Unfortunately I’m beginning to think that relying on “voting them out” is bit like bringing a Nerf bat to fight an armored Blitzkrieg. Didn’t every incumbent Senator just win re-election? What does it say about us when AOC can win a third term by 28 points? Oof.

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If you think that the solution for this is “voting them out”, then you still don’t get it. 1) Our voting system has been taken from us over the last few decades such that the theft of said elections is so blatantly obvious as to be laughable and 2) the real power is in “the deep state” permanent bureaucracy, the corpus of which is orchestrating this fifth generation warfare against the citizens of this country whom they hate, desire to kill and replace with desperate subjects who are nothing more than mindless Bugman slaves signed up as Democrats for the price of a free phone, food and taxpayer funded housing. They have effectively taken over every single institution of power including the judiciary, the military and the alphabet agencies. They’ve melded with the Globalist Economic Psychopaths like WEF and WHO, with their army of medical miscreants and Big Pharma which owns them all, in every state, city and town, especially Washington DC, lock stock and barrel. The politicians have sold their souls to The New Thing, China, whose corrupt, global power-hungry CCP finds the price of every man by drowning them in riches until they submit and scream, to hell with the country of my birth just give me the money! Indeed, those who cannot see this reality all around us are just willfully blind. None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

I'm old enough to remember All In The Family in its first run. It was, of course, highly effective Leftist propaganda and gave all the then-nascent progressives something to celebrate and rally around. The protagonist, Archie Bunker, was a relic of the past, someone who wasn't particularly on board with the realignment of either the family structure nor the nation itself. He was a combat veteran who fought for his country -- and was wounded such that he could tell if someone had been sitting in his beloved easy chair. He was working class, loyal to his union, believed in hard work and individual responsibility, and provided for his family.

In other words, a useless relic.

One of my favorite riffs was when Archie went in for an operation and was assigned a black woman nurse. I want to remember her as Jamaican but can't be sure (I keep seeing the wise cracking Jamaican nurse from Absolutely Fabulous in my head. "Da're you go again, mistaken me for someone who gives a damn"). This spanned several episodes, with one of the first being the nurse walking out of the the room saying to Archie, "I'll be back to give you a shave" to which Archie responds, "I've already shaved this morning." The nurse's response? "No where I'm gonna shave you." Archive leaves us with one of those priceless expressions.

Back from the commercial break (remember those?) we see Archie lifting up the sheets and staring down at his now shaven junk. Abolutelely priceless.

The other end of the arc was Archie hearing from the same nurse that he'll need a blood transfusion, where he seeks confirmation that the blood will be "of the right color". Much hilarious banter ensues. Cut to Archie coming out of the anesthesia where the nurse walks in and hands Archie a mirror.

He is done up in black face.

Having caught a few reruns over the recent years it's hard not to see the show as a complete inversion of what it set out to be. You have the arrogant, smug, freeloading son-in-law Meathead living and eating (a lot) for free in Archie's house while constantly berating and demeaning his host and more or less sugar daddy. Then you have Archie and Edith's daughter (Meathead's wife) who dutifully defends her husband's attacks on her family like any subservient wife, yet still finding time to insert some feminist jibe every once in a while. Gloria was no less under the thumb of the Meathead than Edith was under Archie's.

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Thank you Sasha. You describe perfectly the sorry state of the Dem overreach along with their puppets in the MSM.

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The Tea Party, Trump, and MAGA are the real Resistance, American style. I don't know where the Dems are going, but their world is turning very weird and creepy and ultimately, violent and totalitarian.

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I think voting machines will stop any significant change.

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Another excellent piece, Sasha!

The Democrats indeed are not the "good guys," anymore. Let's not make the mistake of thinking that the Republicans are. Currently, there are only a handful of outsider Representatives and Senators who happen to be Republican that might be among the "good guys" - far too many of those remaining are members of that ruling elite, the Political Class, the UniParty - and we know who most of them are, in the Senate, anyway.

"...and we’re ready to use our vote to tell them exactly what we think of them."

Assuming that our votes are properly counted, we need to use them to vote out incumbents in every single election. We need to accept that OUR guy, no matter how much we like him, needs to be replaced after his second consecutive term in the HoR, and after one in the Senate, and gut the funding for congressional staff.

We ought to be voting for the outsider, the challenger, in every primary.

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Inspired essay and articulation of the last few years and what we likely have to look forward to. My family and I thank you for sharing your passion and courage. Your ability to blend history, politics and culture into a holistic portrait is amazing and so well worth the sub cost. My family and I were/are big Dylan fans and this song and lyrics are now how most of us view the Democratics (even though we were poor Irish Catholic and born in to the Dem party). Single: Positively 4th Street (1965)

"Yes, I wish that for just one time,

You could stand inside my shoes,

You’d know what a drag it is,

To see you."

