They did lawfare on Gaetz so Trump nominated him for AG. They put Gabbard on a watch list so Trump has her up for National Intelligence. Hegseth and all other soldiers were victimized by a woke pentagon. Trump is nominating the victims to take over their victimizers. Wonder who he’ll want for FEMA?

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Hegseth was effectively put on a White Nationalist list when he was kicked off the 2021 inauguration National Guard detail for being a supposed threat to America. How sick to punish American military heroes in that way

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He does have prominent white supremacist tattoos.

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NWCitizen, I also live in the PNW and know 1st hand how much the ‘empty tomb’ annoys non-Christians here in our region. It’s a very unchurched geography and that saddens me. The tattoo Hegseth has on his chest is called the Jerusalem Cross and dates to the 13th century. It signifies the 5 wounds/piercings of Jesus Christ when he died on the Cross. It is not racist in any way and instead sacred to Christians and especially Catholics.

Here are the receipts. It would be great if you could refrain from advancing unfounded racist projections here on Sasha’s Free Thinking platform?



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Yeah, NWCitizen is one sick puppy... typical miserable, Portlandia-style, Leftist.

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Well, FEMA new boss one rung up will be Kristi Noem, the new Secretary of Homeland Security.

Sasha, love The Police, and most especially the early punk/ska sound. By far my favorite on the net is this 1979 concert at Hatfield Polytechnic in the UK as part of the ‘Rock Goes to College’ series. This concert before they traveled to America and its dynamite (especially percussion of the great Stuart Copeland). This also has the first live version of Message in a Bottle!


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Nov 17Edited

One of the best, and most musical, rock acts ever. Outlandos and Zenyatta are phenomenal albums.

Tyvm for that link....great to hear them early on!

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Ugh Sting-- almost as pompous as Bono

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I’m a big fan of the early stuff, it’s raw and not overproduced. The later canon I’m not as fond of, but still appreciate. I love Andy’s sonic sounds, and how he teamed up with the punk rock kids. Reggatta De Blanc album and especially song Deathwish is what hooked me as a kid. The output of great music they released from ‘78 to ‘81 is staggering.

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Matt, you are singing my tune. I have recently been on a listen to everything Police and I have pretty much everything they ever recorded. I missed ever seeing them live back in the '80's, sadly I was never in a city they were playing or even near one. I was young and had no money to travel to them. Anyway, thanks for the link!

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Trump has elevated his game. His cabinet nominations are designed to expose the traitors (RINO's) within the Republican Party. Hopefully, we can primary enough of them at the midterms to actually accomplish something. There are too many in the senate now to get any meaningful legislation passed. So the first two years has to be executive orders on steroids to get anything done. And maybe recess appointments to circumvent the Senate backstabbers like McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Romney, etc. You've got the power, so use it.

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Too bad Jeffrey Epstein is gone and Hannibal Lecter is fiction. He could have put Epstein in charge of child welfare and Lecter in charge of the USDA.

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“The worst thing anyone can do after being dumped is to refuse to accept reality.”

That sure is the truth and I see no evidence that the hard core Woke left will change yet many democrats have already changed and this is now a far different country than it was in 2020. Some say the loss of the 2020 election was a good thing because 4 years of democrats in control showed how truly deranged they are, most noticeably with the open southern border. Black outrage in Chicago over the migrant shelters has gone from fury to flat out hatred for the mayor, Brandon Johnson, as can be seen in the video of a City Hall meeting where people have 3 minutes to express their concerns with the mayor and they are screaming at him for the damage he’s done to their neighborhoods with these migrant shelters. I also saw video a few days ago of the mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, saying the city now has over 220,000 migrants and it has cost $6.4B to take care of them. This is an ever worsening disaster and it is nation wide.

“Chicago residents call mayor ‘loser, criminal’ as council votes down $300M property tax increase.” (4 min)

America’s Talking Network. Nov 14, 2024


“Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua Spreading Like Wildfire in Tennessee.” (11 min)

TD Media Group. Nov 14, 2024


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Unbelievable but yes they have made immigration a grift. It's all one big grift- they have taken the War grift model (great book "War is a Racket") and applied it to pubic health, immigration, green/climate change, DEI .....

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Don’t know if you did the math on that but it is $29,000 pp. A family of 3 gets about $90000 of our tax dollars. Just ridiculous. Want to bet a lot of the NGO money ends up in Dem campaign coffers.

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Best business ever is to start up a liberal NGO. The Dem party will make sure to pump millions into your coffers and then, as the founder, you can skim 10% for yourself

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NWCitizen, that is what has *been* happening. Putting the crazies in charge of the asylum. That is what millions of people voted against. Have you not seen the many memes of RFK (who is remarkably healthy and strong for his age) vs. "Admiral" Levine who is a confused, cross-dressing, obese person. Who represents health better?

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btw, appreciated Sasha's comment on Bill (MS-DNC comedian) Maher, who demanded and got his way with both Biden AND Kamala. There is this smarm thing he does that just grates when he does not get something quite right, huh? Last Friday, he made an analogy of how important the left guard was to protect the QB's blind side. that was supposed to be 'man of the people' Bill, who uh, knows football and so forth. Only ...didn't he mean the left tackle?

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Don't waste your time with Nonsensical Worthless Citizen!

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She is an asst. secretary. I don't care what they look like.

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You misspelled “he.”

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Nov 17Edited

I nominate NWCitizen, i.e., Nonsensical Worthless Citizen, to head the newly created psych ward Admin, e.g., RMDC! RINOS and Marxist Dem Cult ward!! Perfect position and future home for you along with your coconspirators, the Cheneys and the other disillusioned leftist lunatics! Take Amaryllis Aiofe with you as well! Perfect lunatic couple!

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Nov 17
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Oh, go steal some votes, we know that's what your side is beast at...

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Nov 17
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You are so irrelevant, and so is your "humor "

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Learn your English better

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Nov 18Edited

I see mom let the petulant brainless child out to play again. Perhaps it should seek some medical assistance for the STDs in lieu of trying to posit with adults! Priorities!

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Within this past week, these "facts" have been reported to me by at least six Democrat women:

1. Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent.

2. RFKJ is an anti-vaxer and he is also crazy.

3. Trump is going to cancel the Constitution and refuse to leave office at the end of his term because he is a dictator, because he said so.

4. Trump, Vance, and Republican men in general hate women. (Notwithstanding the new female appointees, including the Chief of Staff.) Thus, it is dangerous to walk down the streets of New York City (in the State of New York, where Harris beat Trump by 16 percentage points).

Even their male neighbors who've lived next door in the same building since 1985 are potential rapists.

5. Trump is going to deport everyone born in a foreign country, including U.S. citizens who have lived, worked, owned property, and paid taxes here for 40 years.

7. Trump is going to ban free speech, isolate us from the rest of the world, take away our health care, make us poor, and kill us.

When Tucker interviewed Mark Halperin last month, Halperin predicted that if Trump won, we would see the worst mental health crisis in the country's history. I'm seeing clinical signs of actual nervous breakdowns. I'm genuinely worried about them, but I can't say anything since they get really angry when I don't validate their fears.

Please, if any of their predictions have merit to any extent at all, please let me know so I can give them pep talks and tell them they're right.

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There is absolutely no merit to these claims at all. It all was planted by the opposition campaign to create the hate they needed people to have for Trump and his followers.

As for how to save these people, I just don’t know. I feel like only an open, public admission (by the people they trusted) that these things were lies could do it - but that will never happen. Maybe an actual defamation lawsuit that goes to discovery would wake some of them up? We really do need to use the court systems to get true justice for the crimes that have been committed against our country.

Some on the left are accusing us of being vengeful and saying Trump wants to use lawfare against his enemies. So they’re telling me that anyone that sues someone who wronged them is worse than the person who wronged them or committed the crime?? That’s not vengeance, that’s justice!

I’d say vengeance was done by the left when they fabricated crimes and used the judicial system to punish those that became a threat or didn’t play ball. But getting true justice in our courts is righteous and necessary for the healing of our nation. It is the only way the truth can actually be seen.

