The Dem Borg never mentions Ashli Babbitt in all its caterwauling about J6.

Her blood is on their hands.

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They never mention the beating and death of Rosanne Boylen either. Two other Trump supporters were murdered that day. The REAL CULPRIT IS Nancy PELOSI.

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And Mitch McConnell who shared the supervision of the Capitol Police.

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Thank you for mentioning this woman.

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I miss-spelled Rosanne’s last name it is spelled Boyland. A metropolitan’ police officer LILA MORRIS BEAT THE UNCONSCIOUS ROSANNE WITH A STICK WHILE THOSE AROUND HER WERE TRYING TO GET HELP. SHE WAS OVERCOME BY THE GAS THE CAPITOL POLICE WERE USING AGAINST PEOPLE INSIDE THE LOWER WEST TERRACE TUNNEL AT THE CAPITOL, PROTESTERS WERE TOLD THEY WERE GIVING THE CROWD FREE PIZZAS ON THE STEPS TO THE CAPITOL. WE SAW THE VIDEOS OF POLICE BEATING THE DOWNED PROTESTER. The involvement of the Metropolitan police should be investigated, so should the filming of a documentary about Nancy PELOSI by her daughter’s film crew that day… showing a relaxed yet animated Nancy with her plastic smile performing for her daughter’s film crew.

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I wasn’t there, but I did see this footage early on… that is certainly what appeared to be happening. There are many things that happened that day which the general public is not privy to, for which I seriously doubt will fully come to light within my life time. The *victors* write history.

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What is becoming very apparent from reading these delusions is that the criminals also write their own history.

"Why do the good guys always win? Because the winners write the history books!"

Unfortunately the bad guys still write their own history books even when they lose. So the only way to sort out what really happened is to examine actual EVIDENCE (which appears to be a foreign concept to those posting here).

I've watched many hours of the videos (and, of course, the jurors watch a great deal more).

Videos cannot, of course, prove that something did NOT happen outside of the camera's view. But everything I saw was of a bunch of clearly violent rioters with highly malicious intent, including their own statements of intending to murder anyone trying to stop their unambiguously stated attempt to overthrow the government.

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Without weapons. A violent insurrection with murderous intentions... without weapons. You must be somewhat familiar with the realities of paid agent provocateurs, instigators, crisis actors laying the foundations to turn a peaceful protest into a confusing beehive.

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Boyland ( forgive my wrong spelling) she was lying unconscious when a female officer Lila Morris beat her as she laid supine and unconscious on the ground. Lila was never mentioned by Nancy PELOSI’S hand picked committee made up of Trump haters. The Metropolitan police was very involved in carrying out attacks on Trump supporters. Lacking uniforms and police cars that day. God will judge the people who participated in this deception that resulted in fatalities committed by the Police and Capitol cops.

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Of course people like you are never willing to let (their alleged) "god" sort it out. Because "god" (if there is a god outside of your fevered imaginations) would presumably see reality the way it actually is and not your delusional, twisted and malignant version of it.

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The Trump supporters killed on 6 January were not by the wildest stretch of the imagination "murdered" They were killed while attempting to murder others.

The only ones murdered on 6 January were the heroic Capitol police and others who were trying to PREVENT murders.

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Feb 8, 2024Edited
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How very very convenient that you don't know where it is! That suggests that you haven't seen it yourself and are accepting someone else's claim that it exists and shows what they claim it does. And I'm betting that they didn't see it themselves either, just accepted someone else's claim AND SO ON. Which is the major problem with conspiracy theories like yours WITH NO EVIDENCE . (Yes, there are real conspiracies, but there is EVIDENCE when the conspiracy is a reality (Klu Klux Klan for example)

