You just keep getting stronger, Sasha - you're amazing. The fear is gone - we've learned that, like all bullies, these people are fake. DeNiro has come to believe he *is* one of his characters - somehow powerful enough to terrorize and kill - even commit Osage genocide. (While annointing himself by reciting some stolen land mantra...lolol)

In reality, he's a frightened little puppet. He's like the oh-so-scary-Great-and-Powerful-Oz... nope, just a man. And like that snake-oil salesman, not a very good man.

He's not afraid of Trump. He's afraid of US. Not because we're the kind of terrible person he portrays on screen - but because we have our hands on the curtain.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

From Liz Crokin on pedo De Niro who deserves LESS THAN ZERO respect : ROBERT DE NIRO: MEET THE CHILD FOCKER?

In 1998, French authorities arrested Robert De Niro at the Bristol Hotel in Paris and held him for questioning in connection with an international prostitution ring that involved minors.

De Niro was detained on a warrant by Judge Frederic N'Guyen, who had been investigating the prostitution ring since October 1996, according to reports. De Niro’s lawyers denied his involvement in the ring. No charges were filed against him.

The case uncovered the brutal methods used to snare young women — some as young as 15-years-old — into a call-girl agency specializing in wealthy, high-profile clients.

Six people were charged with running the international prostitution ring. The agency was known for tricking, or trapping, starstruck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.

The girls were reportedly pressured into prostitution. If they refused, they were blackmailed with a threat that risqué photographs of them would be sent to their families. In some cases, they were simply abducted, according to an investigator’s report from the case.

In 1977, Roman Polanski allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl. After that alleged sexual assault, he met with De Niro later that same day.

Also, De Niro the animal has a long history and close relationship with Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein produced several movies starring De Niro such as Jackie Brown and Silver Linings Playbook.

Robert De Niro also owns The Tribeca Grill, a restaurant in Manhattan that Weinstein used as a spot where he lured in sexual abuse victims, and he also allegedly terrorized the waitstaff there and acted like a pig!

In 2017 when rape allegations poured out against Weinstein, De Niro remained silent. However, he did express many foul-mouthed opinions publicly about President Donald Trump.. (READ IN FULL: https://twitter.com/LizCrokin/status/1731786874904080639 )

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Actors are people who make obscene amounts of money to stand in front of a camera and pretend to be someone else. It’s great work if you can get it but doesn’t make them any more skilled to understand complex issues than the preverbal plumber that lives next door. What’s spectacularly stunning is their mindset/culture that tells them they are smarter than most people. People with lots of money/status seem to believe a pile of money gives them some intellectual superpowers. Newsflash…it does not.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Trump's 'Superpower' is turning all of this Lawfare into positive PR. He, unlike the Dems, understands that the voters aren't stupid, and that the Dems are showing their distain for the legal system. I believe that the majorities view is that the preservation of our legal system is more important than our 'team' getting elected.

Whoever thought that extreme lawfare and anger was the path, is a friend to the RNC, as it is blowing up in the Biden camp's faces.

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Exactly why for many many years now I haven’t watched the bullshit cinema star elites swoon over each in a fake display of admiration except for their own pockets. The political hits are so typical much like the MSM swooning over the worst ever State of the Union drugged speech of the Biden puppet.

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Homerun AGAIN!!!!

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I have to wonder how self-absorbed a person has to be, to not notice that they have no clue what's going on around them, yet still believe they're the smart ones.

Trump and DeNiro are perhpas equally narcissistic. But Trump gets his ego stroked by going out into the real world and appealing to real people. DeNiro and his ilk seclude themselves in their ivory towers and make pronouncements.

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Nailed it again. I've read that it can take a couple of election cycles to enact real change, so this would be the second. People are waking up, and I'm cautiously optimistic

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For me, De Niro, is an arrogant mind that has lost most of its rationality ...

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Brave, pithy and scathing. Keep it up Sasha.. you say so well what many of us think and feel out here on the fruited plain. And because you are intimately familiar with the rumbling machinations of the Hollywood beast’s massive marbled belly you bring to the table a gravitas of the first order.

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Thank you, I really enjoyed reading this, and every word resonated. The only thing I can add to it is that generally actors are good at reading lines, not creating them.

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How did you write this so quickly after the Oscars??? Amazing!

I feel like Hollywood has always had a pretty strong aversion against "normal" people - a few exceptions like Gary Sinise, Clint Eastwood, Keanu Reaves, James Woods ... But it has turned from aversion to scorn and is almost monolithic. Whoopie Goldberg, Scarlet Johansen, Steven King (I lump him in there), the list goes on, have not only turned their backs on the masses who semi-worshipped them and made them fabulously wealthy and successful, but would be happy doing away with that massive (50%+) segment of the population entirely. It is not disdain, but almost white hot hatred.

In Park City, UT, there is a housing development called The Colony. Houses start roughly at $15 million and go up to $50M+ These are third, fourth, fifth, homes of the fabulously wealthy. Food is delivered to empty homes here, stocked in refrigerators, often taken away uneaten, and replaced. Roofs are shoveled clear of snow, and lights are left on at night with nobody inside. The people who own these homes in large part have no care whatsoever for the food stockers, maintenance crews, builders, road plowers, etc. I suspect the owners are 95% Biden voters, and hate Trump. The richest and most powerful people in the world situating themselves against people struggling to pay for groceries, while they make these owners comfortable and cozy (for the 2 weeks a year they show up) in their 4th mega mansion. Maybe the idea is if you can't see these people who make your life so easy, they simply don't exist. Trump seems to see them, acknowledge them, and thank them.

Besides for Eastwood, soldiers dying in Afghanistan are just a blip in the news. Their deaths are no more consequential than scattered showers in LA (maybe less, since it doesn't impact traffic). These stories are not presented as a family name being ended by the only son being mowed down to protect the interests of the rich and powerful. The stories are not (for the rich a powerful) a child who just lost their dad. Trump doesn't treat these "normal people" this way or talk about them this way, though. Whatever comes out of his mouth, and shows up in his actions, is concern for these people who struggle and sometimes even die, and spend their lives making sure the lights are on, heaters are running, and refrigerators are full in The Colony. That is why so many people love or at least accept him.

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“That you think Trump cares about you enough to bother jailing you is laughable.”

They really think of themselves as special and above us.

De Nile is a river going thru Hollywood.

Amr Australia

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That is a very, very powerful statement, Sasha. If only we in the German alternative media had someone like you, delivering the devastating diagnosis but in a non-defeatist, inspiring and self-assured way. With an approach like that there would be much more hope for resurrecting the functional society that the left has all but destroyed. Still we can try to emulate your example as best we can, which I for one certainly will.

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Ms Stone

What a powerful and accurate message!

Mr. De Niro would be wise to follow the old adage……When you find yourself in a hole, Stop Digging!

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Well, I would say you summed that up nicely, put him in a tiny box and wrapped it up with pretty paper. Every one should keep a few copies of 1984 around. To give to friends that have not read or have forgotten High School or College years.

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