They must be held accountable for all the blatant lies and crimes committed over the past six years, and purposeful ignoring of our laws for their own actions to get away with things that the public never would have agreed with. The way they tried to steal the election by falsifying votes (and still are…) The way they sent our hard earned money paid as taxes over to Ukraine while our own people are still suffering in NC after the hurricane. The way they purposefully let criminals loose and allowed our own citizens to be murdered. The way they lost 325,000 kids at the border and allowed them to be trafficked. The way they lied and censored information about Covid and cost true experts their reputations and jobs, and let hundreds of thousands die unnecessarily. Their continued lying over our public airways and controlling the MSM and social media to keep truth from us during the election. I’m sorry, but compared to ALL that, and much more I’m not listing, Trump’s accountant identifying a payment to a consenting adult as legal expenses just doesn’t come close to the seriousness of their crimes.

These six women you speak of are truly mentally abused and they don’t know it. Until the truth is revealed at a national level, it’s best to stay away from them.

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These are people I’m close to. I knew we didn’t see things the same way, but it’s so much worse than I thought. I will have to find a middle ground because I don’t intend to abandon them entirely. Thank you very much, though, for your insights.

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Many will never come around. Be prepared

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You're, unfortunately, right--as the mass psychosis in some is too consuming.

It may not be apparent as a real problem, as many have kind of disappeared and are in some form of downward spiral. Add to this, their failure to reproduce, so in some ways, it will self-correct, long-term. In a very strange and dystopian way--this may be how they rebuild / rebrand.

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My own parents turned against me during Covid fear propaganda. Honestly, I told them fine - you don’t wanna spend any time with me or my kids because you’re scared of a virus that we don’t have, then you can call me on zoom, that will be our relationship going forward. They finally got over it, but not until their trusted news on the TV said so. To your family - how about a “no politics” rule, you can talk about anything else. We have the “no politics” rule with my parents since 2016 (their idea because of trump) which works fine. I’m sure my parents are now heartbroken & desperately fearful of trump again but they haven’t said anything to me & I’m not going to bring it up either.

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We have the same agreement with oldest adult child. It actually works pretty well and we can still express love & care for each other. But I gave up sending a FEW very mild articles about the vxxx and that was met with "but you have no PROOF - the experts say article is wrong". So I gave up. However, they did not take the latest booster. And I have not died yet from Cov, so there's that!

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They have no more proof than we have, and we have no less proof than they do. (Actually I HAVE seen more proof that the vax is more dangerous than any virus, but I never have my sources ready to cite in the moment. 🙄) Anyway no one has ever been able to produce their “proof.” It’s always some opinion piece.

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You can post links on this site. Where is your "proof"?

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Those who go to my church abide by an unwritten "no politics" rule. I'll always speak up though, if it comes into the conversation, but just a little bit and then drop it. Only happened a few times as usually, politics is never spoken about and I like that, as it's a stress free zone, in that regard.

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That is the case in my PNW church too, Cat. Today’s sermon was Acts 4:1-21 which is Peter & John before the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin were the Jewish Elite of the time who commanded these ordinary working class men to no longer speak or teach in the name of Jesus. I couldn’t help but wonder if my fellow parishioners drew parallels to our present day politics. In my own mind, I couldn’t help but do so, but did not share that with anyone.

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with my extended family it's an unwritten rule. Best it's kept that way.

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I offered a similar minded friend the opportunity to list the things she believed Trump would do in the next four years and promised to revisit them in 2028. I said I would apologize if she was correct. Funny thing, it calmed her down at least toward me. Maybe knowing you're accountable for your claims adds a bit of sanity to the mix.

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There's no harm in doing that, and maybe we'll learn something. Maintaining good will is better than abandoning people, unless they behave really abusively. I don't want a ridiculous person like Kamala Harris to cause the loss of family and friends.

The Substack comments sections are my outlets...it's therapy, LOL.

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What were her things? I like this deal.

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She could only come up with three. That Trump would not give up the Presidency, that he would destroy/end gov healthcare such as Medicare, and his tariffs would cause inflation. A friend of hers added he would have a national anti-abortion rule, that he would deport the dreamers, that he would end social security, that he would give up Ukraine to Putin, and that he would get rid of the dept of education. My friend agreed with those additions. I didn't argue just wrote them down. Some are laughable. Ending the Department of Ed and some inflation from tariffs is possible, although on the tariffs there will be many other factors such as deregulation which will bring prices down. Anyway, I will revisit in 4 years :-)

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Certainly nothing she should lose her mind over

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Yeah I’m sorry about that. After I posted that I started to think, “But how do we handle friends and family that we love who are brainwashed and abused by a significant other? Caught in an unhealthy relationship but don’t realize it? Or become part of a legitimate fanatical cult that has fully brainwashed them? We wouldn’t abandon them at all. Sometimes they choose to abandon us, but we wouldn’t them. But … we also wouldn’t be able to get through the conditioning that was placed on their minds either. It’s difficult.

I was just thinking about it all from the perspective of the crazy liberals I try to have a discussion with online that are so unhinged. For THEM, it’s easier to just stay away for my own mental health.

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I have pushed back where I can with family. One just mentioned that for the next 4 years our healthcare and food supply is going to be ruined by Trump. I called her out on that and told her all about RFKJr and what he plans on doing and how we are so unhealthy and no one, NO ONE, has ever brought anyone into their administration to address this health crisis we have - food, big Agra, big Pharma, big bidness, all taking over the food supply in our country. I told her to go read about RFKJr. I doubt she will but I couldn't just let that stand.

On a side note she lives in the SF area, she has lived there for over 20 years and I don't think she can see beyond it. It makes me sad.

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RFK is a good tool to push back with. Especially if you talk about food and chronic illness rather than vax. The truth about the COVID jab is starting to come out in some other countries and that will build.

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indeed. It might be, that the American people voted one way 4 years ago because they thought the red team was lying to them about COVID more; then this year, was the correction...

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I don't mean to be contrarian, but at least in my experience, RFK has been so smeared by liberal media for so many reasons, that in the minds of the progressives I know he has no credibility whatsoever.

Between RFK the anti-vaxxer, anti-Semite and all-around nut job; Tulsi the Russian Agent, and Elon the nefarious free-speech spreader, there isn't a redeemable trait among them.

For some reason, I haven't heard any aspersions cast against Vivek yet. Maybe his annoying habit of overachieving?

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Remember when Michelle Obama tried to speak out about nutrition and how unhealthy school lunches were? The right ridiculed and hated her!

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You can’t reach them. All they read and listen to are lies. The same lies that most politicians tell. Trump is not a politician. The only thing you can do is what you have already done——inform.

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What makes it all so ridiculous is that Trump was *already* president for four years, and did any of that stuff happen? Did the world end? For instance, he could have prosecuted Hillary Clinton but didn't. Then they turned around and prosecuted him.

It's a legit mental illness and a mass hysteria. It's like the Jim Jones cult writ large.

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Well she lives in the biggest delusional bubble-- SF/Bay Area-- good luck with that. It is sad but you can lead a horse to water....

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Remember how Michelle Obama tried to make school lunches more nutritious and speak out about our diet? The right ridiculed & hated her.

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Why are schools providing meals for kids?

I packed lunch for my four kids every day for elementary through high school. I don’t see why parents are willing to have others feed their own children

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She was removing choice.

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We read this the first time! I agree with you that MO was right to be concerned about school lunches.

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She didn't give kids a choice. Some can't eat raw broccoli (I still can't, as an adult) as their digestive system can't handle it. Also, the healthy foods she had in the lunches tasted bad. Kids will always go by taste. Their internal systems are growing and maturing so they are vulnerable and their taste buds are one way to know if they'll be harmed by something they eat. Yes, healthy, but it's got to taste good, or at least NOT TASTE BAD.

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Operative word is CULT.

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The same way we did during COVID-- take a wide berth and if they still scream, ban you and continue their abusive behaviour-- time to cut them off

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I am blessed with a TDS Friend. Nosure that she goes as far as yours but we found long ago that there are many other things about which to talk.

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I think your determination to help these individuals is very commendable. I believe that virtually no one still living is beyond hope and as such would recommend patience and long-suffering. As for validation, you could try saying something along the lines of “based on the information and persuasion of the news sources that you trust, I see how your distress is understandable and logical. Please remember that most predictions of disaster around elections fall flat. This is true for both parties.” I would work slowly with them, based on what they are most concerned with and what they are most ammendable too to work topic by topic, subject by subject until they are once more at peace. Please keep in mind that it is very hard for someone to leave behind beliefs that are deeply entrenched, especially if they have been held a long time. I speak of this from experience. Expect relapses even after progress on a particular topic is made. Always be gentle and patient. Do all you can never to lose your temper with them in their sight/hearing or the sight/hearing of someone who would tell them of your reaction. Lastly, I would recommend praying often for them by name. No matter your religion or even if you are atheist, at least meditate in silence about them and it may be worth adding at the end some version of “if there is a God, please help them”. Thank you for being a model of compassion. Good luck, I hope you are successful in helping them find peace!

