Joe Biden didn't just become corrupt overnight when he became Vice President. Yes, he has lost a step or ten but his basic character has remained constant. He is, and always has been, a lying, corrupt, vindictive politician. Everyone who matters in Washington knows this and has known it for quite some time. And yet the Washington establishment lined up behind old Joe to install him in the White House and they continue to protect him. If anything comes of these new revelations it will be because the Washington establishment has decided Joe has fulfilled his purpose and has become a liability.

As bad as the information brought forward by these whistleblowers is, you can be sure that the FBI has a much bigger file on Joe with much more damaging information. He came to power and remains in power at the pleasure of the establishment who controls him.

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He was installed for this reason. You may recall Mr 1% was foundering before the SC primary where the big guns were called out to "save" him.

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Right on the money!!!

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Well stated.👏👏👏👏👏

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They cannot arrest the Bidens because Washington D.C. would fall apart if they did. Everyone there understands that. Extortion is how it is done, internationally and within the borders. The recruiter at Black Rock told us how it is done in his interview with the O'Keefe babe. The more powerful the person the greater the extortion opportunities. Bribery and extortion are two sides of the same coin.

WE however WANT Washington D.C to implode. The only way is to force the implosion with external pressure. A 50 state simultaneous tax revolt could work. Occupying the city entrance points might work. Closing off the Virginia border might work. Occupying the NY FED could work. Stop all candidate contributions.

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The whole purpose of foreign aid for example is to generate Big Guy cuts. This is why when hell freezes over, we will still be sending out foreign aid.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 25, 2023
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It will have to eventually be an organized 2a movement.

A movement that employs the 2a, not just one that defends the 2a.

This situation in America is very precipitous at the moment. There is no returning to a pre2015 culture.

As Churchill once exhorted, “If you’re going through Hell, keep going!”

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I think the external force hits in 2025 after another Dem 2024 win. Force will be in form of 15%+ inflation resulting in massive layoffs, Dow crash territory, and more bailouts for elite but not thee. Hedge accordingly.

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You'd better believe that Epstein and the CIA/Mossad that he worked for had blackmail up the wazoo on all of these people.

And we all know he didn't commit suicide.


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While a coordinated tax revolt would work it would be utterly impossible to incite. The enemy isn't so much the Biden crime family and the D.C. Swamp, it is the half of America who partially or completely support the corruption. At least so long as they perceive that corruption as working in their favor. Social, economic, and climate "Justice" have supplanted actual justice and any concept of equal application of the law.

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Rush Limbaugh had a policy of never staying overnight in Washington D. C. With what you say about extortion, it makes sense.

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Don't you just love the fake the fake tough-guy act?

The symmetry between Hunter's shakedown of his Chinese handler and Joe's own account shaking down the Ukraine PM for $6 in foreign aid is astonishing.

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Excellent observation.

Schoolyard brashness, boasting and ultimately bullying.

The Biden Corp. Credo.

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As A Country

We Are Still

Shitting Obama Out.

The Body Politic

Will Recover.

And Our Immunity

To His Kind

Will Strengthen.


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What a time to be alive.

For perhaps the first time in history, the utter corruption of the ruling class is being exposed real-time. You can smell their desperation as they crank up their propaganda/smear machine to try to discredit anyone challenging them, but their jack-booted overreaching on the Covid scam and the clearly rigged 2020 presidential election poured a cold bucket of water on too many people. Once you're awake to the giant PSYOP they've been running for decades, you can't go back to sleep.

My worry is that, knowing this, they will go to the extreme of a nuclear WWIII with Russia/China as a way of shutting down opposition and clinging to power. It's not like they haven't been preparing for this for decades, with massive undergound facilities for themselves. Do they care that this will kill millions? Even billions?


I recall an interview with Gore Vidal. He said that the average person has no idea the contempt they are held in by the ruling class. We are starting to realize the truth of that statement and they know it.

