Just as this press conference rolled out, news of George Santos being arrested dropped - which has given CNN and MSNBC a welcome distraction. If you’re interested in what they’ve discovered and what it’s about, here is the press conference:
Keep in mind the whole story of the stealing of the 2020 Election was the suppression of the Biden corruption scandals by the national socialist media that failed to inform the people of the full import of the choice they were about to make.
We are now seeing the full impact of that corruption with the dropping of any pretense of the rule of law on the borders of our country with Biden opening up the nation to a full-on invasion.
FACT: Big Media and Big Tech Stole the 2020 Election
great post! And, in addition to the above, we should keep in mind all we've learned since about the FBI's role in orchestrating the coverup and about the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the bogus memo without examining the laptop. No doubt, the election was rigged.
Why is that the GOP’s job? Why can’t the DNC root out the criminals in their own ranks? Why can’t we? If the fate of this country depends on one political party, the country is doomed. Demand your elected official do their jobs no matter which party they belong to. Being the solution to the problems is not what Reps are, though their whole existence depends on it. The kind of grand standing we see in this presser is useless unless they go far beyond the “strongly worded letter” we usually see from them.
Former FBI director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden's grandchildren and spoke with the then vice president in 2016 'to explore lucrative future work options' with Hunter as the middle man
Everything has been corrupted. Everything is being shaken. Think of it as a giant mirror being held up that the Lord is showing us what we have become. Jesus stands alone in righteousness, look to Him.
"At least nine Biden family members received payments, according to committee chairman James Comer. That includes Hunter Biden; James Biden; James Biden’s wife, Sara Jones Biden; the late Beau Biden’s wife, Hallie Biden; Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen; and “three children of the president’s son and the president’s brother.”"
One of my obsession is Cosa Nostra (the American Mafia). Made Guys very often bring in Male family members, and get their Sons Made. Reason being they are the only people they can really trust.
Julie Kelly’s tweet says it all. The first amendment has been bastardized by our MSM, aka the Censorship Industrial Complex. When the MSM doesn’t hold the powerful to account, whether Democrats, Independents, or Republicans, they do become (dare I say it) the enemy of THE PEOPLE. Who has more power, Santos or Biden? One is an ant hill and the other is Mt. Everest.
It’s coordinated. Last week, Comer said that the announcement would be made on Wednesday (today). Yesterday, the announcement was made that Santos will be charged with ??? and that he would be arrested on Wednesday (today). It’s amazing how the msm and the justice department are working together to keep Joe Biden in power in spite of his declining numbers because Democrats are done with him too. People need to wake up to the fact that it’s not about R vs D anymore.
Last week, Comer said that the announcement would be made on Wednesday (today). Yesterday, the announcement was made that Santos will be charged with ??? and that he would be arrested on Wednesday (today).
What are the odds that was going to happen?
Given how the national socialist media reacted, you can make a pretty good guess.
What else is happening today? Oh yeah, Title 42 expires and one MILLION illegals flood Texas with the help of the republican party in Texas.
Look, with the possible exception of Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump, they are ALL grifting which is the story of Sodom on Potomac for the last 100 years and why they had to kick Trump out. Pardon my cynicism.
Citing sources from Customs and Border Protection, Melugin wrote that “top border officials in Washington, D.C., have decided to authorize all Border Patrol sectors to begin ‘safe’ mass releases of migrants to city streets if non-governmental organizations don’t have the capacity to hold them.”
Oh, they're burying it, for sure. They'll try to rely on the public's short memory and string it out for two years until after the election, like they did with Russia collusion and HB's laptop. I fully expect a special detail will be organized to dig up and manufacture as much dirt as they can on Comer, Donalds, Mace, etc.
Yes you're right, Kamala can't handle the job. But then again, neither can Biden. The same one handling chairman Joe will handle her. Can we say BHO, or would it be better to say , Barry Sotero?
It's speculated that Susan Rice resigned from the White House to help Michelle Obama organize a surprise presidential campaign. I don't see this as being unrealistic.
Partisans like ‘ChiyoChan’ want to play the tired old game of the fascist far left in pretending both sides are the same.
There are only allegations of Biden selling out to our enemies, NOT both sides.
That is the fact no matter the spin from the fascist far left.
ONLY ONE SIDE has opened the border to a disastrous illegal invasion that includes tons of fentanyl in a new Opium war. Biden the betrayer and his fascist far left did that - those are the facts.
Go ahead try to spin that ‘ChiyoChan’ with some “But Trump!!!!!!!!!!!” distraction.