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Feb 8, 2024
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She had been on medication for ADHD in her past but had been off for months and doing well. I saw the video on Jan.6 as it was happening. I also saw live video of Ray Epps on Jan. 5 urging the crowd to go INSIDE the Capitol the next day. He and his nephew arrived in DC on Jan.4 but both had different stories about the time they arrived and where they were staying. The Democrat “ committee” run by PELOSI would not allow the Republican congressmen to choose Jim Jordan and others they wanted on her committee but Trump haters, Rinos from the party. This whole sham was planned by the Democrats. They REDUCED the security that day. They REFUSED PRESIDENT TRUMP’s OFFER TO PROVIDE 10,000 NATIONAL GUARD MEMBERS TO PROTECT THE CAPITOL AND THE HUGE NUMBER OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THAT BIDEN LEGALLY WON. MY OWN DAUGHTER-IN-LAW WAS TOLD SHE COULDN’T VOTE ON 2020 BECAUSE THEY SAID SHE HAD ALREADY VOTED. WE FOUND OUT LATER THAT MANY WERE TOLD THE SAME THING. You might be thrilled with your pro-abortion, pro-vaccine, Pro-shut downs, pro-transgender surgery President, but THE MAJORITY OF US SEE THROUGH THIS OVERTHROW OF OUT GOVERNMENT. Ashli Babbitt was chatting for about half an hour with the police that were standing near her, they moved away just prior to Lt. Byrd shooting her without even warning her. She was in-armed and NO THREAT! Several Capitol police committed suicide weeks later. I think their consciences could not deal with their part that ended in these murders. In the original videos that the committee, you see people injured with flash bombs, and pepper spray, even elderly people. A young man had a rubber bullet lodged inside his jaw. So don’t tell me I’m wrong. I saw it. I ALSO heard President Trump to tell his supporters ( almost a million) to walk PEACEFULLY to the Capitol and to be PATRIOT because the men in blue were their friends.

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I’ve thought the same thing about the police—that those suicides were due to guilty consciences. SO many tragedies that day. Absolutely heartbreaking.

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That is just plan sick. No, that's a serous understatement! It's depraved!

They were faced with the horrendously ugly reality that

not only were they violently attacked for trying to protect the rule of law and order and the duly constituted government

not only did they get severely abused and injured in their heroic effects when they risked their lives to protect their country.

FAR WORSE many of the population tried to paint these brave heroes as villains.

EVEN WORSE STILL much of the media did only a pathetically weak defense of them.

They risked EVERYTHING in service of their country and some of them paid the ultimate price. AND THEY THEY WERE LEFT FOR DEAD, to be outrageously abused by a bunch of wildly delusional fanatics.

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Hello...Michael? Hello...anyone home?

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It was Donald J. Trump who REDUCED the security. And it was Trump who prevented reinforcements being sent for many hours (despite even his own daughter begging him to!).

And, of course, it was Trump who spent many YEARS (starting from even before the 2016 election) inciting violence in a long and calculated build up of which the 6th January Insurrection was only the climax. (The local sheriff in Fayetteville NC (a very conservation sheriff in a very conservation town dominated by an army base) said after one of his rallies there that he was very strongly inciting to violence and that if he ever did it again in his jurisdiction, he'd have him arrested!)

Trump's core method is to spread as much hate, violence, intimidation and fear as he can possibly manage by as many means as he can manage everywhere he goes.

And white supremacists all love it because they all hate democracy because democracy is what took their beloved slave culture from them.

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Do you agree that a drug overdose was the cause of George Floyd’s death? That’s what the medical examiner said who did the autopsy.

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Michael, you were not there that day, were you?

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Because Ashli Babbitt was White, a Trump supporter, and a veteran, which earns three demerits on the "X lives matter" scale. Had she been a differently-abled multi-racial trans lesbian waving a Biden flag her face would have been carved on Mt. Rushmore by now. Move over, St. George.

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'carved into Mt. Rushmore by now'. perfect.

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Because they're happy about it but know they can't admit that. It's a one party state and she was considered by them to be an enemy of the state for supporting Trump. When you really get down to the core of it.

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Ashli Babbitt was part of a group engaging in extreme vandalism and committing serious crimes. The group was chanting "hang Mike Pence", had erected a gallows and was making many other extreme threats of violence. She was shot (thru the door) while attempting to break it down to enable a mob to commit murders, among other things.

Ashli Babbitt fully deserved what she got. She was not a hero, she was a criminal.

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1. Babbitt was a US citizen and veteran. She was unarmed. The use of deadly force against her was uncalled for.

2. You need to take a good hard look at yourself. What you said is appalling.

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She was attempting to break down the door so that the mob could enter the Sentate chambers while they were shouting intent to murder various members of congress.

She was shot THRU the door so the guard could not see whether she was armed or not. But whether she was or not was totally irrelevant. Any and all attempting to break down the door were deadly threats and shooting any or all of them would have been totally justified. The guard did exactly what he should have done.