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There is no middle ground between the left and common sense.

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There is no middle ground between the left and common sense!

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Thank you for putting my exact thoughts to words. I am experiencing these democrats having nervous breakdowns all around me. They are angry and unhinged and not getting better. It seems to be impossible for them to break free while continuously consuming the propaganda as they do. To me, it feel that they need to see they news sources admit wrongdoing and their leaders who headed up all the false charges and situations must be held accountable and go to jail. One day history will correct this mess. Lincoln was hated in his lifetime too….

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But I'm afraid that seeing their "experts" and leaders jailed for real crimes will not satisfy them or change their minds. They could view that as "lawfare" if that's what they're told. And I'm not convinced their sources will actually admit wrong-doing. Most will just dig in deeper.

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Maybe they'll go before military tribunal & firing squads. That's what trump wants.

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Get help.

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THat's what he talks about. You don't believe him?

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Juju, you are spot on. And Beeswax, what can you do other than laugh to yourself? I have a sister exactly like your friends, and they’re emotional thinkers. No logic will reach them. It’s like a doom loop. It’s hilarious to me that the Bill Mahers of the world say “we’re the smart people.” Really?????

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Lots of conspiracy theories It was bizarre to see Repubs rebelling against the Covid vaccine while the hospitals were full of unvaccinated people dying on ventilators, including 2 of my friends who declined the VAX and died during the deadly Delta variant. I thought the Stormy Daniels trial was a waste of time, but the payment was obviously hush money paid to Stormy Daniels which Trump tried to conceal.

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The the ventilators, and remdesivir killed far more people than Covid did. This is a known fact. You are stuck in old propaganda news.

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Thank you 💗

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You believe conspiracy theories.

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You are living in the past my friend. "Conspiracy Theory" has now joined all the other left wingnut talking points on the ash bin of history i.e. "malinformation, disinformation, misinformation" etc. It has more often than not proven to be "conspiracy fact."

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Right wingers believe them after they are proven to be lies.

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I think you need to do way more research about what other doctors and researchers have had to say about the Covid ‘vaccine’ - it does not prevent Covid infection and is not 100% safe. Check out vaers data and learn what that is. Read on Substack Dr Robert Malone, the creator of the MRNA vaccine, what he has had to say about the lack of safety re his own vaccine technology- he has been silenced with his findings and there sre many other drs who tried to warn people about the problems with the vaccine but were silenced.

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Dr Malone did work 30 years ago at the Salk Institute on RNA. He worked on this paper: https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.1690918 Mar 23, 1990 "Direct Gene Transfer into Mouse Muscle in Vivo"

He began to claim he deserved a Nobel prize for the vaccine. The paper stated that the technology could “provide alternative approaches to vaccine development,” but Dr. Acsadi (another author) said none of the other authors would claim that they invented the vaccine. He has worked for various other academic centers. During Covid he started appearing on right wing shows, Hannity, Candace, Gorka, Joe Pags, Rogan, and has his own substack, all of which raise revenue. Malone can recount many perceived slights by the institutions he had worked for. He is one of many influencers who feel that they have been wronged by mainstream society in some way, and spread misinformation. I have no trouble finding info on him.

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The vaccine prevented and also harmed some people. It was rushed and not fully tested. This was the main point of the argument about.

As for Stormy Daniel's, no one gives a rat's ass that he paid her off with hush money except Democrats. It's obvious not enough cared a few Tuesdays ago, Thank Christ.

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I thought the other cases were much more important than Stormy Daniels but they will never be tried.

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Tulsi will never forgive you people for putting her on a terrorist watchlist.

I Was Added To A Terrorist Watchlist (Quiet Skies). (5 min)

Tulsi Gabbard. Aug 11, 2024


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I disagree a little. Tulsi is a woman and she will forgive, but not forget.

She knows that the best revenge is success.

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I agree

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All that had to be implemented was the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) ... the vaccinations focused on the vulnerable, being the aged and those with other risk factors. In engineering the application of science in the real world is called the Pareto Rule or the 80/20 rule whereby the bulk of the outcome will be secured via a relatively minimum but essential specification. Hence the GBD. NWCitizen, you are suffering from TDS ... your Stormy Daniels is the giveaway 😂 ... and the bad news is that few recover, Shasha being one incredible example of that ❤ ... wishing you all the best for your recovery 😉 ...

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I was proud to sign it. And Jay Bhattacharya and Marty Makary should be appointed Surgeon General and Assistant Secretary of Health.

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I have nothing to recover from. And I said I thought the stormy Daniel's trial was a waste of time

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Key words missing, focused on the vulnerable that wanted them. Choice was what was missing in the " Special Period" of control.

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It's scary to think that many more kids will fail to get childhood vaccines because of RFK, Jr claims they are dangerous and would certainly want them to be "optional". Now some people can get religious or other exemptions.

As an example, measles is highly contagious and the Community Immunity Threshold (CIT) for measles is about 92-94%. This means that 92-94% of the population need to be immune to measles (through vaccination or previous infection) to prevent/limit spread of measles infections in their community. 1 out of every 1,000 measles cases will develop acute encephalitis, which often results in permanent brain damage. And if there is a resurgence of diseases, the right wing will deny it just like they deny people died of Covid.

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Big Food, Big Sugar, Big Pharma, Big Ag are causing far, far more damage to the health of Americans than the miniscule number of parents who will be scared away from vaccinations under RFK Jr. at HHS. In thirty years of practice I saw the number of 5 year- olds that weighed in excess of 120 pounds explode. Ozempic is not the answer. Our system needs a disruptor; RFK Jr. is the man for the job.

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That’s disinformation. He’s fully vaccinated.

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And many children will fail to get autism as well. You win some, you lose some.

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In the end, we should all remember that the opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference.

Stop caring about whatever insane crap comes out of the mouths of the losing Democrat friends and relatives. Don’t engage on those subjects anymore. Let them know you still love them and when they are ready to leave the cult, you will be waiting with open arms.

Stop feeding the trolls, they will either and die.

Indifference to their cause and wailing is the answer. Besides, we don’t have time for that silliness anymore. The damage they did to our country and our families over the last 40 years or so was extensive. We need to roll up our sleeves and get to work!

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Thank you Eric, this is exactly what we must do. I realized reading your comment that I am largely there with my crazy sister who is a complete wokescold. I just don’t listen to her anymore but I do love her. They have to leave the cult on their own.

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Great point!!!!

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This is terrific advice, Eric. I am going to stop reading this comment string now and do something productive.

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Too bad docs were banned from offering ivermectin/hydoxychloroquine? Why was that? I could buy it, still can, at any Farmacia here in Baja. Such bullshit….the whole covid crisis could have been handled so much better. And Fauci needs to be in jail along with his buddy, Gates!

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Theoretically banned, but many of us could use other protocols successfully and educate our patients about the HUGE problems with an untested vax.

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My husband and I got Covid twice - once just before the lock-down. It was not fun, but we live a healthy life-style, so we recovered.

I was pressured to take the vaccine, which brought me closer to death than three bouts with cancer - and I worry, still today, what the jab has done to my DNA.

By the way, there may be as many as ten thousand bodies left by Helene in Western North Carolina (this from actual Search and Rescue teams on site). Some conspiracy theories come true.

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Sorry to hear about your vax issues-- go to FLCCC and Dr. Pierre Kory for ways to boost your immune system, minimize the Spike protein in your system to mitigate any future issues. Also I tell my patients no annual "flu" vax.

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Western NC: Do you realize that you are talking about a handful of counties where the total population of each is only in the 10,000 range? So you are saying that 30% of the population is missing and nobody locally is aware of this?

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Western North Carolina, East Tennessee, Northeast Georgia is a large area and many towns were literally wiped off the face of the Earth. And now a FEMA worker in Florida, who has been fired instead of arrested for telling workers to skip houses with Trump signs. Conspiracy much?

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She is also claiming that the orders to do this came from above and that the practice was widespread. Truth or angling for a settlement? Maybe both.