He declared that 'national socialism was based on Marx' Socialists have always disowned him. But a new book insists that he was, at heart, a left-winger
There are only allegations of Biden selling out to our enemies, NOT both sides.
That is the fact no matter the spin from the fascist far left.
ONLY ONE SIDE has opened the border to a disastrous illegal invasion that includes tons of fentanyl in a new Opium war. Biden the betrayer and his fascist far left did that - those are the facts.
I demanded that you prove your assertion, you FAILED to do so.
Only the far left is fascist, deal with it.
The “Fascist” Label and Its Misuse
Fascism is as far left as Communism. Both are socialism’s children
He is corrupt. The entire administration is corrupt. We are one of those countries that we have looked down forever for corruption.
Honestly, It’s a little scary to think of Kamala taking over, if anything comes of it. It feels like we are in a no win situation. Except maybe, if he goes down, maybe people’s eyes will finally be opened and it would change the outcome of the next election in a positive way.
I distinctly remember reading that Joe Biden received a $900,000 payment (bribe) from the billion-dollar aid package given to Ukraine when he was VP, the one he held up until Ukraine fired their chief prosecutor. He is as corrupt as the day is long.
There are mountains of evidence that the sitting President and his crack head son have not only sold out this country for years, but that bone-deep corruption is complicit in the current situation in Ukraine.
At the same time, Taibbi releases an extraordinary expose on the censorship industrial complex (and is banned as ” posting hate speech” for doing so) . But leftists are, like… oooh the crypt keeper (Feinstein) is back!
The leftist authoritarian echo chamber is on full display today.
And the Dems are going to keep on taking bribes and selling our country and the middle class out because they can, they’re motivated by power, wealth and victimhood. They are backed by the anti-American anti-Christian establishment of FBI, CIA, DOJ, teachers union, academia industry, China, and Press. The GOP is compromised by old RINOS and also doesn’t have the wealth of the Dems. So Dems will win 2024 and delay financial collapse til 2025. Then their fascist totalitarian government will be on full display and the middle class will be sent to re-education camps in CA, WA, OR and NY.
No, that's false. Kushner has his own business, separate from Trump Inc. Kushner is not Donald Trump's son. Further, there is no evidence that any of that Saudi money was transferred to Trump or his other family members. All the evidence shows that Kushner's Affinity Fund is a legitimate, including disclosures to the SEC and other regulatory agencies, as well as public disclosures. That's why you know about it.
Really? You’re going to say that with a straight face?
Compare ALL the stories from the national socialist media designed to cover up the betrayal of the country by ‘president’ Biden to a minor congressman.
Who has a greater influence in the world? Biden or that congressman?
What is it about the fascist far left and it’s incessant use of the same old tired tropes?
ChiyoChan, you are right that both sides of Uniparty play this game. It just so happens it’s connected to the sitting President, and allegations of payment to his family members while he was VP, from ‘20 or so companies’. What makes this more interesting is it’s the first time I’ve heard of a grandchild of a politician (Bidens grandkids) being the recipient of a wire payment from a foreign entity. That’s some Cornpop Mafia move, if true ;)
That is what is claimed today by Comer/House committee …but we’ll have to see what the evidence shows
No. You have the story wrong. That was an investment into Jared Kushner's hedge fund, which was disclosed and is a fully legitimate business.
So, see if you can answer the question that Rep. Donalds asked this morning: What is the Biden family business? Do you know? Do they own stores or a hotel or a manufacturing plant or do they offer consulting services? And if they do run a business, where are the invoices? What is the work product?
Nothing from any of the MSM. I can sense Turley's frustration through his tweets. How can no one care about this news?? Why aren't journalists jumping on it?? It's so unfair it makes me want to cry.
They have to do anything, *anything*, to avoid Kamala. I would not be surprised if Newsom, disgusting (to Demos) White male that he is, throws his hat in the ring.
i am not getting the press conference at all - jjust a sign that it is coming up soon but it doesn/t- so i assume you tube is blocking it and it can't be seen. Any suggestions?
Keep in mind the whole story of the stealing of the 2020 Election was the suppression of the Biden corruption scandals by the national socialist media that failed to inform the people of the full import of the choice they were about to make.
We are now seeing the full impact of that corruption with the dropping of any pretense of the rule of law on the borders of our country with Biden opening up the nation to a full-on invasion.