You need to take a look at yourself! You are in a group promoting the deliberate destruction of the RULE OF LAW in an attempt to establish a SELF DESCRIBED dictator

who abuses and rapes women AND BRAGS ABOUT IT IN PUBLIC, who directs his subordinates to commit crimes and then pardons them, who diverts many millions of dollars of government money into his personal accounts, who freely gives top secrets to heads of governments that are deadly enemies of the USA, who gives them names

of our spies so that they have to be swiftly recalled (IF they're lucky enough to be before they are killed), who puts all of his close relatives into high government positions, where they can SELL top secret intelligence to heads of dictatorial states who use them to MURDER journalists and PURGE their governments to make them even more dictatorial for which they get BILLIONS of dollars HIGH TREASON by any definition!!!

And you people LOVE it all because that's how you want the USA to be ruled!

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Bret Weinstein and wife Heather Heying are progressive leftists appalled by what a hideously evil monstrosity the Woke left has become. A “collective psychotic break” is what Bret Weinstein says our society is experiencing in this video where he talks about the Time article on how the election was “fortified” to prevent an outcome displeasing to the left. Compare the Time article to what they have planned for the 2024 election, where they plan to use their weaponized judicial system to win, and it almost makes what they did in 2020 look trivial in comparison. Matt Taiibi’s article about our “first lawfare election” was also on Real Clear Politics. I highly recommend listening to what Bret Weinstein has to say and then read, or skim since they’re very long, the two articles.

“US 2020 election ‘fortifying’ in Time article.” (11 min)

Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying. Feb 12, 2021


“They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.”

“The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”

Time. By Mollie Ball. Feb 4, 2021


Is the Electoral Fix Already In?

“The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America's first lawfare election.”

Real Clear Politics. Racket News. Matt Taiibi. Jan 26, 2024


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I so appreciate Bret and Heather’s integrity and pursuit of truth.

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Taiibi had another article this morning about using the banks to spy on us.

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No caps, please. No need to shout.

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Unarmed peasants may have been able to stage an insurrection to start the French Revolution. That was 230 years and light years in weapon advancements ago. To suggest that unarmed ordinary citizens were staging an insurrection against one of the most powerful governments in history is beyond ridiculous.

And yes, I am aware of the “but they had flagpoles and zip ties!” argument. That blatant silliness only made clear that the left needed to paint the events of 1/6 as an insurrection, even if they had to make absurd arguments to do it.

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The videos of Sullivan instructing his Antifa friends to put on Trump MAGA caps and carry a flag says it all. On video are people doing just THAT!

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You obviously haven't even listened to nor read any of the EVIDENCE that 6 January was an insurrection.

The intent of the 6 January riot/insurrection was to prevent the certification of the electors. The riot was to create a threat which would cause the Secret Service to remove Pence to a safe location, making verification impossible (Trump had demanded that Pence just refuse to certify it but he had refused). That attempt failed because Pence knew from Trump's prior demand that he refuse to certify what the intention of removing him was and HE REFUSED TO GET INTO THE CAR thereby foiling the plan.

It wasn,t part of the plan to have the insurgents actually physically stop the certification themselves, only to use them as an excuse to halt it all.

And there was SWORN testimony to all of the above by people present. It turned out that Trump was SO extreme that even some of his own appointees, carefully chosen to be willing to do anything he demanded, still had SOME reservations and what he demanded was so unthinkably extreme that even some of them wouldn't go along with it.

SURPRISE SURPRISE! Even Mike Pence had some reservations, some least trace of morality (or may just too weak to do it). Even Kemp had some reservations (or, IMHO, just thought Trump's approach was too overt and more covert methods were better). Even Bill Barr did have some (very limited) reservations (truly astounding!)

But Trump is so remarkably extreme that almost no one can follow everything he wants. Which is why Trump is increasingly turning to more threats and more deadly threats and openly attacking even judges, DAs, their staff, potential jurors, and even the general public!

Because when all you have is bluff and people aren't taking it seriously enough, the only thing you can to is to just raise the ante and become ever more extreme.\

Ask any poker player how that works out!