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Bizarre dead-body rumors impede Helene disaster response, NC county spokeswoman says

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Guess what would’ve saved your friends from dying? Not the vaccine. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine when given early, cure COVID-19. Don’t you even wonder why Fauci and the FDA withheld a Nobel prize winning antiviral medication like ivermectin from the market? Because it cost two dollars and they all had stock in Pfizer and Moderna. Total profit motive. Do some research.

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I took both Ivermectin(e) and HCQ in my travels to Africa several times. It worked. It would have often worked with 'Covid' (its irks me to say the 'C' word...) to those not otherwise compromised and could have saved many, many lives. As in millions. Like it is always said--follow the money. Works every time...

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Iverm. is designed to work on parasites,; hydroxyc. is a malaria drug.

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2015 Nobel Prize for ivermectin intended for treatment of parasitic infections does NOT prove its efficacy on COVID-19.

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COVID is one of the thorniest issues we've dealt with in decades. At this point we know a lot more than we did on Day One. Many people were and are still being harmed by the vaccine because of its experimental genetic technology and the shape of the spike protein, which crosses membranes that it shouldn't, such as the myocardium and the blood-brain barrier, causing heart attacks and strokes. But of course, not for everyone.

It's not all-or-nothing, and it's a shame that something as important as a vaccine against a new pathogen has been politicized in the name of profit.

It's worth noting that the European Union held a COVID symposium for physicians which was posted on YouTube and lasted about a week before it was removed, in which senior physicians from every field and many countries discussed the rise in anomalous injuries, sometimes resulting in death, that occurred after the vaccines.

What I'd respectfully suggest, if you're curious, would be to look at the writings of the FLCCC (Front Line Covid Critical Care) physicians here on Substack. They're senior physicians, heads of hospitals and departments, with years of experience and impeccable credentials. They were the first doctors to confront COVID symptoms prior to the vaccines. They worked in intensive care units when patients were dying en masse because Fauci and the CDC had instructed them not to use corticosteroids, the standard treatment for patients who couldn't breathe, because they were ineffective against COVID. After watching patients die every day, they decided to try them anyway, because they had nothing to lose. And voila, people stopped dying. This was the beginning of the end of their trust in the medical authorities they relied on for advice...

The conversation is far from closed. Take a look at Dr. Pierre Kory's Substack if you have any interest.

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As a physician I can tell you that you are incorrect about COVID. Sorry you stuck in the old MSM narrative. Please do some reading and get some help.

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I worry that when RFK, JR brings back diseases like measles, the right will deny that anyone has them or is harmed by them.

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That won’t happen. He’s vaccinated. He just wants vaccines to have to go through the same rigorous testing other medicines too.

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The vaccines that have been in use for years have been thoroughly tested. He is giving people the impression that all vaccines are dangerous.

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Please explain here so that we do not have to go to other sources.

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During Delta wave, many died who WERE vaccinated right in front of my face! I worked in a hospital that was 74% COVID pts during that surge. That is when I was red pilled and never took another vaccination.

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So did you keep statistics or you are relaying anecdotal evidence?

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Perfect example of the irrational response the author describes. The vaccine was never as effective as claimed or as effective as "real" (non-MRNA) vaccines. From the start, large percentages of the vaccinated were dying and by 2022, they were the majority of fatalities. Age and multiple co-morbidities were the primary indicators of fatality regardless of the injections so your assumption that they would have survived with the vaccine really has a lot of holes in it.

As for Stormy, you seem to ignore the reality that hush money is not illegal, nor is it illegal to keep it quiet. The alleged reason that Bragg/Merchan charged Trump is the false claim that the money that changed hands was a campaign contribution he should have reported. The reason FEC official Brad Smith was gagged by Merchan is because he would have testified that the hush money COULD NOT be treated as a campaign contribution and it actually would have been illegal to report it as such. Look up "irrespective test,".

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The vaccine did not prevent Covid but the vaccinated had milder cases and were less likely to die.

https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10247887/#:~:text=Results,for%20people%20aged%2090%2B%20years. Effect of COVID-19 vaccination on mortality by COVID-19 and on mortality by other causes, the Netherlands, January 2021–January 2022

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Unvaccinated patients did better than the boosted

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https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10247887/#:~:text=Results,for%20people%20aged%2090%2B%20years. Effect of COVID-19 vaccination on mortality by COVID-19 and on mortality by other causes, the Netherlands, January 2021–January 2022

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Tell them to write their predictions down on a piece of paper. Put it in a drawer and enjoy the Holidays. Don't watch the media as all they do is lie and push fear porn. Have a nice quite introspective winter. Stay off social media, read a few books, or try your hand at learning a new language. Then when spring comes get out that sheet of paper and see which of your fears has come to pass.....none. Then take the red pill and join the rational group cheering on the dismantling of the deep state.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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There’s more chance that they would join the circus than adopt any of your suggestions. They’re good suggestions, but they would require a separation from their media that would feel like going cold turkey. TDS is a very insidious pathogen.

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I agree. I have actually taken my in laws NYT from their driveway and thrown it in the garbage for their own sake - this angered my husband who could not understand my point but now he does. My mother in law is an Ivy League PhD retired college professor who believes and parrots everything NYT. She is a dangerous useful idiot wrapped up in a sweet old lady package that never stops reading and quoting the NYT.

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The msm in general follows the narrative of the NYT in particular so that’s how their propaganda and lies get spread nation wide.

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That and AP. In most cities, most of the content is from one of these two. Only the WP and the LAT make any pretense of an independent national from NYT and AP news coverage

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Yes it’s not in your power to change people’s minds.

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great idea!!!

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TDS has made Democrats bat shit crazy. Period. I'm not sure if I shoukd be worried or laugh at these people.

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Laugh...laugh out loud....laugh loud and long. Make sure they are listening. Nothing will change as long as they can isolate in their own bubble. I (a 76 yro man) recently attended a Democrat ladies country club luncheon as a "transgender", Ala Matt Walsh.

What could they say? They were obviously not happy, but I played by their rules .

What a hoot.

What I'm saying play by their rules and get inside their bubble.

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You are the obviously the greatest thing that has ever lived. And no, I am not mocking you. I wish that I had this kind of guts.

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Omg, how much FUN!!! I wish I lived near you & we could be friends!

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My brother who wrote off the whole fam has serious TDS! It is sad but we don’t need his toxicity!

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My sister has done that. She has even written off her husband and moved into the basement. Will have nothing to do with her children or her beautiful grandchildren. Nor me. This is because I asked her for specific reasons why she hated Trump, specific things she saw or she heard. Put on the spot, she could come up with nothing. After that, I was persona non grata. This is years ago now and no one has seen her since. Miserable wretch addicted to 24/7 leftist propaganda through the television, growing old in a basement alone, eating bonbons and surrounded by 12 Chihuahuas. And I’m not kidding about any of it. Incredible.

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How tragic! Just terribly sad! And totally unnecessary! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Interesting her Husband or children dont try to get her some mental health assistance. Just saying!

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Mass formation psychosis. Just wow, that’s really sad.

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Exactly so. It went like this: She declared she hated that monster Trump. I asked why. "Because he's a bigot!!!!!" I replied did your media tell you that or did you see or hear something yourself that Trump said or did that led you to that inevitable conclusion? "I SAW FOR MYSELF!!" Ok, said I, he's been a politician for 6 years now, name 5 specific things you saw or heard that forced you to conclude that he's a bigot.....(silence)...Ok, said I, give me THREE specific incidents of something he said or did that led you to the inescapable conclusion that he's a bigot....(silence)....OK, said I, just give me one. ONE! One example of anything he said or did that forced you to conclude for yourself that Trump is a bigot...(silence)...then suddenly, "Everywhere he goes he embarrasses the country!!!!!! He makes the USA a laughingstock!!!!!" So again I say, did your media tell you this or did you witness it yourself? Of course, she said she witnessed his behavior herself. As before, "Give me 5 specific examples over the last six years of anything Trump said or did that embarrassed or humiliated the USA....(silence)....OK, give me three examples, then....(silence)...OK, give me just ONE thing he said or did....(silence)...followed by, "HE'S A NAZI!!! HE IS THE MODERN DAY HITLER!!!" and so same as before...did your media tell you this or did you see it for yourself? Give me 5 specific examples...then 3....then 1...then she'd jump to something else. At the end I asked her if she had anything...ANY example of ANYTHING she heard Trump say or saw him do which would lead her to these conclusions....(silence)....then I told her that I had one for her (simply because I know what her media mixes into her sweet koolaid). She said what is that? "Cages on the border," I told her. She jumped on that with both hands and feet. "YES, HE PUTS KIDS IN CAGES ON THE BORDER!! HE'S A MONSTER!!!" I let her exult in the trap I laid for her, then asked her if she realized that her beloved Lying Messiah, the Leftist Prince of Peace, His Majesty Hussein Obama put those cages on the border along with her hero, Sloppy Joe Biden? That the pictures her media showed her were taken during Hussein's regime? That her media knew all about it, but didn't inform her about the existence of "cages on the border" until Trump took office? She was taken aback by that....well, I'm going to have to research THAT, she said. I replied, "Why would you start now?" In the end, because I couldn't be swayed by all that she couldn't come up with to validate her opinions, I was disowned...but not only me, everyone in the family, including her husband. Media koolaid has fascinating side effects!