FACT: Big Media and Big Tech Stole the 2020 Election
Worse than stealing the election itself they stole our right to even question its integrity. Or theirs.
great post! And, in addition to the above, we should keep in mind all we've learned since about the FBI's role in orchestrating the coverup and about the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the bogus memo without examining the laptop. No doubt, the election was rigged.
the FBI's role was questionably illegal.
Not ‘questionable’ - they actions were illegal, there is a BIG difference between the two.
Why are you trying distract away from the illegal action of the FBI and the fascist far left?
Why is that the GOP’s job? Why can’t the DNC root out the criminals in their own ranks? Why can’t we? If the fate of this country depends on one political party, the country is doomed. Demand your elected official do their jobs no matter which party they belong to. Being the solution to the problems is not what Reps are, though their whole existence depends on it. The kind of grand standing we see in this presser is useless unless they go far beyond the “strongly worded letter” we usually see from them.
Are you actually denying that story was suppressed in violation of the First amendment?
Did you expect people to forget that the FBI had Fascistbook suppress that story?
And the video of Zucker admitting that on Joe Rogan doesn’t really exist?
No, the involvement of the FBI is the violation, do try and pay attention to what people are saying.
(from 2021)
Former FBI director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden's grandchildren and spoke with the then vice president in 2016 'to explore lucrative future work options' with Hunter as the middle man
That's a very strange thing to do. Joe Biden is filthy rich. His grandchildren don't need anybody else's money. 🤔
As the famous millionaire Thurston Howell, III once said to Gilligan, "The whole purpose of having money is to make *more* money."
Nothing’s ever enough for these people.
Biden sure as hell isn’t in it for his grandchildren.
Biden doesn’t even recognize his biological 3 year old granddaughter via Hunter. Bidens have no shame and no honor.
Hmm, bribery under guise of donating to some trust to get future business or referrals from Biden. I wonder if this paid off for Freeh.
and was it really Freeh's money or a pass through?
who knows? IRS and FBI probably do but they're not talking...
I'm sure the timing was totally coincidental.
And as far as NY politicians go, the R vs. D distinction is largely meaningless. "Corrupt" is really the only qualifier.
Wait a minute...Wait a minute! My Acme MKIV sarcasm meter is Twitching.
I plead guilty to snark in the first degree -- which is a lot more honesty than you'll ever get from a politician. Especially one from NY. :)
Everything has been corrupted. Everything is being shaken. Think of it as a giant mirror being held up that the Lord is showing us what we have become. Jesus stands alone in righteousness, look to Him.
"At least nine Biden family members received payments, according to committee chairman James Comer. That includes Hunter Biden; James Biden; James Biden’s wife, Sara Jones Biden; the late Beau Biden’s wife, Hallie Biden; Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen; and “three children of the president’s son and the president’s brother.”"
One of my obsession is Cosa Nostra (the American Mafia). Made Guys very often bring in Male family members, and get their Sons Made. Reason being they are the only people they can really trust.
I'm surprised Biden's dog didn't receive anything.
he was going to, but the Secret Service complained.
Julie Kelly’s tweet says it all. The first amendment has been bastardized by our MSM, aka the Censorship Industrial Complex. When the MSM doesn’t hold the powerful to account, whether Democrats, Independents, or Republicans, they do become (dare I say it) the enemy of THE PEOPLE. Who has more power, Santos or Biden? One is an ant hill and the other is Mt. Everest.
It’s coordinated. Last week, Comer said that the announcement would be made on Wednesday (today). Yesterday, the announcement was made that Santos will be charged with ??? and that he would be arrested on Wednesday (today). It’s amazing how the msm and the justice department are working together to keep Joe Biden in power in spite of his declining numbers because Democrats are done with him too. People need to wake up to the fact that it’s not about R vs D anymore.
Last week, Comer said that the announcement would be made on Wednesday (today). Yesterday, the announcement was made that Santos will be charged with ??? and that he would be arrested on Wednesday (today).
What are the odds that was going to happen?
Given how the national socialist media reacted, you can make a pretty good guess.
Yeah I was wondering why Comer had to announce when he was going to present the charges. Nothing like telling the enemy when you plan to attack.
What else is happening today? Oh yeah, Title 42 expires and one MILLION illegals flood Texas with the help of the republican party in Texas.
Look, with the possible exception of Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump, they are ALL grifting which is the story of Sodom on Potomac for the last 100 years and why they had to kick Trump out. Pardon my cynicism.
Thus, we have a prime example of circumstantial evidence of these crimes.