The cannon fodder in the German trenches kept on fighting even after most of their officers had fled to South America. Because the cannon fodder is always the last to realize that it's all over.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Twenty-eight thousand people went to the Capitol on Trump’s orders to overthrow the government of the United States of America with weapons like pepper spray, knives, brass knuckles, tasers, batons, scissors, needles and screwdrivers!? You admit this is pretty skimpy considering what they were planning to do but you say we need to take into account how angry they looked!?

And you have no idea at all of how insanely absurd this sounds to people outside of the bubble you people live in. And “you people” are the democrats who are half the country. A truly bizarre, truly insane, truly disastrous situation not only for America but also for the world. God only knows where we’ll all end up.

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Sounds like the shoppers at your local grocery store or mall were more heavily armed than the J6 protesters, at least in most states.

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Only an idiot would consider an American shopping mall a safe place in 2024!!

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Feb 8, 2024
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It is if you don't like totalitarian nightmares.

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Feb 8, 2024
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You really do live in a fantasy world.

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It’s called being “Woke!”

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Not woke, this guy is a propagandist for the same deep state that planned and instigated "the insurrection." His job is to provide cover for the scheme on the backside.

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Don't feed the trolls.

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I don't think he's a troll. I think he actually sees it that way.

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Until I fortunately moved, I lived in the middle of a bunch of Trump cultists.

A pithed frog has far better cognitive skills than these people.

As ugly as it is, they really do think that way. (Although "think" is not really the appropriate term)

They don't believe a word of it themselves! They KNOW it's all lies. They WANT it to be all lies. Because what they want is the return of white supremacy, the reestablishment of American Apartheid. And they know that of course the rest of us would not accept it. So they lie and BS and spout tons of pure garbage that none of them believe.

That's why they are so immune to facts! They know it's all lies. They know that you know that it's all lies. So you telling them its lies, or showing them evidence its lies only ENCOURAGES them!

It encourages them because they want you to believe that they believe it. Because if you believe they are that stupid you won't realize what danger you are really in! So trying to convince them that they are lying only shows them that you believe that they believe it, WHICH IS WHAT THEY WANT.

They want to take control by deception, intimidation, violence and any other means that will work for them. THEN they will force everyone else to march to their tune:

No more abortions (not even to save the life of a mother or in cases of rape, not even incestuous rape)

No more birth control (and if you can't see THAT coming, you aren't paying attention!)

"If your mommy is a commie then ya gotta turn her in!" (ALREADY going down THAT road with the bounty for turning in someone who aided someone to get an abortion, etc etc.

Then they'll give bounties for turning in anyone who is "woke" (meaning gives them an excuse to do anything they want to to someone that they didn't like) (People in Afghanistan discovered that when people were given bounties for turning other people in, NO ONE was safe!) And THAT'S what they want! For EVERYONE to feel that NO ONE is safe! Because that

s what keeps the population under control .

Every time I try to convince my;self that this is too extreme and just won't be allowed, I remember:

Even after seeing four years of what Trump was really like and what he could do, 74 million people voted for him anyway.

And with 1 2 6 on the supreme court (6 total trumpers, 1 strongly opposed and 2 theoretically opposed, sort of) and the vast amount of gerrymandering in place and all the other election manipulations in place, 74 might be enough even it is very far from a majority.

In THIS election we will need every single vote that can be managed. Even if you have to stand in line for all day with no water or food, in the hot sun or driving rain. Because a day of that is far better than a life of pure unadulterated and unrelenting hell!

At first under Stalin, it was enough to keep silent and not voice any opposition. By the end of that nightmare, the last person to stop applauding after the end of one of his speeches would be taken in for "questioning". The applause could go on for hours - until the weakest was just too exhausted to keep going.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Believe me, I understand that you copied and pasted a definition. Your dictionary is the ultimate reality.

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Feb 8, 2024
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No. The comment's in response to your original hyperbole were calling out your weak and specious argument. "We are disappointed..."? What 'we' are you referring to? Or is that the royal 'we'?

Go slather your blather somewhere else.

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Michael - in Sasha's piece above she shows video of crowds violently protesting Trump's inauguration as president in January 2017. That was 'an organized and violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity…' Do you consider the January 2017 protests insurrectionary?

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Michael won’t answer THAT question.

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Maybe. But I hope he'll really think about it. If he sees a distinction it would be interesting to know what it is exactly.