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With Trump now indicted

The left is excited

The Statue of Liberty weeps

Farewell to the notion

Tom J set in motion

Lex Rex at bay tyranny keeps

As we watch our descent

Our brave feet of cement

Turn out to be nothing but clay

The cheering will fade

When the cops come to raid

Who thinks they are over the fray

And when they’re all through

There'll be no me and you

Equity finally achieved

But not quite as they thought

When their collars were hot

The alphabet people aggrieved

We’ll all become one

Slaving under the Sun

Inclusiveness under the whip

Of a state run A.I.

On us all it will spy

Tolerate it will not any lip

Farewell to what was

We lost sight in the buzz

Now into a dark age we go

The blind led the dumb

As they canceled our fun

The freedom we had we did blow

What's next is uncertain

As they pull back the curtain

The brick wall at long last exposed

'Twas all an illusion

Maintained with confusion

Methodically our minds were closed

They sent Judas goats

So at each other's throats

The herd moved with eyes open wide

Like lambs to the slaughter

Knowing not what we ought to

Our overlords gloated with pride

Half hated the other

While they had no bother

From all of us so far below

As we were all fighting

Around us was tightening

The digital noose did not show

The door we were pushed through

Closed tight as was meant to

We sit here to ponder our fate

Bewildered no longer

Each day we get stronger

We hope that it's not all too late

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I think what happens next is we become like Canada. Everyone is so nice there. They’ve “niced” their way into being completely controlled by their government. The people who protest up there are demonized by everyone. The government has bullied most into compliance using many of the same tactics being used here currently. I’m not sure voting is going to get us out of this pickle. It sounds hip and patriotic but they already have a lot of control over us using the laws and the courts. How do we challenge that, by protesting? Then we have another Jan. 6. Only one side is really allowed to protest. That is blatantly obvious after the Nashville shooting. I know it’s getting bad when I am moving to an area that is predominately religious, Mormon, which I used to be faithful years ago, but had to walk away from the culture of it, but moving back for a job where we can actually be ourselves. The work environment today is soul sucking. If you are someone who naturally fights against things when they are wrong, corporate world will chew you up and spit you out. Just be a robot if you want to maintain your livelihood. My husband and I are not robots. This place is looking for a leader who knows what they are fighting for so we must go. Far away from our first grandbaby about to be born. The whole thing is depressing.

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I had to smile about the observation that the Dems do their dirty work behind a blackface nowadays. I thought I might be the only one to notice. That way they are insulated from any debate of pros and cons. Disagree and you are a racist. They’ve thought of everything

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Wow. What a great article describing the decline of the Democrat party including many RINOs. No longer the good guys. Our constitutional republic is under assault and needs prayers for salvation. We have turned away from our Christian values of our founding fathers and now search for the elusive equity, when equality is the real measure to attain. These past 7 years of constant assault, lies, phony impeachments, to now an indictment of a former President have reached a boiling point. This will not end well. This corrupt administration and DOJ have stained our nation’s standing in the world. We are a laughing stock to other nations. BRICS will finish us off. If this ruling body of impotent leaders doesn’t let a real fighter take the reins, our days are numbered.

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Middle America makes this country go. We produce the food and can take care of ourselves accordingly. We are accommodating, but we really do not need those that attack us.

Most importantly, we do not fall for games that are produced by the Left(UniParty) to provoke us. We know the game of the last seven years and we are not buying any of it.

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Sasha, thank you for a brilliant, insightful piece.

Are you an older GenXer by chance? Taibbi, Carlson, others: our time has come at long last.

I am one. Our parable is that of the Prodigal Son: we need to come to our senses, come home, come clean, and then lead. It is happening. We are not too late.

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Excellent piece, Sasha. I am curious as to how long it took you to pull all the video references. While I agree that the mirror has been shattered, there is a UNIPARTY that are ‘globalist elitists', that want to embrace whatever they believe this ‘bold new world to be’, so long as their wealth and position are protected. I believe we are in the middle of a psy-op war and color revolution that seeks to confuse and to build fear, to create the perfect atmosphere for civil war… the goal is to take down the 'American Empire’, so that the globalists can be rid of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Part of me understands why, looking at the devastation of what constant 'regime change wars' have wrought. Did we do this for our nation alone, or also at the behest of another? We have become a land of PRIDEFUL God-haters who engage in child sacrifice, genital mutilation, who celebrate violence, greed and false gods… most prominently 'self-idolatry'. There are spiritual ramifications to a nation that has lost its moral compass…and we are seeing it spilling over into the natural. Humanity will always find something to worship, if not the Creator…then the ‘created'. If not Christ, then ‘self'. Paul the Apostle wrote: "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” -Galatians 6:7-8

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Not Dylan, this time let’s go with Townshend’s “Won’t get fooled again”

And please for the love of all that is holy, stop the war in UKraine. Those poor people 😢

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