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This is how we know that it is in fact, mass formation, because your description matches so many others, millions of them, and they all behave the same way. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It literally is like the media and those horrible Dem leaders are drugging them.

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Very sad

Hope she wakes up before too late

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Number six is the strongest point.

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Humor and wisdom in equal measure. I like it.

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Yeah, I left out number 6 to see if you were paying attention…I never was great with numbers…


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I got into it a few days ago with one of my SF Bay Area co workers. She was telling us about her 8 year old twin daughters who wanted to be taken to the hair salon the next day to have their hair shaved off to “protest” the election results. She asked us (about a dozen women and infants nurses) getting ready to start our morning shift…”So, what do you think? Should I take them to get their heads shaved? I mean, gosh, I want them to be able to express themselves!” Everyone except me said “Sure, sounds like a great idea! Sounds like you are raising a couple of great girls who know how to speak their mind!” I said something completely different. I said , “To be honest, you all sound like you belong to a manipulative cult that you are pulling your children into. What in the world are a couple of 8 year olds doing worrying about who the president is? How about just leaving the kids out of this, letting them have a childhood where they don’t spend their days worrying about a bunch of problems that adults created that the kids aren’t nearly old enough to understand or form an opinion about? How about just accepting the fact that , thank God, the majority of voters didn’t fall for 4 more years of being lied to and the dangerous garbage policies that the democrats wanted all of us to keep living with? “ What I said seemed to bring the conversation to a close for the time being. And… my co worker, and friend, DID NOT take her daughters to get their heads shaved. She just told them no.

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Sadly, there are millions of people like that. I refer to them as Stage IVs

I honestly don't believe most of them can be helped. They certainly can't be reasoned with.

To put it bluntly, they're literally brainwashed.

Don't bother with them.

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I agree with your diagnosis. But as I wrote above, they include family members and some old friends. I will have to find a way to relate to them while keeping things very light and superficial. It’s pathetic and tragic, especially for them, because they’re suffering. But I can’t fix them.

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Hey Beeswax, there is a book by Mattias Desmet called the Psychology of Totalitarianism that describes what your acquaintances are going through and describes the process and mechanics of it. Knowledge helps to give understanding of how to cope if nothing else.

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No need to give pep talks. They have zero discernment and ability to analyze information objectively with their Minds being controlled by propaganda media outlets. Pray for them to gain discernment

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Yes and someone I knew even said “it is indisputable that Trump is a Russian agent.“! How do you even start to answer that?

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Something is indisputable, alright, but it is in regard to that someone you knew who said that.

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No merit at all! Pure insanity! 🤪🤯🤡

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They all sound like things right wingers would like to do.

The War on Women will continue with Repubs continuing to attack any woman who doesn’t submit to men with the same crude terms they used on Harris. Elon Musk’s pro-Trump super PAC ran an ad that used the most vulgar insult for women in the English language, saying “Kamala Harris is a C Word” and speakers at Trump’s “lovefest” MSG rally talked about Harris and her “pimp handlers.” Since doctors can get life in prison if accused of abortion, women are dying from hemorrhaging and sepsis during miscarriages because doctors are afraid to perform D&Cs if the fetus still has a heartbeat. Repubs who hate “childless cat ladies” don’t think women who can’t carry a baby to term are worth much.

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"would like to do."

Except they NEVER do. These are the things progressives have wet dreams thinking Republicans WILL do but never come to fruition.

They spent 4 years accusing Trump of doing l kinds of shit only to have Biden himself be guilty of doing the exact things a Democrats purported Trump would have done.

AGAIN, not enough people bought the bullshit a few Tuesdays ago, Thank Christ.

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Trump is very determined this time and is surrounded by sycophants, so we shall see.

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Better than Biden's obsequious psychopaths with TDS. Did you forget? We have already "seen". Trump has served a term with excellent results and left peacefully.

Do you think there will be a "Re-elect Biden" movement."

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Lol! Left peacefully? He spent weeks after the 2020 election plotting a way to stay in office, pressuring Pence, fake electors, having his minions accuse people of miscounting votes (giuliani), inciting his thugs to invade the Capitol try to get their hands on lawmakers & prevent pence from carrying out his ceremonial duty of verifying the vote. They did not have guns because they had to go through metal detectors to get into the area where trump was speaking but brought bear spray, clubs, etc.

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No, it wasn't odd at all to have Trump comfortably ahead on election night, only to have vote counting be "paused" ostensibly because of some leaky toilet. Four hours later the counting resumed, with Biden now instantly far ahead of Trump, a statistical impossibility. It also wasn't odd for Biden to be kept hidden as much as possible, as they did with Cacklin' Kamala, only trotting him out when they had to, no one showing up to his events, then on election night Sloppy Joe Biden...a guy who campaigned from his basement and excited NOBODY...got tens of millions more votes than did the liberal Democrats' beloved Lying Messiah and Leftist Prince of Peace, His Majesty Hussein Obama? Really? Please. Then, just as suddenly, those 20 million extra votes, the ones that happened to appear in 2020 after having never been seen before, somehow disappeared only 4 years later, this time somehow not placed for yet another candidate no one cared about? We won't discuss the states that swiftly changed election laws for the 2020 election, violating their own constitutions in doing so, to get the results they wanted. Trump had every reason to suspect voter fraud...you know, simply because there WAS voter fraud, and not in his favor. True, if he had won the election even with Democrat cheating he wouldn't have complained anymore than he complained about the confirmed Obama spying on his campaign via fraudulent FISA warrants during the 2016 campaign or the faux Russia hoax or the faux phone call to Ukraine hoax, both of which the Democrats were guilty of doing even as they accused Trump of their crimes. He had every right to contest the results of that election, and the USA and her people would be SO much better off if he'd been successful.

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Will you see? Or will you just keep insisting that all of the awful things you foresee are just around the corner? I’m betting that the predictions of doom will never end.

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“Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua Spreading Like Wildfire in Tennessee.” (11 min)

TD Media Group. Nov 14, 2024


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You’ve just repeated a string of unhinged lies—which don’t originate with you, I realize—built on your unexamined premise about there being a “War on Women.” That idea is a vicious fiction and absurd on its face if you consider that nearly half of Trump’s votes came from women.

Yes, in some quarters there is what might be described as a war against killing babies as birth control—but that is not the same as a war on women, and the people telling you they’re the same thing are not just wrong, they’re evil.