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You Trumps inauguration was PROTESTING and expressing dissent. They were not attempting to stop or prevent anything by force or violence.

The insurrectionists on January 6 were trying to use violence (including physical AND DEADLY attacks (which did not happen at the inauguration) up to and including threats of murder and attempted murder.

That you cannot see the flagrant and critical difference there is highly disturbing on TWO counts:

1) it means that your cognitive ability is so seriously impaired that you cannot make any sense whatsoever of anything

2) that if people like you get into power, you won't be able to tell the difference between a difference of opinion and attempted overthrow of the government! (and that is horrifying! It's why governments like Saudi Arabia BOTH behead AND hang even teenagers who just express disagreement with government policy! (They have to do the hanging first, of course, because it just wouldn't work after the beheading).

It was exactly the same in Germany:

People did not oppose the Nazis enough to prevent them from getting into power because they thought that they were just too extreme to be allowed to get into power.

HEADS UP: "Not allowing" is not remotely enough to prevent fanatics from getting into power! You have to do the hard work to PREVENT it It will not not happen because it's just too ugly to happen. It's horrendous ugliness is what ENABLES it to happen - because people are too afraid to sufficient oppose it and just hopes that its so ugly that not enough will assist it for it to happen. IT DOES NOT REQUIRE ASSISTANCE!!! It just TAKES what it wants and only effective and hard OPPOSITION will prevent it!

THEN people think they can survive anyway by not opposing it. Until they are arresting the first person to stop applauding and YOU are the weakest one that just gives out first.

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The violent people were the cops who murdered Trump supporters.

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The delusional people are the ones who believe what you do.

It is not "murder" if you kill someone who is attempting to kill you! It is self defense.

Oh, I forgot! You don't believe your own BS yourself! You're just spouting a bunch of garbage you don't believe yourself and know that no one else will believe either but will think that you believe it yourself and thereby think that you are too stupid to be dangerous.

They would of course be right about the "too stupid" part but dead wrong about the "not dangerous" part.

Those that supported Adolph Hitler were stupid.

Those that supported Benito Mussolini were stupid.

But they were as dangerous as it gets.

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The J6 Capitol intrusion was a setup, planned 100% in advance by government actors to justify later going after Trump & his supporters.

If J6 were not a setup, someone who did what Ray Epps did would never have escaped punishment;

If J6 were not a setup, the Justice dept. and Capitol Police would not have staged a high school play on the morning of J6 with phony bombs, and

If J6 were not a setup, a knowledgeable congress person would not have revealed (on Tucker Carlson) that there were undercover police dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol early in the morning of J6, well before the perimeter security was breached.

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And NPR radio at 9:33am Eastern Standard Time would not have broadcast that a riot was occurring inside the Capitol between Capitol Police and Trump supporters if they had known that Trump supporters ( protesters ) were at the Ellipse waiting for Trump to arrive. Somehow, The Left’s favorite news source didn’t realize that the fact that Trump had not arrived yet, would blow a hole into their “ news breaking “ story.

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OK. So tell me what is your "opinion" about the Moon landings?l

Oh wait! You're quoting Tucker Carlson! I can guess the answer.

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Feb 8, 2024
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I agree with you. I have not seen convincing evidence that the intrusion "was a setup." But the same empirical modesty on behalf of his view should extend to your claim above that "It certainly was organized by Trump himself..." This MAY be true, just like the claim that it "was a setup, planned 100% in advance" MAY be true. But neither you nor your sparring partner have convincing evidence of your claims, and both of you must willingly deny much contrary evidence. When it comes to certainty, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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There are many videos the crowd took of Ray Epps on both Jan. 5 and 6th telling the crowd to go inside the Capitol, some in the crowd started shouting “ Fed! Fed!” Because they were suspicious of Ray.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Leb, people were pissed off at the suspicion of mail-in ballot harvesting to take Joe to POTUS. Biden 'won' in 2020 carrying 45% less counties than Obama did in '08 -- but carried 16% more votes (80M vs. Obama's 69M). That means Metro counties took Biden over the top. These Metro areas were also areas where social distancing was most strictly enforced, which was convenient for vote counting, that you may not want other side to see. It all smelled bad (and still does).

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Feb 8, 2024
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Have you watched the “Fall of Minneapolis” yet? You should. Since you value “objective reality” I’m sure you’d find this superbly well done documentary quite impressive and quite shocking. Does America even still exist as a country?

