I would so love for Olbermann and AOC to take the subway to and from work and otherwise every single day.

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Stay away from Democrat majority cities/states - if you have to defend yourself you'll be called a racist and you'll never get a fair trial.

PS - Good luck with that "peaceful revolution". Sasha's experience and treatment by her former friends on the left has convinced me that the left is heading toward the "Final Solution 2.0" whereby all people who disagree with them are insects to be squashed. They're actually the violent extremists.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

Kennedy is a threat to both parties. Isn't it thrilling to hear someone so sensible, factual, and logical? Lets you see how ideologically fantastical the "mainstream" has become, thanks to a media that works for the Deep State via the Democrats, the party of corporate power now even more than the Republicans. It boggles the mind.

Kennedy answers questions honestly and directly and intelligently. So different from a career politician--that is, a person who sees politics as a job and a career (like that professional liar from NY) not as a vocation. Like our generals and top bureaucrats, the career politicians (Biden is exhibit A) see it as their job description to lie for the establishment, to the Senate and Congress as much as to the public or even their own constituencies, without the slightest qualms. Lying is necessary to keep the juggernaut going, which is their mission t preserve, because it is the source of their power, prestige, and paychecks. They take moral pride in their mendacity because it is a job well done.

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I'm so beyond caring what that clueless bartender says. Every time she opens her horse mouth a stench of shame wafts over each and every one of her constituents. How many homeless could have been fed with that "Eat the Rich" dress she wore -- and which was custom made for her by a tax cheat?

The real question to ask her is whether or not Bragg will prosecute him. The answer to that lies wrapped in another question: what is the race/color of both the "victim" and the hero. What follows next should be obvious.

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I enjoyed the Unherd interview. The two presidential candidates speaking with refreshing robust forthrightness are RFK, Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Remember the 1964 Kitty Genovese killing? Her New York City neighbors stood by while it happened, afraid to take a risk and interfere. Obviously, the military veteran's instincts to protect his neighbors kicked in. A hero is someone willing to take a personal risk to help others.

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It pisses me off when I see good people crucified for trying to help others as the case with this Marine protecting civilians. Four of my brothers and I are US military veteran also and nearly half my neighborhood was too. We wouldn’t serve again for this shit Coward In Chief and the Socialist Democratic Party and RINOs of the GOP. Let the Wokesters defend these sorry asses: our enemies won’t even need to fire a gun.

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It won't come down to a peaceful revolution; it never does. Power never gives up power without it being forcefully taken from them, with much bloodshed and misery. Obviously, I would much prefer a peaceful change, but history tells us that's not going to happen.

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Can these people not see how hypocritical they are? Or is that the point? It's incredibly obvious that if the roles were reversed, especially races, they wouldn't care at all. They seem hellbent on turning this country into Yugoslavia.

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Not to be Debbie Downer here, but are we really to believe that a lawyer-turned-politician, from a family of politicians, is going to save us from the politicians?

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Show me a headline and I will write the left's take on it. To quote Nickleson from As Good As It Gets, I'd start with common sense "...and take away reason and accountability".

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When was the last time AOC took public transport?

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Thugs on drugs. The former soldier did a public service and should be given a ticker tape parade. Take out the trash. Enforce the laws. Arrest and jail the thugs on drugs.

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Give that marine beer. Why do constantly out up with scum and criminals in this country. It is beyond me. Murder would have been to allow the scum to eventually kill someone.

This is on the mayor anyways. He's done ZERO to cut the crime in the city and make the subways safer.

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This poor man has to live with the taking of a life. Justified or not it is a terrible tragedy. A perfect example of damned if you do and damned if you don't. They are both victims.

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The 2020 riots were orchestrated. Antifa had a command structure, medics, food and logistics. It looked like a military operation. They simply need to wait for an appropriate incident for the apparatus to swing into action. But who are the commanders?

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I like RFK Jr. I know that it’s a long shot but it’s interesting to see him slowly climbing in the polls. If he were given a chance, if he were given MSM media exposure, he could have a major influence on the Democrat Primary. Sadly, the Democrats aren’t interested in Democracy, and won’t even have a debate.

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"my mind immediately goes to how fast our government is going to crush him."

They will try. But, I'm pretty sure they won't succeed. Consider: Being an outspoken vaccine critic during COVID was probably one of the most challenging things you could do. RFKJr himself said he lost many friends and alienated many relatives because of his stance.

Not only was he relentless, but he doubled down: He wrote a book about the arch-villain in this saga.

He simultaneously dedicated several chapters to one of the chief enablers, Bill Gates. And, he spared no punches.

If you read his book, you will know that it is basically a honeypot for defamation claims. By that, I mean: If there was anything false and intentionally malicious in the book, he already would be up to his eyeballs in litigation. He dared to insult one of the richest men in the world (Gates) and one of the biggest egos in the world ("I am the Science" Fauci). Last I checked, neither of them has filed suit.

I like Robert Kennedy a lot. Trump was (and is) absolutely correct that the media is one of the biggest problems this country faces. By that same token, Kennedy is absolutely right that the totalitarian merger of government and big business is now vying for the title 'biggest problem this country faces."