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Could you point out the my lies? Trump is himself a sex offender who brags about grabbing women by the "p****"; his nominee for AG is a sex offender and drug user who bragged about his exploits to lawmakers, says women who are pro-choice look like "thumbs", and Speaker Johnson is desperately trying to prevent an "ethics report" on him from being released;

Musk's PAC did release a vulgar ad on Harris https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-trump-harris-elon-musk-vulgarity-d9bc9fabb2f9c17de54a31da7c2874c2

At Trump's "lovefest" MSG rally, Tucker Carlson provided a made-up ethnicity for Harris in his remarks, calling her “Samoan-Malaysian” and a “low IQ former California prosecutor.” In his speech, businessman Grant Cardone said Harris has “pimp handlers.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/28/harris-blasts-trumps-madison-square-garden-rally/75898034007/

Here are stories about women dying or almost dying during miscarriages because docs were afraid to care for them:

https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/01/health/texas-miscarriage-death-propublica/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc A woman, Josseli Barnica, died after being told it would be a ‘crime’ to intervene in her miscarriage at a Texas hospital

https://www.propublica.org/article/georgia-abortion-ban-amber-thurman-death At least two women in Georgia died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state

https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/health/abortion-texas-sepsis/index.html Texas woman, Amanda Zurawski, almost dies because she couldn’t get an abortion

https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-aide-says-bleeding-due-190025302.html Trump Aide Says ‘Bleeding Out’ Due to Abortion Bans Is Not Real. She, Carmen Broesder, Lived It: ‘I’m Right Here, Jerk’

Here is a law suit in TX filed by 20 women who say their lives were endangered by abortion bans:

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-supreme-court-rejects-challenge-abortion-ban-medical-exceptions-rcna154896 TX Supreme Court rejects challenge to state's abortion ban over exceptions for pregnancy complications. Five women brought the lawsuit in March 2023, saying they were denied abortions even when issues arose during their pregnancies that endangered their lives. The case grew to include 20 women and two doctors.

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Every source you have offered receives federal funding-- they are propaganda arms of the soon to be former Biden administration. Then fact you use this as your "receipts" is really really sad.

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Where did you get the idea that other news networks besides PBS & NPR get federal funding?

So you only read the right wing which like S. Stone, never says ANYTHING negative about Trump or the right. The MSM often gives both sides; I certainly saw stories talking about Biden's mental decline, and Harris's "word salad" and not giving press conferences. I read both sides.

Here's a few other links from other sources like Newsweek which has articles from both sides:






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Ah yes, the one issue NWCitizen-- why should I be surprised🙄. Please understand that society is about more than the one issue you are clearly obsessed about. Find a group to help you with that.

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Your responses get extremely tiring. How is it you want up every day and not take your own life? You seem like the most miserable person on the planet. Imagine you hate and individual so much that you've wasted your life trying to get others to think like you.

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I genuinely appreciate this bibliography, but it's a bibliography of the false and inconsequential. As I said, they're not YOUR lies. You're a victim. Please stop embracing it and doubling down.

Trump is not a sex offender. Accusations are not necessarily reality. Trump, Gaetz, and every other publicly consequential male has been accused--many, many falsely. And--I can't believe this is still a thing--commenting that he could grab someone somewhere and get away with it is something I would never agree with or participate in, but neither will I swoon. It's just talk. In any case, it's irrelevant to his policies, which are very PRO-woman and pro-everyone else, including his detractors -- and which I support.

Every single one of the abortion articles is from a source that shares your predudices, and every one has countersources I could list here but which you would never read nor consider.

And I'm sorry, but the "They said mean stuff about Kamala" points just don't land. She and her supporters have called him and his supporters name after name for 8 years, up to and including traitors and Nazis. I didn't like any of it either, but you can't say she didn't give as good as she got.

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Trump is describing how he assaults women which 20+ women have accused him of. Trump has called Harris and the left every derogatory term under the sun but the right never reports it. How about:

Trump’s use of Hitler rhetoric from 2023 saying, “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like VERMIN within the confines of our country."

And I take it seriously when men in high positions joking refer to women as whores, or "the C word."

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I don’t know what to tell you. Everyone knows all about his playboy celebrity past. His past is an open, overinterpreted book. Sex and money make people do incredibly stupid things. It’s a disgrace, I agree, but so is the way Harris wormed her way into power. It’s mind boggling when you think about it. But do you imagine any of these women were paragons of virtue before Devil Donald befouled them?

Come on. They played the game willingly. Give them that much credit. They were playing the same angle Kamala did. Disgusting, but obviously true.

It isn’t true that the right doesn’t cover what he says about this or that person. We hear all about it! If you’re being honest, would you really even know first hand what “the right” (whatever you consider that to be) covers or doesn’t?

But absolutely none of what Trump vulgarly bragged about grabbing 30 years ago would have made Harris the better candidate.

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“Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in.” (7 min)

New York Post. Sept 23, 2024


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Wow, Windy City gangs pissed off that the federal government allowed in tougher, non American gangs. Are these the people that the Illinois pillsbury doughboy governor is saying Trump has to go thru his fat body to get to?

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This is an area where I'm with you 100%. I didn't vote for Trump. I wrote in the name of a Democrat representative from Texas, Shawn Thierry, whom I admire greatly for her support of a bill banning medical transition for children under the age of 18. She was the only Democrat to do so. For this, she was primaried and lost her seat. She is now a Republican. If you'd like to hear her remarks, you can find them on YouTube. She's a remarkable woman and I'm serious when I say that she would make an amazing president.

Re: abortion, it's been my number one cause for 50 years (I'm 72) and I supported Planned Parenthood for decades until they became purveyors of cross-sex and puberty blocking poisons for minors.

Thank you for providing in gory detail these infuriating examples of women dying unnecessarily because of a miscarriage or other anomalous event. What about "the life of the mother"? This is a "woman's issue" that I will continue to fight for.

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Your right wing buddies believe the stories about real women who died during miscarriages are made up (fake news), so they have no impact.

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The tendency to simply not believe inconvenient facts that the other party asserts is common practice on both sides of the aisle now.

I don't have right wing buddies, but I have definitely shifted my position over the past four years because of the Democrats' loss of respect for the First Amendment and an increasingly censorious attitude towards members of the press and their own party when differences of opinion arise. The party had the gall to question the credentials and integrity of two veteran independent journalists, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, for simply doing the job they were asked to do: dig into the Twitter files and locate any government interference in the publishing of controversial material about COVID, IF IT EXISTED. Which it did, in spades.

By the way, the link you sent me regarding the European Union Symposium is not what I saw. The Symposium I saw was in three parts, I believe, and was held Brussels, where the European Union Parliament is located. I couldn't find a link for it. I fear it has been banned. But I'll continue to look for it.

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Virtually no one (there are some but extremely few) argues against the “life of the mother, rape, and incest provisions, and certainly not Trump.

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I was responding to some of the examples provided by NWCitizen in her post above.

Scroll down to the stories about "women dying or almost dying during miscarriages because docs were afraid to care for them."

For instance, "A woman, Josseli Barnica, died after being told it would be a ‘crime’ to intervene in her miscarriage at a Texas hospital."

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Trump has called the left every derogatory thing under the sun, sometimes using Hitler rhetoric "Trump’s use of Hitler rhetoric from 2023 saying, “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like VERMIN within the confines of our country.

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They may say they give the life of the mother priority but if the doc is threatened with life in prison if accused of abortion, they think twice if the fetus still has a heartbeat. If the mother dies , they may get sued for malpractice but probably won't even lose their license. Vance once implied victims of rape and incest should be required to carry pregnancies to term but he has since said he supports those exceptions. If something happens to trump, he could easily revert.

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Politics is a dirty business, NW, and no one can control things said about the opposition. Trump was referred to as Hitler, the most evil human being to walk the earth in at least 500 years. Each party punches below the belt.

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Trump has called the left every derogatory thing under the sun, sometimes using Hitler rhetoric "Trump’s use of Hitler rhetoric from 2023 saying, “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like VERMIN within the confines of our country.

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So, joking about pussies is literarily being a rapist? A "sex offender" who was never charged? Believing that somebody has low IQ is totally a crime (well, my husband was less formal and called Kamala an idiot). And I don't know how to call this EXTREME obsession with abortions while being ignorant about medical practices and female biology (for those who are not ignorant, the stories are outright bs). Is it some kind of abortion fetishism? Creepy.

I wouldn't use the word "lies", just sick fantasies in your head, internet zombie and abject disconnection from the reality. "Somebody said something" and links to the endless digital diarrhea became the most important thing in the world, the reality doesn't matter. Consuming and spreading, and consuming and spreading, and consuming and spreading.

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I don't think paying attention to women who DIE from miscarriages because of strict abortion bans is " fetishism."

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I'm surprised that somebody can be so completely medically ignorant. Miscarriages in pregnancy happen often, most of them don't require any treatment. Elective abortion (the one banned in some states) is when a woman with healthy pregnancy interrupts it for social reasons. Procedures for medical reasons are not banned! Your stories clearly misrepresent medical cases twisting them very hard to blame the problems on the elective abortion ban. It's like blaming deaths caused by covid vx on marijuana legalization (but I won't be surprised). But, in fact, it's the opposite, a healthy woman can get sick or die from medically approved elective abortions. Some women in those stories would've been alive today if they didn't swallow abortion pills. Just saying. They used to say that if safe and effective abortions are banned, healthy women would die from unsafe abortions with coat hangers. So, where are those stories?