AG Keith Ellison responses to Alpha News documentary ‘The Fall of Minneapolis.’

Ellison said he has not seen the documentary but called it ‘partisan propaganda’ that is not ‘factually based.’

Alpha News MN. Dec 18, 2023


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Is anyone actually winning anything on Team Biden?

It’s not fair that you guys feel like you have to defend that moron. Democrats the world and America all deserve a way better candidate this time around.

I honestly would have rather Not have had to learn this about uncle Jo Jo and Company

No thanks I’d rather lose.

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Praying for America!

A Canadian Grandmother

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Thank you for your prayers!!! We need them!🙏🏻

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Thank you Sandy

To better days for both nations!


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This is all by design to demoralize us into the new world order. The problem is there are way too many people who are ready to resist it.

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And that isn't really a problem, is it.

The *real* real problem is, it looks increasingly like it is going to take more, much more, than mere popular opinion to defeat Democrat Fascism and it's one-party police State.

Now, I don't believe rebellion is happening any time soon, nor am I calling for it....yet.

But the Deep State (remember those quaint times when we were mere kooks?) will not win in the end, whether it takes blood or not.

The Fascism that has taken over the Democrat Party (lay voters, too: 50% of them think you should be jailed if not jabbed) is anti-thetical to a free People.

And having tasted true freedom (Capitalism, true-not-crony), we ain't going back...

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“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. True terror will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown

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Love this.

Thank you, M. Danimal28. I think i remember having come across it before (if i had a life re-do, I would document and archive everything I came across). Do you know any more about its source?

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No sir.

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I really like tĥis.

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Like every other thinking person, I keep wondering why Western Civilization is under attack all around the world. Yesterday Matt Taibbi posted this:


It's pretty chilling, as you can see them heading in the direction that Canada did, in being able to shut down anybody they feel threatening by seizing their money. What is the motive for this relentless war of the government on its people? This may go a long way to answering that question:


It may be just another crazy conspiracy theory, but the author has great credibility.

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I watched that documentary and I need to get the book! Terrifying!

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Once again, Sasha has hit a home run and struck a nerve with the swampers. The troll farm is in overdrive this morning.

I can't wait until later today when Tucker's interview with Putin airs. The gaslighting will be cranked up to broil.

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The measure of Sasha's influence can be seen in the (likely) paid propagandists who show up on this comment page.

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Yes, governments in support of continual war with Ukraine are already ready to 'cancel' Tucker even before his interview with Putin airs. The fear of losing control of the 'manufactured consent' of people is growing higher.

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I was watching footage of the January 6th event as it happened. I did not see any "riot", much less an insurrection. Yes, a group went up the steps toward the chamber but they stopped when a gutless cop shot the unarmed Ashli Babbitt and left the building. As for Democrats being corrupt and living in la-la land, that's been the case since the 1960s. By the way, the Fourteenth Amendment is specific to former Confederates who had previously been officers of the United States. It was voted in by Radical Republicans without giving the people a say. By the way, the "damage" to the Capitol was a broken table and a window that was broken out by a pseud-journalist who was there to film the event.

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What I saw were groups of people heading up the steps of the Capitol in an orderly, unrushed fashion, as if they were being allowed in.

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Please go see an eye doctor and get some glasses. You are absolutely wrong on January 6th and absolutely wrong on the Fourteenth Amendment. Please use your new glasses to rewatch the footage of January 6th and reread the 14th Amendment.

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Dave, I'd gladly "watch the footage" of J6 if we were allowed to see it in its entirety. But thus far we have only seen what appears to be a carefully edited small portion of it. Unless and until all of it is released, we must assume that we do not have the full story of that day.

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Have you seen the video at this link. Watch the captial police fire weapons on the crowds, watch the horrifying murder of Ashleigh Babbatt

This video depicts a time-line that I've never seen before

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The videos were shown on OAN and Newsmax the same day showing much more. Biden adm. attempted to remove both from the air. Newsmax had many more viewers than CNN and the other alphabet stations and are still trying to silence OAN that showed proof of truth since it’s beginning.