Biden Admin Makes Overnight Move That Means Thursday's Border Disaster Will Be Much Worse: Report
Citing sources from Customs and Border Protection, Melugin wrote that “top border officials in Washington, D.C., have decided to authorize all Border Patrol sectors to begin ‘safe’ mass releases of migrants to city streets if non-governmental organizations don’t have the capacity to hold them.”
Elections have consequences, stolen elections have absolute consequences.
I think Biden is done. He can't come back from this. I'd say 3 to 1 odds he resigns by July.
I wish you were right but I fear that the Democrats and their media partners will bury this.
Oh, they're burying it, for sure. They'll try to rely on the public's short memory and string it out for two years until after the election, like they did with Russia collusion and HB's laptop. I fully expect a special detail will be organized to dig up and manufacture as much dirt as they can on Comer, Donalds, Mace, etc.
Kamala Likes This!
She's probably freaking out. There is no way she can handle the job.
Yes you're right, Kamala can't handle the job. But then again, neither can Biden. The same one handling chairman Joe will handle her. Can we say BHO, or would it be better to say , Barry Sotero?
It's speculated that Susan Rice resigned from the White House to help Michelle Obama organize a surprise presidential campaign. I don't see this as being unrealistic.
Perhaps it is not unrealistic Jeff. But it is certainly terrifying.
Partisans like ‘ChiyoChan’ want to play the tired old game of the fascist far left in pretending both sides are the same.
There are only allegations of Biden selling out to our enemies, NOT both sides.
That is the fact no matter the spin from the fascist far left.
ONLY ONE SIDE has opened the border to a disastrous illegal invasion that includes tons of fentanyl in a new Opium war. Biden the betrayer and his fascist far left did that - those are the facts.
Go ahead try to spin that ‘ChiyoChan’ with some “But Trump!!!!!!!!!!!” distraction.
AMLO confirms that fentanyl is coming from China
The Nazis Were Leftists, Deal With It
There is a key difference between the pro-freedom right and the fascist far left.
The fascist far left constantly obsesses over depriving the people of their common sense civil right of self defence.
That isn’t the case with the pro-freedom right, THAT is the difference!
"Gun Control’s" Nazi Connection
Startling evidence suggests that the Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation.
Seriously! You’re trying THAT lie?
You folks on the fascist far left have been LYING for 80 years, why should anyone believe anything else you’re going to say?
There is a key difference between the pro-freedom right and the fascist far left.
The fascist far left constantly obsesses over depriving the people of their common sense civil right of self defence.
That isn’t the case with the pro-freedom right, THAT is the difference!
"Gun Control’s" Nazi Connection
Startling evidence suggests that the Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation.
Now you’re just making things up.
Please explain how you know this?
Are you some sort of mind reader of extraordinary powers?
You folks on the fascist far left have been LYING for 80 years, why should anyone believe anything else you’re going to say?
Republicans claim to fear left-wing authoritarianism — but there's no such thing
Hitler and the socialist dream
He declared that 'national socialism was based on Marx' Socialists have always disowned him. But a new book insists that he was, at heart, a left-winger
Leftists Become Incandescent When Reminded of the Socialist Roots in Nazism
There are only allegations of Biden selling out to our enemies, NOT both sides.
That is the fact no matter the spin from the fascist far left.
ONLY ONE SIDE has opened the border to a disastrous illegal invasion that includes tons of fentanyl in a new Opium war. Biden the betrayer and his fascist far left did that - those are the facts.
I demanded that you prove your assertion, you FAILED to do so.
Only the far left is fascist, deal with it.
The “Fascist” Label and Its Misuse
Fascism is as far left as Communism. Both are socialism’s children
He is corrupt. The entire administration is corrupt. We are one of those countries that we have looked down forever for corruption.
Honestly, It’s a little scary to think of Kamala taking over, if anything comes of it. It feels like we are in a no win situation. Except maybe, if he goes down, maybe people’s eyes will finally be opened and it would change the outcome of the next election in a positive way.
I distinctly remember reading that Joe Biden received a $900,000 payment (bribe) from the billion-dollar aid package given to Ukraine when he was VP, the one he held up until Ukraine fired their chief prosecutor. He is as corrupt as the day is long.
you distinctly remembered wrong
There are mountains of evidence that the sitting President and his crack head son have not only sold out this country for years, but that bone-deep corruption is complicit in the current situation in Ukraine.
At the same time, Taibbi releases an extraordinary expose on the censorship industrial complex (and is banned as ” posting hate speech” for doing so) . But leftists are, like… oooh the crypt keeper (Feinstein) is back!
The leftist authoritarian echo chamber is on full display today.