The average person cannot even begin to fathom the kind of wealth that the puppetmasters have; nor can they fathom the utter depravity of these people. These are the people behind all of the wars that have killed, maimed and displaced millions of human beings. To them, it's just culling the herd - for profit. They poisoned us - for profit. They are brainwashing and mutilating our children - for profit. It's all about money and power. They can never get enough.

It's hard to see how this is all going to play out peacefully.

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Well said. The term “The Deplorables” really resonated with the Dems and RINOs.

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They consistently project both what and who they are themselves--widely and loudly.

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Apparently the Elites do not have enough imagination to realize that they are not much different from everyone else. Like the royalty of old. Must be a part of human nature. Would we do better if we were born into that position?

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As far as I am aware, history records no example of a nobility that regarded its privileges as un-justified, or that was willing to share power equally with its associated peasantry. And that is why we must always have some concern about concentration of wealth.

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Unfortunately, when government makes laws to control big business they usually create laws that give an advantage to big business over small, thereby concentrating power in big business. It also concentrates more power in government. We need laws that make a tendency for large businesses to fission into smaller ones, and to make it easy to create new ones. Large corporations hate it when a group of their bright, young engineers and executives go of to create a startup competitor.

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Excellent observation David!

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At this stage of national affairs, we are well beyond having “some concern”!

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Yes. But I was trying to balance the left-wing "all things being equal" objective of egalitarianism, which is what we are evolved for, with the contrary right-wing "all things being equal" objective of creating greater average wealth, while speaking to people who may well be right-wing. A certain amount of politics is necessary for even minor "coalition-building". If I can change a few minds at a time, that is what I will try to do.

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Fair enough. A noble approach that seems more sophisticated than my ham handed approach! I remain convinced however that, in general, things are more serious than people, in general, are grasping.

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I am sorry to have been overly aggressive. I would like to make two additional points in a non-aggressive manner.

The first, relatively minor, is that my putative Nastiness Scale in effect runs on parallel tracks: one for weapons and one for "who started it". ("Who started it" is a standard that any grade-school boy would. rightly, recognize as valid.)

The second is that self-righteousness and Utopianism, by encouraging the attitude that is traditionally, though very awkwardly, referred to as "The end justifies the means", are in effect forms of evil. A more useable term is "arrogation": literally being arrogant enough to think that we have more rights than do our opponents. Once we start thinking along those lines, there is no clear stopping point. It is the Slippery Slope from (and to) Hell. For fairly obvious reasons, I have become over-sensitive on that point. So that is why I over-reacted the way I did.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Only narcissists and psychopaths want to control other people. Not everyone born into wealth and power is so inclined, but they are well-insulated from average people and real life. It takes an extraordinary person to break out of that bubble and see the world for what it is and give a shit about it.

That's why I like RFK Jr. He most certainly doesn't have to be sticking his neck out, especially given what happened to his father and uncle. He could've stayed in the bubble and the MSM would be running teary-eyed pieces on the son/nephew of the slain (by a "lone gunman") icons. But he does care about people, as did JFK and RFK, so he's seen as a traitor to the elite class, thus they pour out their scorn with smears and hit pieces instead.

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My God Sir, you speak the truth plainly and clearly—well said. That should’ve a published piece on its own.

I’ve too have been feeling that there will be no other way out since about mid 2017. The corruption is being laid bare, if they (the elitist) start to go down in any cohesive or significant manner, then like a cornered wild beast, they will stop at nothing to survive. Peace? Sure… :-/

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They have an annual big guy cut of close to $1T to fund it.

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Yes, well said. I have thought of population culling too. I never would have thought this a couple of years ago. It would have been crazy to me. Not anymore, for various reasons.

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Being on CBS is a sign that the Left is done with Biden.

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This is a true fact. The only way they can sweep Biden aside and bring in Gavin. Just hope they don’t leave us with our V.P.

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Bohbert should withdraw her motion to impeach. It provides too easy a way out for Dems who must, by now, be inclined to replace Biden at the top of the ticket.

Let 'em dance with the partner they chose.