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My vision is 20/20. As for the 14th Amendment, it was put through immediately after the Civil War to prevent former Confederates who had taken an oath to the United States from serving in the government. That is common knowledge. However, it wasn't strictly enforced as former US officers who went with the Confederacy did return to government service. Joe Wheeler was a major general in the US Army during the Spanish American War and numerous former government officials served in Congress. Granted, the 14th Amendment has several clauses, but Section 3 addresses the issue - "Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." Section 3 has NEVER been interpreted by the Supreme Court in any case.

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the amendment was intentionally not specific to the Civil War because the authors anticipated that there would be other incidents in the future that might warrant these provisions. it has never been interpreted by the Supreme Court because the country has never had a President that lost his re-election and tried to overturn the loss through insurrection UNTIL NOW

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Where in the hell are you getting that crap? The amendment was written IMMEDIATELY after the Civil War and was SPECIFICALLY aimed at former Confederates. The 14th amendment has been addressed in numerous court cases but there never has been one relating to Section 3. For that matter, it was written to keep former Confederates out of Congress AFTER several were elected immediately after the war. FYI, Trump has NEVER been accused much less indicted for insurrection. You need to get off the joy juice.

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Sam, this will be my last reply to you because you're not able to read. Please show me the section of the 14th amendment that mentions the Civil War or Confederates. I understand that the amendment was a response to Confederates wanting to rejoin the government after the war. I never refuted that. However, the authors did not make specific references to the Civil War or Confederates because they wanted to have the provision available for future incidents. And for the record, Trump has absolutely been accused of insurrection. He has never been charged or indicted, but he has been accused (see Colorado case in front of the Supreme Court).

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And in Democrat world accusation equals verdict. And oops if you don’t get the verdict you want, then you set about doing censorship and cancellation. Lovely group of citizens.

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Colorado doesn't have the Constitutional authority to accuse anyone of a Federal crime.

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Actually, not only am I able to read, I am able to understand what I read. Not only that, I write. I've written a number of books and numerous magazine articles. And, I know history, and the historical facts are that the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are called the Reconstruction Amendments because they were all passed and ratified during Reconstruction without the input of half the country. Not a single Democrat voted for either the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendment. Furthermore, New Jersey withdrew its ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment and it was not ratified there until 2003. Southern states were required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment before they could again be represented in Congress. The Fourteenth Amendment wasn't a factor in US government after Reconstruction until the 1950s when civil rights activists started using it. No, the authors weren't using forethought in anticipation of Donald Trump, their sole purpose was to guarantee the sovereignty of the Republican Party.

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this reply implies that you have not watched the video for yourself: https://open.ink/collections/j6

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your reply implies that you also need to see an eye doctor. but sure, go with the "group of people went up the steps" observation

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the name of this substack is free thinking, Sasha Stone has somehow enticed you to read her column. That's a start Good luck with your journey to get out of your own bubble and to start thinking critically

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DMiglio, you give this guy too much credit. He is in the business of creating plausible deniability. Not thinking critically."

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The only reason this insurrection idea is gaining traction is because of the ridiculous committee that was broadcasting a one-sided view of January 6 for many months. A better view of January 6 is that it was Police violence against a peaceful crowd that resulted in people dying or being seriously injured that set the violence in motion. Democrat incompetency in not fortifying the capital together with Police violence created what we know of as January 6. The role of the Democrats and the role of the police have never been properly exposed so we’re only hearing one version of Jan 6 over and over. It’s the same as the Brian Sicknick story. We heard the lie that he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher for months—why? Because it reinforced the narrative that it was the Trump supporters who were violent and it was the police who were the innocent victims. That’s the only reason for the Brian Sicknick story to have been manipulated so blatantly. Another example of a created account that further the Democrat narrative is the hang Mick Pence story. The ridiculous “gallows” (completely non-functional) was one part of this narrative, and then the idea was that the whole tribe of Trump supporters were chanting hang Mike Pence, when that was not the case at all —again Dems amplify one bogus feature of January 6 to build their case.

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The Brian Sicknick hoax was the first indication that the "official story" of J6 was a gigantic lie.

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I've been astonished by how little factual information about the January 6th riot people with TDS know. I routinely talk to people who still think the rioters killed police officers. The event was traumatic; people have not been able to update their assumptions about what happened.