A normal person cares about real women with real problems in their life. I'm very sorry if the only women you care about are those from internet stories and the only thing you wish for women is to have abortions. It's a true war on women when they're reduced to sex organs, which should be kept clean from men with their dirty jokes and motherhood.

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NWCitizen, i’ve always thought you were a man, but I now think that you are a white woman. Because only really deeply stupid Democrat white women believe that screed. And y’all call yourselves the smart people!!!!!🤣🤣🤣

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what screed is that?

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1. The real war is on men. "The Patriarchy".

2. The fact there is a woman " nominated" for President belies that.

3. The "C" word is explained as "Comunista, a play on words. The left has no sense of humor.

5. The Texas(?) woman who died took the morning after pill, had a side affect. And sought help too late.

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There are other cases besides Amber Thurman, who regardless of taking the abortion pill, would have been saved if she had gotten a D&C. I gave several links in comments above.

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Watch the black woman in red tell the mayor of Chicago what she thinks of him during this City Hall meeting with city residents.

“Chicago residents call mayor ‘loser, criminal’ as council votes down $300M property tax increase.” (4 min)

America’s Talking Network. Nov 14, 2024


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All those black Chicago speakers showed up in red. By design. Thx for the share, Seva.

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Are you trying to prove the arguments used against you? Your gulliblility and ignorance is truly amazing at this stage of the game.

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Another swami mind reader. You have to know what evil your opposition is thinking inorder to rationalize being a Democrat.

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The koolaid is strong with this one.

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You forgot how Trump promised to round up all the Gays and put us into camps.

Reports from early scouting parties are promising, however. The camps will provide free WiFi and offer open bar to all detainees. I'm confident we can manage until the Dems can rig the next election and liberate us.

The Bridge Over The River Kwai meets The Birdcage. Soundtrack courtesy of the Village People.

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That’s in your mind and always was.

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Let me guess, college "educated" (indoctrinated) childless, unmarried 30+ year old cat ladies. Right? Not much to live for when that is your perspective. You make things up to put excitement in your life

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Doubling down and digging deeper, that's what the Left and media are doing. They have learned zip, zero, nadda from this rejection.

Who is listening to their blather?

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RE: #7 -- wouldn't just killing us be more efficient?

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ouch. too true. why don't those democratic women look in their own freakin mirrors?

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I've been reminding Dem voters, their party hasn't had an open and honest primary since 2008. Every election since, the party leaders pick and candidate then manipulate the process to get the results they already decided upon. This is who they are, manipulative, power mongers. Robbing us all from inside the Govt. The weird fetish obsessions are just a side effect of a morally bankrupt party. Thanks again Sasha for bringing voice to our collective frustrations.

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Excellent point. Once they discarded democracy anything that follows is corrupted.

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At least McGovern never wanted to castrate little boys.

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McGovern, like JFK, would be an evil right winger today.

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I agree with everything you said about the Democrats, and feel they are digging their graves deeper. They are responsible for mentally abusing an entire nation of people to the point of causing true mental illness. That’s a crime the Democrats are fully guilty of and I will never let them off the hook for it. It was a choice each leader and entertainer and media head made, and an evil one at that.

But my reply focuses primarily on Trump. The problem people still have with Trump is they haven’t realized their entire perception and opinion about him was completely cultivated by the media over the past decade. Nobody can say they know him through any other means except those closest to him that are in his daily life. The rest of us relied on media. Before 2015 we only saw the Hollywood side of him and a lot of that was for “ratings” but still wasn’t a true picture of who he really was.

The doctor in that Halperin video said “yeah we all know who he is, he’s purely transactional, with everybody. You do something for him he does something for you. You cross him he crosses you.” Well I’d say that pretty much just described ALL of us. I don’t know the last person who crossed me that I lavished praise, trust, and loyalty on. So I guess I’m transactional too, right? So why is that negative for him? But that was one of only two negative things he could say about Trump. The second: a narcissist? Please, he’s one of the most generous, decent people you could ever meet and I know many narcissists who could never, ever do all the things he has done behind the scenes. A true narcissist is the same behind closed doors too. You have to weigh all sides of a person, not just one. The media painted him as a narcissist because they could point to a few personality characteristics that fit that mold, without revealing the rest of his character that absolutely did not. And really, somebody as wealthy as him his whole life that lives in opulence is going to appear to have some superiority aspects to their character just from the environment they come from. It doesn’t make him a narcissist.

Everyone needs to set down their preconceived notions about him and start to learn who he really is, from people who have known him firsthand the longest, from people without a conflict of interest or an ax to grind, because he is nothing like we have been led to believe. There’s a video his family made to help people see the side of him that the media would never, ever share - but would have if he weren’t such a threat. It’s a good place to start to get to know the real Donald Trump. I wouldn’t stop there, but definitely start there. https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1852471965430190347

Also, we are all excited about the team behind Trump. But stop and realize the skill and expertise it takes to not just successfully wrangle all that talent together, convince them to join him, but in such a way that they end up having a fierce loyalty to him. ALL OF THEM. That says more about the quality of man that he really is than anything else. He does not have to hog the spotlight. He never did. He shines best when those around him shine.

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A gay, hard democratic family friend from NJ shocked me when he said he was voting for Trump over Hillary in 2016. When I asked why, he explained he was in the same class as Trump in the military school Trump attended. He said DT was a good guy and always stood up for smaller classmates who were being pushed around. When I relate that story to lib friends they always respond, "Well he's a bully!" My reply, "No, he stood up to bullies!" We've seen that for the last ten years, but they still refuse to see.

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Beautifully said! 💯‼️

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lets say you open a restaurant in a neighborhood that serves all pork dishes , you spend a lot of money advertising you have people knock on doors to let people know about your restaurant , you get food critics and the media on board talking about how great the food is but you are not getting many customers , so you start villifying the other restaurants but it still dont work .

Well if you had done your research about the area than maybe you had known that 48% of people living there are muslims and 22% are jewish and both just dont eat pork .....

Same with democrats and harris , they ran a campaign based on what they THOUGHT people wanted to hear rather than bother to ask the people what they actually wanted

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And they proceeded to vilify the other candidates. The minute anyone does that I immediately shut down. Sell me why you’re better without tearing down your opponent. If you can’t do that then you’re not worth voting for.

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Sir? The Dems will tell you what you need to hear and what you should want.

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I have always thought Obama should’ve backed Biden instead of HRC. He made the wrong choice. Seeing Trump and Biden grinning at the White House was amazing. They had the grin of two men who just shanked the Dems so deeply in the kidney that a transplant probably won’t save them. I have been a conservative my entire life and have been used to the “tolerance” of the “tolerant” left. The democrats are paternalists and must have a dependent population to keep under their thumbs.

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Supposedly, the Obamas never invited the Biden‘s to their residence in the White House. No love lost. Plus, I suspect Michele pushed that so Hillary could be the first woman president. They keep thinking that “first woman president” is the key when it’s actually smart, strong, competent woman with integrity for president that will win.

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Yes, it matches the obsession with identity. Not just any woman or skin color equates to leader. I remember the 90s, it was my jr high and high school years and it was magical (in retrospect!), I vividly remember the Clintons and that Gore lost. No one wanted that Clinton baggage. No matter how much time has passed, nobody wants that Clinton baggage ever again. I doubt Chelsea has a future…but stranger things have happened.

I think many people who bought into the identity theory and intersectionality over the last decade finally realized that they were actually lost and needed to pick a direction to get out of their “intersection of identities”. I think it’s true when pundits are finally saying that we are exhausted with the Orwellian shift that gets blamed on us.

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Of COURSE Chelsea has a future; the US is on track to being the US again. Just not in politics. My daughter doesn't think that a woman can be elected in her lifetime. I don't think that "woman" is a brand that can be tarnished but gosh the Dems sure gave it a go!

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There are so many smart and capable women and they pick Hilary & Kamala? Shows you how stupid they really are.

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Smart and capable women (like men) can act on their own wisdom and wits. They could not. Which is why Trump could out campaign, out work--and out smart them, without even breaking into a sweat...

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I think Dem leadership has figured out that they’ll never win another national election without cheating. And thus all the screaming they do about voter ID & paper ballots.