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The impeachment will only leave him stronger.

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Maybe. They may find another Democrat to shill for. ALL of legacy media except Fox sides with Democrats. Which is why anyone who doesn't live in their information bubble doesn't watch them

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

All legacy media sides with the uniparty status quo. Note that the invitation list for the WH Correspondents' Dinner never changes regardless of who is in office.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

FOX only goes as far as the Republicans-as-opposition-to-Democrats charade goes. They pretend to be the opposition, but just to be a platform to discredit opposing views. They always are a little bit behind the Democrats, dutifully following their lead. When someone like Tucker gets out ahead of the narrative, they get the axe.

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Allowing Hunter Biden to mingle with the elites at that event is rubbing the public's nose in DC's corrupt two-tiered justice system. Biden and the Democrats have no shame. Hard to believe that Democrats were once on the side of exposing corruption and working with Republicans (Church committee, Watergate) to keep government honest.

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Leftists used the Church Committee to cripple US intelligence agencies when they were fighting the Soviet Union's and the Warsaw Pact's intelligence agencies.

Ditto the FBI, which was keeping tabs on and infiltrating Leftist groups in the US.

As for Watergate, if you know a math whiz, ask him to calculate the odds that the first VP in US history to be forced from office would be taken out BEFORE the first President in US history is forced from office -- both winners in one of the biggest landslide elections in US history taken out in one fell swoop.

The "Russia Hoax" against Trump is small potatoes by comparison. Today's lawfare blitzkrieg is very similar however -- a combined-arms operation with the MSM, Government agencies, and Federal Courts attacking Trump from every direction.

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A Minneapolis FBI agent calls frantically about an Arab in flight school to fly commercial airliners but is not interested in learning takeoffs and landings. DC ignored it. Could have prevented 9/11.

Should have flushed the DC branch then and there, followed by selling the FBI building.

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They might officially be the FBI, but their real title is CYA.

Plus, don't forget that in 2001 we already had political correctness enough to make any move on a Mohammedan very risky for any agent involved.

Very much like the situation of civilian heroes today -- help another person under attack by a POC, and risk life in prison.

You've got to be two times a hero to help somebody out now.

But criminals are an important Democrat voting bloc; law-abiding citizens aren't.

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Just look at Building 7 videos. No words or investigations needed; it is all right there in plain sight.

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Read “Official Stories” by Liam Scheff to get the scoop on what 9/11 really was....

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It’s like when English royals fed their massive dogs better than their Irish slaves as the latter looked on hungry.

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Please don’t apologize for using Fox’s video clip and thank you for your willingness to post it. Seeking truth requires paying attention and critical thinking. That’s why you were able to leave the “cult”. Thank you for your voice.

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People shouldn't be focused on a comparison of Hunter to Trump, or Clinton to Trump for that matter. It's Hunter or Hillary versus all those other anonymous folks sitting in jail for doing the same or less.

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My skin started crawling after reading the text of the message. If it turns out Hunter Biden sent this, the Biden mafia should be prosecuted.

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It’s from his laptop that has been verified. Biden family is totally corrupt--every last one of them. Not only corrupt, but shameful and depraved. Hunter and others family members have serious mental issues with drugs and sex. Hunter belongs/ed to two sex clubs where they indulged in orgies and sexual fetishes. Joe showered with daughter and now Ashley has serious problems. Where was Jill back then? Joe’s been rubbing and sniffing kids on camera for decades as the media ignores. Joe was accused of rape while the victim had to hide to protect herself. This whole family is depraved and corrupt 🤬

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Agreed. I think of Bill Cosby, drugging and raping women in his basement bedroom, while Camille was upstairs. Same with Jerry Sandusky, raping boys in the basement while his wife was upstairs. Where was Jill while the showers were taking place? I hate to say this because child sex abuse is so abhorrent: I wasn’t surprised to hear this went on in the Biden household. They are so f’ed up.

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She made her bargain.