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I agree and have had the same experience. The gaslighting and selective editing of that bs committee have poisoned people’s minds. How was that corrupt group allowed to operate given their violation of protocols? The lack of factual info even today about substantive events like deaths and injuries on J6 is appalling. The DC coroners office needs to be investigated asap. Why did they sit on the Sicknick autopsy and allow the lies in the media to run rampant for months?

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Here's another one: I cannot for the life of me find a simple database (table, really) providing the legal disposition of the people charged in the J6 riot. How is it possible that we do not reliably know:

(a) Quantity and names of those charged

(b) Quantity and names of those convicted

(c) Quantity and names of those awaiting trial

(d) The charges in each case

(d) The disposition of each case


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The media avoids covering J6 cases. The best website with regular J6 coverage seems to be thegatewaypundit.com.

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I always like reading your commentary Sasha. It is a mixed up muddled up world. Look at all the cruel things our last Prime Minister did in the name of kindness. It turned out that Jacinda Ardern was only kind to those who agreed with her. We have now voted her out, along with all her woke neoliberal ideology and political fantasies. All that ideology doesnt come cheap.

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The nanny state is female in nature and Ardern was exhibit A , not Orwell's Big Brother but surely Big MOther because mother knows what is best

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Ardern kept reminding me of Munchausen by proxy, cos she wanted to make us better, even if it killed us, and only her concerns were valid. A true psychopath.

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Ardern is exactly why women were kept well out of politics ; when asked what her legacy should be she said ''I want to be remembered for being kind'' . Women like her are a menace to national security

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They are scared because they know that we will win. The public is against them, and are getting wise to their tricks. Trump is imperfect but he has exposed them for what they are.

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Part of the agenda of the January 6th prosecutions and other attacks on real Americans is they want us to be cowardly and quiet.

With all Christian love and piety I say . . . to hell with that.


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How often during the recent pandemic festivities have you been told “stay safe”? How often has someone replied “stay free” or “stay brave”, or even better, “stay brave, stay free?” Why not? People were quite fearful at the time, so it would seem to be vital to remind others as well as oneself of the importance of not succumbing to fear. I encourage all to respond to “ stay safe” with “ stay brave, stay free”. What makes it so important? Acting and speaking as though you are not afraid will actually make you less so, and saying “stay brave, stay free” may help the other person retain his courage. The words themselves remind us that being fearful is part of the road to serfdom. Also, a fearful people may not speak the truth when confronted with the lies of the powerful.


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Hillary and others have already mentioned "re-education" camps for MAGA "extremists". I am not a MAGA person, don't own a MAGA cap but have voted for Trump twice in the absence of an acceptable alternative. I suppose that alone qualifies me for "re-education", hope the camps are more comfortable than those provided by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. Though I fear they will be more of the "Arbeit Macht Frei" variety.

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They have already prosecuted and persecuted Trump, his team and J6ers like the Romans did to the Christians and the Nazis did to the Jews. To think you are not next is to ignore current news, history and institutional Democratic Party practices.

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Feb 8, 2024
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I don't know about the Romans, but with respect to the Nazis you are mistaken. Until the Enabling Act of 1933, which granted Hitler "emergency" powers to pass laws without parliamentary approval, the Nazis were actually quite concerned to wrap a veneer of legality around their power grab. They also had few qualms about murdering their political foes, particularly but not exclusively communists. Why did they care about the appearance of legality? Because the rule of law is the most important protection human beings have against tyranny, and the average (non-party) German citizen still recognized its importance in 1933. The legal veneer, in short, legitimized Nazi tyranny. What is the lesson? Well, it's not that the J6 prosecutors are Nazis. Only an idiot or a troll would claim that. However the exercise of tyrannical state power more often than not presents itself wearing the garments of laws and due process, so one ought not take at face value what any government says about its own integrity. You have to really look.

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"Reams of evidence" remains unseen and unavailable to the public. Unless and until it is released, no reasonable person can render any judgement on the events of J6.

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Another homerun, Sasha.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Although not an admirer of Trump, I expect an historic ruling in his favor, based on the complete violation of due process, and also because the fourteenth amendment grants Congress the right of enforcement as Alan Dershowitz pointed out.

P. S. From time to time Real Clear Politics links to your columns, as if recognizing your talents as a writer and story teller.

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I don't know how widely read the RCP portal is, but I'm always thrilled to see Sasha's work posted there. She's an amazing writer and deserves the widest possible readership.

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