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I do believe Obama had some 'help' with that decision....

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They will never get it. I'm currently on a group tour of Italy and most of the others, including the British tour guide, are grumbling about the election, which was a few days before the tour started, and saying "we just won't watch the news for the next 4 years". The plan, apparently, is to keep their heads down and wait it out in hopes that Democrats will regain power in 2028. No introspection at all, no intelligent comments about what may have gone wrong. These are educated middle-aged and older women. Maybe when they get back to the US they will start to listen to people trying to explain things to them like Bill Maher (although in his recent expose he still seemed to think that Democrats were still the ones who would ultimately "save democracy". I don't know if he, or any Democrat, actually understands what democracy is any more.)

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Unfortunately women are more susceptible to herd mentality and choosing a side with loyalty and not researching beyond their choice

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Tell your Brit tour guide to worry about the overturning of democracy in his own country by the Islamists.

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I know, I'm biting my tongue though as I don't want to be shunned by the group. Only Democrat voters are allowed to opine but as soon as a Republican voter pipes up, they can turn nasty. I'll just keep quiet until the trip is over. Funny thing is the tour guide has lived in Italy for 28 years and only just moved back to London. Maybe he will soon see what the problem is.

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If you look at the map you see about 18-20 seats in the house and 2 senate seats where democrats just barely scratched by , in addition you have 2 senators up in 2026 and 4 in 2028 that are in states trump won .

Consider this plus the beating the party just took and you can figure out that we won’t see a repeat of 2017 where democrats were united in resisting anything trump or republicans proposed , there will be a lot of democrats especially those forementioned that will try to establish their credentials as a moderate by working and voting with republicans.

This in turn will break the hold progressives have on the party

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In warfare, if an evil and also, potent force is to be defeated--then you kick them when they are down. That's the brutal nature that is needed, if there is any chance of success. Otherwise, this all get's to be repeated on a future battlefield.

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Exactly, the election win is only the 1st battle. The war is in front of us and it will be an absolute street fight. Trump gets this, as evidenced by his nominees + DOGE.

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The certification of the vote coming up--then, the inauguration. We'll see how that all goes... They'll have to burn a few cities--just to keep their hand in...

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...saying "we just won't watch the news for the next 4 years."

That would be the best antidote! I dare you all.

We haven't watched any msm the past 6 years. We're in the best mental health ever.

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Have fun in Italy. It’s a beautiful country and I hope you get to Rome and the Vatican. Enjoy a glass of wine on all of us here who enjoyed your comment!

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Thank you! I've been to Venice, Florence, Rome, Pompeii and now in Sorrento for the last 2 nights. It's been fabulous, even if I have to walk away as soon as they start on politics, which the tour director explicitly advised everyone not to discuss on the very first night, but he then just had to make a comment himself about not visiting the US again for the next 4 years. They just can't help themselves and assume everyone else is of the same mind. I'm quite sure there are other Trump voters in the group, but like me they are keeping quiet.

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I think they will be more correctly informed by not looking at the news than by looking at it. Their surroundings will tell them reality and not lies.

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If you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read them you are misinformed.

Mark Twain.

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Very well written and an excellent analysis, thank you. If I can add, I think the Dems are SO damn eager to implement Agenda 2030 on time that they thought they could just walk over their opposition and complete the task. In the process they have revealed the absolute madness, which is that agenda. Destroy American culture and towns and cities by importing millions of illegals. Destroy the US economy by sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine (but actually to US military companies) and deindustrialise. LGBTQA+ batshit crazy stuff. Artificial foods. Make it impossible for small farmers to exist and grab their land. Obviously false climate shit. Cancel the right to express an opinion that is different. Cancel dissenters. Use MSM as the single source of information, His master's voice. How Schwab succeeded in selling this total hogwash to the world's leaders is beyond me, but what gives me hope is that this election result says to that quarter: piss off, we see you!

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The thing about Harris (and Walz) that bugged me was that I could not feel them. No substance. Just teleprompter and media hype.

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its quite amusing reading all the different commentaries over the past few days , democrats lost the working class so we just have to win them back by recalibrating our message this is what a lot of them say . but in reality its not that easy !

The notion that you just say the right things and voters will come flocking back to democrats is laughable at best ... in reality its not about words its about trust and it will take democrats a long time to regain this trust

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But it has worked for them in the past - over and over.

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In their minds they lost because "we lost the working class." But they're wrong. They lost because of the total freak show they have become. Because of men in girls' bathrooms. Men bashing in the heads of women athletes at the Olympics. Banana republic-style prosecutions/persecutions and jailing of political opponents. Amputations of healthy genitalia in children. Railing about "felon felon felon" on legacy media opinion pages. Excusing a season of rioting and burning and two billion dollars worth of property damage and multiple deaths while imprisoning participants in a protest in DC that got out of hand. Imposing a half billion dollar fine in a fraud case where there was no victim. And on and on. My prediction: they'll never change.

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The Left hasn't really changed since the French Revolution. They advance and retreat and their issue change but fundamentally they are the same.

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Exactly!!!!! We cannot expect they’ll ever change even one iota. They’ll pretend they’re different, but they never are. Put the boot on their neck & press harder.

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Unfortunately, the Right has changed- as in lost their nerve. Perhaps MAGA will reverse this.

As always, rather than the boot on the neck, I favor separation.

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I think separation means they win. We can’t allow that. They must be punished repeatedly at the voting booth. Their insane behavior and policies must be shouted far and wide and the moderates feet held to the fire for voting for the crazy stuff. Which they ALL did. Boot on the neck and press harder, for 12 years if not 20.

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Road to war I fear. NYC isn't worth the bones of one Kansas farm boy.

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The Democrats deserve to go down in flames. They deserve to have skidmarks on their faces while exhaust fumes whiff in their races as the winning cars smoke ahead of them.

There is a reason they lost all three branches of government. There is a strong chance Trump will get ANOTHER SCOTUS nomination 🤣🤣🤣

Trump is going to be the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving for DECADES. My God that makes me so happy.

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You know who else has an ear-to-ear smile? Ol' Slo Joe... After all, he gets to go the 'Big Unknown' contemplating he was the only one to beat Trump. Kind of, so to speak, ostensibly, sort of, in theory, with an asterisk....

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You know Jill is on Cloud Nine!!!! She wore her Trump-voter red pantsuit as the biggest FU to the traitors who forced her Joe out of the race, and now she gets her revenge! I love it. Like Joe always said, politics ain’t ping pong.

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I missed the red pantsuit clue! She was the one calling many of the shots that were handed from up high anyway.

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Funny, they said that when Trump celebrated his victory, Ivanka wore the blue suit for the same reason. A gorgeous suit, and she looked good in it. But I am curious why she made that choice.

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Ivanka or Melania? Also, I saw something in an article the other day that I’ve never heard before. That said Republicans would be red and Democrats blue because they didn’t want the Dems to be associated with the reds/communists.

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You are like me JJoshua , I laugh every day!!!! Such happiness!!

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The problem is that their propagandistic bullshit (via the legacy media as their mouthpiece) isn’t working anymore. Covid was the final manifestation of the spirit of the devouring mother that consumes the democrats’ mentality. The legacy media blew their load on Covid and installing Biden. Now it’s the spirit of the vengeful son.

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That just creates conflict. It won't be "we lost the debate, let's go home for ice cream" (and wine)... It will be a fight. Literally. Stock up on weapons and ammo. This is far from over.

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This is just starting. The fight will be nasty and also necessary. Year 250 of our country is gonna have some major fireworks.

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Spot on. Irrelevancy really sucks sometimes, but the irrelevant actually have to notice that no one is listening anymore. And that’s not happening right now. The Dems are so deep into their self-righteousness and indignation towards the rest of America that it might be some time before sobriety sets in. I would prefer for them to stay in their drunken stupor for a while longer. Give the rest of us the time we need to clean up their filthy mess.

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The Dems are spending their time truly wondering why “we” don’t understand that “they” know what’s best for “all” of us.

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Let’s hope they stay that way for a long while. Hopefully through midterms. Then we have areal chance for lasting change.

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Ah but there are millions of Them who still ARE listening to -- and embracing! -- the batsh!t. Life in the bubble goes on.

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As Always, Thank You!!🙏

I look forward to your brilliant commentaries!!!💜

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