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What about How Biden’s niece who was arrested for spending $100k using stolen credit cards - she just got a slap on the wrist as well.

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Whole family is a pack of thieves

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They knew it was legit over a year before the 2020 elections.

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Yes, I just read (early this morning) the Ways and Means Committee interview transcripts of the whistleblowers from the IRS. Made me want to throw up.

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As Joe Biden says, "Nobody fucks with a Biden"! Or was that Don Corleone?

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He’s still a punk.

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Hunter is the epitome of “white privilege” silver spoon punk.

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I'm long since past being convinced that the FBI changed the result of the 2020 election. Bunch of them should go to jail.

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sorry Sasha, love your writing. but the fact you'd apologize for a Fox link demonstrates you still have one foot back in the land of liberal lies. Come completely into the light.

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No no no; it’s because Fox fired Tucker.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Me thinks we need to keep eye on MSM in general, to know/see what the propaganda machine is feeding the masses. It’s like reading the tea leaves. Linking to an MSM story in context, like Sasha has done, is completely appropriate

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

If it’s posted now on CBS, it could be start of removing Joe from running again. Will have to see who else on MSM picks it up and how much staying power it has

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I wish that were true. Let's wait and see what happens later today or tomorrow with CBS. Won't be surprised if there's a retraction or some such thing after "further information came to light" or other BS.

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Newsom is already doing interviews and flying around the country. Why else would he be interviewed by Hannity on FOX?

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Michelle Obama or Crazy Kamala, either way has to be a black woman to ensure the retorts to all criticism are “critics are racist and sexist”.

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I hope and pray it isn’t Michelle Obama. I fear she would win and then we will lose what’s left of our country. She is further left than Joe and that says a lot.

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If Joe is trying to stay on script so he does not get in trouble, how do you know the real acting president is not Michelle now?

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Sadly, nothing will be done. Pravda will sweep it under the rug, the insanely corrupt DOJ will ignore it, the complicit Congress will pout and preen and do nothing, and most Americans will forget all about it. This says a great deal about the levels of corruption in DC and the media,but also about the the minds of too many Americans. They either don’t care at all or give Brandon a pass. Because Trump said “pussy” and had mean tweets.

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Thanks again, Sasha, for posting the relevant facts. I've never before witnessed this much corruption without an outcry from all the citizens. It's baffling to me how we have become separate Americas split by ideology as if it's the 1860s again (but for another reason). I mention things to folks across the divide and they have either not heard about it, believe it's "fake news" or they toss back a whataboutism. I'm equally upset about someone of my political persuasion being corrupt - perhaps more so, as it harms the brand. Unless we face this cancer and excise it, I fear we are doomed as a Constitutional Republic.

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Sasha Stone: It is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic is fallen and will never stand again. Accordingly, here is a direct quote from Gary D. Barnett for your subscriber's perusal:

“Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.” ~ Edward Abbey

"Voting therefore, whether for republican, democrat, independent, libertarian, or any other flawed system relying on government, is the death knell of freedom, for it is an admission that a master or ruling class, is necessary in order for societal harmony and freedom to prevail. In fact, rule (government) is the very reason that chaos, theft of property, corruption, coercion, violence, incarceration, torture, murder, war, and collective enslavement, can and will always exist in any environment other than anarchy.

Remember, when you elect, select, or allow another human or group of humans, (supposed ‘representatives’) to lord over and control you; then you have given up your individuality and your freedom. If you accept this lot in life, you do not even deserve the freedom that you naturally possessed when you were born!

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Funn thing, Carl, I was re-reading that nugget from Ed Abbey just the other day...must be in the air...

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I'm old enough to remember when "campaign finance reform" was a mainstay of the Demo Party. Then along came the Clintons. Their attitude was "We don't have to see it a bribery, we can see it as extortion!" They also got rid of the Demo Party's long-standing commitment to Fair Trade. The Gentrification of the Demo Party had begun. It has now become complete.