I'm not sold on Kennedy's environmental policies. But, I'm not going to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. We have an abundance of seriously flawed presidential candidates. I'll take a good one over any of them, and I'll not be bothered if that candidate isn't perfect.

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In ancient Athens, an ostracism vote was held every year.

If 60% of the voters voted to ostracize a person, he or she was exiled from the city.

Some days I think we should have this policy. Other days, I think we just need to start shooting the AOCs ... and the FBI who protect them.

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I have to say that even while disagreeing with some of his positions, I’ve always been impressed by RFK Jr’s integrity. That said, I’m terribly uncomfortable with the way he hedges some of his statements in this interview. When asked whether he favors “equity” based hiring over meritocratic selection (specifically, Biden’s announcement that he would select a black woman for the next SCOTUS vacancy), he very carefully says he’s “not going to second guess” Biden. That’s not someone I could vote for. I’m sure he’d alienate some woke D’s, but if he doesn’t have the courage to say that qualifications, not race or sex, are the most important criteria for a SCOTUS nominee, he’s not going to give centrist like me the sense that he’s willing to stand up to the crazies in his own party! Will he hedge on “gender affirming surgery” for minors...what else is he willing to hedge on to secure his party’s nomination?

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"Marine disables criminal who has been in and out of jail 42 times and is labeled a hero."

Er... wait... That was 1950. If it was white on white it wouldn't even be news.

Critical Theory in play here as class warfare isn't an option in a capitalist society; every identity is to be used for political gain.

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Does it really matter anymore? The good guys are the bad guys and the bad are the good!! Its all upside down world. No matter what happens it’s like there’s a team scanning the news looking for oppressor events to eulogize. It’s time for the good guys and gals to walk away move away find a group of civilized folks to live around .

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The game here is for the oligarchs to refuse to provide basic services, like public safety, and blame us for it.

Think "Escape From New York." Except Snake could fight his way out and we can't.

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I like RFK Jr.

I used to say that I would NEVER vote for ANY democrat under ANY circumstances. I would vote for RFK Jr., but only against a ‘Mitt Romney’, or a ‘John McCain’ type RINOcrat.

I could never vote for RFK Jr. over Donald J. Trump though…

Not because he’s a democrat, but because Donald J. Trump is the ONLY man in this current setting who has the desire, the WILL, and the persistent character that it would take to “Make America Great Again”. I’m sure that RFK Jr. loves America as much as any of us do. His problem is two-fold. First, he makes far too much sense to appeal to the average democrat voter, and secondly, he is trying to represent a Democratic Party which no longer exists, so it’s highly unlikely that he would win the nomination, and go on to win the presidential election.

If RFK Jr. WERE to win the White House, he would be rendered powerless against the wastrel, establishment congress.

The best outcome that we could ever expect from an RFK Jr. Presidency, is that he would be able to ‘body check’ radical, liberal progressivism against the boards for a maximum of 4 to 8 years…

(Please visit my Substack homepage)

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If I Had To Bet Today

I Would Bet

That There Will Not Be

A Presidential Election In 2024.

So Do Everything That You Can.

- Everything.


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I like Kennedy. He has a vast repository of knowledge about our Establishment and a genuine want to use it in a way that will make our country much better. I also like that he knows how all the games are played and he would not be fooled in the beginning. Not only because of his family but because of his work in the legal system.

My only misgiving would be that he is a bit of a bleeding heart on certain issues. Hate to say it to those whom it will offend, but he has a lot in common with Trump and he's more articulate.

I'm still Trump though. But I like Ramaswamy, Gabbard and Kennedy. The problem with any of these three is we don't know what will happen when they try to kill them with a blow torch - which they will.

DeSantis is not Presidential. He just doesn't have it.

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Sasha, as a student, perhaps devotee of the Fourth Turning, do you think RFJ Jr. could be our Gray Champion, or at least one of them, as our Crisis reaches it climax?

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

I live in a big city and see unwell people on public transit every day. It's painful. My heart hurts for them. But no one ever, ever deserves to be killed while people look on, filming with their cameras, doing nothing. That's not what caring for our fellow neighbors looks like, and I hope we as humans can do better.

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Interesting that the person assisting the Marine in taking down the perpetrator was black. Not that it should matter. But given the Left’s response it does matter.

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The mentally ill man should have been hospitalized instead of assaulting subway riders ... now he will become a Saint in the Cult of Woke

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While many things Kennedy says ring true, I can tell you from my business interactions with Bedford-Stuyvesant leadership that literally one after another president of this non profit embezzled millions Teddy Kennedy convinced Congress to give them and then disappeared. Doubt any of them were ever convicted of crime but can’t be sure. Bedford -Stuyvesant was an embarrassment. So his idea of fighting inequity clearly is not working.

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All Mainstream News Is A Distraction from the following . . .

Invasion Migration Warning from War Reporter. Attention all Americans: Michael Yon is at the souther border. He is reporting for us. He's on Substack. https://michaelyon.substack.com/

"WEAPONIZED MIGRATION" https://www.banned.video/watch?id=6459353fcd17e10a5b0f8f99

"They will be armed!"

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