 2008
As always, you move me with your words!
I’ve been enjoying your posts lately very much. Thank you for the work you did on this one. I’m not sure if there is a way to reach the left with these arguments but better to encourage ourselves to persevere, but maybe along the way more will come over like you did.
"I haven’t done many things right in my life. It’s been, in many ways, one long agonizing flail."
Welcome to ordinary, Sasha! Most of us are fortunate to get one, maybe two things right in our lives - things that matter, anyway.
"But I have done a few things right, like building a business and having a child."
If raising your daughter was all you did, it probably would still be THE most important thing you got right.
"One of those things was finding my way out of the dystopian fear bunker the Left has become."
I thank God every day for your awakening, and your willingness to share your journey with your readers!
Please keep on keepin' on!
The section you are commenting on is the piece that struck me the most. Sasha has to give herself more credit than she does. She is chronicling for future generations as well as giving those on the "left" who stumble on her writing a safe if direct space to challenge the uneasiness of their current state.
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.” -St. Thomas Aquinas-
Well articulated words from St. Thomas Aquinas.
Sasha, here in Australia we feel you.
In the Messianic Scriptures of the Bible Rav Shaul (Paul the Apostle of Christ) said a lot of very interesting things, and in a letter he penned to the Christians in Ephesus he obviously knew that anger was a normal response in life.
Ephesians 4:26-32
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil. 28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Whether you are a Christian or not, it’s good sound advice, hard to follow when you’re really ticked off, but it’s the ideal. Get angry but don’t put the gloves on and try not to poke your adversary in the eye, as tempting as it may be at times (and these times are very tempting).
I know I need this attitude more in my life. We all do. However, one of my favourite sayings when I see/hear what’s going on in the governments and the deep state, WEF, UN, WHO, and after Saturday’s horrific events is:
“Where’s my bazooka?! ”Of course I don’t own a weapon of any kind because it’s Australia folks, they took them away years ago after a staged event (oops, did I say the quiet part out loud?). You all know what I’m saying.
So get angry people. Anger can be turned into constructive action. Trump displayed that yesterday, his fist in the air saying: “Fight!” All the dems can throw is crap and they use a lot of anger energy to do so.
Sasha, we who were once Left of centre and who all moved to the Right did so about the same time, even here in Oz (Obummer helped us along I’m afraid, and my husband and I stood up for him more than once too, when the accusations came - including the famous birth certificate debacle - until the veil fell off).
You know, there’s a Bible verse about YeHoVaH sending “strong delusion so they will believe the lie..” and is in reference to a particular man soon to appear on the world stage - the props are in place except some major ones so rest easy on that one for now. I do often wonder how much “strong delusion” is afoot now preparing the way, why some have woken up and why some will NEVER wake up.
"Sound advise, hard to follow". I'll say, my greatest struggle. No one is perfect but God uses imperfect people to do great things
Speaking of the globalist, check out 'Interest of Justice' and sign their new petition. They're meeting in 2 days to plot humanities demise
Nothing could be more appropriate than demonizing ideologies that are demonizing.
Self-righteousness and Utopianism, by justifying evil, are forms of evil.
Sasha..you’ve got the words alright.. thank you for sharing them with us.
Thank you for all the work you put into each of your pieces..they are greatly appreciated.
Wonderful message thank you. You are a gifted writer. Thank you and I’m glad you love America like we do. 🇺🇸❤️