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Exactly right. Parties have completely switched

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Important story! However I feel you should have made the apology for posting the CBS link as well. To those of us who stopped watching FAUX news a long time ago, we stopped watching the MSM outlets much longer ABC, CBS, NBC, and even local Fox news here in MN. Cable is just worse as they are pure propaganda schills, and yes I liked Tuckers stuff too, though he has his flaws.

I realize you story is focused on a specific target, though much more to it, such as the IRS, DOJ, and Judicial branch all colluded to prevent charges being filed and the statute of limitations to expire. Plus informing Hunters lawyers before his storage unit was to be searched and preventing the search at Bidens guest house. TGP or the Gateway Pundit has the details and 5 links to documents, whistleblower 1 transcript and affadavit and whistleblower 2 transcript and supplemental submission, and a June 7th 2023 letter.

"The Department of Justice interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s clear tax issues with a “Delay, Divulge, and Deny” campaign – that ultimately shielded him by allowing the statute of limitations to pass on his tax crimes."


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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Why state 'apologies for linking to Fox" CBS is grimmey, all the same as the big media.

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Because Fox fired Tucker.

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Yes, but Catherine herridge seems to be one of the few at cbs with any ethics

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Thanks for this, Sasha. Feeding us good stuff from other sources is a valuable service that you provide, in addition to your perceptive commentaries. Keep up the good work, it must be rather exhausting.

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The amount of “in your face” corruption is so totally unreal that the general population has no choice but to deny and ignore it. Otherwise, their world would completely disintegrate in front of their eyes...

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Nameless, you make such a good point...the full horrible truth of right now would be too much for many to bear, esp if there does not seem to be any readily available solution.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 23, 2023
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This is in your face corruption by a guy who has been in congress nearly all of his life and believes himself to be untouchable. This is corruption - it's pay to play. It also means Biden is a "dirty" politician where China is concerned.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 23, 2023
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That's right, Michael. He never did anything wrong. He's pure to his heart. A GOOD MAN. A PERFECT man. Not corrupt in any way. That is the reality you want so that is the reality you will get. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little baby....dream your sweet dreams. It's rainbows and lollipops. Zzzzzzzz........

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Love that you fight back but also Appreciate that wouldn’t be wise to respond to most negatives as it often just encourages further trolling. Must be exhausting to build valuable communities and then manage those that just want to throw stones to see what they can break. Hang in there. You’ve developed a great Substack and appreciative following for good reasons.

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Ps. The AwardsDaily site is super insightful about films, the art and artists, and the biz too.

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"Undeniable honesty can often give one the feeling of being 'untouchable'!"

I enumerated some of his many crimes in another thread in response to your assertion. To recap:

Who authorized the destruction of Nord Stream?

Who pushed for the Iraq War?

Who directly supports endless war in Ukraine?

But, I suppose, terrorism and war crimes don't count against Joe, right?

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Is this performance art?

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Sure, how about the Hunter Biden laptop? You must be so asleep you can’t see what’s in front of your face. Or you’re a bad actor, or controlled opposition. How about the FACT that joe Biden had classified documents, unsecured, in his garage? How about the irs whistle blowers? What else you wanna talk about? These can go on almost indefinitely...too many to list. And all of the so called corruption allegations on trump have been proven false or fictitious after years long investigations. Are you controlled opposition? I would guess you’d have to be if you believe anything that comes from your television these days. Just here to stir up feeling huh?

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Looking forward to the forthcoming Twitter “Nothing Burger” comments.

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Considering that Obama, Biden, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, & Comey were all briefed on the conspiracy by the Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS, and DNC to commit significant fraud on the American people with their phony Steel dossier and the false allegations to hurt Trump and influence the election, they were directly involved in the conspiracy. In a just world, any mention of their names should include "the unindicted co-conspirator" in the largest political and legal scandal in U.S. history.

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As they say, they are "over the target" especially if the corporate media has decided to report on Hunter's crimes.

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The CBS reporter is Catherine Herridge who used to work for Fox so that makes more sense that CBS reported it. (Of course every major news station should but...)