And the Dems are going to keep on taking bribes and selling our country and the middle class out because they can, they’re motivated by power, wealth and victimhood. They are backed by the anti-American anti-Christian establishment of FBI, CIA, DOJ, teachers union, academia industry, China, and Press. The GOP is compromised by old RINOS and also doesn’t have the wealth of the Dems. So Dems will win 2024 and delay financial collapse til 2025. Then their fascist totalitarian government will be on full display and the middle class will be sent to re-education camps in CA, WA, OR and NY.
No, that's false. Kushner has his own business, separate from Trump Inc. Kushner is not Donald Trump's son. Further, there is no evidence that any of that Saudi money was transferred to Trump or his other family members. All the evidence shows that Kushner's Affinity Fund is a legitimate, including disclosures to the SEC and other regulatory agencies, as well as public disclosures. That's why you know about it.
And then the corporate media wonders why their credibility with the public is at an all time low.
They don't wonder any longer brother. They don't care. They've accepted their role as the American Pravda.
Team players for Team Demo. Saving America from the bad evil "White Supremacists", to be said in appropriate shrieking tones.
You can see the bias in real time with this site - looking at various times over the past few hours:
Note how they buried the story of corruption of the president with other minor stories of convenience that they ‘prioritized’.
Remember to limit your exposure to the toxic propaganda on that site for health reasons.
Really? You’re going to say that with a straight face?
Compare ALL the stories from the national socialist media designed to cover up the betrayal of the country by ‘president’ Biden to a minor congressman.
Who has a greater influence in the world? Biden or that congressman?
What is it about the fascist far left and it’s incessant use of the same old tired tropes?
“Trump got 1.7 Billion in influence kickbacks from the Saudis”
What the blazes are you talking about?
Where is YOUR Evidence for all of that?
What the source of this allegation?
Without that your assertion is worthless.
Please explain how this somehow absolves Biden from his betrayal of the country?
ChiyoChan, you are right that both sides of Uniparty play this game. It just so happens it’s connected to the sitting President, and allegations of payment to his family members while he was VP, from ‘20 or so companies’. What makes this more interesting is it’s the first time I’ve heard of a grandchild of a politician (Bidens grandkids) being the recipient of a wire payment from a foreign entity. That’s some Cornpop Mafia move, if true ;)
That is what is claimed today by Comer/House committee …but we’ll have to see what the evidence shows
What was this $1.7B payout to Trump from the Saudis?
No, YOU are making the charge, YOU have to prove it.
If you cannot, you will be shown to be a LIAR.
Now, hop to it!!!
No. You have the story wrong. That was an investment into Jared Kushner's hedge fund, which was disclosed and is a fully legitimate business.
So, see if you can answer the question that Rep. Donalds asked this morning: What is the Biden family business? Do you know? Do they own stores or a hotel or a manufacturing plant or do they offer consulting services? And if they do run a business, where are the invoices? What is the work product?
What is the "GOP media?" Asking for a friend.
Nothing from any of the MSM. I can sense Turley's frustration through his tweets. How can no one care about this news?? Why aren't journalists jumping on it?? It's so unfair it makes me want to cry.
For one strange moment I read that first line as "news of George SOROS being arrested"
Investigating corruption in the Biden family is analogous to investigating sweat in a locker room. Good luck with that.
More confirmation that MSM is merely media arm of Democrats. So predictable that any MSM "story" could be written in advance.
Nothing will happen😢
You do realize when they dump Biden, Michelle is their pick.
They have to do anything, *anything*, to avoid Kamala. I would not be surprised if Newsom, disgusting (to Demos) White male that he is, throws his hat in the ring.
Yep! Obama’s 4th term.
David Langley
You can dispense with spewing long dissertations with falsehoods on subjects you know nothing about.
You can forget about playing the usual game of the fascist far left of quickly changing subjects when you become trapped in a lie.
I’m going to destroy your assertions, one subject at a time, starting with the FACT that the fascist far left obsesses over gun confiscation.
This is going to be repeated UNTIL it is properly addressed.
(Posted here and at the top of the thread)
i am not getting the press conference at all - jjust a sign that it is coming up soon but it doesn/t- so i assume you tube is blocking it and it can't be seen. Any suggestions?
i got it by scrolling over to 45 so don't know if i missed something during the first 45 -
Look for a distraction. Like bombing an aspirin factory
You tube is censoring this apparently. It just has a generic starting soon message. If you go to rumble you can see it.
It's there you have to fast forward a bit