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The sadness comes with the spotlight on the truth of the high level of corruption. When the corruption is hidden and the mechanics of it are not widely known, one can ostrich, ignore,, obscure, and/or misdirect Titanicly. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning - as in the fourth turn. I wish I could be around for the start of the fifth turning and have the optimism that comes with it. This is just a sick body politic.

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There is no difference between Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden or George W Bush. Joe Biden takes foreign bribes, McConnell is married to the Asian based Foremost Group(Elain's family) and the Bush's have hidden the fact that 14 of the 9/11 hijackers are Saudi's and his family has been in bed with their elites for decades.

At least you now know that Trump belongs to Americans.

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Pure third worldism.

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Republicans and Democrats have been two sides of the same debased coin for a long time...for the children.

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Would modify “Republicans” to “RINOs” but agree with you I’m general.

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This will only be an issue when the DNC decides Biden is an untenable candidate and they must cut their losses and instruct the agencies and networks to broadcast to the toadies that vote with no mind to actual issues or compentence. Sadly the R's are too inept to provide a viable alternative that will force the issue.

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Can't link to PBS Newshour because they last reported on this on 4/22/2023.

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Unless you understand the Luciferians and how the 9 different circles are constantly battling each other for total control then you won't understand global politics.


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One thing I've noticed is that when the spotlight is on Biden's corruption, there is suddenly an event that overshadows it. Since the s#!t hit the fan with this lastest Hunter revelation, it was pushed off to the side because of the events in Russia.

In order to have a better understanding of those events, listen to Scott Ritter who, as they were occurring, confidently predicted it would all be over within a day. Ritter also gives us an understanding of the political situation in Russia and that, most likely, this insurrection was part of a western intelligence op where Prigozhin was involved with or manipulated by western intelligence.


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Perhaps you should appreciate Fox a little more?

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I think it has to do with Fox firing Tucker and not animosity toward the Fox we knew before they did that. My opinion anyway.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 23, 2023
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Uh, yeah, sure pal. Just remind me when the last time anyone gave such consideration for Trump for um, oh, uh the LAST EIGHT YEARS. Who weaponized the DOJ in the first place? Who planted evidence? Who impeached TWICE on shoddy evidence? Who has now indicted twice? You want to excuse Joe, go for it, but you have to play fair. You can't just weasel out when it suits you.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 23, 2023
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It's not my job nor my interest to "convince" you or to perform FOR YOU. If you want to live in a delusion, man, that's not my business. I have work to do.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 23, 2023
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Well it's hard to debate with someone who brings their own set of facts.

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Michael--Joe Biden was, infamously, for decades the Senator of MBNA FInancial , during which he gladly did their bidding in the halls of congress. You might want to be careful asserting Joe's virtue too sweepingly.

[reality check]

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Glad I continued with comments prior to responding. “The senator from MBNA” descriptor has been around a while now.

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"a 79 year old man who never committed a crime in his life"

Does fomenting and supporting a war that was started under false pretenses, which killed, maimed and displaced millions of people, count as a crime in your book?

Even the NYT took him to task on his attemps to weasel out of it.

Joe Biden’s Vote for War

In October 2002, he was one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq. He is still trying to explain that choice.


Or how about blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline - an act of international terrorism?

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now


So to top off his culpability in the deaths of millions, he created an environmental disaster while paying lip service to the environment.

Then there is his warmongering in Ukraine, where he's directly responsible for pouring Ukrainian youth into a meat grinder, where estimates are ~350,000 have been killed in the vain pursuit of his neocon wet dream of crushing Russia.

Does any of that count? Hmmm?

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He may have supported the needless killing of hundreds of thousands of people but there’s no documented evidence he committed a crime in doing so. Creepy Uncle Joe is innocent until history is written by people with integrity and courage.

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"The idea that it is a crime to initiate a war of aggression goes back at least to 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles provided for Kaiser Wilhelm II to stand trial for “a supreme offense against international morality.” No such trial took place after World War I, but after World War II, initiating and waging wars of aggression was one of four charges on which, during the Nuremberg Trials, the International Military Tribunal convicted and sentenced to death 12 Nazi leaders, among them Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel."


"The bombing of Nord Stream was an unconstitutional Act of War, involving the destruction of billions of dollars of [civilian] energy infrastructure and wreaking havoc on the energy markets of Europe. The destruction of this major energy pipeline has affected over 80 million people, threatened the viability of continent’s manufacturing base and its overall economic stability.

The Administration did not have congressional approval, required under Article I, Section 8; nor did they consult with congressional leaders regarding the use of military assets for an attack on Nord Stream."


Now, I don't expect that Biden will ever face justice, but the fact that these acts were crimes against humanity is plain.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 24, 2023
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P.S. - It's revealing that you put 'crimes' in quotes, as if fomenting and waging war and committing terrorism are trivial.

""We must never forget that the record on which we judge these defendants today is the record on which history will judge us tomorrow. To pass these defendants a poisoned chalice is to put it to our own lips as well."

-Robert Jackson, statement opening the Nuremberg trials

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His fervent support of the Iraq war is a matter of public record. He in fact wanted war for years before the "WMDs" lie.

Joe Biden, Five Years Before Invasion, Said the Only Way of Disarming Iraq Is “Taking Saddam Down”


Seymour Hersh is quite detailed in his reporting of Joe blowing up Nord Stream. The fact that the western press won't touch it is because it is indeed an act of terrorism, so to admit it would be the end of Joe and his accomplices. Thus, the nonsensical garbage that was first put out by the MSM that Russia blew up their own pipeline. When that didn't fly, it just faded away.

His quite public support of using Ukraine to kill Russians and overthrow Putin is also well reported.

A simple Google search will provide you with all of the evidence you need. It's not like it's hidden somewhere. I provided you with links to both the NYT piece (which is quite friendly to Joe) and Hersh. What more do you want, exactly?

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Removed (Banned)Jun 24, 2023
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"All of the dozens of Dems & Repubs that voted for or went along with his POLICY votes or decisions would also be considered criminals, right?"

You said it.

"Preventive war is, very simply, the “supreme crime” condemned at Nuremberg."


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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Reality check:

Why would any company put a crackhead on the Board of Directors?

What value was Hunter providing for the $$mil in payments received?

Reality check indeed. Sorry Michael but if you insist on clinging to the narrative, you must provide an alternate explanation for the facts not in dispute.

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Hey Michael, you probably believe that the CDC and FDA are out to protect us by vaccine mandate huh? If so, I would hope you’d be first in line to get your boosters every 6 months, you know, to prove how right you are. Be sure to follow the advice of the good doctor Hotez, he’s full of great advice😂. Just keep getting those things bud, our problems will be solved sooner than later. Cheers!

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“I’m here from the (you choose <FBI, IRS, CIA, CDC, NSA, NYT, WAPO, etc> I’m here to help.” Choose no more than 6.

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The net worth figures appeared low because he laundered the money among brothers, son and their various holding companies. Money laundering 101.

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Put aside the big crimes being alleged for a moment and consider the too many to mention lies that Biden has told throughout his entire career, possibly life. Let’s also not mention his plagiarism. And, to someone like him the accumulation of additional wealth for himself and his family is a necessary ego boost. You claim to be a passionate liberal and yet here you are defending an old time pol with no principles let alone liberal ones.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 24, 2023
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That's a weird thing to say because it's circular logic. Imagine asking someone in Soviet Russia the same question. "Has Stalin ever been convicted of any crime"? Do you think that is a question to ask when he's been in congress and is as deep state as you can possibly get? Do you actually think the "crimes" Trump has been accused of are legit? Dude, come on.

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"can you point to just one example of Joe Biden being accused..."

I accused him of war crimes and terrorism, provided the evidence, and you simply dismissed these as being crimes because, hey, it's just "policy".

Here's just one example of the result of Joe's "policy"


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